InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What doesn't kill us makes us stronger? ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sango, Miroku and Shippo started to wonder where Kagome had gone. Sango thought it best not to go after her, that they should give her some breathing room. She knew Kagome was hurt by Inuyasha and need to think. It didn't mean she wouldn't worry about Kagome's safety and it didn't mean she needed to be chased after either. Sometimes a girl just needs some space. They talked a little while longer mostly about how Inuyasha never put Kagome's feelings into any consideration. How Kagome wasn't acting like herself. They all agreed she would comeback when she was ready. So they all decided to just go to bed. Back in the forest, something was happening that would change them all forever.
The eyes narrowed and stepped closer. She didn't know who was there but she warned anyway.
"If you get any closer, I'll purify you into oblivion." The eyes looked on without emotion.
"I mean it." Kagome said as her heart pounded in her ears. He could hear it too. He thought a game was in order.
He whispered, "Run." The cool voice sent shivers down Kagome's spine. It was as if an icy wind had spoken the words. She took a deep breath gathered her courage and raced away. She told herself go, run, hurry, faster or he will catch you. Kagome's legs burned she had never run like this before. Pounding heart, panting breaths and little cries of terror came from the miko as he gave chase never revealing his location visually but he made enough noise to let her know he was close. Maybe a little too close.
She cried again hot tears rushing, flying off her face. He could smell the salt of her tears and it made him pause.
"Stop." The cool voice ordered. Kagome wouldn't stop she would run until she couldn't run anymore. Again the cool voice "Stop." This time she had no choice. She had run out of room to run. In front of her was a rocky crag, a straight drop for at least fifty feet. She was out of room and out of time, her death was at hand. Should I jump she contemplated. Die at the hands of a demon or die at the bottom of a cliff. What ever was behind her was closing in fast.
"Inuyasha." She called with her mind. "You said you'd protect me." The pursuer saw the miko look over the cliff then turn back to face what was hunting her. What came next stopped even his cool heart. She closed her eyes, spread her arms like wings and let herself fall backwards. Her sparkling tears falling from her eyes and her black hair pooling around her face. She looked like a falling angel. In a flash, he followed the descending miko. He scooped her up in mid air. She had fainted. This was not what he had intended. He never thought she would do something like that. It was all about the chase, it was just suppose to be a game. He thought he could scare her a little then let her escape leaving her wondering who had been after her. He landed at the bottom of the rock face and gently set the miko down. He looked down at her slender figure, turned and walked away. He did not enjoy this. This was not what he had planned. She was not supposed to almost die, not this way. She was too brave for this. What is happening to the luminous, smiling miko?
The sun poured its light over the horizon and dew settled on the ground. The miko had not moved for hours. He was concerned. When her eyes finally fluttered open, she sat up.
"Am I dead or alive? Is this Hell? Hell looks a lot like the feudal era."
He had stayed to watch her. He felt something stir inside his chest close to his heart. Guilt. He was not happy. Kagome stood slowly and looked up.
"Great, how do I get back up?" With a long sigh, she started to walk trying to find a path or a way to get back to where she started. Questioning how exactly she had gotten to the bottom and survived. He decided to follow.
Back in the village Sango, Miroku and Shippo were just waking up. Shippo saw that Kagome's sleeping bag had not been used. He was scared. Sango and Miroku had already noticed too.
"Where could she be?" Shippo asked the adults.
"I don't know Shippo." Sango answered masking her fear. "I'm sure Kagome is fine, she probably forgot something and went home. I'm sure she will be back very soon."
Miroku said at he patted Shippo's head. Shippo wanted to believe them but how could they know for sure, he didn't want to wait to find out.
"Come on Shippo let's go outside and start breakfast. I know you and Kirara have to be hungry. I bet by the time we are done Kagome will be back." Her fire cat jumped to her shoulder and she opened the flap to the hut and let Shippo go out first. She looked back at the monk and whispered.
"Miroku, would you go see if there is any sign of Kagome by the well." Miroku nodded. Sango went out to start a fire and Shippo offered to help. Miroku told Shippo he was going to get some water and would be right back. Shippo thought, "They must really think I'm stupid to fall for that I know he's going to look for Kagome." Shippo played along for their sakes. Sango continued cooking. Miroku walked towards the well and then he saw it, Kagome's yellow backpack lying on the ground next to the well. He could sense a trace of residual demonic aura and feared the worst this was the aura of someone very powerful. This was looking ominous.
In Inuyasha's forest, Kikyo lay in his arms.
"Inuyasha, what will you do when the jewel is complete? Will you still honor your promise and follow me to hell?" Kikyo asked as she pressed her body closer to his. Inuyasha thought about his promise but he also thought about Kagome, and she knew what he was thinking.
"Inuyasha, do you love her more than you love me?" Kikyo questioned in her monotone way. Inuyasha answered.
"Kikyo, I made you a promise and I will keep it." He leaned in and kissed her lips. How he wished they still held the warmth he remembered.
"Kikyo do you wish to live again?" Inuyasha asked. Her reply was as unemotional as it always was.
"Living no longer suits me Inuyasha I have no desire to live again, I wish for the end so we can finally rest."
Inuyasha accepted her words. He slowly stood and pulled is robe of the fire rat on.
"I have to go back now Kikyo."
She didn't respond. He knew she wouldn't, it just wasn't in her to ask him to stay, or to tell him she needed him because she didn't. Kagome needed him. How was he suppose to choose they were the same and yet so different. Kikyo had never worn her emotions openly like Kagome. Kagome is fun and warm. She doesn't care what he is, she just cares for him. Kikyo wanted him to wish to become human. The sacred jewel was the only reason he had met both of them. Kikyo was it's guardian first and he met her trying to steal it. Kagome is willing to give him the jewel. She let him look for Kikyo repeatedly even though she loves him and it breaks her heart he runs to the arms of a dead priestess. What holds him to Kikyo? Because of his promise made over 50 years ago or because she was his first? What would Kagome do if she knew what he was doing with Kikyo while she was gone? He felt so guilty. He still ran to Kikyo made love to her clay and graveyard soil body. Kami, Kagome would be pissed. It would destroy what they have. He can't tell her that he has chosen. That he had chosen a year ago. He would never tell Kagome about Kikyo since he was in love with Kagome too. It just isn't the same kind of love or doesn't he allow it to be. He could open his heart to Kagome if he really wanted to so why didn't he.
Miroku ran back to the village Kagome's backpack in hand. Sango and Shippo's expressions were filled with terror.
"Miroku, what do you think could have happened to her?"
"I don't know Sango but I don't think its good I sensed a very powerful demon aura where I found her bag." Sango frowned and looked at Shippo.
"Miroku, Sango we have to find Inuyasha." Shippo cried.
"He's right Miroku we have to find Inuyasha." Sango called for Kirara and jumped on then helped Miroku and Shippo up. "All right lets find Inuyasha." Sango and Miroku mirrored each other's words. Shippo believed in his heart of hearts that his mother was ok. They headed off deep into Inuyasha's forest.