InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ What Happened in Vegas ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:

By Nicluv1787       A/N: My original plan with this story was to not start really working on it until I finished Jewel Shards Bail Bonds but it just kept on nagging at me to write it, so I started a rough draft for it thinking I wouldn’t type it until I finished JSBB but the more I wrote rough drafts the more excited I got so I couldn’t help it I typed up the first chapter and I’m really excited about this story now, so I’ll have to be one of those people that has multiple stories going at once. Also all opinions expressed by characters reflect their own opinions not the authors so don’t flame me if you disagree with something they say. Thanks for reading, <3 Nic




Inuyasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don’t sue me.


Chapter One:

- What Happened in Vegas



Kagome watched from the bar as her friends danced with strangers, cheerful Trina had med a handsome blonde with blue eyes, and they were grinding up against each other to the hip-hop beat. Party girl McKenzie was dancing with two guys at once giving them both her undivided attention. While her best friend Kelly, the woman of the hour, danced with their timid friend Emily. Her friends had tried in vane to get her to join them on the dance floor but Kagome was holding her ground. Kelly was lucky she had even come to Las Vegas for this bachelorette party even more amazing was the fact that she had even stepped foot in this night club, with its beating rhythms and sweaty strangers grinding up against each other that wasn’t Kagome idea of a good time.

Kagome enjoyed her simple life, her one bedroom apartment, working as a sports agent, a good book at the end of the day that was the more than enough excitement for her. Kagome noticed some guys at the end of the bar give her the eye. She decided to ignore them, she knew it was because of what she was wearing. She did not know how Trina and McKenzie had talked her into wearing this slinky black dress. It hugged her body and showed off her curves leaving nothing to the imagination. Which also meant every sleazy guy in the joint was looking at her like a piece of meat, it was degrading.

She sighed looking down at her fruity cocktail at least the drinks are good in this place she thought. Kelly and Emily had abandoned the dance floor and had headed over to her at the bar, they each took a bar stool on either side of her.

“Having fun Kags?” Kelly shouted over the music. Kagome and Kelly had been best friends since college they had been dorm mates from freshman year on, and until she moved in with her fiancé, they had been roommates as well. Kelly was the only reason Kagome was here, she was Kelly’s maid of honor and as maid of honor obligated to attend the bachelorette party.

“So much!” she lied,

“You don’t have to lie Kags I know you hate clubs, but I do appreciate you being here for me,” She said genuinely,

“Your welcome” Kagome smiled,

Trina came off the dance floor her red hair plastered to her head the blonde man holding her hand behind her.

“Hey Kelly were going to get some coffee, I’ll see you back at the hotel room okay?”

“Sure have fun” Kelly winked at her friend as they disappeared through the crowd,

“I can’t believe she’s leaving with that guy,” Kagome said disgusted, “they only just met!”

“It’s Vegas Kagome what happens here stays here,” she said touching her nose.

“I find that hard to believe” Kagome said in disbelief,

“Haven’t you heard the ads?” Emily, her friend who talked so little, with her round face and librarian glasses asked.

“No?” Kagome said confused, she did not watch much Television.

“Oh really?” Kelly said happily, “basically it shows people having a crazy time and the idea is you go crazy in Vegas, and no one will know what happened, you know?” Kelly said,

“No, I don’t know” Kagome said firmly,

“Come one Kagome you only live once!” Kelly said excitedly, “Just dance with me and Emily were not asking you to be like McKenzie,” the three of them looked over to McKenzie who was in some kind of dance sandwich between the two men.

“I don’t think I could ever be like her” Kagome said wrinkling her nose, Trina and McKenzie were more Kelly’s friends than hers, Kelly had met them at the magazine company she worked for and they had made there way into Kagome’s friend circle, sort of.

“I hope you never do” Kelly said, “Now come on, just one song?”

“Okay only one song” she agreed

Kagome fallowed Kelly onto the dance floor the DJ was playing an upbeat dance tune Kagome swayed her hips to the music. She thought she had some rhythm, as she tried to keep in time with Kelly and Emily as they swayed to the music. Kagome looked around the crowd and she saw a flash of white hair. There is an old man here? She thought, how weird, the song continued and Kagome noticed a young man with a short black ponytail moving toward them through the crowd. Oh, no that guys heading straight for us

“I think that guys coming to talk to us!” Kagome said thumbing in his direction,

“So let him,” Kelly replied body moving to the music,

“No I don’t want strange guys trying to pick us up” Kagome said,

“Just ignore him then,” Kelly said,

Before Kagome could form a reply she felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up at the young man a grin splitting his face.

“Hey my name is Miroku” he said in a friendly manner,

“Hi” Kagome said then turned back to her friends,

“I’m sorry to bother you, but my friend thinks your cute” he said touching her shoulder again,

“That’s nice” she said dismissively she wasn’t going to fall for that trick she wasn’t born yesterday,

“No seriously, will you just say hi to him at least?” he said begging her with his eyes,

She turned back to the guy thinking about telling him off, telling him if his friend thought she was so cute he should come up and talk to her to himself. When Kelly cut in,

“Who’s your friend?” she said to Kagome,

“He’s not my friend” she replied hotly, “He’s trying to pick me up for a buddy of his”

“It’s not like that at all, he thinks I came out here to dance, he doesn’t know I’m talking to you” he said waving his hand in front of his face defensively,

Kagome did not want to believe him but it seemed like he was telling the truth,
“Which ones your friend?” Kagome said, if he is a dog I will not even waste my time she thought.

“He’s over there,” he said pointing to a young Hanyou with white hair and golden eyes and a pair of white fuzzy ears on top of his head. Never in her life had her thoughts been so literal, he looks like a dog Hanyou, cute ears, maybe I should go talk to him.

“You should go talk to him,” Kelly said attempting a whisper “He’s cute”

“You’re right he is cute” Miroku smiled, so much for whispering Kagome thought.

“All right fine” she said, “I’ll go talk to him” what happens in Vegas I guess

“Great follow me I’ll introduce you” Miroku said looking positively giddy.

She followed him thinking, I cannot believe I am going to talk to a stranger in a bar.



Inuyasha scowled after Miroku as he entered the dance floor, how had he ever talked him into coming to this nightclub? It is not like either of them was going to meet anyone. Miroku was getting married in two months and Inuyasha was not interested in bar trash. He would not have come to Vegas at all if Sango had not made him swear he would make sure Miroku did not do anything that would embarrass himself of her. So grudgingly, he had come out for the weekend, which Miroku had titled, ‘Super Bachelor Party Weekend’. He did not know what so super about it so far they had gone to a couple strip clubs went to one Vegas show about vampires that turned into a strip show of sorts then they had come to this nightclub. They were leaving tomorrow in the morning and Inuyasha felt like he had wasted a perfectly good weekend, not to mention this place was wreaking havoc on his senses it was so crammed full of people and noisy, way too noisy.

Inuyasha watched as Miroku talked with a group of girls, he was standing really close to a very attractive ebony haired girl with big doe eyes. She is cute he thought, he watched as a blonde moved in and said something to the girl and Miroku; the ebony haired girl looked over at him. She is pretty he thought her long dark hair was loose around her shoulders with out any adornment. She doesn’t seem like a bar slut he mused, but why is Miroku talking to them? His question was quickly answered when Miroku head towards him, cute ebony haired girl in tow. She was wearing a slinky black dress that hugged her curves in all the right ways, he watched as men ogled at her as she walked through the crowd. She had no idea every guy in the place was staring at her. What is Miroku up too? He thought Miroku came around to the table motioning for the girl to sit, she sat on the opposite side of Inuyasha and Miroku sat down next to him.

“Inuyasha this is… I’m sorry I never got your name,” Miroku said smiling at the girl,

“It’s Kagome,” she said hesitantly looking back over to her friends who were giving her thumbs up.

“Your friends?” Inuyasha said,

“Yeah” she replied turning to look at him filling his gaze with large brown eyes,

“Well I’ll leave you two alone,” Miroku said slipping out of the booth,

“Where are you going?” Inuyasha snap,

“To dance” Miroku said with a smirk, then he disappeared into the crowd, it all made sense then. He brought this girl over trying to set him up.

“I’m sorry I don’t know what my ‘friend’ said to you but whatever it was it’s a lie,” He said apologetically,

“So you don’t think I’m cute?” she said sounding offended,

“No that’s not what I meant, it’s just my friend he’s getting married soon and he likes to live vicariously through me by trying to pick up chicks for me”

“So you do think I’m cute,” she said a playful smirk on her delicate lips,

“Well, I… Yeah I guess so” he mumbled

“You guess so?” she said raising a brow,

Damn it this girls twisting all my words around,

“Keh, I mean you’re not ugly” he grouched,

“That’s good to know” she smiled looking across the crowd,

“I’m sorry lets start over, my names Inuyasha” He said hastily,

“Nice to meet you my names Kagome” she said extending a perfectly manicured hand, he shook it lightly,

“So are you from around here?” he said conversationally,

“What is that some sort of pick up line?” Kagome said a hint of accusation in her tone,

“No it’s a question, are you always this difficult” he said grumpily,

“Normally,” she smiled genuinely at him,

“Humph” he replied crossing his arms over his chest,

“What about you? Are you from around here?” she asked,

“You never answered my first question,” he accused,

“No I’m not from around here,” she supplied,

“Neither am I” he admitted,

“What brings you to Vegas?” she said, sounding genuinely interested,

“That Bastard that brought you over is getting married in two months and this is his bachelor party” Inuyasha said pointing towards the crowd where Miroku was dancing to the music.

“Oh do you have other friends here?” she said looking around excitedly,

“Nope just me and Miroku” he said absolutely,

“That’s not much of a party” she commented,

“I guess not, what about you what are you here for?” he said, this girl seems different than some one you normally meet in a bar, he thought.

“Nearly the same, my best friend is getting married next month, and me and some other girlfriends came to celebrate” She said

“Do you go to clubs often” he couldn’t but help ask she didn’t seem like the club girl type but you never knew,

“GOD NO” she said wrinkling her nose in disgust,

“That’s good to know,” he said thoughtfully,

“Why is that good to know?” she said tilting her head to the side,

“Because I hate club girls” he said with disgust,

“Oh,” She said thoughtfully, she really is cute he thought,

They were both silent for a moment,

“Do you want to get out of here?” He wanted to have a real conversation with this girl outside the club.

“Where to your room?” She said raising a brow,

“Sure” he enthused; I wouldn’t mind having her alone in my room.

“I was joking!” she said sounding offended, “What do I look like a slut?”

“I was just joking too” he lied,

“Sure you were” she rolled her eyes,

“Lets get something to eat you hungry my treat, there’s an all night diner down stairs”

She looked like she was thinking for a minute then turned her brown eyes on him.

“Why not” she conceded,



Their food was long gone and they were still talking in the corner booth at a small all night diner, Kagome couldn’t deny the ease she felt with this complete stranger.

“So you’re in advertising that seems interesting,” Kagome said turning her coffee mug around in circles,

“Yeah I enjoy the completive aspect of it” he replied casually,

“It’s strange to see some one of Youkai descent with an office job. I should know almost my entire clientele is in Youkai sports.” she said,

“I did the physical stuff for a while, but my brother opened up this company about ten years ago and I went in at first just help it get off the ground and then I got hooked,” He said putting his arms behind his head leaning back.

“So how old are you?” she said the question she been wondering all night it was so hard to tell with Youkai they would look like they were twenty and would actually be two hundred, and even though she worked closely with them Kagome was still interested in any new Youkai or Hanyou she met.

“Me? I’m nearly five hundred years old” he replied like it wasn’t a big deal,

“Amazing” she said awe struck,

“Why is it so surprising you just told me you work with Youkai,” he said reprovingly,

“I know but everything about them fascinates me, I took courses in college I almost became a Youkai physician but changed my mind at the last minute” she said wistfully,

“You should of it interests you so much” he said pointing at her with one clawed finger,

“Nah it wasn’t practical enough, all my clients would have outlived me.” she said dismissively

“That’s only true if you don’t mate a Youkai, if you married a Youkai there’s things that can be done so you will live as long as they do” he said knowledgably,

“I thought Youkai mostly interbred,” she said, before realizing what she said she was talking to a living breathing Hanyou,

“Well obviously not always” he said his lips turning in a wry smile,

“Yeah sorry I should watch my mouth,” she said apologetically,

“Keh, don’t worry about it I’m used to it” he said glibly,

“So is your mother still alive? Did your father do what you said?” she said hopefully,

“Yeah there not in the states though my father is The Great Lord of the West in Japan”

“Oh really? You’re the son of the great lord of the west” she said astounded,

“Yeah you know him?” he said cautiously,

“Well not personally, but I have a few clients from Japan I’ve heard his name passed around before” she replied casually,

“Wow, it’s like you’re my stalker or something” he joked,

“Hah, hardly” she said, crossing her arms.

“Keh, your funny Kagome” he said, she looked up at his golden eyes, he sure is handsome she thought.

The waitress came over to there table for the tenth time since they’d finished there meal,

“Can I get you two anything else?” she said,

“No were fine,” Kagome, said smiling,

“Well let me know,” She said with a tired smile, then walked away.

“Maybe we should get going” Kagome said,

“I don’t want the night to end like this,” Inuyasha said pleadingly,

“Neither do I” she admitted, even though she met him in a bar he seemed like a genuinely nice guy,

“Why don’t you come up to my room” He said giving her some form of sad puppy eyes but in handsome Hanyou way.

“I know we’ve been talking for a while but that doesn’t mean I’ve suddenly become easy” Kagome scolded, but only half heartedly she was becoming more at ease with him,

“That’s not how I meant it and you know it, just come up and have a drink, I have a bar in my room” he said smoothly,

Kagome was torn, she was really enjoying herself with Inuyasha and she didn’t want the night to end. Her vacation motto came to mind what happens in Vegas stays there she thought.

“What the hell, why not” she said throwing up her arms,

Inuyasha had a grin to split his face, “great lets go”

They left money on the table for the waitress and Inuyasha led her to the elevator to his room. They exited on a top floor reserved for suites.

“You have a suite?” she said incredulously

“Yeah I figured its Vegas why not spend a little more?” he said offhandedly,

Wow, moneys no object for this guy must be nice to have an extremely rich father. Kagome felt a little resentment towards him she had scraped for every cent she had when she was younger. Her father had died when she was young and her grandfather and mother had done the best they could to support her sister, brother and her. When she had gone to college it had been entirely on scholarships and odd jobs and now while her little sister Rin was going to school she was helping her pay for what her scholarships couldn’t pay for. Of course she made good money now but her frugal attitude never went away from her rough childhood.

“This is me” Inuyasha said bringing her from her thoughts and sliding a key card through the door lock. The light turned green and he swung the door open.

A large room opened before her, it had two tan sofas surrounding a fire place. There was a huge flat screen television in front of a king sized bed, that was raised up on a platform.

“Wow” Kagome breathed, she was sharing a room with Kelly and all they had was two queen beds and a simple television. Inuyasha and her, were staying in the same hotel the contrast between there rooms was striking.

“Do you want a drink?” he said from the bar she hadn’t noticed until then,

“Yeah sure” she stammered,

He mixed together some alcohols and handed her a tumbler glass,

“What is this?” she sniffed,

“I call it ‘my surprise’, its my own secret recipe” he winked walking over to couch,

“There aren’t date rape drugs in here are there? Cause I will sue don’t think I wont!” she said,

“Do you still not trust me?” he said, from the couch looking relaxed,

“I don’t know, I only just met you, you’re lucky I’m in your hotel room with you!” she said hotly,

“Your right I’m honored. Here give me your glass I’ll prove its harmless,” he stood up and walked over to her. He took the glass from her hand and took a large drink,

“See no foul play, I’m not some shameless date rapist” he said playfully,

She relaxed a little she didn’t mean to insult him, but you could never be sure these days.

He sat down on the couch once more and patted the seat next to him.

“come on I wont bite.”

She sat down next to him hesitantly twirling the drink her hand, what am I doing this isn’t me I’m not the type of girl who has drinks with strange men in hotel rooms.

“Something the matter?” he said looking at her,

“Oh nothing” she lied,

“Really you seem nervous” he said smoothly,

Kagome took a large swig of her drink, it burned a little going down but it helped to calm her nerves,

“To tell you the truth I am, I don’t normally go with strangers into their hotel rooms.”

“You keep on calling me a stranger but I don’t think we are we’ve been talking for hours, I think you could at least acknowledge that you know me.”

Kagome took another swig downing the rest of the contents of her glass, it didn’t burn as much the second time and it helped to loosen her up,

“Your right, can I have another?” she said holding up her glass,

“Sure” he said setting down his own glass to make her another, he returned with another glass, Kagome sipped it happily,

“This is great” she said,

“I’m glad you like it” he said suavely,

Kagome could feel her inhibitions sliding away as she finished her second glass,

“I’m sorry could I have one more?” she said holding up her glass,

“Your gonna drink me under the table if you keep up that pace” he said getting up a second time,

Kagome was feeling really loose now and maybe even a little dizzy all her concerns about being in a strange place with a strange man seemed to have faded away. Inuyasha came back with her third glass.

“Drink a little slower this time” he said,

“Alright if you insist” she giggled,

They talked for a while Kagome nursing her third glass Inuyasha still working on his first, but Kagome didn’t notice she was having a good time taking in the room,

“This really is an amazing room” she gushed,

“Yeah its pretty comfortable” Inuyasha replied,

“The bed looks amazing” Kagome said with envy,

“Oh its really comfortable” Inuyasha said looking her in the eyes, his golden gaze capturing her, she stared into him for a few minutes swimming in a golden haze.

“Inuyasha…” she said breathily,

“Yeah” he replied,

“Kiss me” she demanded,

He leaned forward his lips pressing against hers gently but she wanted more, she opened his mouth with her tongue exploring his sweet taste his gentle lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him closer to her, their bodies pressed together. He reached out wrapping his arms around her waist. Gently caressing exploring, she dragged her nails along his back. He made a growling sound deep in throat, you like that? She thought once more running her nails down his back he growled once again which increased her feeling of arousal.

He moved his hands to the zipper of her dress slowly lowering it letting his touch linger on her skin sending shivers of desire down her spine. He lowered the zipper to the space just above the small of her back letting his hands linger just for a moment before kissing her neck gently trailing kisses down the hallow of her neck to her collar bone. He kissed her shoulder, gently lowering her dresses strap as he did so.

She grabbed hold of his hair balling her hands in it, she moaned a little as he nipped and sucked at her shoulder and neck. He moved to her other shoulder nibbling gently, sucking lightly and slowly moved her dress down her shoulder exposing her lace bra underneath.

He trailed kisses from her collar down to her mounds gently caressing them with his mouth, her took her erect nipple making circles around it with his tongue, through the fabric, she could feel the rough texture against her nipple and she mewled at his attentions.

“That’s not fair” she said breathlessly,

“What isn’t fair?” he said pausing to watch her with golden eyes,

“Your still fully dressed” she reached her hands out to his shirt slowly pulling it up. she gently pulled it above his head, exposing his lean chest muscles. She kissed his neck lightly trailing kissing along his throat, nibbling carefully at his collarbone, running her nails across his lean chest, he growled low in his throat. Sending her into a frenzy she wanted him gods she wanted him. He must of sensed her urgency as he unhooked her bra with skill full hands, he cupped one breast in his hand taking it in his mouth swirling her small brown nipple with his tongue, then he moved to the other breast cupping it tenderly, she ran her fingers through his hair, reveling in his ministrations.

She moved her hands along his chest then trailed them down to his buttons releasing his fly she reached in grasping his erection, he seemed surprised at her boldness, as she began stroking his throbbing member up and down. She caressed it lightly at first then quicker and tighter as Inuyasha leaned back intent to let her continue her work. She reached for his pants pulling them down until they fell to the ground. She kneeled in front of him stroking his member with both hands his eye grew wide as she took him into her mouth sucking and licking at his sensitive head. She stroked and sucked, twirling his sensitive head around her tongue for several minutes, he watched her with half lidded eyes as she looked up at him. She could feel him tensing he was close to spilling inside her mouth she increased her pace intent to bring him to climax, he put his hand on her shoulder she looked up expecting him to fill her mouth with his release when he said in a husky voice,

“Not until you get your turn” he grabbing her by the shoulders making her stand, he slipped off what remained of her clothes she stood before him naked, and he picked her up and walked to the bed.

He laid her down on the bed, she wiggled with anticipation, she wanted him bad. He pressed his naked body against her straddling her thigh she feel his erection so achingly close. He kissed her deeply prolonging her want, he gently trailed kisses down her body suckling gently at her breasts and navel. He reach the spot right above her black curls and sucked at it gently, making her mewl with anticipation, her inserted a single finger into her wet and waiting folds gently rubbing his thumb along her button, sensation shot through her body as he inserted a second finger, increasing his pace making her buck against his hand, he moved quickly rubbing her nerve center, then she felt the sweet pleasure of climax, but he didn’t let up, he kept going prolonging her orgasm. She fell against him breathlessly when her orgasm finished,

“That was wonderful” she breathed

“I’m not finished with you yet” he said huskily,

He brought his lips to her wet folds lapping at them greedly, he inserted another finger pressing her inner walls while his tongue teased at her button, being close to her last climax it only took a few minutes to bring her to the brink once more. Inuyasha went up to her mouth her taste on his lips and kissed her.

He brought his erection to the apex of her opening teasing her rubbing his head against her bundle of nerves that was so sensitive from his minstrations,

“Now its my turn” he said gently lowering himself into her she opened her legs wide she ached for him to fill her. He impaled her with his width then slowly receded, achingly slow he plunged into her only to slowly receded once more.

“Inuyasha don’t tease me I need you” she moaned,

Then he plunged in deeper and faster over and over again, she ran her nails along his back bring him closer to her making him plunge his member even deeper into her awaiting folds.

He moved faster, and deeper making her scream out in ecstasy,


He smirked as he plunged further into her ever-wetting depths, she reached forward pulling her self up to him even closer. He rocked back so she was straddling him while she sat on his lap thrusting into her sending completely new shivers of ecstasy through her body.

He rocked into her filling her making her come to the edge of climax when he stopped,

“Not yet” he said caressingly,

He moved slowly elongating each thrust, making her long for him to thrust into her. Slowly he thrust, until she couldn’t stand it any longer,

“Now Inuyasha I need it now” she urged,

Then he laid her back down on the bed propping her legs up on his shoulders and he pushed her to her climax and at the same time, he spilled into her. Then he collapsed on top of her.

“That was amazing” she said as he rolled over next her regarding her with half-lidded eyes,

“It was” he said, looking dreamy,

“I wish I could do that every night” she said longingly,

“You could,” he said twirling a strand of her hair in his hand,

“How so” she said sleepily,

“If we were married” He said smoothly,

“That’s true” she said half-conscious,

“Do you want to?” he said expectantly,

“Want to what?” she said sleepily,

“Get married?” he said urgently,

“Right now?” she said feeling confused,

“Yeah right now” he said ,

Well what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas she thought

Sure why the hell not” she said enthusiastically,

“Great lets go now” he said jumping out of bed,

“Right this second” she moaned,

“Yeah why wait there’s a chapel in the lobby” he said pulling on a pair of pants,

“Okay” she said as the hastily threw on clothes and ran out the of the hotel room.


  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       &n bsp;

A little old woman with blue hair sat behind the desk of Little White Chapel as a young couple came in.

“We want to get married right now” The young Hanyou with white hair said,

“Okay just fill out this paperwork while we get the chapel ready” she looked over at the young woman with him she looked completely out of it her hair was disheveled and her clothes were on backwards, the joys of a Vegas wedding, she thought going into the back room. The only officiant that was available at this time of night was Harold the Elvis impersonator.

She nudged him with her foot he was sleeping sitting up in the backroom of the chapel

“Harold get up we have a quickie couple wanting to get married”

“I’m up, I’m up” he said groggily,

“Well straighten your self up I don’t want these people thinking this isn’t a nice chapel,”

“It aint a nice chapel” she said grumpily,

“Well we don’t need to advertise that now do we?” she said in a no nonsense voice.

“Oh right no need to bite my head off Beth, let me wash my face and I’ll be out in a bit.”

He disappeared into the bathroom and Beth went back out to the young couple

“All ready?” she said,

“Yup” the young Hanyou enthused, the girl looked like she was off in la-la land.

“We only have one officiant in at this time of night, he’s an Elvis impersonator, and I hope that’s alright” she said apologetically,

“That’s fine we just want to get married right away” he said, “Right Kagome?” he said looking at the young woman,

“Huh, yeah” she said dreamily,

Harold gave her the signal that he was ready,

“Its time dears” she said, leading them into the chapel Harold had cleaned him self up rather well his hair was up in a pompadour and his clothes didn’t even look crumpled. Very nice Harold she thought.

“Dearly beloved we are gathered here, un huh” Harold began, always with the dramatic she thought, “to bring together two souls in holy matrimony, un huh, I have here…” he pointed to the young Hanyou with white hair,

“Inuyasha” he replied

“Inuyasha do you take…” he pointed at the young woman,

“Oh… Kagome” she said seeming confused,

“Inuyasha do you take Kagome as your lawfully wed wife through sickness and health for richer or poorer. Un huh, for as long as you both shall live, ah thank you very much”

“I Do” he said proudly,

“And you Kagome” Harold said to the young woman,

“Yes?” she replied looking dreamy eyed,

“Do you take Inuyasha in sickness, health, for better for worse for rich for poor as long as you both shall live? Un huh”

“Yeah sure” she said,

“In that case by the powers invested by me by the state of Nevada I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride, un huh”

The young white haired Hanyou took her in his arms and leaned her back kissing her.

The girl looked dreamily at him when he righted her once more,

“Congratulations” Beth called as they exited out the back of the chapel,

Ronald walked up once they left the chapel,

“I give them a week” he said darkly,

“A week? Did you see how drunk she was? I give them until she sobers up” she replied, walking back to the front desk to prepare the paper to file for the happy couple.


  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     &n bsp;

Kagome opened her eyes groggily, there was a terrible taste in her mouth and her head was pounding. She took in the room around her, bathroom she thought getting out of the bed staggering over to the rest room. She realized when she came back out she was in the same clothes from the night before, what happened did I drink too much? she tried to think about the night before she remembered a club, and a really handsome Hanyou with white hair and golden eyes what was his name again?

“Inuyasha” she said aloud,

“yes?” a voice said sleepily,

She turned around there was a half naked Hanyou laying in her bed, but it wasn’t her bed this wasn’t her hotel room shit I slept with him, god I’m such a slut I shouldn’t of drank,

“What happened why am I in your room?” She said,

“You don’t remember?” he said looking offended,

“No the last thing I remember was meeting you at the club,” she said honestly,

“Oh” he said looking down,

“What happened did you get me liquored up and then seduced me?” she said accusingly,

“I don’t remember either” he snarled, “I was pretty drunk too”

She looked down feeling uncomfortable,

“Oh well I guess I’ll go then, it was nice meeting you” she said picking up anything that looked like it was hers this was so embarrassing sleeping with a stranger then waking up in his bed.

“See ya” he called rolling back over in the bed,

What a callus ass doesn’t even see me to the door, well that just proves what type of guy he is. He seemed nice at the club last night but maybe I was already drunk when I met him.

She slipped out the door and down the hall, I’m totally going to get it from Kelly when I get back in the same clothes as the night before she thought sadly. I’ll just deny everything what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, she chanted her motto as she rode the elevator down to her room.


  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       ;

It had been so wonderful waking up with her in his arms his wife, Mrs. Takahashi, he’d never been one to be spontaneous in the past but there was something in that moment after they had made love where he just wanted to hold onto her forever. So he had asked to marry him more joking than serious and then she agreed, the ceremony may not of been amazing but just looking into those brown eyes promising forever was enough. Then this morning she woke and she didn’t remember, not a damn thing. He should of stopped her from drinking after the first glass, that shit was strong It had five different types of alcohol in it. He would have been on his ass too if he drank three of them, but if she hadn’t drank would she of asked him to kiss her. That simple request it opened up so much, his heart, which he never thought would feel again, felt like it was new again. It had been made new in Kagome, but that was all like a dream from the night before Kagome didn’t remember anything she couldn’t be his wife it had been a fantasy.

He rolled over staring at the ceiling he would have in annulled as soon as he got home she would never have to know about it all a terrible mistake, that’s all it was.

There was a knock at his door and he grudgingly got up, half hoping it was Kagome. He opened the door to Miroku grinning from ear to ear.

“Morning Inuyasha” he said looking behind him,

“Morning” he said grouchily,

“Can I come in?” he asked,

“Be my guest,” he said stepping aside, Miroku looked disappointed,

“Is there anyone here?” he said,

“No why would there be?” he said innocently,

“But I saw you leave with that Kagome girl from the bar, I thought for sure you would take her up to your suite!” he said in disbelief,

“Keh, we went and had coffee then said goodnight from there” he said dismissively,

“You disappoint me Inuyasha” Miroku said shaking his head,

“Why? Because I didn’t sleep with some random girl I met in a bar?” he said trying to sound offended,

“YES!” he moaned, “Inuyasha I’m getting married in two months I cant pick up girls in bars anymore I need you do that so I can live vicariously through you!”

Inuyasha thumped him on the head,

“You damn Lecher you’ll never change, I’m not gone fuck bar trash just for you to get your kicks”

“But that girl didn’t seem like bar trash” Miroku supplied,

“You’re right she wasn’t, I think I would of liked to get to know here better” he admitted,

“In an intimate way?” Miroku said wiggling his eyebrows,

“NO! quit that!” Inuyasha said violently,

“Fine, I’ll leave you to get dress we leave in an hour” Miroku said heading to the door,

“Right, I’ll meet you in the lobby” Inuyasha said superficially,

Miroku exited leaving Inuyasha alone once more, he looked out his hotel room window, I never even found out where she lived I didn’t even get her phone number, oh well, I guess this is goodbye Kagome.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     &n bsp;

“What happened to you” Kelly said, as Kagome entered her hotel room, “you’re a mess were you with that guy from the bar?”

I guess there’s no avoiding it she thought miserably,

“Yeah I got a little drunk and I ended up in that guys room sorry if I worried you” Kagome said plaintively,

“No I figured when you didn’t return to the room last night, I just cant believe you did that I mean you really took that What happens in Vegas thing to heart huh?”

“Yeah I guess I did” Kagome said rubbing her throbbing temples, “Don’t tell the other girls okay I’d never live it down If they knew.”

“Of course” Kelly said putting a hand over her heart,

“What time to do we leave?” Kagome said looking up at her perky blonde friend,

“Oh you have some time, we don’t leave for another couple hours why don’t you shower and change then we’ll go have some breakfast” Kelly said happily,

“That sounds wonderful” Kagome in a desperate tone,

“Well I’m going to check on Emily and the others you enjoy your shower okay?” Kelly said with concern,

Kagome nodded at her friend then dragged herself into the shower she put it on full blast and let the water wash over her body. starting tomorrow, I forget any of this happened, I go back to normal old plain Kagome Higurashi.





&nb sp;