InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ ... Didnt Stay There ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:

By Nicluv1787





  A/N: Dun, dun, dun Chapter two! Took me much longer that expected to finish, well its done now. I would just to say thank you to the over five hundred people who read the first chapter I nearly fainted when I checked the reader count the next day and it was over one hundred in one day! Thank you Thank you! There isn’t much left to say other than i hope you all enjoy this next installment! <3 Nic


Inuyasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off this so please do not sue me.



Chapter 2

- … Didn’t Stay There




Kagome flipped on the lights to her one bedroom apartment kicking off her shoes and dropping her bag by the door. It is good to be home she thought walking into her living room. She walked over to her answering machine pressing the button to let the recordings play as she flipped through her mail. The first message was from one of her clients Kouga,

“Hey Kagome, just seeing what your up to tonight wanted to know if you’d be up for drinks later, okay call me”

The next message was from him as well,

“Hey missed you last night, how about breakfast at my place this morning, call me”

Kagome shook her head listening to the recording he really did not get the hint that they were not seeing each other that their relationship was just professional. There were two more messages from Kouga that she skipped through, the last one was a woman who’s voice Kagome didn’t recognize.

“Hello Ms. Higurashi or should I say Mrs. Takahashi now, congratulations, this is Beth from the Little White Chapel in Las Vegas, I was calling to confirm your home address so that we can mail you your marriage certificate, please give us a call at…”

Kagome’s heart stopped as she stared at the answer machine, Mrs. Takahashi? Marriage certificate? What the hell did I do in Vegas?




  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





&n bsp;

Inuyasha navigated the streets the top down on his red convertible, gods it feels good to be home he thought. He turned the corner to his block when his phone rang, he hit the button on his blue tooth to answer.

“Inuyasha speaking” he said in a business like tone,

“What the hell happened!” a woman screamed on the other line,

“I’m sorry who is this,” he said cautiously picking up the phone to look at the number it was local but not anyone he knew.

“Your wife apparently,” she said vehemently,

Inuyasha couldn’t help the grin that spread out across his face, she had found out sooner than he had expected, well time to play dumb he thought.

“Ma’am you must be confused I’m not married,” he said carefully trying to conceal his amusement,

“Yes you are, I just got your number from the chapel in Vegas who called me to tell me they needed my address to mail us our marriage certificate.”

“Who is this? Is this a joke?” he said playfully,

“My name is Kagome we met in that night club in Vegas,” she said flatly,

“Oh you were that brunette in the black dress?” he teased,

“Of course how many sluts did you pick up in Vegas?” she asked, he could hear the rage in her voice, it was so much fun messing with her he continued,

“Only a few” he said in an offhanded way,

“You ass! You did get me drunk and seduce me!” he could hear her seething on the other line,

“Maybe I did” he said, “it’s hard to remember every bar tramp I pick up”

“I am not a bar tramp” she said sounding extremely offended, “How dare you say that”

“Well if you weren’t then why did you sleep with a stranger you met in a bar?” he prodded, he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

“I…well… that’s not important, the important thing is we get this issue resolved I want an annulment!” she announced,

“Well Mrs. Takahashi where shall we resolve this issue your place or mine?” he said suavely,

“Neither you pig I’ll see you in court!” she said indignantly, “and don’t call me Mrs. Takahashi I’m not your wife, this was all just a terrible mistake.”

“Fine” he conceded, “I’ll see you in court”

“Good I’ll see you then Inuyasha”

“Goodbye Mrs. Takahashi”

“Shut up!” she shouted, but Inuyasha already hung up the phone he loved getting the last word. He chuckled to himself, this certainly did change things. She had found out much sooner than he thought she would, and she was local. Apparently, fate had more in store for the pair of them than he realized.





  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            

Kagome fidgeted with the handle of her briefcase, she was waiting outside the courtroom for the annulment hearing. That bastard isn’t even here yet is this all a joke to him? She thought looking around the room, it was empty except for her. She was ready to get it all over with as soon as possible. The sooner this was out of the way the sooner she could move on with her life.

Inuyasha strolled in a few minutes later wearing a red tank top and a pair of Khaki shorts, he does think this is a joke she thought darkly,

“I see your taking this seriously” she said to him dryly,

“And I see your making this into a funeral” he said looking at her black business suit,

“This is an inconvenience to me” she said sharply,

“Well if you didn’t get drunk with strangers in bars this inconvenience wouldn’t happen” he said slyly raising a brow.

You tricked me into drinking with you and then seduced me so I’m sure this is all your fault!” she spat,

“I thought you didn’t remember anything” he said mischievously,

“I don’t” she said firmly, “That’s what I’ve concluded, unless you have some insight into that night?”

“Keh, I don’t remember bad drunken fucks” he said carelessly,

Kagome could feel a vein pulsing in her temple, he made her want to strangle him,

“What?” she ground out,

“You heard me bitch you were a bad drunken fuck I can’t imagine how I ended up married to you”

“You… I’m going to…” she moved forward, she was going to ring his neck for holding up that smug head.

Just then, the bailiff came into the waiting room.

“The Judge is ready for you now” he said looking at them, Kagome’s face red with rage and Inuyasha wearing a triumphant grin on his face.

“Good!” Kagome shouted brushing past the bailiff into the courtroom. She took a seat on the right side of the room placing her briefcase out in front of her self. Inuyasha strolled in with the bailiff took a seat at the table to the left side of the room and propped his feet up on the table.

The bailiff went to the front of the room,

“All rise for the honorable Judge Onigumo presiding,”

Kagome rose and Inuyasha did the same as the youngest judge Kagome had ever seen entered the courtroom. He had long wavy black hair and piercing black eyes, he wore judge’s robes and looked very formidable for some one so young. He couldn’t be more than two years older than Kagome.

“You may be seated” he said in an even tone,

They both took their seats,

“This is Higurashi vs. Takahashi petition for annulment” the bailiff announced for court reporter, that Kagome hadn’t noticed before, she had white silver hair and dark black eyes, a little plaque on her table read Kanna Court reporter.

“Yes, I’ve looked over the case” Judge Onigumo said contemplatively, “Very interesting according to what Mrs. Higurashi stated it was an accidental marriage, and one or both parties were intoxicated at the time of the ceremony”

“That’s right your honor” Kagome said,

Judge Onigumo looked down at her, his black eyes boring into her,

“Tell me Mrs. Higurashi the night’s events as you remember them” he said a strange glint in his eye.

“Well your Honor” she began, shooting a quick glance in Inuyasha direction, he looked bored to say the least. He didn’t seem to be paying attention at all. “I was in Las Vegas with some friends for a Bachelorette party, we went to a night club where I met Mr. Takahashi, a friend of his asked me to speak with him and I went over to speak with him. He seemed nice enough, but I don’t remember much after that all I remember is waking up the next morning in a strange bed, with a stranger. Then when I returned home from Las Vegas, I had a message from a chapel saying I got married. Obviously this is all a terrible mistake”

“Of course” he said smiling devilishly, “Mr. Takahashi could you enlighten me on the nights events,”

Inuyasha took his feet down from the table accessing the judge for a moment,

“Yeah I met a floozy in a bar, had too much to drink and at some point ended up married to her I think that about sums it up” he said leaning back in his chair feet replanted on the table. Kagome had to control the urge to throttle him for calling her a floozy as the judge spoke.

“I see” Judge Onigumo said, steepleing his fingers. He looked deep in thought for a moment before continuing, “This marriage is obviously invalid”

Kagome felt a wave of relief wash over it was all over,

“But” he continued recapturing Kagome’s attention, “I greatly detest the irresponsible way people treat marriage now a days. So I believe a punishment is in order.”

Kagome could feel her heart beating in her chest could she get jail time for a quickie marriage in Vegas? What would happen to her career if she went to prison.

“I will grant you annulment, but only after the two of you have lived together as a married couple for one year”

“WHAT!” Kagome shouted before she could stop herself, “Your honor this is cruel and unusual punishment this isn’t legal”

“I believe I am the judge here Ms. Higurashi, or should I say Mrs. Takahashi”

Kagome felt her ire raising this couldn’t be happening this had to be all a bad dream,

“So the pair of you will need to live every aspect of your lives as a married couple you shall inform your family, your friends, everyone you know that you are now married, and you are under no circumstances allowed to tell anyone you are being forced together. If either of you break any of the rules you will be spending time in prison for the remaining time of your marriage. I will also be making regular visits to check on you and make sure you are following the rules.” He smiled an evil smile,

“You can’t be serious!” Kagome shouted,

“Oh I’m deadly serious Mrs. Takahashi” he smiled at her,

Kagome felt like her stomach had fallen into her feet this had to be some kind of terrible nightmare, spend a year married to that chauvinistic bastard, what would her family think? Her clients? How could she explain this situation with out terribly embarrassing herself.

“I will be paying you a visit in one month from now, so I suggest the pair of you decide on where you will be living, good day Mr. and Mrs. Takahashi” he said crisply before exiting the room.

Kagome looked over to Inuyasha who had a smug smile of satisfaction on his face.

“You’re happy about this!” she shouted,

“I always wanted a little woman at home to do all the cooking and cleaning for me” he said,

“You are sorely mistaken if you think I would ever consider staying at home to cook and clean for you!” she said with vehemently,

“That’s too bad I guess there’s no benefit to this at all” he said with mock concern,

“You’re a pig you know that?” she said angrily,

“So where shall we live Mrs. Takahashi? My place or yours?” he said ignoring her rage,

“Don’t call me that” she shouted,

“My place is a little one bedroom apartment along the beach wont that be cozy?” he said, “what if we decide to have children then we wouldn’t have room!” he said in a mocking tone.

Kagome could feel the vein in her temple threatening to explode, there was no way she was sharing a bed or even a bedroom with that asshole. But she only had a one-bedroom apartment as well, they would have to find a place together.

“We’ll have to find a place my apartment isn’t big enough either” she ground out,

“Oh how romantic” Inuyasha cooed,

“Shut up it is not romantic, this is terrible, what am I going to tell my family, my friends, my coworkers, my life is ruined!” she bellowed

“I wonder how many kids we should have” Inuyasha said thoughtfully,

He isn’t listening to a word I say she thought darkly,

“I’m leaving!” she announced, she couldn’t stand the sight of him anymore,

Where are you going my love?” he called after her,

“SHUT UP” she bellowed, as she passed through the front doors to the courthouse.

Inuyasha watched her retreating form through the doors everything worked out better than he could ever have dreamed, he was going to be married to her for a year an entire year. The possibilities were endless, and she was so much fun to harass. Over all it was a win, win situation for him. He smiled secretly to himself as he headed out the door this was going to be great year.






  ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             ;    

Kagome tapped her foot on the pavement Inuyasha was supposed to meet her and the realtor twenty minutes ago. Where is that bastard? I have other things I have to do today how dare he waste my time. She thought angrily,

“Mrs. Takahashi?” the realtor said timidly,

Kagome didn’t hear her and kept taping her foot, looking down the street where Inuyasha should have been coming from,

“Mrs. Takahashi” she tried again,

Kagome looked down at her watch oblivious to the fact that the realtor was speaking to her.

“Kagome?” the realtor said, she was calling me that whole time she must think, I’m so rude. She turned to face the realtor,

“Yes?” she said sweetly,

“I know you want to wait for your husband but maybe we should start with out him?” the realtor said hopefully,

The word husband irked at her but she plastered on her best fake smile and replied,

“Your right, I’m sure he’ll be here any minute then he can join us” Kagome said with fake sincerity,

When the pair of them turned to walk the steps up to the front of the building they heard a car come to a screeching halt, Inuyasha had pulled up in a bright red mustang convertible. He jumped out of the car strolling over to them a smug smile on his face.

“Sorry I’m late love, I got caught at the office” he caught Kagome around the waist span her to face him then dipped her down to kiss her. The realtor smiled at the pair of them then walked into the building. Kagome shot Inuyasha a death glare as she fallowed after her.

“Don’t do that again” she hissed before opening the door and walking into the lobby of the building, it was a large lobby with marble floors and a large dark wood desk where the building concierge sat. The concierge greeted them as they headed to the elevator where Inuyasha caught up with Kagome,

“Don’t do what love?” he said continuing there conversation from outside,

“Kiss me” she whispered when the realtor was pressing the elevator call button.

“Don’t mind if I do” he said once more throwing her back kissing her passionately,

“Newlyweds?” the realtor asked smiling as they entered the elevator,

Inuyasha and Kagome both answered at the same time



The realtor looked confused, “Which is it?”

“We’re newlyweds” Inuyasha said bringing Kagome close to him much to her discomfort, “my wife is just shy, isn’t that right sweetie?” He said nuzzling her neck gently nipping at her throat, Kagome couldn’t help but feel a little aroused, she had to stuff the feeling away, she couldn’t let this guy seduce her once again, Inuyasha seemed to sense her predicament because a devilish smile was playing on his lips. Damn it she thought he knows.

The realtor watched their exchange with a puzzled look on her face, “Well I think your both gonna love this place I’m going to show you. Its great for young couples, three bedrooms large living spaces, a one year lease and the best view of the city” she said excitement rising in her voice as they excited the elevator onto a long hallway.

Kagome managed to loosen herself from Inuyasha as they walked from the elevator. When they got to the door of the apartment the realtor fumbled with a ring of keys before letting them in, there was a small hallway that led into a large living room with a fireplace, adjacent to the living room was an open kitchen. At the back of the living room was a sliding glass door leading to a balcony that over looked the city. The realtor walked into the kitchen with brown granite countertops and white cabinets.

“Great Kitchen for chefs” she said running her hand along the island walking towards the end of the kitchen as Kagome and Inuyasha fallowed after her.

“Well my wife isn’t much of a cook” Inuyasha said coming up behind Kagome wrapping his arms around her waist, Kagome was trying to keep from strangling him.

“It’s a beautiful kitchen I can always learn to cook” Kagome said in the best sweet voice that she could muster while battling the rage inside her.

“Oh and what a great place to learn” the realtor added,

“I know what I’d like to eat in this kitchen” Inuyasha said huskily against Kagome’s neck, she felt chills run up her body at his words, but she was stronger than that she could resist temptation.

“Lets see the rest of the place” Kagome said breaking away from Inuyasha and walking back to the living room.

The realtor showed them two small bedrooms with an adjoining bathroom.

“These rooms would be great for a guest room, an office, or even a baby’s room” she said playfully looking at Kagome and Inuyasha,

“Oh no were not having children!” Kagome said defensively,

“Hey we haven’t decided that yet” Inuyasha said next to her bringing her close to him, “besides how much fun would it be to make them?” he whispered in her ear, making her blush deep red.

“Well obviously it’s still up for discussion” the realtor said helpfully,

The last room she showed them was the master bedroom, it was one of the largest rooms Kagome has seen in her life.

“This room is huge!” Kagome commented,

“You haven’t even seen the best part” the realtor said excitedly,

She walked a few feet to a door that she opened dramatically, there was a expansive master bathroom with stone tiles and a Jacuzzi tub,

“This is amazing!” Kagome said dumbfounded,

“This really is the selling point of the house” The realtor said excitedly,

“Think of all the things we could do in this bedroom” Inuyasha said huskily in her ear, that was the last straw for Kagome,

“What do you think?” the realtor said expectantly,

“I think we need a moment” Kagome said kindly to the realtor,

“Of course I’ll be in the other room when your ready” she said leaving them alone in the bathroom as soon as they were alone Kagome turned on Inuyasha,

“What the hell do you think you’re doing” she thundered,

“What do you mean sweetums?” he said innocently,

“Kissing me saying all those things, I may be married to you but I am under no obligation to sleep with you!” She shouted, she was sure the realtor could hear but she didn’t care.

“You know you would enjoy it, you did the last time” he said huskily,

“What the hell! You said you didn’t remember drunken fucks!” she could feel rage boiling within her,

“Well maybe you should refresh my memory” he said moving in to pin her against a wall,

“You’re a pig” she spat,

“A pig you can’t deny your attraction too” he said moving in closer when the realtor knocked on the door,

“Everything alright in there?” she said sounding concerned,

“Everything is fine, my wife is just so excited about this place. We’ll take it” he shouted out to her,

“Wonderful!” she exclaimed from behind the door, “I’ll get the lease agreement ready”

They listened as her footsteps faded away,

“Do I have a say in anything?” she fumed,

“Nope” Inuyasha said strolling away, “come on sweetums we have a lease agreement to sign”

“Bastard!” she shouted before following after him grudgingly,




  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~            

Inuyasha loaded the last of his belongings onto the moving van, as Miroku stretched his back next to him.

“I still can’t believe you married that girl in Vegas and then didn’t even invite me to the ceremony I mean I was in the same hotel room for gods’ sake” Miroku said in a mock hurt tone,

“Keh, stop making a big deal about it, it was a last minute thing in the middle of the night and gods only knows where you were right then” Inuyasha said offhandedly, he had given Miroku and Sango the news a few days before his move.

“Who knows where who was right when?” Sango said walking up looking suspicious,

“Where I was when Inuyasha got married beloved” Miroku supplied, looking lovingly on his future bride.

“You better have been in your hotel room thinking about me, if Inuyasha wasn’t with you” she warned,

“Of course love you know I’m always on my best behavior” Miroku smiled,

“Sure” she said rolling her eyes, then she turned her attention to Inuyasha “Yeah why couldn’t you of waited for us, I’m a little offended I couldn’t be there when you got married”

“Like I said it was really sudden, can’t we drop it already?” Inuyasha said in a tired tone,

“Too bad we didn’t get to throw you a bachelor party” Miroku said sadly,

Sango thonked Miroku over the head, “Didn’t you get enough of half naked woman in Vegas? In a month an half your mine so you better behave” She said casting him an angry gaze.

“Of course my beloved you’re all the woman I need” he said scooping her up in his arms spinning her around then kissing her. Inuyasha watched them fondly, he tried to imagine twirling Kagome in his arms kissing her lovingly. He liked the idea of it.

“Well lets get going then” Miroku said setting Sango down who was blushing brightly,

“Fine just follow me to the new place then” Inuyasha said walking towards his convertible that was piled high with boxes. Sango and Miroku walked over to the moving truck.

His new apartment with Kagome was only ten minutes away from his old one and they arrived rather quickly. When they pulled into the parking garage, he noticed another moving van and movers carrying furniture up. Kagome is here he thought happily he grabbed a few boxes from his convertible and ran up the stairs to their new apartment.

When he walked in Kagome was standing near the sliding glass doors to the balcony, she was wearing a pair of cut off shorts and a green tank top and her hair was pulled back in a messy bun. He set the boxes down gently and crept up behind her, he sweet scent filling his nose.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and he could feel her tense immediately,

“Hello there you look good enough to eat” he said huskily,

She spun around in his embrace to face him,

“Inuyasha” she said coldly,

“Miss me darling?” he said happily,

“Hardly” she scoffed moving from within the circle of his arms to stand in from of him crossing her arms.

“Well put on a friendly face, my friends are here helping me move in” he said happily,

“Fine” she sighed,

Sango and Miroku arrived a few moments’ later arms full of boxes,

“Miroku, Sango come here and meet my bride!” Inuyasha greeted them as they walked in, he ushered Kagome over to them with a hand on her waist, “Guys this is Mrs. Kagome Takahashi” Inuyasha watched the infinitesimal squint to Kagome’s eyes when he called her Mrs. Takahashi,

“Oh I’m so excited to meet you” Sango gushed, “Inuyasha has told us all about you!”

“You too” Kagome said with insincere enthusiasm, “Let me help you with that box” she added taking a box labeled kitchen from Sango’s arms. The pair of them headed off to the kitchen having an animated conversation.

“Damn Inuyasha I never thought I would see the day you’d settle down and be all domesticated” Miroku said with wonderment. “Not after what Kikyo did to you”

Inuyasha cringed at the name of his former lover,

“Lets not talk about her today, today is a happy day” Inuyasha said watching Kagome laugh with Sango a few feet away in the kitchen,

“You’re right” Miroku conceited,

“Come on we have more boxes to get up here” Inuyasha said, as he dragged Miroku out the door to move the rest of his things.

They spent the rest of the afternoon moving in Inuyasha’s things, Kagome had hired movers and her possessions’ were moved in much quicker than Inuyasha and much to Inuyasha’s surprise Kagome volunteered to help carry boxes of Inuyasha’s things into the apartment. Sango and Kagome had hit it off right away and were going on, about Sango’s wedding plans all afternoon.

When the day was winding down and it was past dark the four of them lounged on the mismatched furniture scattered around the living room. Sango had Miroku’s head pillow in her lap stroking his hair gently while sitting on Inuyasha’s sofa. Inuyasha was sitting in his favorite recliner, and Kagome was sitting on her love seat her feet pulled up beneath her. She had her head pillow on her arms as the rested on the arms of the couch.

Miroku sat up yawning “Well its getting late we should probably be getting home and I’m sure you love birds would like some time alone” he winked at Inuyasha who winked back, he saw Kagome make a disgusted face out of the corner of his eye.

Miroku stood helping Sango up

“See you later Kagome” Sango said, “call me later and we’ll go shopping or something” she said as Miroku led her out the door,

“Sounds great” Kagome called after her,

Once they were out the door, Inuyasha turned to Kagome,

“We’re all alone” he said smoothly,

“Unfortunately” she said coldly,

“Maybe we should go to bed as well” he said stretching,

“You’re right” she said standing from the couch, she walked towards the master bedroom and Inuyasha followed after her expectantly when they reached the door way she turned around to block his entrance

“Where are you going?” She said accusingly

“To bed” he said simply,

“This is my room” she said crossing her arms over her chest,

“No sweetums its our room” he said in a mocking tone,

“I think not, just because were married doesn’t mean we have to share a room” she said, her voice raising the way he loved.

“Well in that case I get the master bedroom since I’m the master of this home” he said proudly,

“Who made you the master” she said putting her hands on her hips

“I’m the man that’s how I’m the master” he said playing into the chauvinistic man she thought he was, her eyes danced with anger. Gods he loved that fire in her eyes.

“Is that so?” Kagome said angrily,

“Yeah, of course I have no problem with you sharing my bed with me” he said caressingly,

“Really?” she said in a sultry tone, moving in closer to him closing the gap between them she pressed her body against his. He could feel ever inch of her as she reached forward caressing his arm lightly, “you’re the master?” she said breathily against his neck,

“Yeah” he replied languidly, her hands traveling to his back then to his chest trailing lower and lower.

“What if…” she began bring her hands to the fly of his pants, “I took you into my mouth” she said huskily into his ear, he could feel his erection pressing at his pants longing for her to do just that.

“What if?” he said breathlessly it was taking all his self-control not to throw her down right there and ravage her.

“Could I be the master then?” she said sliding down his front unbuttoning his pants and reaching in grasping his member in her hands moving up and down his shaft in a steady motion. He groaned a little as she looked up him with large brown lustful eyes.

“Sure” he said, he would tell her anything to keep up what she was doing in that moment,

“Will you say the words” she said her mouth a hairs breath away from his awaiting cock.

“You’re the master” he breathed ready to jam his cock into her waiting mouth,

“Good to know” she said standing up, then pushing Inuyasha back enough to slam the door to the master bedroom in his face.

He stood dumbfounded for moment, that bitch tricked me he quickly adjusted himself then began banging on the bedroom door,

“Kagome let me in!” he bellowed,

“You said I was the master so by your reasoning I’m entitled to this room!” she called happily from the other side of the door. He listened as she slipped her clothes off, he could only imagine what she was doing in there with out him.

“You tricked me that’s not fair” he said continuing to pound on the door.

“Sucks doesn’t it?” she said teasingly “Good night Inuyasha”

That bitch he fumed, how dare she trick me, giving me blue balls, I’ll pay her back for this mark my words I’ll have my revenge. He thought as he stomped off to the nearest guestroom.