InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Room 210 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:

By Nicluv1787


  A/N: Couple of things, first I would like to thank Badgirl093(Dannygirl9999) for emailing me and letting me know that she like my stories and help me figure out that my reviews were disabled so I’m sorry to anyone who attempted to write a review and couldn’t! It’s fixed now so feel free to review if you so choose. Sometimes I feel like I’m repeating myself between my two stories Author’s notes but I guess that only affects people who read both so I apologize to those people, that being said. I LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!! Sorry I hate to toot my own horn but I want to marry this chapter. Okay enough rambling enjoy the chapter!



Inuyasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don’t sue me.



Chapter Three

- Room 210


Kagome had woken up extra early that morning, she was dressed showered and out the door by seven thirty. When she walked by Inuyasha’s door he was sound asleep, she could hear the soft snores drifting into the hallway where she stood. Good she thought I can go to work with out incident. She grabbed her purse and was out the door.

Between moving, court dates and her trip to Vegas Kagome was dangerously behind on her work. Many of her clients had been neglected in the past few weeks and she was looking forward to getting back into the swing of things.

She walked into her office from the elevator, her receptionist Ayame was sitting at her desk. Her bright red hair pulled back in a demure French twist.

“Good morning Mrs. Higu… I mean Mrs. Takahashi” she said formally, Kagome suppressed the urge to shout out ‘don’t call me that’ this was work and according to judge Onigumo’s rules she had to pretend to be happily married to that smug, chauvinistic pig.

“Good Morning Ayame” Kagome said in a friendly tone,

“Oh Kagome…” Ayame said but she had already walked into her office,

She shut the door behind herself, facing the door she sighed deeply “God’s I’m exhausted,”

Kagome felt strong arms wrap around her waist, she flipped around Kouga was smiling devilishly at her.

“Good morning Kagome” he said smoothly,

“Kouga” she said crisply, gently removing his arms from her waist, “You weren’t supposed to be here until later for our meeting,” she said professionally,

“Well I couldn’t wait any longer I wanted to see you” he said suavely,

Kagome pinched the bridge of her nose,

“Kouga you can’t just show up here unannounced I have other clients I have to see, you could have interfered.”

“I checked with Ayame she said your schedule was all clear until my appointment so I thought maybe we could get breakfast together” he said smoothly damn it Ayame I know you like the guy but don’t give him my schedule Kagome thought shooting a glance towards her doorway.

“So how about it?” he said

“Kouga…” Kagome said she did not know how many times she was going to have to explain to Kouga that their relationship was purely professional. She opened her mouth to continue when Ayame’s voice came from the intercom.

“Kagome your husband’s here to see you”

Oh great Kagome thought,

“You’re what?” Kouga said sounding dumbfounded,

Kagome rushed over to the intercom

“Tell him I’m in a mee…”

“Hello gorgeous” Inuyasha said walking into the room, strolling across the room he grabbed Kagome around the waist kissing her passionately right in front of a astonished Kouga.

She pushed him away, “Inuyasha I am work” she hissed under her breath,

“But you left this morning before I got a goodbye kiss” he said devilishly,

“Inuyasha now is not a good time,” Kagome, said trying to push him out the door,

“YOU’RE MARRIED” Kouga shouted,

Inuyasha and Kagome both twirled around to face Kouga,

“Yeah got a problem with that?” Inuyasha said practically gloating,

“Yeah Kagome’s my woman!” Kouga shouted,

Oh no please don’t start this

“Well obviously not since she’s married to me!” Inuyasha said puffing out his chest,

“Kagome tell me it isn’t so,” Kouga said coming over taking Kagome’s hands in his.

“Well…” She looked from Inuyasha to Kouga and back again, “I am,” she said,

“Kagome how could you!” Kouga said sounding offended,

“Kouga maybe we should continue this conversation later” Kagome said leading him to the door, “Ayame will you reschedule Kouga’s appointment for me?” she said to her receptionist,

“Sure Mrs. Takahashi” Ayame said smiling up at Kouga,

“Kagome I’m not leaving until I get answers!” Kouga said,

“You heard her you mangy wolf, she’ll talk to you later” Inuyasha said shoving him out the door then slammed the door in his face,

Well I guess there’s one good thing about being married to Inuyasha he gets rid of Kouga for me, wait what am I saying? there’s nothing good about being married to him.

She turned to look at Inuyasha,

“What are you doing here?” she said glaring at him,

“I’m here to finish what you started last night,” He said huskily

“What are you talking about?” she said raising a brow,

“This” he said he moving forward, he wrapped his arms around her waist and hoisted her up placing her on top of her desk.

“What are you doing?” she demanded,

“Just sit still and enjoy it,” he said sliding his hands down her sides to her skirt pulling it down slowly,

“Inuyasha stop it this isn’t funny” she said trying to pull her skirt back up,

“Quit fighting it or I’ll have to tie you up” he chastised, as he finished pulling down her skirt then pulled down her panties,

“Inuyasha I’m at work this isn’t okay” she said her breathing getting shallower it was getting hard to resist him as he laid her down pinning her to the table with his left arm spreading her thighs with his right hand. She attempted in vain to clamp her legs shut but he had a death grip on her thighs.

“Behave or else” he said huskily, she could feel his breath against her core.

“Inuyasha…” she breathed, Inuyasha chose that moment to lick her from top to bottom sending waves of pleasure down her spine. She felt him plunge his tongue into her waiting folds twirling his tongue then licking her slowly, she bit her lip trying the suppress the moan in her throat, if she couldn’t stop him from doing what he was doing she could at least keep him from knowing she was enjoying it. Inuyasha licked at her pearl fervently she couldn’t hold it in an anymore,

“Inuyasha” she moaned,

“You like that?” he mumbled into her folds,

Damn it, I need get out of his grasp,

“Inuyasha can’t…” she paused trying to steady her breath “…can’t we finish this at home?” she said trying to sound convincing while he had his face buried in her core,

His continued persistence was her answer, “I’m not quitting till I feel you quiver all over my tongue,” he panted against her,

Shit she thought,

“Kagome” Ayame’s voice cut through the air over the intercom,

Double shit, Kagome thought,

She looked down at Inuyasha “I can’t not answer her” she said pleadingly trying to ignore how good he was making her feel,

“Go ahead and answer, but I’m not done here,” he said,

“Damn it Inuyasha”

He hummed into her folds making her tense with pleasure, damn him she fumed, there is no other way she fumbled around on the desk for the button to the intercom,

“Yes Ayame?” she said breathlessly,

“I’m sorry to interrupt you when you’re with your husband, but Kagura is coming from her office to talk to you she’ll be here any minute”

Triple shit she thought,

“Ayame try and stall her” Kagome said breathlessly, “Inuyasha my boss is coming you have to get out of here!” she said

“I told you I’m not leaving till I have you quivering on my tongue”

Damn, damn, damn, she thought Think quick Kagome,

There was a knock at the door. Shit she is here,

Inuyasha seemed to know what was going on her broke contact for a moment hoisted Kagome up then planted her on her chair behind her desk then slid under her desk lifting her legs onto his shoulders, then he went back to work ravaging her folds with his tongue,

The moment Inuyasha was concealed under the desk Kagura strolled in. her violet eyes were a dance with anger.

“What do you think you’re doing” Kagura said coldly,

Shit she knows, she saw Kagome thought desperately, even Inuyasha paused for a


“What do you mean?” Kagome said she could feel beads of sweat forming on her brow,

“I just got your memo, you got married in Las Vegas!” she nearly shouted,

Kagome felt a wave of relief pass over her. Then Inuyasha went back to work,

“OH thaaat” Kagome said, as Inuyasha sucked at her pearl,

“Yes that, what were you thinking? Do you have no sense of decency this is a reputable agency and it doesn’t reflect positively on our company when one of our best agents runs off and gets married on the spur of the moment”

“I’m soooory Kaaagura” Kagome could feel herself getting close and Inuyasha seemed to be aware of that as he focused all his attention on her button.

Kagura raised a brow at her; she obviously could see that something was wrong,

“Well what do you propose to do about it?” Kagura said,

“I cooould makeeee a fooormal apollogyyyyyyyy” Kagome said as Inuyasha brought her to climax.

“Well I guess that would be sufficient” Kagura said, “I’m sure your busy I’ll let you get back to your work” Kagura said turning to walk out the door,

“Thanks” Kagome said breathlessly

Inuyasha peaked his head out from under the table, “Your welcome” he said licking his lips,

“Not you! I could have gotten in a lot of trouble if we were caught,” she said angrily,

“Paybacks a bitch isn’t it?” he said mischievously,

“What?” she said vehemently,

“You tricked me last night so I came here this morning to even the score,” he grinned, “Now we’re even”

“We are not even close to even I took the master bedroom, you just went down on me in my office while my boss was in the room!” she nearly shouted,

“You’re right I think you owe me now” Inuyasha said “I think you should return the favor,” he said seductively,

“You’re a pig!” she shouted,

“A pig that makes you throb with pleasure” he teased,

“Bastard!” she seethed,

“Well I’ve had my fun I should be getting to work now” he said strolling towards her door, “have a good day sweetie,” he said going out her double doors.

That bastard he may think this is over but it is only just beginning she thought angrily.



  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~






I nuyasha laughed to himself as he pulled into the parking garage of his office building, this morning had turned out even better than he could ever have imagined. His original intent this morning had only been to tease Kagome like she had to him, but once he got a taste of her he could not stop himself and then her boss had come in; he could not of planned revenge better himself. He stepped off the elevator onto the floor where his private office was located; Sango looked up from her desk when he came in

“You’re late” she said,

“Are you my receptionist or my mother?” he chastised,

“Sesshomaru is waiting for you in your office,” she said, Sango was his best friend’s fiancé, and his receptionist. Inuyasha was actually the one that introduced them to one another. Well sort of, Miroku had come to meet him for lunch one day and had laid his “will you bear my child line on her” which she had responded to with a resounding slap across the face. Miroku came by everyday for a month after that, asking Sango out every day until she finally gave in and now nearly three years later they were about to get married in a little over a month.

“Did you hear me?” Sango said,

“Huh yeah, I’ll go in and talk to him” Inuyasha said returning from his memories

Inuyasha strolled into his office casually. Sesshomaru was standing near the window looking out across the city.

“You’re late” he said not turning to face him,

“Good morning to you too” Inuyasha said friendly,

“Do you know what time it is?” Sesshomaru drawled,

Inuyasha looked down at his watch. It was nearly ten o’clock by now,

“’bout mid day” He said casually taking a seat in one of his chairs propping his feet up on his desk.

“And what time do we start work in the morning?” Sesshomaru said in a dangerously low voice

“Eight” Inuyasha said helpfully,

“Do you see anything wrong with this scene?” Sesshomaru said turning to face Inuyasha,

“Yeah you’re in my office wasting my time,” Inuyasha said snidely,

“I wouldn’t have to if you would come in at a decent hour” Sesshomaru said, “where were you?”

“I had a meeting”

“With a client?”

“No with my wife”

“That tramp you married in Vegas? He scoffed,

Inuyasha balled his fist at his side, planted his feet on the ground, and turned to face Sesshomaru,

“Don’t you dare talk about her like that” he grouched,

“Touched a nerve have I? Well remember in the future to keep your personal time personal. Just because I’m your brother doesn’t mean I wont fire you”

“Keh, like you’d every really do it I’m the best idea man you have”

Sesshomaru chose to ignore him and walked out the door.

Sango came in after he left,

“So you saw Kagome this morning that’s why you were late?” Sango said,

“What are you eavesdropping now?”

“Your office door was wide open it wasn’t that hard” she said,


“So what did you do?”

An evil grin spread across his face, “ate out”

“That sounds nice” Sango said, “Well here’s your messages” she handed him a couple of pieces of paper then headed back to her desk.

Inuyasha made a couple return calls worked on a couple accounts until about noon when Sango came on over his intercom,

“Hey Inu, Kagome on the line for you”

She could not resist he thought smugly,

“Thanks Sango I’ll take it from here”

He picked up the phone,

“Well hello Mrs. Takahashi to what do I owe the pleasure,” he said smoothly,

“I said don- I mean hey baby” she said sweetly

Something is fishy here

“So I was thinking about what you said earlier and I think I do owe you for what you did earlier” she said seductively,

“Oh really?” he said leaning back in his chair, “And how do I know you’re not going to be a tease again just to get something out of me?”

“Oh you have so little faith in your wife” she said sadly, he did like the way she said wife, it made him think of Kagome greeting him at the door with nothing but an apron on. He felt a familiar tightening in his pants,

“I do trust you, what did you have in mind” he said huskily,

“Well, I was thinking about some lunch, just you and me at The Highway Motel room 210”

Damn that sounds exactly like what I want for lunch.

“Sounds nice” he said seductively,

“Will I see you there?” she said smoothly,

“I’ll be there in twenty minutes” he nearly shouted,

“See you there” she said sweetly hanging up the phone,

Inuyasha nearly slammed the phone onto the receiver in his urgency to get out the door and to a possibly naked Kagome.

He ran past Sango’s desk,

“I’m going out I’ll be back later” he shouted heading to the elevator, he didn’t even wait for her response,

When he got to the elevator, it was taking to long for his liking so he took the stairs instead. When he got to the ground floor, he made a split second decision and decided to run to the motel instead he did not want to risk getting stuck at a light or anything that that could keep him from Kagome a moment longer.

Twenty minutes later he was standing outside room 210 at The Highway Motel it was a middle class hotel that rented by the hour, she better of rented more that one hour cause I’m not letting her out of there till she’s screaming my name. He knocked on the door lightly,

“It’s unlocked” she said seductively, he pushed the door open Kagome was laying on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of black satin panties and a matching bra.

He stood in the doorway stunned this was like a dream, a really good fucking dream,

Kagome arched her back rising up to a sitting position, then she leaned forward to kneel on the bed.

“Inuyasha” she said caressingly, she leaned forward putting her weight on her hands and knee’s her breast pressed together nearly spilling out of her tiny bra, she crawled towards him on the bed. All he could do was stare, is this for real?

“Come here” she said beckoning him with her finger.

He regained control over his legs to move towards the bed, she reached out a hand hooking her fingers into his pants. He tried to reach out to caress her but she held up a finger,

“Uh uh, I’m repaying you for this morning you just sit back and enjoy” She said, he could feel his erection nearly threatening to burst his zipper. She reached up to his shoulders running her hands down his chest slowly unbuttoning each button of his shirt then opened his shirt up to expose his chest, she slowly removed his shirt letting her touches linger on his skin, it was killing him to not reach out to kiss her to touch her. She made her way back down his body to his pants and slowly, painfully unbuttoned his pants pulling them down.

She stood up on the bed when his pants had fallen to the ground. She wrapped her arms around his waist,

“Lay down on the bed” she said huskily into his ear,

He obeyed her wordlessly she had her spell on him she could tell him to jump off a bridge right now and he would do it.

“Now stretch out your arms and legs” she instructed,

What does she have planned?


“You’ll see” she said seductively,

He laid spread eagle on the bed as Kagome sauntered over to a bedside table and picked up a length of fabric. She climbed up onto the bed, and reached over him pressing her cleavage into his face as tied one arm to the bed post,

“Kagome” he moaned, he scent filled his nostrils intoxicating him,

“Shh Inuyasha you need to be patient”

She moved over to the other side tied his other arm to the bedpost then she pressed her body against his suggestively trailing down to the end of the bed where she tied each of his feet. Then she climbed up his body straddling his chest,

“Now I’m going to blind fold you” she said against his neck,

Inuyasha felt shivers go all down his body he had no idea Kagome was this kinky,

“Don’t move okay?” she said once she had blindfolded him, he felt her pressure ease off the bed.

“Where are you going?” he said,

“Be patient you naughty boy” she said sexily,

He listened to her as she padded around the room for a few minutes, then he felt her move in close,

“Inuyasha?” she said seductively,


“Did I ever tell you I was raised on a shrine?” she asked breathed into his ear


“Well I guess you didn’t know I was trained as a Miko then?” she said caressingly


“Well, those bonds, I put a seal on them” she said, the anticipation was getting to him,

“Oh really? what are you planning?” he said excitedly,

“I plan on getting payback” she said huskily,


“Paybacks a bitch” she said,

“Kagome this isn’t funny” he started straining against the restraints only to be proved that she had indeed sealed him to the bed,

“Kagome!” he shouted,

He heard the door open and close,

“Okay Kagome I learned my lesson untie me!” he said,








  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~            

Kagome could barely control the laughter that bubbled up inside her as she drove away from the motel. He fell for it she thought joyously, she been seeing red when he left her office this morning and she had racked her brain for at least an hour trying to come up with the perfect revenge scheme, and this had been all too perfect, and he had fallen for it hook line and sinker. Laughter spilled from her lips, she had to compose herself she could not go into her office hysterical with laughter even if it was extremely funny. That will teach him to mess with me she thought triumphantly. She had a couple more meetings that day and she would call the hotel to let him go when she was off work. She did not need him rushing into her office while she was with a client making a scene. When she had checked into the motel earlier, she had reserved it for several hours just for that reason so they would not rent out the room before she was ready for him.

Kagome exited the elevator onto the floor of her office,

“Welcome back Kagome how was your lunch meeting” Ayame greeted,

“Productive” Kagome smiled a secret smile then disappeared into her office.


Kagome staggered into her apartment’s front door several hours later. She had three meetings after lunch then Kouga had come back before she left for the day holding her up for nearly an hour with questions about her marriage. She had told him over and over it was none of his business and that it was a personal matter but he would not relent. Now that she was home, she was exhausted and looking around her apartment that was still in upturned chaos from the move. Boxes piled wall to wall there was mismatched furniture at odd angles in the living room. I will deal with this later she thought dropping her purse on a pile of boxes, she kicked off her shoes and headed to her bedroom. She had been thinking about a hot bath in the Jacuzzi tub all afternoon. She shed her clothes leaving them on the floor of the bedroom, she padded naked into bathroom, and she sat on the edge of the tub turning it on. She walked over to a box labeled ‘bathroom supplies’ and rummaged around its contents until she found what she had been looking for. Bubble bath, she poured the contents into the filling tub. Once the water was at a suitable level, she turned off the faucet and turned on the jets. She lowered herself in gently luxuriating in the warm water and massaging jets. She felt her eyes getting heavier and her body relax until she felt asleep.

When she woke, up it was pitch black outside and the water was ice cold,shit I fell asleep she thought climbing out of the tub and drying herself off. She walked into her bedroom; the bed called to her invitingly she merely dropped the towel and climbed into bed enjoying a sweet dreamless sleep.





  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      

Inuyasha had screamed at the top of his lungs for hours after Kagome left him sealed to the bed. If anyone heard him they ignored his calls, he should not have been that surprised considering the type of motel it was, you did not really go investigating screams. He eventually fallen a sleep, sort of, the best kind of sleep you can get when you are tied to a bed in only your boxers. Early the next morning there was a knock on the door, and a small voice.

“House keeping” a woman said,

I am saved he thought,

“Come in I need help” He shouted,

The door opened and a little old woman with brown hair streaked with gray stood in the doorway shock all over her face,

“Oh I’m so sorry this room is supposed to be vacant right now” she said apologetically, she started to close the door,

“No please I’m tied up can you untie me?” he begged,

The woman looked around hesitantly as if unsure how to act,

“I promise I’m not trying to pull anything funny my wife did this to me then left me here!” he said pleadingly,

“Okay” she said slowly walking into the room,

“Thank you! You’re a life saver” he said,

She untied him quickly then backed away quickly like he was going to attack. Once he was untied, he jumped off the bed. The old housekeeper looked surprised, he did not care he needed to find Kagome and make her pay for what he did. He dressed quickly and ran out the door. He ran into the parking lot and realized his car was still at the office damn it! He fumed, he had a choice to make, go and get his car or go home and try and catch Kagome before she went to work. He decided making Kagome pay was more important than his car right now and headed off in the direction of their apartment.

When he walked into the house, she was sitting at the counter in the kitchen reading a newspaper and there was a cup of coffee in front of her. She seemed to notice his presence and looked up from her paper, she did not seem to remember that she had left him tied up in a hotel room all night or if she did, she was playing dumb.

“Good morning” she said pleasantly,

“You left me tied up in that motel room all night!” he nearly shouted,

She made a surprised face then composed herself, “Oh that’s unfortunate” she smirked,

That bitch did this on purpose!

“You did that on purpose!” he shouted,

“Well if you could learn to think with the right head that type of thing wouldn’t happen to you.” she shouted back,

“That’s rich coming from some one who let me lick them till they were a puddle of pleasure while her boss was in the room.” he shot back.

You had me pinned down I would of stopped you if I could of!” she retorted,

“Sure that’s why I had you moaning with pleasure right?” he said devilishly,

“I did not ‘moan with pleasure’ that was a moan of pain you’re terrible!”

“You’re a liar and you know that was as good for you as it was for me” he said smugly,

“Humph” she said crossing her arms over her chest turning away from him,

“Just admit it Kagome I can have you anytime I want, anywhere I want” he said

“Hah, that’s laughable” she said sarcastically,

“You want to bet?” he said,

“What would we bet?” she said, he had caught her attention.

“I bet I could seduce you,” he said,

“What do I get when I win?” she said sounding interested,

“If you win I’ll stop calling you Mrs. Takahashi, but when I win you have to sleep in the master bedroom with me for the rest of the time were married to each other.”

She thought for a moment,

“Deal” she said an evil grin on her delicate features, “How long does this last for anyway, is there a time limit?”

“It’s on until you sleep with me” he said seductively,

“Or when you die of blue balls” Kagome said smugly, “You’ll never win a Higurashi never gives up”

“But you’re not a Higurashi anymore Mrs. Takahashi” he said caressingly,

“Get it in while you can because as soon as I win you’ll never be able to say it again!” she said happily,

“Well you should get used to hearing it, and don’t get to comfortable in that room alone I’ll be joining you soon.”

“Fat chance” she said putting her coffee cup in the sink she grabbed her purse and walked out the door. You just made a deal with the devil Kagome and I am going to enjoy making you pay he thought as he walked to the guest bedroom to change.




  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~      

Kagome blinked at the computer screen, all the words in front of her were starting to blur into one another. She leaned back in her chair I need a break she thought rubbing her temples with her hands. She had been working non-stop all day with all the uproar in her life she still felt incredibly behind with everything.

“Kagome, a Ms. Kelly on the line for you” Ayame said through the intercom,

Kelly I have not talked to her in nearly two weeks not since I got back from Vegas, Kagome thought,

“I’ll take the call transfer it to me” she instructed Ayame, the call rang once before Kagome answered it.

“Hey Kelly I’ve been meaning to call you I’ve just been swamped with work lately,” which was partially true, she had yet to tell anyone outside her professional life that she had gotten married and she wasn’t sure how to bring it up with Kelly, she never could lie to her.

“I understand completely I’ve been going nuts between the wedding and work, but I was calling to see if you would be up to getting some lunch at that little bistro we used to go to together” Kelly said happily,

Kagome stomach made a gurgling noise, she had not eaten anything yet today, with her fight with Inuyasha this morning she had forgotten to grab something before leaving the house and she had been too focused on work she had not had time to get anything to eat yet. Plus she really needed to talk to Kelly.

“Sounds great I need to talk to you about something anyway” Kagome said,

“Great I’ll meet you there in like fifteen minutes is that cool?” Kelly said,

“Of course see you there”

“See you then”

She hung up the phone; well I guess I had to tell her eventually, she thought, I mean it is not like I could hide for a year. Gods its exhausting lying all the time.

Ayame’s voice broke into her thoughts,

“Kagome your sister Rin is on the line”

Shit she thought is some one up there messing with me.

“Put her through” Kagome said in a tired voice,

The phone rang and she picked up,

“Hello Rin” Kagome said sweetly,

“Hey ‘Gome” Rin said merrily, Kagome thought it was adorable that her college aged sister still used her childhood nickname for her.

“To what do I owe the pleasure baby sister?” Kagome said,

“I was just calling to remind you that I’m coming down next week for spring break and Kelly’s wedding.”

Oh, no, I completely forgot Rin’s visit and she does not even know about Inuyasha yet,

“Oh yeah, when does your flight come in again?” Kagome said,

“Next Sunday at noon” Rin said excitedly, “I can’t wait to see you!”

“Me too” Kagome said, “Hey Rin I need to tell you something…” Kagome heard some girls calling Rin’s name in the background,

“Sorry ‘Gome, I got to get back to class I’ll talk to you later”

“Oh okay bye” she said as Rin hung up the line,

Well I guess I will have to tell her later Kagome thought as she put the phone back in cradle.

When Kagome arrived at the small corner, Bistro Kelly was sitting at one of the outside tables. Smiling brightly at her, Kagome swallowed hard, well it is now or never she thought.

“Hey Kelly,” Kagome said sitting down,

“Hey Kags, I ordered for you already” Kelly replied, “So what did you need to talk to me about?”

Kagome sighed; go for it she thought,

“Well do you remember that guy I left with from the bar?” Kagome said,

“The cute Hanyou with the ears?” Kelly provided,

“The same” Kagome said,

“What about him?”

Kagome took a deep breath I need to make this believable or Kelly will see right through me, then I will be in trouble.

“I married him”

“You what!” Kelly shouted she looked like her hair should be standing on end with the shocked expression she was wearing.

“I married him in Vegas it was one of those spur of the moment things, we just moved in together this weekend.” Kagome said trying to sound convincing.

“Kags this isn’t like you at all” Kelly said in disbelief,

“I know” Kagome said sheepishly,

“Remember in college when Hojou asked you out and it took you a month to decide whether or not to go out with him” she said,

“That’s different” Kagome said defensively, “I wasn’t really into him and I couldn’t decide whether or not to give the guy a chance.”

“So your really into this guy?” Kelly said thoughtfully,

Actually, I am borderline hating the guy she thought darkly,

“Yeah” Kagome choked out,

“I guess it’s kind of romantic,” Kelly said wistfully, “Meeting a stranger falling in love then getting married on the spur of the moment,” she looked at Kagome her eyes dancing with light, sure it’s romantic when you say it like that! Kagome thought, “Besides divorce is so simple now a days its practically a handshake, so if doesn’t work out it’s no big deal” Kelly said, if only it were that easy Kagome thought darkly,

“Your right” Kagome smiled, “So are you getting nervous yet the wedding is less than two weeks away!”

“Yeah I cant wait to be Mrs. Kelly Jones” She said dreamily, “But I guess you already know the feeling since you beat me to the alter” Kelly joked,

Kagome forced a laugh, “Yeah”.



  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~        

Kagome ended up working late that night Kouga had come in for another unannounced one hour meeting luckily this time he kept it mostly professional then after that Kagura had come in wanting to talk about her formal apology to her clients and how she should send out an inter office memo. When she staggered through the hall to her apartment, it was nearly eight o’clock. She put her key in the door then pushed it open gently, but instead of piles of boxes and a disorganized mess Kagome saw pristine living room that looked like it was out of a magazine. She looked around dully did I go into the wrong apartment, but my key worked. She looked down at her key, when she looked up Inuyasha was standing at the end of the hallway wearing a red tank and a pair of khaki shorts. His silvery white hair was pulled back from his face in a hair tie.

“Welcome home” he said wiping his hands on a dishtowel,

“Where’s all our stuff” she said cautiously he was acting awfully friendly after their argument this morning.

“Put away” he said simply,

“Put away?” she repeated,

“Yeah I took the day off of work to unpack is that a problem?” he said raising one black eyebrow.

“No its… kind of nice” she said hesitantly, something fishy is going on here.

“Well come in no need to stand in the door way” Inuyasha chided, Kagome looked behind herself she was standing in the open doorway like an idiot. She shut the door quickly took off her shoes then followed after Inuyasha. He walked into the kitchen where there were two pots cooking on the stove

“You’re cooking!” she said incredulously,

“Yeah” he replied,

“You said you couldn’t cook!” she shot back,

“I lied” he said calmly stirring the contents of one pot, he’s not even trying to argue with me she thought watching him suspiciously,

“What are you making?” she said,

“Spaghetti” he replied,

“Fancy” she said sarcastically,

“I’d like to see you do better” he shot back, that’s better she thought,

“I can cook” she retorted,

“You said you didn’t cook” he shot back,

“I said I wouldn’t cook for you!” she said snidely,

“Keh” he replied, “Why don’t you change out of your work clothes dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” she watched him for a few more minutes trying to decide if this was some kind of trick, it seemed harmless enough, but still she hadn’t forgotten their bet this morning.

She headed to the master bedroom, everything was put away there as well, and she checked all the drawers to her dresser and her walk in closet. Everything was in its place and she did not even see a single scrap of clothes of Inuyasha’s this is all very suspicious she thought putting on her pajamas. She walked into the kitchen again Inuyasha had served up two plates of spaghetti and two glasses of wine. Kagome smacked her lips at the wine it looked very tempting, that is it she thought he spiked my wine so he will win the bet.

“You don’t win the bet if you spike my food” she said defiantly,

“What bet?” he said innocently,

“Don’t play dumb with me you know perfectly well what bet, the one to get me to sleep with you, it doesn’t count if you use date rape drugs”

“I’m offended you would think something like that about me, I just wanted to do something nice for you” he said in an offended tone.

“But aren’t you still mad about yesterday?” she prodded,

“That? No it’s all water under the bridge now” he said offhandedly,

She eyed him suspiciously but decided to trust him, for now. She sat down, ate her spaghetti, which actually was pretty good, and drank her glass of wine. Inuyasha did not say much but she could feel his eyes on her, when she looked at him he would look away quickly.

He is acting so strange she thought,

After dinner, Kagome grabbed a novel she was reading and curled up on the corner of the sofa to read. Inuyasha came over and sat down next to her but not too close to her, but still near her. Once again, she could feel his eyes on her. She looked up over her book at him.

“How was your day?” he said,

“Are you really asking me that?” she said in disbelief,

“Yeah I’m really asking” he said smiling at her, what is his game? She thought,

“It was fine…what’s going on with you? Your acting really weird today is this some kind of game?” she said defensively,

“I don’t know what you mean” he said innocently,

“You know what I mean you’ve been playing games with me from the moment I met you!” she said hotly,

“I don’t know why I cant just be nice to you” he said sounding extremely offended,

Kagome felt bad after that maybe he did genuinely want to be nice to her there was no point in fighting with each other all the time they were going to have to live together for the next year so she might as well get along with him.

“I’m sorry” she said,

“It’s alright I understand” he said kindly,

Kagome picked up her book again and started reading again after a few minutes Inuyasha spoke up.

“Kagome?” she set down her book to look at him, he moved in close and grabbed her chin in his hand and planted a chaste kiss on her lips, parting her lips only slightly as she felt the heat from his body radiating onto her. god’s he’s a good kisser she thought wait what am I doing this is all his plan to seduce me but before she could pull away Inuyasha did, a goofy smile on his face.

“Sorry about that you just looked so perfect just now I couldn’t resist,” he stood up, “I’m going to bed good night Kagome” she sat there dumbfounded as he disappeared into his bedroom. What just happened?


Inuyasha smirked to himself in the darkness of the guestroom she had played right into his hand. She was a sucker for the whole nice guy routine, he could tell. She was putty in his hands now, that kiss had sealed the deal. He congratulated his own genius at hiring those maids to help him get the house in order before Kagome had gotten home today, and then he had convinced Sango to come over after work to help him cook dinner for him and Kagome, Sango had only just left when Kagome finally got home. There was a gentle knock on his door, already? I thought I’d have to wait at least a day before she cracked completely this has to be the easiest bet I ever won He thought triumphantly sauntering over to his bedroom door. He opened it slowly to Kagome standing there bathed in moon light.

“Inuyasha I just wanted to…” she said demurely,

“Yes” he said quietly and expectantly,

“Say that you must be a complete idiot to think I would fall for that nice guy routine for even a second!” She shouted, “If you even want a chance of winning your going to have to come up with something better than that” she said flipping her hair, turning on her heel then strolled away from him. Damn I underestimated her he thought as he listened to her slam the bedroom door, no matter, I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve I wont lose.