InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Arrival at Gate 58 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:

By Nicluv1787



A/N: What do I say about this chapter? When it was in its infant stages I didn’t like it, then slowly it evolved and changed and I left out stuff that will have to be in another chapter because it felt squished together now I feel confident enough to have it available for public view that being said thank you everyone who reads and reviews it gives me motivation to keep these chapters coming out regularly!


Inuyasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don’t sue me.



Chapter Four

- Arrival at Gate 58



The way Kagome’s life had been going lately it wasn’t any surprise that one of her clients, an ogre Youkai, Goshinki, had gotten into some legal problems involving mind-altering drugs in a very public way. He’d been at a popular local bar called Incarnation, with a couple of less than desirable people, there had been paparazzi at the nightclub, and they had taken photos of Goshinki snorting ‘something’ off a ‘friend’ of his. What this meant for Kagome was lots of long nights trying to clean up the whole mess. To top it off with Rin’s up coming visit she had taken the next two weeks off to spend time with her, so she would either have to work till midnight each night or come in while Rin was in town and she just couldn’t do that to Rin. So by the time Saturday came around Kagome was near dead exhausted and still had two things to do. Number one was tell Rin she was married, she played around with the idea of just surprising her at the airport but when she played the scene out in her mind it always got ugly. Number two, she had to tell Inuyasha that her sister was coming to visit. Which would open up the can of worms that was the sleeping arrangement, he couldn’t sleep in his room it would look suspicious and Rin would ask questions but she just knew that when she brought it up to Inuyasha he would some how take it as a victory and she hated to see that triumphant smirk on his face.

When Kagome went into the kitchen Saturday morning Inuyasha was sitting at the counter of the kitchen island looking over some papers, he looked up when she came into the room.

“Good morning stranger, haven’t seen you in a while, I thought you moved out” he said playfully,

“Works been murder” she said rubbing her neck,

“Yeah you look like hell,” He said casually,

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she said hotly,

“That you look tired,” he said defensively, Kagome breathed in deeply trying to calm herself she needed to have a civilized conversation with him. Getting in an argument could only escalate things.

“I’m sorry,” she said trying to be friendly “I’m just stressed out,”

“Keh” he replied, shifting through his papers,

“So Inuyasha, I need to talk to you about something,” Kagome said casually looking down at her hands please don’t think this is a come on. He looked up at her,

“About what?” he said,

“Well my sister is coming into town tomorrow and she’s staying with us for two weeks,” Kagome said, hoping she wouldn’t have to spell it out for him.

“So” he said sounding disinterested,

“So were…” she gulped, I know he’s going to think this is a come on, she thought,

“Were what?” he said raising a black eyebrow

“Were-going-to-have-to-share-a-bedroom-while-she’s-h ere” she said all at once,

The most triumphant grin lit up his face, damn it he does think this is a come on! She thought angrily,

“Will we now?” he said easily leaning back in the bar stool,

“Its only while Rin is here, if we don’t share a room it will make for awkward questions” Kagome added,

“Of course” he said patronizingly,

“Don’t patronize me if there was any other way I wouldn’t be sharing a room with you!” she said irritably,

“Sure Kagome” He said in a condescending tone while standing up,

“I mean it Inuyasha this isn’t an invitation to sleep with me!” she shouted as Inuyasha picked up his paperwork and walked out of the room.

Damn him she thought angrily.

Once Kagome had eaten, showered and gotten dressed she decided it was time to call Rin. She sat on the edge of her bed staring at her phone, imaginary dark clouds swirling over her head. Why do I have to tell people? Why can’t I just say no you can’t come visit this spring I’m busy! I’m a coward and I’m even more of a coward for letting this wait till now, we’ve been married for nearly a month and I haven’t told a single-family member. What will mama think? What about Jii-chan, Rin and Souta? What will they all say? Kagome sighed deeply and dialed Rin’s number one family member at a time I’ll slowly work my way up the line until they all know. She thought. It rang a few times and Kagome hoped it would go to voicemail, then Rin picked up.


“Hey Rin its Kagome”

“’Gome, what’s going on is everything okay?” Rin said, sounding worried,

“Everything is fine I just needed to talk to you about something before you come out”

“What’s that?” Rin said,

“I’m married,” she said quickly,

“What?” Rin said just above a whisper,

“A couple weeks ago I went to Las Vegas and met a guy and we got married and we just recently moved in together and I wanted to tell you before you got here tomorrow,” Kagome said hoping it didn’t sound suspicious,

“Well congratulations” Rin said happily

Kagome was stunned, that was not the response she would have expected,

“Aren’t you going to interrogate me about it?” Kagome said in disbelief,

“No I trust your judgment,” She said simply

“Thank you Rin” Kagome said she knew Rin was a supportive person but she never thought she would take Kagome’s story with out an explanation,

“No problem” Rin said, “So what’s this guy like?”

Kagome tried to think of the best way to answer that question, in her opinion he was a conniving, chauvinistic asshole, so she told Rin the opposite.

“He’s very sweet and caring and always thinking about me,” Kagome said trying to make it sound believable, but the words made her want to vomit.

“He sounds really nice” Rin replied, “I can’t wait to meet him”

“I can’t wait for you to meet him too” Kagome lied, “Are you all packed and ready to go?” Kagome said, hoping to divert the conversation away from Inuyasha.

“Thanks for reminding me I still have some packing left to do, I’ll talk to you more tomorrow ‘Gome” Rin said happily,

“Okay bye Rin I’ll talk to you later”

The line went dead, and Kagome set her phone down next to herself, then flopped back onto her bed. This is going to be the longest two weeks of my life she thought.






  ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  




& nbsp;

Sunday Morning Kagome woke up, showered, dressed and made herself a cup of coffee. Even though Rin’s flight didn’t come in until noon, she would have to leave her apartment about ten o-clock so she could sit in airport traffic for thirty minutes park then walk the two miles through the airport parking lot to Rin’s gate. Kagome looked down at Rin’s itinerary that she had emailed her the night before.

“Gate fifty-eight” she mumbled under her breath,

“What time does your sister arrive?” Inuyasha said from behind her, startling her and nearly making Kagome spill coffee all down her front.

“DON’T SNEAK UP ON ME!” she shouted,

“I wasn’t sneaking you weren’t paying attention I would of know you were coming into the kitchen if you were coming from the master bathroom.” he said smugly,

“You know when I’m in the bathroom?” she said disgusted,

“That’s not the point, you should pay more attention,” he chided,

“So you’re admitting you know when I’m in the bathroom,” she said tauntingly,

“I know what you’re doing at all times when were both in this apartment,” he said suggestively,

“That’s creepy,” she said wrinkling her nose

“That’s living with a Hanyou,” he said plainly

“Humph” she said going back to the itinerary,

“So what time do we leave to get your sister?” he said leaning over her shoulder blowing on her neck gently sending shivers up her body,

She spun around to face him,

I’m going to leave here at ten,” she said looking at the clock it was only a little bit past nine thirty.

“Don’t you think there would be ‘awkward questions’ if I wasn’t there?” he said loftily,

Damn it he’s right she fumed,

“Fine you can come but don’t embarrass me okay?” she said a hint of pleading in her tone,

“When do I ever embarrass you?” he said innocently,

“Your living is an embarrassment” she retorted,

“I’m hurt,” he said playfully,

“And I don’t care” she shot back,

“Mrs. Takahashi how could you care so little for you husband?” he said gathering her up in his arms, she tried pushing him off but he was really strong damn him and his Hanyou strength,

“Because you’re not really my husband you’re a guy I met in Vegas and by some cruel twist of fate I’m trapped with for the next year.”

“You forgot the part where I make you moan with ecstasy,” he said leadingly,

“You’re a pig,” she said turning her head away from him,

He took one arm off her waist and turned her head to face him, she gazed into his golden eyes,

“No I’m not” he said calmly, Kagome felt trapped in his golden gaze for a moment, swimming in a sea of gold she felt her self relax slightly in his tight embrace, then she realized his grip had loosened she pushed off his chest freeing herself from his grasp.

“You are, now lets go or Rin will be waiting for us at the curb” she said grabbing her bag, and headed for the door Inuyasha was right about one thing. She should be more alert he had nearly tricked her just then. She was sure that was another lame attempt at seduction, she would have to be on constant alert apparently no time was safe from his deceit.

Nearly Two hours later Kagome and Inuyasha found themselves standing outside Rin’s terminal, Gate 58. Kagome looked around at the large crowds milling about as they waited.

“So what does you sister look like?” Inuyasha said looking around,

“Like me I guess” Kagome said watching him out of the corner of her eye trying to gage his reaction. She wasn’t happy to see a mischievous smirk on his lips.

“What are you thinking?” she said turning on him,

He grinned at her, “About what I would do if I had two of you,” he said mischievously,

“You’re sick that’s my baby sister” she shot back,

“I’m not interested in your sister, I was just thinking about ways to clone you so I could have two of you,” he said wistfully,

“You’re such a pig,” she scoffed,

Inuyasha only laughed to himself.

A few minutes later Rin’s plane arrived at the terminal and unloaded, Kagome felt nervous energy building over Rin and Inuyasha’s meeting. Was he going to do something perverted in front of her sister? He’d already proven he had no shame when he had done what he had done to her in her office.

Her thoughts were thrown aside when she heard Rin calling out to her.

“KAGOME” she said jumping up and down behind a large crowd of people. Her wavy brown hair flying into the air with each jump. She was wearing a bright orange baby doll t-shirt and a pair of matching orange earrings.

“RIN” Kagome said waving to her,

Rin pushed through the crowd then ran to Kagome throwing her arms around her waist nearly knocking her to the floor in a hug.

“ ‘Gome I missed you,” she said into her shoulder,

“I missed you” Kagome said, she held Rin back at arms length to get a better look at her, she had grown up a lot in the last year. It was only her second year of college and she was already starting to look like a young woman. “I swear you get prettier every time I see you”

“ ‘Gome stop it your embarrassing me” Rin said a slight blush on her cheeks. “Is that your husband?” Rin said astounded, when her eyes fell on Inuyasha.

“Oh yeah Rin this is Inuyasha, Inuyasha this is Rin” Kagome said with out enthusiasm,

“It’s so great to meet you!” Rin said excitedly running forward wrapping he arms around Inuyasha trapping him in a bear hug.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome with an expression mixed with terror and confusion. Kagome couldn’t help herself and laugh aloud.

“You too” Inuyasha finally managed to let out when Rin released him,

“Let’s get your bags,” Kagome said stifling her laughter and taking Rin by the hand,

“You didn’t tell me he was so cute,” Rin whispered in Kagome’s ear.

“I guess it slipped my mind,” Kagome said lightheartedly and led Rin down to the baggage claim.


Once They got Rin’s bags from baggage claim they hiked across the airport parking lot back to the car. Then sat in airport traffic for another thirty minutes and were home nearly five hours after they left. When they arrived home, Kagome showed Rin to the second guestroom that Inuyasha hadn’t been using since all his things were still in the first guestroom.

When Rin was settled, they headed into the kitchen,

“So what do you want for dinner?” Kagome said looking in the fridge,

“Oh ’Gome can I make you dinner?” Rin said hopefully,

“But Rin you’re our guest” Kagome said warily,

“Please ‘Gome I’ve been practicing cooking lately and I want to try a stir fry recipe for you,” Rin said pleading with her eyes.

“Oh alright but just remember you’re here to relax not to be my slave” Kagome chastised,

“I know, I Know,” Rin said plaintively,

Luckily, Kagome had managed to go grocery shopping the day before and she had all the ingredients Rin need to make the stir-fry. Inuyasha reappeared when dinner was on the table, he had been in the room they were calling ‘his office’ while Rin was visiting ever since they got home. What he was doing in there Kagome had no idea she had only seen a glimpse inside of the room the night she had knocked on his door, she wasn’t even sure if there was bed in there.

When they had all eaten and were satiated Kagome and Rin went to sit on the love seat that used to be in Kagome’s old apartment and Inuyasha was relaxing in his recliner from his old apartment watching a Youkai sporting event.

Kagome spent time catching up with Rin. Rin had decided she wanted to be a doctor and would be enrolling in pre-med classes next fall. Kagome asked after her mom, grandfather, and their younger brother, who was still in high school. She also asked Rin to swear not to tell the family about Inuyasha until she was ready.

“So How is your love life” Kagome asked good-naturedly,

“Dismal” Rin moaned, “Me and Shippo broke up”

“Oh I’m sorry Rin, I’m sure you’ll meet some one new, you’re young still,” Kagome said reassuringly Rin and Shippo had met in college and had been dating for nearly a year Kagome had yet to meet him.

“Yeah just look at me and Kagome” Inuyasha said walking over to them from the kitchen where he had apparently been listening to their conversation, “It was practically fate that brought us together anything is possible” He smiled at Rin.

“You’re right Inuyasha” Rin said happily, “You’re so lucky to have such a great husband,” Rin said to Kagome,

“Yeah I guess” Kagome said hesitantly,

Inuyasha came over and wrapped his arms around Kagome from the behind

“See sweetums even your sister thinks I’m great” he said nuzzling into her neck sucking on it gently, she felt a slight spike of arousal damn him he knows how that affects me.

“You’re right” she ground out, “I am lucky”

Rin smiled at the pair of them then looked to the clock,

“Oh it’s so late” she said, Kagome turned around to look at the wall where the clock read 12:16,

“We should probably all go to bed,” Kagome said, “We have lots of things to do tomorrow,” she said smiling at Rin.

“You’re right we should get to bed,” Inuyasha said huskily into Kagome’s ear. Damn it why did I ask him to sleep in my room!

“Well you guys have a good night,” Rin said cheerily heading to her room.

Kagome headed for the bedroom she could hear Inuyasha right on her heels. She grabbed the first thing she could out of her drawer to wear to bed and ran into the bathroom to change. She was convinced Inuyasha was going to try and sneak a peek at her while she was dressing.

She was able to get dressed without distraction, however when she came out of the bathroom Inuyasha was sprawled out face down across her bed in nothing but a pair of black boxers on, hugging a pillow to his chest.

“Inuyasha why are you in my bed?” she said impatiently if this was some sort of seduction attempt it was lame,

“Going to sleep what does it look like” he said into the pillow,

“I said we were sharing a room I never said you could sleep in my bed”

“Well I’m not getting out of this bed unless you make me,” he said flipping over to face her.

“Then I’m ‘making’ you get out” she said hands on hips,

“That’s not what I meant, I mean you need to come over here and wrestle me out of the bed,” he said leaning up on one elbow his silvery white hair spilling onto the bed behind him. She took in his lean chest muscle and sculpted arms. Am I strong enough to wrestle him out of my bed? She thought looking down at her own arms the were toned but she wasn’t sure she was strong enough to wrestle an adult male Hanyou.

“If that’s the way it is,” She said as she ran toward the bed hoping a running start would give her the momentum to push him off the bed. She stretched out her arms and thrust into his abdomen, she could feel his stomach give a little, but he didn’t even react, he didn’t move an inch, it was like hitting a brick wall.

“Is that your best shot?” he said in a bored tone,

“No that was a warm up” she said defiantly well running doesn’t help maybe if I pull on one of his arms or legs? She wrapped both arms around his arm that was laying casually on his side. She pulled and tugged she even stood on the bed holding onto his wrist with both hands he wouldn’t budge. Then she grabbed onto his ankle and tried the same technique no good he didn’t even move an inch.

“Are you done yet?” he said sounding bored looking down at one clawed hand.

“Not even close” she said rebelliously,

“Suit yourself,” he said laying on his back arms behind his head,

Kagome tried wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling to no avail, then she tried his shoulders, and everywhere she could get a hold of him, but nothing worked.

“Okay I’m bored with this” Inuyasha said, and in a movement too quick for Kagome’s eyes Inuyasha grabbed Kagome, threw her to the bed, straddled her and pinned both her arms to the bed.

“Do you give up now?” He said golden eyes dancing,

“No,” she panted,

“Give up you’re no match for my Hanyou strength”

“I’ll never give up” she said vehemently,

“Just make it easier on yourself and give in already,” he said, leaning into her she could feel his breath on her neck, “you know you would like it,” he said alluringly,

Kagome felt herself getting lost in his golden gaze again, she leaned forward a hairs breath away from pressing her lips to his when there was a knock on the door brought her back to reality he nearly got me! She thought despairingly,

“Hey sorry to bother you but do you have any toothpaste I think I left mine at home” Rin said from behind the door.

“Oh yeah hold on a second” Kagome said, Inuyasha got up and let Kagome out from beneath him. She walked into the bathroom grabbed a tube of toothpaste and headed to the master bedroom door. She unlocked it and handed the toothpaste to Rin who was in her cat pajamas, with her hair up in a ponytail.

“Thanks ‘gome” She said sweetly,

“No problem” Kagome said, she closed the door and turned back to the bed, she expected to see Inuyasha sitting there triumphantly but instead he had laid blankets and a pillow on the floor, and as far as Kagome could tell he was asleep on the floor.

He’s not fighting me anymore? She thought. she crawled under the covers on her bed and scooted to the edge of the bed to look down at Inuyasha. I think he’s a sleep, I cant believe he gave up so easily. I bet this is all his plan lure me into complacency then trap me when I’m not paying attention, but I have your number Inuyasha I know your game. She thought as she rolled over, then drifted off to sleep.

Inuyasha listened as Kagome breathing became shallower and deeper. When he knew she was asleep he rolled over and let out a sigh. His original intention tonight had been to try and seduce her again or at least mess with her a little bit. But there had been a moment there on the bed where he had forgotten all about the bet, all about the court ruling that made her stay with him. It had felt natural to play like that almost like a wife or a mate. He shook his head she wasn’t those things she had even said so herself this afternoon, she was like a special type of roommate, who as far as the law and everyone else was concerned was his wife. but that wasn’t what this, was this was a game and she was his prey, he would let her sleep alone in the bed tonight, but starting tomorrow he would continue his chase.






  ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





& nbsp;



Inuyasha woke the next morning with a painful crick in his back, he rubbed his lower back methodically as he looked around the room. Why am I on the floor? He thought sleepily, then his vision cleared and his nose was filled with the scent that was Kagome, Oh that’s right I’m sleeping in her room for the next two weeks, maybe I should of tried sleeping in the bed after all. Inuyasha kicked the blankets off his feet and jumped up, Kagome was still sound asleep. Damn wench making me sleep on the floor I should of just slept in the bed who cares if she was making me ‘feel’ things. He watched her sleeping form for a moment. She looks so innocent, he thought that’s not how she is though she’s the one that tied me up and left me in a motel room all night. He shook his head as if to shake away the thoughts, Now’s not the time for that he thought.

He dressed with some clothes he had stowed in the master bedroom closet the day before while Kagome was talking with Rin. He ran a clawed hand through his hair to smooth it out then went into the living room, Rin was sitting on the couch watching music videos, one of Kagome’s decorative blankets wrapped around her knees.

“Morning” she said merrily,

“Morning” Inuyasha replied sleepily he walked over to the kitchen and started up the instant coffee machine. “You’re up early,” he said conversationally,

“Yeah I’m a morning person I guess,” she said smiling at him, “where are you going, to work?”

“Yeah I have to leave in about five minutes,” he said looking at the clock on the wall.

“Where do you work?” she said sounding interested and he could never resist and opportunity to talk about work.

“Shikon Advertising Company” He said proudly,

“So you’re in advertising?” Rin said excitedly,

“Yep” he replied pouring himself a cup of coffee,

“I was thinking about taking a course in advertising,” Rin said conversationally,

“Really? I thought you were interested in medicine,” he said,

“Yeah I am,” She said sounding kind of sad,

“Are you not interested in medicine?” Inuyasha asked genuinely interested,

“It’s not that, I find it interesting and I was always good in science, I just don’t have a passion for it like Kagome did” Rin said contemplatively,

That’s right Inuyasha thought Kagome mentioned an interest in medicine that night we met I wonder why she didn’t pursue it?

“You know if you interested in advertising maybe you should come take a tour of the office,” Inuyasha said casually,

“Really?” Rin said excitedly,

“Sure I don’t see why not,” He said off handedly

“Thanks Inuyasha” Rin cheered,

“Your welcome, just have Kagome bring you around, about noon.” He said standing up and heading to the door. He grab his suitcase and was gone. Rin had given him important information he knew he could use it to his benefit somehow . He just wasn’t sure to what benefit yet.


Kagome woke up when voices from the living room drifted in through her open bedroom door. Doesn’t anyone close doors anymore? She thought angrily. She kicked off her blankets and threw her legs over the edge of the bed and she felt the blankets Inuyasha had slept on the night before against here toes, doesn’t he know how to pick up after himself? What am I a maid? She fumed picking up the blankets, she heard part of Inuyasha and Rin’s conversation as she was bending over.

“I was thinking about taking a course in advertising,” Rin said conversationally,

Rin’s interested in advertising I never knew Kagome thought,

She stood up and went to she stand just behind the bedroom door to listen to the conversation.

“Are you not interested in medicine?” Inuyasha asked,

“It’s not that, I find it interesting and I was always good in science. I just don’t have a passion for it like Kagome did” Rin said contemplatively. She’s right I did love it but the shrine would of gone under if I made Mama and Jii-chan pay for that much schooling plus I need to get a job that would support me sooner medicine would of taken years. She thought sadly

“You know if you interested in advertising maybe you should come take a tour of the office” Inuyasha said casually,

“Really?” Rin said excitedly,

“Sure I don’t see why not” He said off handedly

“Thanks Inuyasha” Rin cheered, damn him, now I have to go to his work I cant tell Rin no she sounds so excited,

“Your welcome, just have Kagome bring you around about noon.” she listened as his foot steps faded down the hallway then she heard the door close. Kagome decided then was a good time to go into the living room.

Rin was curled up on the couch watching music videos on television

“Morning ‘Gome” Rin said pleasantly

“Morning Rin, sleep well?”

“Yeah that bed in your guest room is really comfortable, I may just move in!” Rin said jokingly,

Then I would have to share a room with Inuyasha all the time I don’t think I could do that. Kagome thought darkly,

“You okay?” Rin said sounding concerned,

“Huh yeah I’m fine just a little groggy I guess, so what were you and Inuyasha talking about?” Kagome said casually,

“Oh he was telling me a little about his work, he invited us to take a tour of his office this afternoon” Rin said excitedly,

“Oh” Kagome said non-committal

“Could we go?” Rin said hopefully, the last thing Kagome wanted to do with her day off was visit Inuyasha at work but there was no way of avoiding it with out causing suspicion.

“Yeah I don’t see why not” Kagome said hesitantly,

“Great!” Rin said excitedly,

“So what do you want to do until then?” Kagome said, she wasn’t sure what do with her free time she never had free time.

“I was thinking we could go shopping, then maybe get pedicures?” Rin said hopefully,

“And who’s paying for all this?” Kagome said raising an eyebrow,

“I’ll pay for my own way I got a part time job in the school cafeteria so I have some extra cash I’ve been saving for this trip” Rin said proudly,

“Well that’s okay I guess” no matter how much money Kagome had she couldn’t spend frivolously, she would always hold onto her frugal upbringing.

Kagome made them some breakfast, then they left to go shopping. Kagome hadn’t been to the mall in years and was taken aback by how young all the mall patrons were did I look like that when I was their age? She thought watching a group of preteen girls giggling over a pair of hot pink earrings with dangling stars and glitter. Rin was spinning a turntable of earrings near by,

“What do you think of these?” Rin said holding up a pair of hot pink earrings in the shape of a heart with an arrow shooting through them, .

“Cute” I guess Kagome said, Rin looked down at them thoughtfully,

“Are you just saying that cause you think that’s what I’d like to hear?” Rin said asked hesitantly,

“Yeah” Kagome admitted,

“Thought so” Rin turned the earring display once more, “What about these?” Rin held up a pair of faux-green emerald studs.

“I like those” Kagome said genuinely,

“I’m going to get them then” Rin said putting them in the little basket she had on her arm, “Do you want something ‘Gome?”

“No I’m fine” Kagome said waving her hands in front of her self the truth was she didn’t really like this type of jewelry it was mostly made for preteen girls.

“Alright suit yourself” Rin said heading to the front of the store to pay, Kagome fidgeted with a basket while she waiting for Rin, When something sparkly poked out from the beneath some scarves. She picked it up it was necklace with a large pearlescent jewel, how pretty she thought. She checked the price tag is was marked down to only a dollar. Kagome’s bargain hunter in her screamed for her to buy it but the sensible side of her told her she would never wear it.

The battle raged for several minutes until she gave in to temptation and bought it. The shop girl, a young blond with a light sprinkling of freckles across her face, rang up her purchase and handed it to her in a small bag.

“What did you buy?” Rin said eyeing her bag, once they were outside the store

“This necklace” Kagome said taking it out of the bag, “It was only a dollar”

“Great deal, that looks like a real pearl” Rin said eyeing it,

“I’m sure it’s not if it came from a store like that” she said pointing a thumb behind her to the store.

“You never know I knew a girl, who knew a girl, who had a friend that bought a real diamond ring from a thrift store once” Rin said knowledgably,

“That wasn’t a thrift store though, that was a cheap jewelry store in the mall” Kagome corrected

“I’m just saying” Rin said jovially,

“Come on lets get our pedicures now” Kagome said grabbing hold of Rin’s hand leading her to the nail salon.

They were seated right away and put in large massaging pedicure chairs Kagome relaxed into the chair while the manicurist scrubbed her feet with sea salt and nipped her cuticles.

“This is the life” Kagome said relaxing into the chair.

“You said it” Rin said languidly from the chair next to her, “Do you want to go to Inuyasha’s office after this?”

Damn I was hoping she would forget,

“Oh he might be busy I don’t want to interrupt him” Kagome said hoping to deter her,

“You should call him he might not be,” Rin said hopefully,

“Okay” Kagome said hesitantly she pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed Inuyasha’s office. It rang a few times then some one answered,

“Good Afternoon Shikon Advertising, Inuyasha’s office, this is Sango how may I help you?” Sango said,

“Hey Sango its Kagome, is Inuyasha busy right now”

“No, he said if you called to put you right through” Sango said cheerily,

“Oh great” Kagome said,

“Hold on I’ll transfer you”
She put Kagome on hold for a moment then Inuyasha picked up

“Inuyasha speaking” he said in a business like tone,

“Hey its Kagome” she said,

“Oh hello Mrs. Takahashi” he said,

Kagome bit back the don’t call me that, that had risen in her throat Rin was watching her eagerly,

“So Rin mentioned that you said she could come tour the office but if you’re busy we could do it another day” Kagome said hoping he would be busy.

“Oh no I cleared my whole schedule for this” He said evilly, what is he planning? She thought darkly.

“Oh wonderful” she ground out, “We’ll be there soon”

“See you then sweetums” he said playfully

“Bye” she said hanging up the phone, she was playing into his trap she was sure of it, but after what she heard Rin say this morning she had to go.





  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            

Inuy asha could hardly wait for Kagome to arrive, all kinds of devious thoughts ran through his head as he looked at a clients file with out seeing it. He sat back in his desk relaxing, what should I do? Tease her a little or maybe just get her hot any heavy and wanting me, so tonight she’s easy pickings. A little flashing icon on his computer caught his attention, he had a new email. He clicked on it and read the message.


Attention all Shikon Advertising employee’s we are currently taking applications for the summer internship program all applications should be forward to CEO Sesshomaru Takahashi,


Inter-Office Administrator

Gaken Kappa

How convenient he thought this certainly opens up a golden opportunity for me I’ll have to use this to my benefit. He laughed to himself, it’s like the universe was working with him to manipulate Kagome to his will.

“It’s not like Kagome’s isn’t easy” he said to himself,

“I’m what?” an angry voice said from the doorway. He looked up to see Kagome looking thunderous

“Hello sweetums” he said standing up to greet her,

“What did you say I was?” Kagome said stonily,

“I didn’t say anything dear” he said patronizingly looking around for Rin she was looking at a small fountain near the elevator. “It’s nothing important Mrs. Takahashi” he added hoping to get a reaction out of her. He did love it when she yelled ‘don’t call me that’ at him.

“Inuyasha I heard you say something about me what was it?” she demanded,

“So I can call you Mrs. Takahashi now? Have you conceded do I win?” he said walking over to her, moving in close. “Because if you have I’ll make it the best time you ever had.” he said seductively he put a hand on her waist and pulled her close. Nipping at her throat lightly gods her taste drives me wild he thought, he could smell the faint scent of her arousal. I have you now Kagome,He thought triumphantly

“Could you please refrain from using my business as a brothel?” a voice drawled near by,

Inuyasha turned to see Sesshomaru standing in the doorway to Inuyasha’s office Rin standing behind him smiling widely.

“What the hell do you want?” Inuyasha spat at Sesshomaru.

“I wanted to know if you made any progress on the Hakurei account but apparently you have company” He said in a disinterested tone.

“Oh yeah this is my wife Kagome and her younger sister Rin” Inuyasha said pointing to each in turn,

Sesshomaru nodded wordlessly at each of them Rin smiled widely up at Sesshomaru,

“I met Sesshomaru out in the hall” Rin said excitedly “I knew he was your brother because of his hair”

“Keh, I’d like to think we don’t look a like at all”

“I agree” Sesshomaru said,

“Well I see the resemblance” Rin muttered

“Why don’t we get this tour over with” Kagome said breaking the tension,

“Good idea sweetums” Inuyasha said putting his hand on Kagome’s waist and leading her out the door past Sesshomaru.

“Nice meeting you” Rin said to Sesshomaru as she followed them out the door.

Inuyasha showed them the entire building from the mailroom to the conference room, and he watched Rin’s eyes widen with excitement at everything, it was all too easy. When he returned to the office, he turned to Rin.

“So what do you think?” he said,

“Its so amazing I didn’t realize how much was involved” Rin said awe struck,

“You know Rin we have a summer internship program here if you’re really interested you should sign up” he said casually,

Kagome shot him a stony glare that he ignored,

“Really?” Rin said her excitement rising “Is there anything I need to enroll in to get it?”

“Nope just a willingness to work for free” he said playfully “Plus you could stay with us all summer wouldn’t that be great?”

He smiled at Kagome realization apparent in her features, he had backed her into a corner if she said no, or tried to make an argument Rin would get suspicious and she would want to avoid jail time as much as he did. And if he could share a room with her for the entire summer if would give him unlimited access to her until he won the bet for real, maybe he should add bed privileges as well? Either way it was a small triumphant but a triumph nonetheless.

“What do you think ‘gome?” Rin said hopefully,

“Yeah Kagome what do you think?” he said patronizingly,

“It would be great!” she said trying to sound excited but it fell a little flat.

“Thank you so much!” Rin said running over to hug Kagome, while Kagome was hugging Rin, Kagome mouthed to Inuyasha ‘I’m going to get you for this’

“Well you two should get going I have work to do” Inuyasha said sadly,

“Awe” Rin whined,

“Don’t worry I’ll fill out your application for you Rin and before you know it you’ll be an Intern at Shikon Advertising.”

“Thank you so much Inuyasha” she said clapping her hands,

“You’re welcome Rin” he said humbly

Inuyasha escorted them to the door and whispered in Kagome’s ear, before she left “Your move”, She gave him a death glare and followed Rin out the door.






Review Responses(in order received):

Thank you Badgirl093, Demonhybrid13, Kagome_rocks, Marzy, thisismesmiling,Shiina,Star55555528, dreamer789, For your reviews you motivate me to write faster!