InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Yes ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:

By Nicluv1787


  A/N: So I originally didn’t intend to write this chapter, but there was some things that I wanted to clear up before I moved on to Chapter six. I just wanted to clarify, Goshinki is Naraku’s third in carnation for anyone that didn’t remember or was confused. Well thanks for reading once again and enjoy Chapter five.


Inuyasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don’t sue me.



Chapter Five:

- Yes


Normally Kagome was a cautious and safe driver, however today she was so filled with rage she paid no heed to the drivers around her. She swerved in and out of lanes as horns blared around her, that sneaky, underhanded, dirty trick, playing bastard she fumed internally. He doesn’t even really need to win now he gets to sleep in my room for three whole months. She couldn’t stand the thought of waking every morning to that smug triumphant grin. Damn him, Kagome thought angrily. She cut off another car making the driver slam on their brakes, their tires squealing along the pavement.

“Kagome is everything alright?” Rin said cautiously,

“Everything is fine Rin” Kagome ground out,

“Do you not want me to stay this summer?” Rin said hesitantly, “Did you want time alone with Inuyasha I know you only just got married and you probably want time alone before you have guests for an extended period of time”

She pulled up to a stoplight, Kagome turned to Rin, she had to stifle her bitter laughter that rose up in her throat,

“No that’s not it Rin, I’m just worried you’re doing this so you can spend time with me I know we haven’t seen much of each other since I moved away for work” Kagome said hoping it would appease Rin.

“I‘m not” Rin replied firmly “I really am interested in advertising, I miss you too though.”

“Then it’s not a problem Rin, I’m happy if you’re happy” Kagome replied, “So what do you want to eat for lunch?” she said changing the subject.

“Italian sounds good,” Rin said,

“Sounds like a plan” Kagome replied happily. She needed to set aside her own anger for Rin’s sake, and she would deal with Inuyasha later.

Kagome took Rin to a little hole in the wall Italian restaurant she used to drive by on her way home from work to her old apartment. She’d never had a chance to try it before.

A round faced girl with black hair showed them to a corner booth in the dimly lit restaurant, the table was covered in a faded red and white checkered table clothe and there was a little red glass candleholder in the middle of the table with a small flickering candle.

“This place is cute,” Kagome, said sliding into the booth,

“I love it!” Rin announced sitting across from her.

An older woman with black hair streaked with gray, wearing a floral printed dress and white apron took their orders. Rin ordered the Fettuccini and Kagome was having a craving for Spaghetti for some strange reason. She remembered the last time she had eaten spaghetti, it was when Inuyasha had made it for her, then he had tried that pathetic nice guy seduction attempt, she’d almost believed him for a moment, until he kissed her, that’s when she knew he was trying to trick her. How am I supposed to live my life when every time I turn around he’s trying to seduce me? Kagome thought scowling into her iced tea.

“What are you thinking about?” Rin said stirring some sugar into her own iced tea,

“I was thinking about…work” Kagome lied quickly,

“The Goshinki thing” Rin asked, “It’s been all over the tabloids”

“Don’t I know it” Kagome sighed, even though she hadn’t been thinking about it just then, it still was at the back of her mind.

“Your job is amazing ‘Gome you get to work closely with famous people it’s so glamorous,” Rin said with awe,

“It’s really not that glamorous,” Kagome said dismissively,

“Sure it is you go to parties, meet famous people, I bet if I had a glamorous job I would attract more guys” Rin sighed,

“Since when do you need to be glamorous to attract more guys?” Kagome said accusingly,

“Since I met a god,” Rin mumbled,

“When did you meet a god? We’ve only been to the mall and we didn’t meet anyone there and then we went to Inuyasha’s work…” Kagome trailed off realization hit her “You like Inuyasha’s brother Sesshomaru!” Kagome said playfully,

“Quiet you don’t need to tell the whole world!” Rin said in a hushed tone,

“You like Inuyasha’s brother, that’s cute” Kagome said laughing to herself,

“Quit it Kagome” Rin said pouting,

“Okay I’ll stop” She paused, “I guess that’s extra motivation for the internship huh?”
“’Gome!” she whined,

“That was the last one I swear,”

“Promise not to tell Inuyasha?” Rin pleaded,

“Of course your secret is safe with me,” Kagome said crossing her chest,

“Thanks” Rin said relaxing,

The waitress showed up with breadsticks effectively ending the conversation. Kagome didn’t know a whole lot about Sesshomaru, but what harm could come from a crush. A Youkai that looked like him would have girls lined up around the block. There was nothing for Kagome to worry about.




  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~            

After a long day at work Inuyasha was glad to be home once more, He’d spent the entire afternoon working on the ‘Mount Hakurei’ account it was an exclusive spa in the mountains that offered luxury accommodations to the rich and famous. Inuyasha was in charge of their ad campaign, he’d come up with the slogan ‘Purify your soul at Mount Hakurei’ when he pitched it to the company they were very responsive and relatively soon they would be starting an entire add campaign around the slogan he had come up with. That night he was feeling good and on top of his game.

He turned his key in the front door and pushed the door open, the smell of cooking meat filled his nostrils. Is Kagome cooking? He thought excitedly, following the enticing scent of food into the kitchen where Rin was standing in front of the stove.

“Welcome home” She said merrily,

“Thanks, are you cooking dinner again?” Inuyasha inquired feeling slightly disappointed he kept on holding onto the image of Kagome wearing nothing but an apron cooking him dinner,

“Yep” She said excitedly, “’Gome wanted to lay down for a little while so I volunteered to cook again”

“Oh, is she feeling alright?” he said,

“I think she was just tired, she told me to tell you, to go see her when you got home,” Rin said smiling naively,

“Did she, well I can’t resist my ladies calling now can I?” He said mischievously,

“Have fun,” She said turning back to her skillet,

Inuyasha headed to the bedroom wild thoughts running through his head, had Kagome admitted defeat and was she waiting for him naked on their bed. The things he would do to her once he was between those luscious thighs once more. She was like a drug and he was addicted he couldn’t wait until he got a taste of her once more.

He stood outside the door to the master bedroom and rapped lightly onto the door.

“Come in” She said flatly,

He opened the door and peered around it Kagome was sitting on the edge of the bed fully clothed, an angry scowl distorting her delicate features, she’s still mad I take he thought amusedly walking into the bedroom.

“Shut the door” She said coldly, He closed the door shut behind himself and locked it for good measure. When the door was closed, Kagome stood up,

“You!” she said her voice teaming with rage,

“Me?” Inuyasha said innocently he was finding this all terribly amusing,

“You are a conniving, manipulating, bastard,” She shouted, getting right in his face he could feel the rage radiating off of her.

“So I take it you don’t want Rin to stay for the summer internship?” he said with mock concern,

“That’s not what this is about and you know it!” She said angrily, “This is your twisted plan to sleep in here, because you knew you’d never win our bet so you had to be deceitful.”

“I don’t need to be deceitful to get what I want Kagome it’s just more fun that way, I could have you at anytime I want you’re like putty in my hands.”

“You disgust me” she spat,

“If that were true I wouldn’t smell your arousal when I do this,” He said snatching her around the waist and pressed her body against his, he crushed his lips to hers parting them easily tasting her, feeling the inner reaches of her warm mouth. At first, he felt her fighting him, then she relaxed and melted into him. She put her arms around him seductively she dragged her nails along his back, making him growl low in his throat. She moved down his back slowly until she reached the top hem of his slacks she hooked her hands in moving around to the front of his pants he loosened his grip slightly to allow her access to his engorging member, she stroked it slowly on the outside of his slacks, making him groan with anticipation. He loosened his grip on her waist a little more wanting to give her more free range to caress him, when he felt her tense up. I see how it is. Trying to seduce me to get away well two can play at this game. He tightened his grip once more on her waist, trying to ignore the pressure building in his pants. He broke apart their kiss and smirked at her mischievously, she seemed to get the message, he knew what she was up to, but instead of conceding defeat like he thought she would she continue to stroke his member through his pants. He returned by suckling at her neck nipping gently, every time he did this to her he got a positive reaction and today was no exception the faint smell of her arousal filled his nostrils. He gripped her tight around the waist and lifted her up to carry her to the bed, he wanted to see how far he could take this before she gave up.

He pinned her to the bed and straddled her around the waist and continued to kiss along her jaw line then gently across her neck nipping slightly till he met her collar bone, and down to the valley between her breasts suckling gently, the scent of her arousal was getting stronger and was intoxicating him further. He let go of one of her wrists and reached beneath her shirt, and underneath her flimsy bra and caressed her hardening nipple pinching and teasing it while he suckled at her neck. She moaned in pleasure urging him further he took his hand off her other wrist. Moving it cup her other neglected breast under the fabric of her shirt,

“Inuyasha” She moaned, gods it hot when she says my name like that he thought

“Yes?” he said huskily breaking contact with her neck for a moment,

“You shouldn’t have let go” She said pushing with all the force she could, he lost his balance momentarily and toppled over on the bed giving Kagome a chance to get away from him. Sneaky bitch got me again, he thought,

She stood at the edge of the bed straighten her clothes, glaring at him menacingly he just watched her with casual interest.

“Inuyasha I cant live like this, in constant fear of being ‘seduced,’” she said in a mocking tone,

“Once you give in you’d enjoy it,” He said leaning casually on his shoulder while lying on the bed,

“I mean it Inuyasha you should give up before your balls fall off” She said straightening her disheveled hair,

“I’ll quit as soon as you let me sleep with you every night in your bed,” he said leadingly,

“You must not be very attached to your balls then” She said in a condescending tone,

“I mean it Kagome,” he said, he wanted to sleep in her bed with her badly, to be wrapped in her sweet scent every night for the next year, that would be heaven.

“If you could get me to sleep with you before Rin returns for the summer I would let you sleep in my bed every night until this sham of a marriage is over, but when you don’t you have to give up on trying to seduce me” Kagome said watching him hands on hips,

He thought about it for a moment that gave him less that two months to get Kagome to sleep with him, it was a considerably less amount of time than their original agreement then again he didn’t think it would take him much longer before she was writhing beneath him in pleasure.

“I’m waiting,” she said impatiently,

“Deal” he said,

“Fine but don’t even try and sleep in the bed with me tonight, that’s part of the deal too,” she added,

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” He said innocently,

“Sure” She replied stomping out of the room.



  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &nbs p;          

Sesshomaru looked out across the city from the window to his office at the top floor of the building he had built himself. He had called his insolent half-brother to come speak with him about an application he had received on his behalf for the intern program. The girl Inuyasha was referring went by the name Rin, it had only been yesterday that he had met that young girl with his brothers wife by the same name. Was it her sister? He thought, they did seem to have some sort of resemblance, either way he couldn’t be bothered with such insignificant details, that’s what he had underlings for like Gaken where was that toad? He thought turning from the window. No matter he had to focus on the task at hand speaking with Inuyasha. According to the paperwork this girl ‘Rin’ was Pre-Med why would a Pre-Med student want to intern with an advertising company. It didn’t make any sense. There were plenty of applicants who could become possible employees in the future, he didn’t need to waste his time on simple-minded girls who were only doing this for a lark.

Sara his receptionist’s voice spoke from the intercom,

“Mr. Takahashi, Mr. Takahashi to see you”

“Send him in Sara,” He said coldly,

Inuyasha burst in before he could take his hand off the intercom button,

“What’s so important we have to meet in your office?” Inuyasha said without preamble depositing himself in one of his leather chairs by his desk.

“I have a question about the application you submitted for the intern program,” he said picking up the girls application.

“What about it?” Inuyasha said casually looking at his claws in a disinterested way,

“This girl is she your wife’s sister?”

“Yeah your point?” Inuyasha replied still focusing his attention on his claws,

“You wouldn’t be using your position in the company to further your wife’s families standing would you” He accused calmly,

“Why would I do that?” Inuyasha said regarding him in a bored way,

“I don’t know, I know very little of your wife” Sesshomaru said leadingly,

“Why do you keep saying wife like that?” Inuyasha accused pointing a finger in his direction,

“No reason,” he said dismissively, he had his doubts about his brothers marriage. None that he would bring to his attention he had no desire to insight a fight with him, “if not for your own personal interest, why does she want the internship?”

“Keh, beats me,” Inuyasha said shrugging his shoulders.

“You recommended her and you don’t know why?” Sesshomaru said loftily,

“She’s interested in advertising that’s the extent of my knowledge” Inuyasha replied,

“Then why take Pre-Med classes?” Sesshomaru said looking down at the paper work,

“Like I said I don’t know if you want to know why don’t you just have the girl come in for and interview or something” Inuyasha said standing, “Now if were done here I have things to do”

“Fine” Sesshomaru replied as Inuyasha left the room, slamming the door after himself for good measure.

“Idiot” he muttered under his breath,

Sesshomaru stared at the application for a few moments, normally he would just pass over this type of thing but this girl intrigued him, he’d give her an interview at least just to have her explain herself.

He picked up the phone on his desk and dialed the number on the application it rang a few times before a young female voice answered,

“Hello” She said merrily,

“Hello is this Rin Higurashi?” Sesshomaru said professionally,

“This is she who am I speaking with?” She said sweetly,

“This is Sesshomaru Takahashi with Shikon Advertising, I’m calling about the application you submitted for the intern program.”

There was a loud thunk like the phone was being dropped then she came back on,

“Sesshomaru?” She said incredulously,

“Yes I was calling to see if you were still interested in our intern program,”

“Of course I’m still interested in you… I mean the program”

Sesshomaru’s mouth turned up at the corners, this girl was hopelessly ditzy,

“Good to hear, so would you be available for an interview tomorrow?” he said

“OF COURSE” She shouted, as he held the phone away from his ear,

“Report to my office at two tomorrow afternoon, and we’ll discuss your application”

“Thank you I’ll see you tomorrow,” She said excitedly,

He hung up the phone placing it in its cradle, he wasn’t sure about this girl she seemed a little bit like an airhead, but he never ignored his gut feels. That’s how his company had gotten to where it was today. Perhaps his feeling about her would change after tomorrow.




  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    


Kagome had gone to the drycleaners to pick up her bridesmaid dress for Kelly’s wedding, a light blue empire waist dress with thin straps, when Rin’s phone started to ring. Rin reached into her pocket to answer the call.

“I don’t know who this is” Rin said looking at the display screen,

“Answer it anyway, maybe its Sesshomaru” Kagome said playfully,

“Like that would ever happen,” Rin said then answered her phone,

“Hello” she said sweetly,


“This is she who am I speaking with?” She said sweetly,

Kagome watched as Rin’s whole face went blank and she dropped the phone,

“What’s wrong? who is it?” Kagome said concerned,

‘It’s Sesshomaru!’ She mouthed,

“Well talk to him!” Kagome scolded playfully,

“Sesshomaru?” She said incredulously, a grin to split her face in half,


“Of course I’m still interested in you… I mean the program” Rin blushed bright red Kagome laughed to herself Rin had it bad for Sesshomaru she‘d never seen her fall all over herself over a guy before.


“OF COURSE” She shouted, just then Kagome got a text she checked her phone it was from Kelly,

Reminder Rehearsal Dinner at Le France Friday Night at seven

Kagome responded:

Great see you then

“Thank you I’ll see you tomorrow,” Rin, said excitedly hanging up the phone,

“I have an interview with Sesshomaru!” She squealed,

“Congratulations” Kagome said smiling,

“I’m so nervous what if I trip or fall? Or stutter, or…”

Kagome’s phone was beeping once again, she checked it was another text from Kelly,

Don’t forget to bring Inuyasha with you Kags Jason wants to meet him, (Rin too.)

Kagome scowled at her phone,

“Who’s that?” Rin said, trying to peek at the message,

“Kelly telling me about her Rehearsal dinner Friday,” Kagome said replacing her scowl with a smile,

“Oh do I get to go?” Rin said hopefully

“Of course” Kagome said

“Yeah! I love weddings, I just wish I could have gone to yours,” Rin said sadly,

“Me too Rin, me too” Kagome lied, Sending a quick reply to Kelly





  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            

Rin stood outside of Inuyasha’s office taking deep calming breathes she was the most nervous she’d ever been in her entire life. She was going to be alone in a room with Sesshomaru. She’d never seen some one as attractive as him before and she was going to be all alone with him for an entire interview. She felt her nervousness kick into high gear and she continued her deep breathing.

“You’ll do fine” Kagome said reassuringly, “And I’ll be back to get you after my meeting with Goshinki” Kagome had told Rin she was taking advantage of the interview to have a quick meeting with Goshinki, in the mean time Rin was going to be hanging out with Inuyasha until her interview with Sesshomaru. Kagome nudged the door open, to Inuyasha’s office, Sango had told them they had permission to go in when they arrived, as she pushed to open the door it swung open from inside Sesshomaru was standing there in all his silver haired glory. Rin felt a sigh escape from her lips she would stare at him all day if she were given the chance.

“You’re early,” Sesshomaru said loftily,

She froze up she couldn’t think of anything to say,

“Yes” She said quickly,

“Well let’s get this over with since you’re here already,” He said walking away,

Rin watched as he walked away a regal elegance in each step,

“You should follow him,” Kagome whispered in her ear pushing her gently,

“Oh yeah” she said running to catch up he had already made it to the elevator and apparently wasn’t aware of the fact that she wasn’t right behind him. When the elevator doors opened, she entered the elevator with Sesshomaru and saw Kagome giving her the thumbs up as the elevator doors closed.

She attempted to continue her deep breathing, I’m alone in an elevator with Sesshomaru, just breath Rin, Just Breath. She chanted mentally the entire elevator ride. The elevator door opened at the top floor and Sesshomaru stepped out majestically Rin just stood grounded to the spot drinking in the sight of him. He turned around to her as the elevator doors began to close,

“Are you coming?” he said,

“YES” she said shouted, trying to run forward to stop the elevator but tripped over her own feet. He walked over and stopped the doors from closing,

“Well” He said smoothly,

Rin stepped out of the elevator her face bright red, she followed Sesshomaru into his office,

“Have a seat,” he said motioning to a seat,

Rin sat down in a leather chair in front of his desk, while Sesshomaru took a seat in a high-backed chair behind the desk. Rin sat with her hands folded staring straight ahead,

She took in his perfect features, from his pointed ears, to his navy crescent moon on his brow, to his black eyebrows above deep piercing golden eyes, the two pairs of magenta stripes on each side of his face his angled jaw, his delicate yet masculine mouth that was moving. Oh, no he’s talking to me! She thought worriedly,

“…that’s what were looking for from our interns do you think you can handle that?” he said raising a black eyebrow.

Just say yes she thought,

“Yes” She said firmly,

“Good to know” He said in a condescending tone,

I need to stop saying yes all the time he’s going to think I’m nuts, just pay attention to what he’s saying don’t stare at his face look at his chest.

She stared at his chest, she imagined his lean muscles beneath his expensive suit, and then her eye trailed down to his masculine clawed hands, which were interlocking with each other. I wonder what it would be like to have those hands all over my body. She thought, wait what am I doing I’m in the middle of an interview. She thought panicking

“Rin?” He said sternly,

“Yes?” she said blushing, afraid he could read minds.

“Have you been listening to me?” he said condescendingly,


“Are you alright?” he said,


“Can you say something other than yes?”

“Yes” stop it, stop saying yes,

“Rin I’m going to cut to the chase, I want to know why you’re interested in this internship”

Rin’s mouth felt extremely dry, this was her chance to say something intelligent all she had said since she’d said since she had gotten here was ‘yes‘. Think before you speak Rin she scolded herself. She took a deep breath then began.

“I’ve always been interesting in advertising, when I was in high school I was in charge of making banners for ASB,”

“Well this isn’t high school,” He said smarmily,

“I know that, I wasn’t finished,” she said firmly now that she‘d found her voice her resolve had taken over “then when I got into college my sister started paying for the part of my tuition that my scholarships didn’t pay for. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life at first, and then I remember how much Kagome wanted to study medicine, but when she was in college, we didn’t have a lot of money for school and Kagome had to pay for whatever scholarships didn’t pay for by working. So I decided to fulfill her dream by becoming a Dr. But it’s always been my dream to be in advertising so I thought that I could live my dream for one summer, before I return to my duty.” She finished her speech,

“Very touching” He said sarcastically,

Rin looked down crestfallen apparently, she wouldn’t be getting the internship,

“I’ll show myself out” She said standing up,

“I didn’t excuse you” he said firmly,

Rin sat back down like invisible hands had pushed her down,

“I’m going to give you the internship”

“Really?” she said excitedly

“Yes” He said snidely,

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said jumping up she ran over wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. She pulled away a second later, her face bright red,

“I’m sorry… I’ll leave” she said and with that ran out the door.

Sesshomaru touched his cheek where she had kissed him, strange girl he thought. No one had ever dared to touch him with out his permission before, she had a certain fire he had to admit that was intriguing to him. To bad she was pre-med they could use more people like her in the company. How she wanted to live her life was of no concern of his, her self sacrifice was admiral however. He looked down at the stack of paperwork laying on his desk, time to get back to work he thought, he dived into the first pile letting the new intern escape his mind.




  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~            

Goshinki was sitting outside Kagome’s office when she arrived,

“Come in my office Goshinki” she said bustling past him, immediately she felt him prodding within her thoughts. She shut the mental trap that locked her thoughts from him. She had been perfecting it since she took Goshinki on as a client, he was telepathic and he had a bad habit of prodding into people’s thoughts.

“Goshinki, I told you to stop invading my private thoughts if you don’t stop I’ll leave you to the mess you’ve made for yourself.” she said sternly,

“Sorry Kagome, I can’t help it your so good at blocking me I can’t help but try” he said in a rumbling voice,

“Be that as it may, I would prefer if you left my mind alone,” she said firmly turning back to walk in her office,

“Who’s Inuyasha?” he said a devisal’s grin on his dragon like features,

“What did you see?” she demanded, if he found that her marriage was a sham that could spell disaster, Goshinki could not keep a secret to save his life.

“I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to say it out loud,” He said smirking,

“Tell me what you saw Goshinki!” she said fuming,

“I saw an intimate moment where you were calling out that man’s name, is that your husband I got a memo about?” he said smiling secretly,

why do all my clients have to be so damn nosey?

“It is, now let’s move on with our meeting we have a lot to discuss,” She said bustling over to her desk.

“The thing is the place I got that memory from it was in your subconscious, do you remember that night?” he said sitting across from her,

Shit play it cool,

“Of course I remember that night don’t be ridiculous, you must have been mistaken I closed my mental trap to soon for you to register where it was coming from,” She said hotly,

“You’re probably right,” He said sounding convinced,

“Now are you done interrogating into my personal affairs? May we move on with our meeting?” she said,

“Of course” he said motioning with his arm,

That was close she thought, she didn’t realize things she didn’t remember herself would be stored in her subconscious, I’ll have to remember that it could be helpful later on.







Review Responses (in order received): Thank you to all my wonderful reviewers I love you all!

Inuyashalover829, Kagome_rocks, JenniferYo, bk, Dirty Little Secrets, Ohtatyare, Badgirl093, Shiina3, deathlord86, Aisuru 315, bunnyofthemoon.