InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Whore of Honor ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:
By Nicluv1787

Inuyasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don’t sue me.



- Whore of Honor


Kagome emerged from the bathroom wearing a silky green dress with a plunging neckline that flattered her athletic figure and exaggerated her ample breasts. Resting above her perfect round breast was a pearlescent jewel on a silver chain. ‘That looks familiar’ Inuyasha mused to himself, before he had more time to dwell on it Kagome cut into his thoughts.
“Stop staring at my breasts” she dispassionately,
“I would if, they would stop looking so alluring in that dress” he said smoothly,
“You’re such a pig” she said brushing past him towards the mirrored vanity.
“You know you love it” he said watching her lean over the desk of the vanity applying some mascara, he took in her long athletic legs as they led into the silk fabric of her dress, her firm rear presented like a bitch in heat.
Inuyasha licked his lips devilishly, that position brought to mind thoughts of plowing into her wet folds with his hardening member savagely like a wild dog. He stepped forward unconsciously, arms reached forward waiting to grasp her around her petite waist. He was a mere inches away when she stood suddenly turning to face him.
“What are you doing?” she said coldly,
“Nothing” he said casually straightening his clothes in the vanity mirror,
He needed to learn to control himself around her, he wasn’t get anywhere with her bumbling around trying to shove his dick in her, and Kagome took more finesse than that.
Kagome looked at him suspiciously,
“Alright lets getting going we’re almost late” she brushed past him towards the bedroom door,
He watched her hips swivel back in forth as she walked away, ‘I love that dress’, he thought before following her out the door.

The restaurant parking lot where the Rehearsal Dinner was being held was packed, Inuyasha pulled up to the front of the restaurant in his red convertible, he tossed the keys to the valet before opening Kagome’s car door for her then led her in with his arm around her waist, with Rin following after them. They walked up to the hostess’ podium where Kagome gracefully shook him off,
“We’re here for the Johnson party” Kagome said kindly to the hostess,
“Right this way ma’am” the hostess replied stepping out from behind the podium to lead them through the restaurant, they passed several rows of tables to the back of the restaurant to a private room. The hostess opened the door for them to the sound of lively conversation, when they stepped inside everyone went quiet all eyes were plastered on the three of them.
“Kags!” an attractive blonde called to them from across the long table,
“Hey Kelly, sorry we’re late” Kagome said walking around the table to sit near her, Rin and himself followed after her all eyes following their every move.
“Not a problem we’ve only just ordered,” Kelly said waving her hand, “Take a seat” she said motioning to three seats next to her. When they took their seats the conversations continued around them.
“Thanks” Kagome said sitting down,
“So are you going to introduce us?” A handsome blonde with sparkling blue eyes said addressing Kagome,
“Oh yeah, sorry Jason, this is my baby sister Rin and this is Inuyasha” she said pointing to Inuyasha without enthusiasm,
“Her husband” Inuyasha added extending a clawed hand to the young man,
“Oh Kelly says Kagome just raves about” Jason said in a friendly manner, Inuyasha looked at Kagome out of the corner of his eye she had a face of utter disgust,
“Does she?” Inuyasha said humbly a small smirk playing at the corner of his mouth,
“Oh yeah we hear nothing but good things about you” Kelly said smiling at him,
“That’s good to know?” he smiled kindly,

The waiter came around a few minutes later to take their orders and Kagome fell into a conversation with Kelly, Rin sitting on the opposite side of him was talking with a round faced girl with glasses. He looked around the room everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves but he did notice a few glances in his direction, most people weren’t used to seeing Hanyous so he was used to this kind of open ogling.
Conversation flowed around him and he was starting to feel bored, Kagome and Rin were both absorbed in their own conversations and he wasn’t looking to start a conversation with the elderly woman across the table who kept on watching him suspiciously out of the corner of her eye.
He leaned back in his chair let his hands fall to his side, as his left hand fell it brushed against Kagome’s thigh, she paused in her conversation for a moment to give him a suspicious look before continuing.
A brilliant idea came to him on how to defeat his boredom, he took one clawed finger and placed it gently on Kagome’s knee tracing it slowly up her thigh, he felt shivers run through her body urging him to continue, he repeated the action with two fingers going a little higher up her thigh, he heard her pause for a moment but she didn’t turn to look at him. He took three fingers repeating it once more, nearly reaching her hip before she shot him a stony gaze. He smiled back at her benignly before she returned to her conversation.
He took a full hand next and placed it on her knee travelling up beneath the fabric of her silky dress, she swatted his hand away before he got too far however.
That’s what he had been waiting for, some resistance it wasn’t any fun unless she made it into a game. His hand travelled underneath her dress once more reaching his prize her satiny underwear, he traced his finger along the edge of the delicate feeling material, he could smell Kagome’s slight arousal, he fantasized about what colors the under wear might be and how much he’d love to rip right through them and dive is fingers into the wet depths.
She grabbed his wrist purposefully and gave him a look that said ‘cut it out’ he only smiled back mischievously and made small circles on the outside of her panties. The scent of her full arousal wafted up to him as she squirmed underneath his hand, he was so absorbed in what he was doing he didn’t even notice when an older gentleman with graying blonde hair, stand up a few feet away from him, and everyone went silent to listen to him.
Inuyasha hooked a finger under the fabric of Kagome’s panties tracing his finger along the edge of her folds. She tried in vain to dislodge his hand to no avail,
“Inuyasha!” she shouted before turning bright red everyone in the room had stopped to look at the pair of them, he quickly withdrew his hand from beneath her dress. Hoping no one knew what he had been doing.
“Inuyasha you wanted to give a speech?” Kelly said hopefully, he looked around at everyone who was looking at him expectantly, ‘Why the hell not I’ve winged speeches before’ he thought,
“Sure” he said standing, “What do I say?”
“Something about a happy Marriage” Kagome said snidely,
‘Sneaky wench must have been listening’
“The success to a happy Marriage…” he began, “…before I tell you that, let me tell you all the story of how I met my beautiful wife Kagome”
He saw Kagome’s face drop considerably, ‘she wasn’t expecting that’ he thought smugly,
“About a month ago, I went to Las Vegas for a bachelor party, while I was in a club I was approached by a gorgeous raven haired girl in a tight black dress, we got to talking and I invited her up to my room. Being the wild woman she is she agreed,” there was a sprinkling of laughter through the crowd, Inuyasha could feel Kagome’s angry gaze on him as he continued. “we had a good time, if you know what I mean” he said winking, some more laughter, “then at some point that night I can’t pin point when I fell madly in love with her and asked her to be my wife, she said yes of course” he said smugly, a few more feeble laughs. “Now the point of that story was to make this point, the key to a successful marriage is spontaneity keeping your partners on their toes, because where would I be if my Kagome wasn’t so spontaneous? So let’s all raise a glass to Kelly and Jason may they have a long and spontaneous marriage!” there was a clinking of glasses and murmurs of approval as Inuyasha sat back down. Kagome was shooting death beams towards him when he turned to her and smiled,
“Yes sweetums?” he said,
“I hate you” she said at a deadly whisper,
“No you don’t dear you love me” he said patting her head before turning to listen to the next speech.


Inuyasha opened his golden eyes slowly blinking in the early morning light, he stretched his arms above his head before sitting up and scratching his lean stomach. His sleep clouded mind cleared and he realized Kagome had already left to get ready for the wedding. She hadn’t said a word to him once they got home from the rehearsal, just stony silence and off to bed. He wasn’t sure if he liked the silent treatment very much but there was nothing he could do about it right at this moment.
He got up and staggered around the room throwing on a tee-shirt and some sweats to cover his nearly naked body before wandering into the living room. When he entered the living room he saw Rin sitting at the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal already fully dressed in a bright orange halter dress.
“Morning” she said cheerily,
“Mornin” he said groggily walking over to the coffee pot on the counter, he just didn’t understand how she could be so cheery in the morning,
“Sleep well?” she said conversationally,
“Yeah I slept okay” he said rubbing his lower back, the floor was killing his back he needed to get Kagome to sleep with him soon, just so he wouldn’t have permanent back problems.
“What time did you want to leave for the wedding?” she said standing up to take her bowl to the sink,
“I don’t know in a bit I guess” he said pouring himself some coffee,
“Oh okay we may need to leave a little early I think ‘Gome left her purse here” she said pointing to a light blue purse near the front door
“She did,” he said with an evil grin, “Well I guess we’ll have to bring it to her”
“I guess we will” Rin said smiling benignly oblivious to all the devious plots Inuyasha had in store for Kagome.

Inuyasha and Rin arrived at the church an hour before the wedding was supposed to start the parking lot was only half full and Inuyasha didn’t see Kagome’s car anywhere. He sent Rin off to find them seats in the sanctuary while he went on a Kagome hunt. He found a church employee and asked her where the bridal changing rooms were, explaining that his wife had forgotten her purse and he was returning it to her, the sweet old woman kindly directed him down a long hallway to the bridal suite. As he approached the room he could smell Kagome faintly, which made him wonder if she was even there. He was about to turn around and look elsewhere when he heard Kagome’s name spoken by an unfamiliar voice. He paused behind the door marked ‘Bridal Suite’, he could sense at least two people behind the door,
“Can you believe Kagome married that guy?” the first woman said,
“I know I was just as surprised as you are” replied a second woman,
“And then that speech he gave last night what the hell was that? He was practically giving us details about their sex life!” the first woman said in disgust,
“I’ve always know Kagome was a slut though” said the second woman,
Inuyasha cracked his knuckles angrily as he listened to their conversation he could feel a slow rage bubbling inside him.
“Yeah she tries to act all high and mighty and above us then she sneaks off with some Hanyou right after she gets done looking down on us for dancing! Who the hell does she think she is the whore.”
The second woman laughed, “Yeah Whore of Honor” that’s when Inuyasha reached his limit he was brimming with indignation now, how dare they insult Kagome like that, she had made every effort to avoid sleeping with him. She was the farthest thing from a whore he could think of. He kicked down the door, a red head with too much blush and a blonde with curly hair and thick blue eye shadow stood staring at him in shock.
“Hello ladies” He said menacingly,
“What the fuck are you doing?” the red head shouted,
“That’s quite a mouth you have on you, I heard you ladies talking about me and my wife and I figured if you had something to say you could say it to my face” He stood glaring at the pair of them. Both just stared opened mouthed back at him.
“No? Nothing? Well since you’ve both been struck dumb and mute I have some things to say to you! You two whores have no right to be calling Kagome a slut or whore, she’s a good person and ten times the woman either of you could ever even attempt to be, and if I ever hear even a whisper that you two are tarnishing her good image I will take you down so hard you’ll never be able to walk again!”
The horror on their faces was more than satisfactory for Inuyasha, he had restored Kagome’s honor and those bitches had found their place. He turned to leave when he saw Kagome standing in the door way with Kelly and a short girl with a round face and glasses all three were in their street clothes with their hair and makeup already done.
Did she hear what they said? Did she hear what I said?´ Inuyasha thought,
“Inuyasha what are you doing here?” she said slowly,
‘Apparently she didn’t hear anything’ he thought sadly,
“You forgot this” he said shoving her purse into her awaiting arms, he wasn’t in the mood to mess with her any more, he brushed past her out of the room.
“Thanks” she said quietly as he passed,

Kagome hadn’t heard everything, she was walking through the hallway when she heard Inuyasha shouting she ran ahead of Kelly and Emily that’s when she heard Inuyasha telling McKenzie and Trina that she was ten times the woman they would never be, she was flattered but was it real? For all she knew Inuyasha could of heard her coming burst in and started screaming at the two of them for no reason just to look like some kind of twisted valiant knight, but then again Trina and McKenzie weren’t exactly her friends and they were prone to gossip so it wouldn’t surprise her if they were saying rude things about her. That didn’t explain the reason why Inuyasha would feel the need to defend her.
“Tell your attack dog to stay the hell away from us” McKenzie spat,
Kagome ignored the threat in her tone “Is what he said true?” Kagome said evenly,
McKenzie only glared at her and stormed out with Trina, ‘So they were talking about me, but did Inuyasha defend me to get in my pants or does he really care?’ Kagome looked down at the purse he brought her. He could be a good guy or it all could be some indirect plan to get her to sleep with him, but secretly Kagome hoped he was a good guy.


Hundreds of eyes were glued to Kagome as she walked down the aisle nervously, her bouquet clutched in front of herself like a life line. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so nervous, she had never been very good in front of large crowds. She reached the altar and stood facing the sweeping crowd the grooms men and groom were already at the altar when the bridesmaids had started their procession. She was amazed at the amount of people Kelly had invited to the wedding Kagome wasn’t even sure she knew that many people let alone being close enough to invite them to a wedding. Trina, McKenzie and then Emily filed in after her.
The flower girl and ring bearer came next, they were two cute little blonde children, the little girl was wearing a miniature version of a wedding dress, and the ring bearer was wearing a tiny tux. The music changed to a bridal march and everyone assembled stood to face the door. Kelly was standing in the doorway of the church sanctuary her father, a distinguished gentleman with graying blonde hair linked arms with her as they marched slowly down the aisle, Kelly had a smile to outshine the sun and eyes only for Jason. Her hair was up in an elaborate up-do of soft curls, and a scattering of pearls and a few draping tendrils that touched her bare shoulders. She was wearing a pure white sleeves gown with a fitted bodice and long train that trailed behind her.
Her father led her to the altar, kissed her on the cheek and gave her hand to Jason who was smiling brightly at her. They stood facing each other, looking at each other like they were the only two people in the world, as the pastor addressed the crowd, there was a prayer then Kelly’s mother and Jason’s step-mother read selections from a poem, Jason’s sister sang a love song to the couple. Then they moved onto the vows, Kelly’s blue eyes sparkled as she promised to have and hold forever and ever, they sealed their vows with a kiss and the crowd went wild.
The happy couple waved as they made their way to the back of the sanctuary, Kagome smiled happily for her friend’s happiness as Jason’s Best man Ben, held an arm out and escorted Kagome out of the sanctuary.

The time between the reception and the ceremony was like a chaotic blur, the photographer had them posing in every which way in every combination imaginable, girls only, bridesmaids and the groom, groom and the groomsmen, family shots, shots with the flower girl and ring bearer, different positions, different line ups.
Kagome was exhausted as she stood outside the reception hall waiting for the D.J to announce the bridal party’s arrival.
“And now ladies and gentlemen I’d like to ask you all to take your seats as we welcome our bridal party, first up it’s the Matron of Honor and Best Man, Kagome Takahashi and Ben Smith! Give it up for them” Kagome and Jason’s Best Man Ben, Jason’s best friend since elementary school, ran into the middle of the dance floor gave a dramatic bow then went to stand behind the bridal party table.
“Next up Bridesmaid Trina Taylor and Groomsmen Andrew Weinstein” Trina and Andrew, Jason’s stepbrother, came in doing the same theatrical bow as Kagome and Ben had done then went to stand behind the bridal party table. Next came McKenzie and Steven, Jason’s cousin and lastly Emily and Hunter, Jason’s younger brother, finally it was time for main event all eyes were on the door waiting for the couple of the hour.
“And now the couple of the day, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Johnson!” The D.J said playing some catchy hip-hop music as Kelly and Jason ran into the room holding hands they waved to everyone before coming to stand behind the head table.
“Now that our guest of honor have arrived we are going to get this party started for real, the bridal party is going to go first through the buffet and when I call your table go on ahead and gets some food”
Kagome’s stomach roared threateningly she hadn’t eaten all morning and she was almost as hungry as she was exhausted. She followed everyone through the crowd and she caught sight of Rin and Inuyasha sitting at a table nearby, Rin waved excitedly while Inuyasha looked completely disinterested. Kagome waved back at Rin before heading towards the smaller attached hall where the food was set up. ‘I guess Inuyasha’s not a fan of weddings either’ Kagome mused as she piled her plate full of food. She was reminded of what he had said early that morning, ‘He’s definitely not acting like himself I wonder if he’s alright’ she shook the thought away it wasn’t her concern it was probably all a trick anyway.


Inuyasha could not remember the last time he was this miserable, weddings were not his idea of a goodtime, they brought up bad memories, and on top of that everyone was looking at him like he had ears on top of his head, well he did, but that wasn’t the point. He didn’t realize it until the reception but he was the only non-human in attendance. Automatically making him a spectacle to the wedding guests. The people he was sharing a table with seemed to ignore him all together, he was sharing a table with an older couple from the rehearsal dinner and six other people who all had a strong physical resemblance to Kagome’s friend Kelly, cousins perhaps he wasn’t sure. They chatted politely with Rin but kept most of their answers brief, Inuyasha wasn’t sure if they were prejudice or just plain rude either way he was miserable.
He watched Kagome longingly wishing he could find some way to entertain himself. When the meal was finished he took his first chance to go talk to Kagome, and try to make up for lost time from this morning and maybe even get rid of some of the boredom he was feeling.
“Hey Rin” he said conspiringly, “Let’s go say hi to your sister”
“Sure” she replied brightly, “We’ll be right back” she said to the guests at their table, a couple of them gave her blank stares and one or two mutter and ‘okay’ lamely.

He weaved his way through the crowd to the head table where Kagome was sitting, her head resting in her hand, he was nearly to the table when he heard someone call out Kagome’s name from behind him.
“Kagome Higurashi is that really you!” the unfamiliar voice said,
Inuyasha spun around to see a man with black hair and a feminine quality to his face approaching Kagome smiling widely and waving.
“OH MY GOSH JAK!” Kagome shouted jumping up from her seat. Inuyasha had never seen her act so lively before. She ran over to the man and wrapped her arms around his neck in a familiar way. Kissing him on the cheek, Inuyasha wasn’t sure why but he saw red he marched up over to Kagome glaring at her angrily,
“How have you been!” Kagome gushed completely ignoring Inuyasha’s presence,
“Wonderful, wonderful and you?” he said,
“The same. Are you only in town for the wedding?”
“No didn’t Kelly tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“I’m the new Fashion editor for the Magazine I’m going to be in town permanently!”
“That’s just wonderful we have to have lunch and catch up!”
Inuyasha couldn’t stand being ignored any longer,
“Ehemm” he said clearing his throat,
They both looked at him one with a face devoid of interest and the second face lit up with excitement,
“Kagome who is this gorgeous man and why is he interrupting us?” Jak said playfully,
“Oh this is Inuyasha” Kagome said in a bored tone,
“Her husband” Inuyasha said putting a protective arm around her shoulder,
“Husband? Kagome you hussy nobody told me you got married!”
“It was very recent spur of the moment type of thing in…Vegas” she said in a guilty tone
“Sounds terribly trashy you’ll have to tell me all about it later, right now I’m going to give my regards to the lady of the day” Jak said flamboyantly
“Oh it’s so good to see you Jak!” Kagome said hugging him once more, “let’s trade info before the end of tonight and we’ll do a lunch thing”
“Of course” he said sweeping past them giving one last wink at Inuyasha,
Once he was out of ear shot Inuyasha turned on Kagome,
“Who was that?” he said hotly he wasn’t sure why but he was feeling very jealous of the familiar way that guy spoke to her,
“Just an old friend from college” Kagome said casually,
“Looked like more than a friend to me” Inuyasha said scowling after him,
“Why do you care if he is?” Kagome said before realizing Rin was standing right behind him, “Rin did you enjoy the ceremony?” Kagome said changing the subject,
“Oh it was beautiful, that’s exactly how I imagine my wedding will be one day…” Inuyasha tuned out their conversation after that, today was not turning out well for him at all first those whores talking about Kagome now some guy sniffing around? But why did he care so much? It was all just a game what did he care if some stupid women said negative things about Kagome or some guy was being friendly with her she wasn’t really his wife, ‘that’s right she’s not really my wife’, he thought sadly, it seemed this melancholy mood would last all day.


Kagome collapsed onto her bed, ‘that had to be the longest wedding in history’. She thought as she luxuriated in the comforting feeling of being in her bed once more, her feet were killing her from standing, walking, and dancing. Half way through the night Jak had come over and asked Kagome to dance with him, he had kept herself and Rin on the dance floor all night long. She had barely seen Inuyasha at all at the wedding it was like he wasn’t there at all. ‘But he was there’ she thought, she rolled over in bed, the times she had seen Inuyasha he had looked absolutely miserable. ‘Did he actually hate weddings that much or was it something else?’
Just then the object of her thoughts entered the bedroom from the hall way, Kagome closed her eyes pretending to be asleep as he walked past the bed to the bathroom. She listened as he flicked on the bathroom light turned on the tap and brushed his teeth, then turned off the light once more and returned to the bedroom. She listened as he undressed and set his blankets on the floor of the room.
Once she was sure he was laying down Kagome inched over to the edge of the bed, she peered over at his still form, his silvery hair splayed out behind him like a curtain. She watched his sides rise and fall with each breath. She thought about what he had said to McKenzie and Trina and wondered once more about his motives, could his strange distant behavior be some kind of trick? It didn’t seem like a trick. She watched him for a few more minutes before rolling back over.
When she had first lain down to sleep she was sure she would fall straight asleep but thinking about earlier that day was eating away at her, she rolled over to the edge of the bed once more. Looked down at Inuyasha’s possibly sleeping form, ‘he’s probably asleep I shouldn’t bother him’, She thought.
“Kagome?” Came his muffled tone,
She laid flat on her back,
“Why are you watching me sleep?” he said, there was no playfulness in his tone like there usually was it was just a straight forward question,
“I was thinking about what you said to Trina and McKenzie today and your motives for it” she said honestly,
“Hmm” he replied,
“Inuyasha why did you defend me today? What do you have to gain from it?” she said,
There was a long pause before he responded,
“You know I’ve been asking myself the same thing all day”
They lulled into silence,
“You’re welcome”
Kagome rolled over to the edge of her bed, but she still couldn’t help but feel guilty if only there was something she could do to make it up to him. Then an idea came to mind, it probably wasn’t a good idea and he probably would take it the wrong way but she owed him one after this morning.
She rolled over one last time to the edge of the bed,
“Inuyasha are you still awake”
A short pause,
“Don’t take this the wrong way because this is not invitation, but how about just for tonight you sleep up here with me” she said hoping he wouldn’t make that triumphant grin he made when he got his way.
“Are you sure you trust me?” he said quietly,
She thought for a moment,
“For now I do”
He got up silently, Kagome moved to the far edge of the bed and closed her eyes she could feel him ease his pressure onto the opposite side of her bed. She waited for him to make some kind of perverted move make a pass at her anything nothing came. ‘Maybe he’s not such a bad guy?’ She thought drifting off to sleep.


Inuyasha woke to a warm body pressed up against his own, his arms wrapped tight holding her close. He woke slowly in phases first his body felt the warm press of a soft body, then his mind slowly processing his current position. He was in Kagome’s bed with her, her warm body pressed against his in a spooning position. ‘How did I get here?’ he thought sleepily ‘if this is a dream I don’t ever want to wake up’. Then he remember the night before the wedding from hell his unshakeable feeling of melancholy all night. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been that down. No that was a lie the last time he felt like that was with Kikyo, he shook away the bad thoughts he wanted to take in every moment of this great feeling of having Kagome in his arms. How did they end up this position? ‘She must move around in her sleep’ he thought, just then Kagome mumbled something incoherent and shifted slightly against him just enough to press against his morning erection.
‘Shit’ he thought ‘I have to move before she wakes up all the way’.
Too late Kagome’s entire body stiffened and she moved away from him like he was diseased. She sat up in bed and looked at him like a cornered animal her eyes wild with rage.
“You!” she said, “Do you have no limits! I do one nice thing for you and this is how you repay me?”
“I can’t help it if you’re so enticing” the words slipped out before he could stop himself,
“You’re a pig this just proves I can’t even trust you for one night”
“You could trust me for every night” he said leadingly ‘stop it! You’re ruining everything!’ He mentally berated himself but the words just seemed to pour from his mouth.
“You’re disgusting I can’t wait till this is all over”
“You want me and you know it” he said his ego taking over his reasoning,
“Hardly” she scoffed,
“Come on Kagome” he said seductively leaning towards where she sat on the bed, he was in too deep to give up now.
She pressed on his chest and he caught her wrist, her eyes went wide with fear and uncertainty, he could feel his own pace quicken. There was something he couldn’t quite place then a knock at the door interrupted his train of thought.
“’Gome, Inuyasha there’s a guy here name Judge Onigumo here to see you he said you’d be expecting him”
Their eyes met and they both said at the same moment,
“Oh Shit”


It’s been forever and I know it, thank you to everyone who sent me emails and reviews to remind me that my story is still desired even when I was having the worlds worst writers block for weeks on end. My hope is that this chapter isn’t too much of a disappointment after such a long wait, anyone wanting to know the full story for my long absence check out my livejournal all your reviews are great appreciated and I promise it won’t be a month between posts until chapter seven, if I write fast enough I should be posting chapter seven later this week thank you all for your patience and thanks again for reading.