InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Sango's Request ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:
By Nicluv1787
InuYasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don't sue me.
Chapter Seven
- Sango's Request
InuYasha dropped Kagome's wrist,
“Tell him we'll be right out.” Kagome said to Rin sweetly.
“Sure thing, 'Gome.” Rin said, they listened as her footsteps faded away, “Shit!” Kagome swore under her breath. InuYasha had to admit; she was adorable when she was flustered. He shook himself, now wasn't the time for that. Kagome paced back and forth in front of the bed.
“Did you know he was coming?” she said accusingly.
“I had no idea.” He said honestly.
“Well, let's just get dressed and see what he wants.” Kagome said resolutely.
“Fine.” InuYasha said, jumping off the bed and walking towards the closet.
“What are you doing?” she said from a few feet behind him.
“Getting my clothes.” He said simply.
“Why are your clothes in my closet?” she said hotly.
“Is this really the time to start an argument like this?” InuYasha said tiredly.
“Fine, but once Judge Onigumo leaves, were talking about this.” She said pointing at him standing in her closet doorway.
She brushed past him into the closet, grabbed some clothes then rushed into the bathroom to change. InuYasha quickly pulled on a pair of pants and a t-shirt. As he made a move to walk out of the closet he felt a small tug at the hem of his pants. He looked down to see his pants caught on something in the doorway to the closet. He tested it by tugging with his leg but it wouldn't come loose. `That's strange' he thought. He knelt down to try and un-hook whatever it was that caught on only to find his pants tangled around the hinge of the door.
“What the hell?” He muttered looking at his pants, “How did I do that?” he wondered aloud. He attempted to reach around to untangle himself only to find that he couldn't reach.
“What are you doing?” Kagome said standing a few feet away with her hands on her hips.
“My pants are caught” InuYasha said standing back up,
“Then unhook them.” She said smartly.
“I can't reach.” He said pointing at the hinge where his pant hem was caught “Can you help me out here?”
“How do I know this isn't some kind of trick?” Kagome said uneasily.
“It's not a trick, I swear!”
“Yeah that's what you said last night and look how that turned out!”
“Come on Kagome it was an honest mistake, haven't you ever slept in a bed with a man before?”
Kagome blushed bright red, “It's been a while.” she muttered,
`Really, someone as attractive as her hasn't been with anyone in a while. I guess that's something I'll have to get to the bottom of later,' He thought. “Well regardless, I'm not tricking you I swear I'm genuinely stuck, see?” he said pulling his pants taught from the hinge
“Alright I'll help you, but no funny business alright?” she said warningly.
“I swear.” he said holding up his hand in a pledge.
She knelt down next to him fiddling with the hem of his pants trying to free him, her breast pressed up against his leg tantalizingly he had to use all his will power not to get a hard on. `Miroku in a dress, Baseball, Grandma Keade's hairy upper lip, puppies' he chanted mentally. She raised her head to look up at him, her warm breath right on his crotch he nearly lost control.
“You okay, I'm nearly done” Kagome said,
InuYasha squeezed his eyes shut tight trying to keep the sexual thoughts at bay, thoughts of Kagome's hot mouth sliding up and down his manhood, licking at his head like it was her favorite ice cream.
“Oh god.” he groaned as his erection pressed against his pants.
“Eh? What's wrong?” Kagome said looking up her face meeting with his slowly building erection behind his pants. “OH GOD!” Kagome said trying to pull back but her hair got caught on the zipper of his pants. “Oh shit my hair's caught!” she said, struggling to get away from his bulging erection, “How is this sexually simulating to you” she said with disgust.
“How would you feel if I had my face buried near your crotch?”
“I think this is hardly the time to discuss that.” Kagome said in a flat tone.
“Come on Kagome, you know it turns you on.”
“Gods, it never ends.” She said tiredly, “Come on help me untangle my hair! Judge Onigumo is still waiting for us and we can't greet him with my face in your crotch.
“Fine.” InuYasha said trying to take his mind of Kagome's hot breath near his throbbing erection, but, the more he attempted to untangle her hair from his, zipper only the more he untangled, the more it seemed to get tangled.
“Ow, you're hurting me!” She complained.
“I'm sorry it just seems to be getting worse” he replied in a frustrated tone, the inconvenience of the situation was starting to distract from his sexual desire.
“Well let me finish unhooking you and then we can move into some better lighting” Kagome said in a matter of seconds she managed to unhook his pants from the hinge.
“Let's move closer to the nightstand.” Kagome instructed,
There was a knock at the door as they moved across the room at a slow waddle and backward crawl.
“Everything alright in there?” Came a familiar voice, it was Judge Onigumo,
“Fine, we're fine” InuYasha called reassuringly.
“Alright, well I'll be waiting in the living room for you.” he said amusedly, they listened until his footsteps led away.
“Shit, let's just get out of here and get this all over with.” Kagome said in an exasperated tone.
“I agree completely” InuYasha conceited, the situation had lost all sexual allure and was now completely frustrating.
Once they were in better light InuYasha could see that the hair had somehow completely wrapped itself around and in his zipper.
“It's not looking very good.” InuYasha said gently tugging at her hair in hopes of unraveling it.
“OW! What are you trying to untie a knot? This is attached to my head you know” Kagome said angrily.
“I'm sorry! I'm doing my best!” he shouted.
“You could do better!” she spat angrily,
“Know what I'm just going to cut you free” he said angrily reaching into the drawer of the nightstand looking for a pair of scissors to cut the tangled strands. It wasn't a large portion of her hair that was tangled, he was sure no one would notice.
“NO! I'm not letting you cut my hair!” Kagome said rearing back pulling her hair taught
“Quit moving around you're only making it worse!” he said grabbing her by the back of the head,
He started to bring her head closer when the bedroom door came crashing open, Kagome's back was too the door as Judge Onigumo stood in the doorway. “Oh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?” he said with a hint of amusement in his tone.
“It's not what it looks like!” InuYasha said defensively, realizing immediately how the scene must of look to him, Kagome on her knees in front of InuYasha while he held onto the back of her head.
“And here I thought you two weren't going to get along at all!” Judge Onigumo smirked,
“Nothing is going on between us! My hair got caught in his zipper!” Kagome said, her voice muffled by InuYasha pants.
“Well why didn't you say so, I'm an expert at these type of situations.” Judge Onigumo said walking over in three strides; he quickly untangled Kagome's hair. “There you go all better.” he said in a light tone.
“Thanks” Kagome said her face bright red.
“Any time, now shall we continue this conversation in the living room?” Judge Onigumo said, walking out of the room,
“Of course.” Kagome said in a business like tone.
InuYasha paused momentarily before heading into the living room, he hadn't realized it before but Judge Onigumo was a Hanyou as well. He was a lot more human looking but the demonic aura was unmistakable, he was a Hanyou. Then he got thinking about the situation he had just found himself in, pants didn't just get wrapped around hinges and hair didn't just tangle itself in zippers. InuYasha was starting to have the sneaking suspicion the Judge Onigumo had something to do with this. But he kept it to himself, he had bigger fish to fry like the fact that he had shown up here early on a Sunday morning, unannounced, when he was just about to get somewhere with Kagome too.
He walked into the living room where Kagome was already questioning him. “Where's my sister Rin?”
“I sent her out, I told her we had some private legal matters to discuss” Kagome made a face like she was thinking of possible lies to cover up the whole situation. Is all the lying starting to get to her? He thought, she did look tired as she spoke with Judge Onigumo. He shook himself, he was reading too much into it. What was it his concern anyway? “…Because of the nature of our conversation I thought it best for us to be alone” Judge Onigumo said smoothly,
“What is this all about?” InuYasha interrupted,
“I'm sorry your honor he's being rude,” Kagome said placidly, glancing angrily at InuYasha.
“Please, call me Naraku, and he has every right to question my reason for being here. If you remember the last time we met, I told you I would be visiting you in a month's time, and today marks the one-month anniversary of your marriage. So, I thought it was only appropriate that we meet and see how things are going. So how are you two getting along?”
“Terrible.” Kagome said flatly,
“Spectacular!” InuYasha said wrapping his arm around Kagome's shoulder which she quickly shook off.
“I see you're still in the same place you were a month ago.” Naraku said, stroking his chin, “Well it seems we'll have to take more drastic measures.”
“More drastic measures?” Kagome said uneasily.
“Yes the whole purpose of having you stay together for a year was to try and make a marriage out of your `drunken mistake'.” Judge Naraku replied snidely.
“I have no intention of making anything work out of this sham of a marriage” Kagome said stonily “I'll do my time and them I'm out, end of story.”
“Hmm…I see, so you are unhappy Kagome?”
“Are you kidding I'm miserable” she said incredulously.
“Why, InuYasha doesn't seem like a bad guy he actually seems very attentive”
“Ha, he's constantly trying to seduce me and he's extremely deceitful,” she said with disgust.
“I'm deceitful? You left me tied up in a hotel room over night!” InuYasha said in disbelief.
“You went down on me while my boss was in the room!” she retorted.
“Well, you started it with all that `master' shit the night before!” he countered,
“Well if you hadn't been such a chauvinistic pig!”
“Well you…”
“ENOUGH!” Naraku said in a commanding tone, “Obviously, there is a lot that needs to be worked out here, so I would like the two of you to spend more time getting to know one another, from now on everyday you shall eat lunch together. Figure out your own schedule, but I want the two of you making an honest effort to get to know one another!”
“You can't make us do that, that can't be legal” Kagome scoffed,
“Mrs. Takahashi, I'm the judge here and if I say its legal then its legal, understand?” he said in a dangerously low tone, She stared at him darkly but made no reply `how does he make her shut up with just a look? Amazing' InuYasha mused, “Well it seems like you have some things to discuss, I'll show myself out” he stood up and walked out, leaving the two of them in silence.
Kagome waited until the door slammed closed before exploding,
“I can't believe this, I'm stuck with you even on my lunch breaks now? How could this situation get any worse?”
“Judges orders.” InuYasha said playfully,
“Gods, I hate you!” Kagome said in an exasperated tone,
“I think you're starting to fall for me.” InuYasha teased,
“Ahh! You're impossible!” Kagome shouted before stomping out of the room. InuYasha smiled to himself, he was really starting to like Judge Onigumo.
It had been three days since Rin's departure and the beginning of Kagome's daily torture. The Sunday after Judge Onigumo left, Kagome had driven Rin to the airport and they shared a tearful goodbye. Even though they were only going to be apart for a few months Kagome couldn't help but feel sad to see her go. However, she was extremely grateful to have her room all to herself once again. `For now' she thought bitterly, she thought she could trust InuYasha after what he said at the wedding, but apparently he wasn't to be trusted even for a moment, because the moment she turned her back he literally put his dick in it.
Kagome sighed as she rode the elevator to InuYasha office this would be day three of stealing from the minimal alone time she got already. She and InuYasha had come to a rough agreement to eat lunch at each other's office every other day, after the toss of a coin InuYasha had won the first day. She had come to his office set up her laptop and worked the entire way through lunch, she didn't even eat, the next day he came to her office and ate a cup of Ramen while she worked, slurping loudly as she tried to ignore him and get her work done. That was Kagome's life: working, sleeping and trying to ignore InuYasha.
He had been acting strange since the wedding not nearly as aggressive with the come-ons as he had been in fact he hadn't tried anything since that morning after the wedding. `But was he really trying something? I do tend to shift in my sleep, and it is common for men to have an erection first thing in the morning.' She shook the thought away of course it was a come-on thinking thoughts like that. He was a good guy was exactly how she was going to get herself tricked into sleeping with him. All of this was probably some kind of twisted nice guy routine he had cooked up.
The elevator doors opened to the sound of laughter, Sango's desk was vacated and InuYasha's office door was wide open, they must be in his office she thought, she found out pretty quickly that Sango and InuYasha had a pretty lax, professional relationship, even if they tried to pretend otherwise, she was his best friend's fiancée after all.
As Kagome approached the door she could hear their conversation filter out to her,
“And then her boss comes in!” InuYasha said jovially,
“No” Sango replied incredulously,
“And I didn't stop for a second I just kept on going while they had a conversation”
“I can't believe it” Miroku said amusedly,
“WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU TELL THEM THAT?” Kagome shouted bursting into the room, “it's bad enough that you went down on me while my boss was in the room but you have to recount the story to your friends?” she said, thunder in her voice,
“WHAT!” Miroku said his eyebrows shooting up into his hairline,
“I wasn't telling them that story, if you hadn't jumped to conclusions you would have known I was telling a story about the time I had a client completely ignore me while I gave a presentation.” He said matter-of-factly,
“Oh” Kagome said turning bright red,
“You went down on her in her office while her boss was in the room?” Miroku said excitedly,
“That's none of your business, can't you see she's embarrassed.” Sango said smacking Miroku upside his head.
“Sorry” Miroku said rubbing the back of his head, “It was just so incredible I had to ask”
“Sorry about him Kagome, he's too much of a pervert for his own good” Sango said smiling easily, that's what Kagome liked best about Sango she always made her feel at ease no matter what the situation. “Hey since we're all together why don't we get lunch together?”
“I don't know…” InuYasha said hesitantly,
“Aw come on Inu, you can't keep hiding Kagome from us! We've barely seen you since you've gotten married” Sango begged,
“Yeah, come on InuYasha we want to get to know your lovely wife.” Miroku said with a wink in Kagome's direction, she wasn't sure why InuYasha was so intent on keeping her away from them he hadn't said no before when they helped him move in.
“Alright I guess” InuYasha grumbled,
“Wonderful, where should we go?” Sango propositioned,
“I know a great sushi place down the street” Miroku offered, “me and InuYasha used to go there for lunch all the time before I met you, my love.” He said to Sango, kissing her hand,
“Stop it” Sango said playfully,
“Make me.” Miroku said kissing up her arm to her neck,
“Uh, we're still here” InuYasha said, breaking their private moment,
“Sorry she distracts me sometimes” Miroku said lecherously
Kagome was completely baffled this was a whole new side to the couple she had met briefly when they helped InuYasha move in.
“What do you think Inu, Kagome? Sushi okay with you?” Sango propositioned,
“Yeah I guess” Kagome said cautiously,
“If I have to, I'd rather just eat Ramen” InuYasha said uneasily,
“You seriously still eat that stuff?” Miroku said in a disgusted tone, “I haven't eaten that stuff since college”
“Why not, it's delicious” InuYasha interjected,
“If you say so.” Miroku said shrugging his shoulders,
“We should get going” Sango interrupted,
“Yeah you're right, let's take two cars I'll drive mine and then you guys can take one of yours” InuYasha said in an efficient tone.
“Sounds good to me” Miroku replied,
“Great, we're going to head out, we'll meet you there” InuYasha said taking Kagome by the wrist, he pulled her out the door. He made a beeline for the elevator, but when he noticed a crowd around it he turned for the stairs. She allowed him to pull her for a while when a thought crossed her mind, why am I letting him drag me around, and why is acting so suspicious, I'm going to get to the bottom of this right now. Kagome dug her heals in and stopped dead in her tracks.
“InuYasha what's going on why aren't we taking the elevator and why didn't we wait for your friends?”
“I didn't want to wait.” He said avoiding her gaze,
“You're lying, I can tell, what's really going on? Is this some kind of office seduction you planned or something, are they in on it?”
“What? No, this has nothing to do with that, I just wanted to be alone is all”
He wanted to be alone this has to be some kind of seduction attempt.
“And why do you want to be alone?” she said accusingly,
“Because I need to warn you about Sango and Miroku” he said above a whisper,
“What about them?” she said feeling confused,
He looked both ways before answering, “they're extremely nosey”
“So, I don't know if you've forgotten but our marriage isn't real, and Sango and Miroku are the King and Queen of sniffing out lies and intrigue, the second the get a whiff that something's off with our relationship they'll be all over us until they get to the bottom of it, and you know the consequences of someone finding out.”
Kagome swallowed a lump in her throat she hadn't thought of that, “But wait, they helped us move in, they didn't seem very nosey that day,”
“They were but we'd only been married less than two weeks then they were giving us our space before they really dug their nails into us.”
“You got to be kidding me, you make them sound like vultures.”
“They are!” he exclaimed,
Kagome paused thinking for a moment, “So what do you propose we do?”
“I need you to just try to be a good loving wife whenever we're around them, just that outburst from early could be enough to peak their interest”
“I thought you were recounting the most humiliating moment of my life!” she said in defense.
“And the best pleasure you felt right?” InuYasha said raising a brow,
“Do you ever stop?”
“Never” he winked, 
“Gods, how did I get stuck with you?” Kagome said pinching the bridge of her nose,
“Just lucky I guess, so are you going to play along?” he said changing to a serious tone,
“Do I have any choice?”
“Not really”
“Fine I'll be the dutiful wife, but you need to quit it with the games while we're with them or I'm going to make your life hell”
“You don't want to know.” she said darkly,
“Fine, let's go they'll be half way to the restaurant by now”
InuYasha was acting very strange, he was being extremely friendly with Miroku and herself, and was being overly attentive towards Kagome.
“Thank you so much, you're doing a wonderful job” InuYasha gratefully to the young waitress who gave him a suspicious look before sauntering away. Kagome was sitting very stiff and hadn't said much since they arrived.
Sango hadn't spent a lot of time with Kagome and InuYasha; he had pretty much kept them all separated since he had moved in with Kagome. But in the few interactions Sango had witnessed between them she could sense some tension beneath the surface.
“Is something wrong with you two?” Sango said cautiously,
“No, nothing” Kagome said hastily,
“Why would you think something wrong with us?” InuYasha said uneasily,
Sango chanced a glance over at Miroku, from the look he gave her she could tell they were thinking the same thing, something is up with them.
“You're acting awfully defensive for having `nothing wrong' with you” Sango continued,
“I have no idea what you're talking about” InuYasha said casually, a little too casually.
“I think you both look guilty.” Sango replied,
Kagome choked on her drink,
“You're imagining things” InuYasha insisted, trying cover up the sound of Kagome's coughing.
“I know what it is,” Miroku announced, Kagome and InuYasha looked at each other nervously, “You had a quickie before you came here am I right?” He said proudly, Sango gave him a dark look before InuYasha replied jovially,
“I wouldn't call it quick” InuYasha said with a wink, since when does he talk about his sex life with us? Sango thought, he's acting very suspicious,
Sango noticed Kagome scowling at InuYasha as he laughed with Miroku, that was until she noticed Sango staring at her, then she replaced her scowl with a smile.
“Ha-ha yeah it never is.” Kagome added, but Sango could catch a hint of distaste in her tone. “So how's the wedding planning going?” Kagome said obviously trying to change the subject.
“Stressful” Sango moaned. Kagome had found her one weakness she'd never miss an opportunity to talk about her upcoming wedding.
“Oh, I bet, a friend of mine just got married and it was a huge production!” Kagome said conversationally,
“Well ours is going to be very small, no more than fifty guests, and we're having it at Mount Hakurei resort. It's going to be a weeklong affair so make sure to get the week of the seventeenth off for it okay?”
“I wouldn't miss it for the world.” Kagome said kindly, “actually since I'm thinking about it let me set myself a reminder for later” Kagome said pulling out her Blackberry.
“Oh since you have that out check your schedule for this weekend me and some of my friends are going out for Karaoke and I would love it if you came along”
“Sure I'm not much of a singer though” Kagome said hesitantly scrolling through her schedule, “I'm clear all weekend”
“Nobody is until they get a couple drinks in them, then they're all Diana Ross”
A musical tone cut into the conversation, Miroku reached his hand into his pocket extracting a ringing cell phone, “Sorry I have to take this” He said apologetically before walking away to talk on the phone.
“So do you Karaoke often?” Kagome queried,
“Not lately I used to go all the time with Ki…” Sango stopped short when InuYasha gave her a hard stare that said `don't bring it up' “Let's just say I haven't gone in a while this is actually like my unofficial bachelorette party”
“Really? Your wedding is only less than a month away, don't you have any girlfriends to go with?”
“Not really, I don't have a lot of female friends.”
“Strange.” Kagome mused,
Sango was about to form a reply when Miroku came back to the table, looking put out.
“What happened now?” She said in an angry tone,
“It's the Henderson case, they need me to come back in now. I guess I can't go to the final fitting with you after all” Miroku said in a disappointed tone.
“Really? That's terrible! Who's going to come with me now?” Sango said sadly,
“What's going on?” Kagome said confused,
“Miroku is an attorney, he has this huge case he's working on and they've been stealing him away from me lately and we we're supposed to go to my final dress fitting together after lunch.”
“Oh, well if you don't have anyone else to go with, I'll go with you.” Kagome said helpfully,
“Yeah my one o'clock canceled on me and I'm uncharacteristically ahead on paperwork”
This is perfect maybe once I get her alone I can get some more answers to my questions.
“That's wonderful if you really don't mind”
“Not at all” She smiled,
Kagome idly thumbed through a bridal magazine while she waited for Sango to come out of the dressing room. Why did I agree to this? she thought darkly, Oh that's right, Sango caught me scowling at InuYasha literally seconds after she finished telling us we were acting suspicious. I know he told me that his friends like to meddle but it was like she could see right through me. I guess I figured if I came with her I could somehow explain, but now that I really think about it maybe this wasn't a good idea at all.
Sango speaking to her from the other side of the dressing room door cut Kagome's inner monologue short, “Okay prepare yourself I'm coming out now.”
“Okay I'm ready” Kagome said setting the magazine down eyes on the door of the dressing room.
Sango stepped out wearing an off white dress with an asymmetrical sleeve, it had a tight fitted top that accentuated Sango's curvaceous figure with a loose flowing skirt that fell to the floor. The entire effect all together was that of a Grecian goddess.
“It's beautiful” Kagome gasped, all thoughts of lying and deceiving thrown from her head,
“Thank you” Sango said smoothing the folds in her skirt, “I just fell in love with it the moment I saw it…” Sango's phone began to ring inside of the dressing room. “Hold on one second” She said walking back into the dressing room.
“Hello?... Oh hi Aunt Tammy… Oh no, is she alright?... That's good… She can't?... Are her injuries really that bad?... No, I understand… Sure thing… I love you too… Yeah I'll tell my mom you say hi… Bye.” Sango hung up her phone looking extremely upset,
“What's going on?” Kagome said slowly,
“That was my Aunt, my cousin, who's my maid of honor, just got in a car accident”
“Is she alright?”
“She's fine she only broke her leg but she's refusing to be my maid of honor because she has a cast and she doesn't want to wear the dress I picked out for her with a cast, what am I going to do? I don't have anyone else to stand in”
“Don't you have other bridesmaids?” Kagome said hopefully,
“No, my cousin was it, I don't have any sisters or even any other cousins she's it I didn't really want her to be in the wedding anyway, we've never been close, but I had no choice.”
“What about your friends we're going out with this weekend?” Kagome suggested,
“To tell you the truth, there aren't really other friends, it's basically always been Me, Miroku and InuYasha. Kikyo used to be around but she changed…”
“Who's Kikyo?”
“Never mind.” Sango said hastily looking like she'd said something she shouldn't have,
“So what are you going to do?” Kagome said it was obvious she wasn't going to get any information about this Kikyo person.
“I don't know… unless” Sango said looking Kagome over hungrily,
“Sango why are you looking at me like that?”
“Kagome what size are you?” She said sweetly,
“Oh no I don't think so” Kagome said waving her hands in front of her face defensively,
“Come on Kagome I'm desperate, you have to help me out and I told you it's a small wedding you won't have to lift a finger other than stand next to me. Pleeeaaaaaaase?” Sango said in a begging tone,
“I don't know…”
“Pretty please, with sugar on top?”
Kagome looked at Sango she looked pretty desperate, and she really did like her and would like to get to know her as a friend.
“All right I'll do it” Kagome said firmly,
“Thank you so much you're a total life saver” Sango said gratefully,
“No problem… I guess” one more wedding won't hurt I guess, she thought.
Miroku took a bottle of wine from the fridge popping it open just as Sango staggered through the door.
“Welcome home my love” he said smoothly,
“Hey babe” She replied flopping on the couch,
“How'd the dress fitting go”
“Pretty good the tailor did a great job it fits like a dream”
“That's good.” He said pouring two glasses of wine, which he brought over to Sango on the couch “So do you have a bridesmaid?”
“Even better she agreed to be my matron of honor.” Sango said taking her glass from Miroku.
“So she fell for it?” He said sipping his wine casually,
“Yeah I feel a little guilty but I really wanted her to be my Matron of Honor ever since InuYasha married her, I just didn't know how to ask her, do you think she'll notice anything when there's no Aunt Tammy at the wedding or a cousin in a cast?”
“I don't think so love” he said wrapping his arm around her shoulder, “So speaking of marriage and InuYasha, what did you make of his behavior this afternoon”
“Strange, very out of character for him, did you see how he was talking to that waitress, what's up with him he's been the exact opposite of himself, the way he was with Kikyo”
“Do you think it's because he's happy?” Miroku suggested,
“No, I think there's something else going on, I didn't get a chance ask Kagome about it but I'm sure the pair of them are keeping something from us.”
“Hmm” Miroku said thoughtfully swirling his glass,
“What are you `hmm'-ing about?” Sango said accusingly looking up at him,
“I just think you over think things, I've know InuYasha a long time and its obvious to me he's finally found someone who makes him happy, just like the way you make me happy my love.”
“You always know how to melt me don't you?” Sango said seductively,
“I sure do” Miroku said setting down his glass to embrace his soon-to-be wife.
Tehee, this chapter amuses me, thanks to P-Tama for her mad editing skills and this chapter is dedicated to her. You rock I Love you!