InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Revelation ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:
By Nicluv1787

Inuyasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don’t sue me.


Chapter Twelve: Revelation


Miroku paced back and forth, his hands folded behind his back. His face dripping with sweat, and sheer anxiety painted his face.
“I haven’t seen you this nervous since the night you proposed to Sango,” Inuyasha chuckled; casually lounging on a nearby sofa.
“I know,” Miroku moaned, “this is it, this is the day, the day I marry Sango.”
“No second thoughts?” Inuyasha teased.
Miroku turned brusquely to face his Hanyou best-man, “Never,” he said sternly, “I knew from the moment I met Sango she was the only woman for me.”
Inuyasha looked taken aback for a moment. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this serious before,” he said steadily.
“Plus I can’t wait for the wedding night,” Miroku said with a lecherous smirk. Inuyasha only rolled his eyes in response. “But seriously Inuyasha wasn’t that how you felt when you married Kagome? I mean you met her and married her in the same evening you have to be able to relate.” Miroku said searching his best friend’s face.
Inuyasha looked away avoiding his gaze. “Yeah I guess.” He said evasively.
Miroku gave him a puzzled look in return; nothing was making sense with Inuyasha and Kagome lately. When Inuyasha had first announced his quickie marriage to Kagome, Miroku had initially been concerned, but after meeting Kagome he was delighted his best friend had found someone, and though they weren’t openly affection, or at least Kagome wasn’t, he could see the connection between them just below the surface. And now it had been three days since their fight and Miroku hadn’t seen them in the same room since the rehearsal; something had to be wrong. If only Inuyasha would let him in to try and help, but his friend was eternally stubborn.
Before Miroku could open his mouth to form a reply, he was interrupted by a gentle knock at the door. Followed by the mild voice of Mr. Hironobu, the wedding officiator “Mr. Hoshi, we’re about to start.”
“We’ll be out in a minute,” Miroku replied amicably. He turned back to Inuyasha who had already headed towards the door.
“Come on man the moment has come, Sango’s waiting,” Inuyasha said over his shoulder.
Miroku’s suspicion was piqued; he knew for sure he was avoiding him now. ‘We’ll talk about this later I suppose.’ Miroku thought shrugging his shoulders.


Soft instrumentals caressed his ears, his heart was beating so loud it drowned out the crowd around him and his palms were slick with sweat. None of that seemed to matter as the tempo of the music changed and Sango rounded the corner. Her chestnut colored hair cascaded down her back in soft ringlets, her skin shone with ethereal beauty as she walked serenely towards him. Miroku was so absorbed in the sight of Sango as she walked down the aisle towards him he didn’t even notice Kagome doing her best to smile, or Inuyasha watching her longingly from his side, he barely took notice when Kohaku offered up his words of release of his only sister.
He took Sango’s hand and the world around him came to a standstill. He was swimming in her gaze lost in a world that was only for the two of them. He knew there were words exchanged; all he could feel was his hand in hers. He knew there was cheering all around him; all he could hear was he sweet laughter and all he could see was her beautiful smile. Sango, she was his wife all his for eternity, his life was complete.


“A little to the left,” Kagome was jerked from her trance by the photographer’s insistent voice.
The wedding ceremony was finally over but now it was time to the seemingly endless photos. She just couldn’t seem to get her head clear; it had been three days since she breathed a word to Inuyasha. She’d been known to be stubborn but this was starting to verge on record breaking; anytime Inuyasha had approached her she had turned tails and ran in the other direction. ‘What’s wrong with me I’m acting like a child over a petty fight?’ But it was more than that, when she had slept with Inuyasha she hadn’t felt any regret for the act, just the sick realization that she had done it again. ‘When will I ever learn my lesson?’
She’d learned years ago how to guard her heart against unwanted intruders. But she couldn’t deny her sexual attraction to Inuyasha any longer. In that respect only was he right. As much as she hated to admit it he had won the bet, and with it the right to sleep in her bed. Though the thought did rub her the wrong way, she would just have to learn to keep her own sexual desire at bay and put her pride aside. She couldn’t be sleeping with him that just led to somewhere she swore she would never go again.
She was happy the way her life was before Inuyasha wasn’t she? ‘I was’ She decided. ‘The sooner this marriage ends the better. Then my life will finally go back to normal.’ The thought seemed to sooth her.

While Kagome was distracted by her own thoughts Inuyasha had been watching her from a few feet away his own thoughts clouding his mind. All he had wanted was to try and make amends maybe start over give their relationship; a fresh start. Every time she had run away from him over the past few days it had been like someone had taken hold of his heart and was twisting it to make a point. He had to end this and soon. Inuyasha noticed Kagome’s faraway look; she had to be absorbed in thought. Glancing over his shoulder in Miroku’s and Sango’s direction, he could tell they were too absorbed in one another to notice him, so he strode over to Kagome purposefully. This was his only chance to corner her and talk. With a deep breath he tapped on her shoulder. She turned on him like a caged animal her eyes wild and for a moment he thought she’d use the ‘s’ word, that he’d already learned to fear like some kind of trained puppy.
He could tell she was preparing to bolt so he grabbed hold of her wrist, “Can we talk?”
Kagome blinked at the contact then turned her chocolate orbs back to him.
“Sure,” she replied a slight tremor to her voice, but Inuyasha couldn’t smell any fear from her.
Inuyasha took a cautionary glance over his shoulder Miroku and Sango were still absorbed in their photo session; they didn’t notice as he led Kagome down the path garden path and out of the garden to talk.

Once they were alone Kagome immediately put distance between the two of them, wrapping her arms around her frame protectively. The all too familiar tightness tugged at his chest, Inuyasha took in a deep breath, before locking his golden eyes on Kagome.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
Kagome turned bewildered eyes towards him, “What?” She said with a raised brow.
Inuyasha had to suppress a grumble that threatened to bubble up. It was already a huge hit to his ego to apologize even once, but she wanted him to say it again? He bit back an angry retort, he needed to get this point across, or she may never talk to him again.
“I said some horrible things to you the other day, when I was angry, I know you weren’t really intending to fit me with…” he paused he couldn’t bring himself to say the word ‘collar’ even now. “Well, I know it wasn’t intentional, and I know you have your reasons.” He paused, Kagome blinked at him with wide eyed confusion.
“I’ve…I’ve spent the past three days trying to find the right words to apologize for what I’ve done, and I never thought you’d apologize first.” She said with open amazement.
“Well it wasn’t easy.” He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest, averting his gaze.
“Yeah,” Kagome said looking at her feet. “I really didn’t mean for any of this happen,”
“It was an accident,” He supplied.
“That’s not what I mean, this whole marriage, I’m always complaining about how miserable I am and I’m sure it’s hard for you too. This isn’t an easy situation but maybe if we’re friendlier with one another we could make it a little more pleasant?” Kagome said hopefully.
Her words were kind but they pierced him like a hot dagger, leaving his heart in tatters, he knew she didn’t feel the way he did her actions were obvious to that fact but it still hurt to hear her say that.
“Yeah,” he said roughly.
“So how about this, you can sleep in the master bedroom with me,” Kagome supplied. Inuyasha turned to her in amazement, “you did win the bet.” She added at little bashfully. Inuyasha could feel his mouth hanging open but he could seem to get his face to work. Kagome misinterpreted his expression and continued. “You did, I won’t argue about it further, but I’ll only let you share my room on one condition.”
“What’s that?” he said schooling his features.
“Hands off policy, no more of this seduction stuff. I have enough things to worry about without you pawing at me every five seconds,” Kagome said firmly.
He had to be dreaming, he’d pinch himself it wouldn’t of been to obvious how pleased he was, this was a golden opportunity to be more intimate with Kagome maybe all hope wasn’t lost after all.
“I think I can manage that,” he said finally; barely suppressing a triumphant grin.
“Good, so we’re at a truce, no more games and we’ll both be friendlier with one another.”
Inuyasha nodded in response more than pleased with this turn of events.
With perfect timing the photographer rounded the hedges. “Come on you two we have twenty more poses to finish before the reception,” The photographer said with an impatient tap of his foot.
Kagome sighed, “That was the one good thing about our wedding: no fuss,” She laughed and Inuyasha found himself laughing with her, ‘my thoughts exactly.’


This must be what bliss is,’ Sango thought resting her head against her husband’s shoulder, after a turbulent life it felt like everything was falling into place for her. If only it was that way for her friends as well. Sango had noticed when Kagome and Inuyasha they had slipped off for a chat, Miroku had made a comment under his breath about making up that had more to do with an intimate act then them talking it out. She would have bonked him once for it, but it was their wedding day so she let it slide. When Kagome and Inuyasha had returned they both seemed in good spirits and almost relieved. Sango should have been pleased, but something tugged at the back of her brain. Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship wasn’t as it seemed. What it was she wasn’t exactly sure but she never ignored her instincts. They’d never betrayed her before and she knew she wasn’t wrong this time. She just had to think of a way to prove her theory.


Inuyasha was in a good mood, a surprisingly good mood considering how the week had played out up until now. The meal was finished and the guests were all falling into easy conversation, Inuyasha himself even chatted with some of the surrounding guests; earning him more than a few suspicious glances from Sango at the head table. ‘Suspicious wench,’ he laughed, ‘too curious for her own good, but she’ll never find out if I have my way.’ If he was lucky Kagome would return his feelings before revelations about the true nature of their relationship were ever made public.
Speaking of Kagome she’d been uncharacteristically happy today, at least this was the first time he’d seen her this relaxed since their marriage had began. ‘One of my wishes came true at least,’ he mused.
Inuyasha watched Kagome talk animatedly with Sango’s younger brother out of the corner of his eye, when a high pitched shriek caught his attention.
“Oooh I recognize those fuzzy ears anywhere.” An effeminate voice cooed near said appendage. Inuyasha turned quickly in his seat to see an ostentatious man he’d met at Kagome’s friend’s wedding standing right behind him hand hovering over his ears.“Ooops” he cooed, “you caught me.”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing,” Inuyasha said eyeing the flamboyant man.
“I just can’t resist those cute puppy ears of yours.” He replied, withdrawing his hand reluctantly. “They look so soft,” He added longingly.
Inuyasha was about to rip into the guy when Kagome called out. “Jak!”
“Kags!” Jak squealed in an inflection reminiscent of a school girl.
“What are you doing here?” Kagome said like a giggling-high-school-girl.
“Sango invited me. We hit it off so well when we went shopping together she said I had to come, unfortunately work has kept me away till just now, so I missed the ceremony; I’ve only just arrived.”
“Well at least you could make it to the party,” Kagome said enthusiastically.
“It’s not a party without me,” he smiled giving a wink to the confused Inuyasha.
“Come sit with me so we can talk; how’s work…” Kagome grabbed Jak’s hand leading him to the other end of the table.
Inuyasha watch as the pair of them walked over to the other end of the table, his good mood was suddenly turned sour. Something about that guy didn’t sit right with him. He was always all over Kagome. A feeling like a growling beasts clawed at his heart, this was different than the tight feeling he got when she ignored him, this was more feral and wild, reminiscent of his youki but somehow different.
He intended to go over and insinuate himself between the two of them when an announcement caught his attention.
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, hope you’re all enjoying your time here. Dinner is over and it’s time to get on with the festivities. To kick things off we’re going to have Mr. and Mrs. Hioshi share their first dance together.” A young looking man with jet black hair in a long braid announced to the room, a small smirk played at the corners of his mouth.

Inuyasha watched as Miroku led Sango onto the dance floor drapping his hands around her small waist he brought her close, earning a uncharacteristic giggle from Sango. Soft piano music drifted from the speakers. The look Inuyasha saw in Miroku’s eyes was so sincere, he couldn’t think of a time he’d seen him look like that at anyone other than Sango.

I don't get many things right the first timeIn fact, I am told that a lotNow I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and fallsBrought me here

Miroku is really married’ he mused, it was kind of funny to watch his two best friends dressed up dancing to some sappy song, ‘but they really look in love.’
“Keh,” He muttered under his breath, “I sound like a pansy.” But he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the two of them as they swayed along. Another feeling swept over him, he was starting to wonder if it was the new moon because he’d been feeling a lot more than a Hanyou should.

And where was I before the daythat I first saw your lovely face?Now I see it every dayand I know

‘I can’t deny that I’m jealous, they have something I’ve only dreamed of, and they have each other.’
The song continued it slowly melodic pace and Inuyasha could feel the anxiety building in him, he wanted to turn to look at Kagome, to see if this song was effecting her the way it was effecting him, ‘of course it wouldn’t, Kagome has no interest in me at all,’ but still he’d like to look at her while this song played, but couldn’t bring himself to do so. Instead he crossed his arms in front of his chest and turned away from his friends. It was easier to run away from these feelings that to face them.

That I amI amI amthe luckiest

Across the room Kagome watched Miroku and Sango with open admiration. A small smile graced her lips. Jak, smiled himself, he knew that smile; Kagome was pleased. He wondered if it was the silvered hair god she was married to. If only he’d be so lucky as to meet someone so gorgeous, ‘all the good ones are straight,’ he sighed.
“Something wrong?” Kagome said turning to look at him.
“Nothing important,” he said with a dismissive way of the hand, “they make a beautiful couple don’t they?” Jak said motioning toward Miroku and Sango who were completely absorbed in one another “it’s like there was no one else in the room.”
“They really do; as individuals they don’t make much sense but together they’re perfect,” Kagome said wistfully.
“Like you and Inuyasha,” Jak prompted. Kagome laughed unexpectedly before quickly stifling it.
Jak raised an eyebrow in her direction, “You don’t think you and Inuyasha are perfect for one another?”
Kagome blushed slightly, “it’s not that, I just don’t think you can put us on the same level as Miroku and Sango.”
Her answer didn’t seem genuine to Jak. He’d know Kagome longer than most her friends and she’d never been one to lie. But he had a feeling she wasn’t telling him the complete truth.
The song ended to raucous applause when Miroku swooped in for a kiss from Sango. Jak’s attention was drawn to the handsome D.J who’d taken up the mike once more. ‘That’s someone I’d like to get to know.’ Jak thought sending a wink in the D.J’s direction, who returned it before addressing the crowd.
“Very beautiful, now I’d like to open up the dance floor for any couples that’d like to share a dance.”
‘There’s my cue,’ Jak thought merrily.
“Kags lets dance,” he said grabbing onto Kagome’s wrist.
Jak tried to read Kagome’s guarded expression as her eyes flicked in Inuyasha direction before standing up to join him. “I’d love to,” She said smiling.

Several couples trailed onto the dance floor, and another smooth voiced woman sang over the speakers. Jak wrapped his arms around Kagome with easy practice, they’d been dancing together for years.

Come away with me in the nightCome away with meand I will write you a song

Inuyasha was preparing to exit the building; he’d had enough of this sappy music, and romance for one day. When he noticed Kagome across the dance floor wrapped in the arms of another man. He paused near the doorway scowling in their direction; the beast within him growled scratching and nawing at his heart, he watched them sway to the music.

Come away with me on a busCome away where they can't tempt uswith their lies

Kagome smiled up at the man his short hair pulled up in a small pony tail at the top of his head. A feral growl escaped his throat as the stranger brought Kagome’s body flush against his Kagome rested her head on his shoulder. Inuyasha balled his fists at his side. He had the undeniable urge to punch something, preferably that guys face.

And I want to walk with youon a cloudy dayin fields where the yellow grass grows knee-highso won't you try to come?

The other man lowered his head to whisper in Kagome’s ear when he caught Inuyasha’s eye it was that bastard Jak. That guy had taken it too far; he was already all over Kagome all the time, and then his weird obsession with his ear and now this? He wasn’t going to let this lie he stormed purposefully across the dance floor.

Come away with me and we'll kisson a mountaintopCome away with meand I'll never stop loving you

His rage was near boiling over when he reached the pair of them, the bastard Jak’s lips nearly caressing the shell of Kagome’s delicate ear. His Kagome, he couldn’t stand it, he grabbed Jak by the shoulder and tore him off of Kagome.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Inuyasha growled.
“We were just dancing Inuyasha,” Kagome said obviously irritated.
“Oh Inuyasha I like you like this,” Jak purred.
“Shut up you freak why do you have your hands all over Kagome?”
“You have to be close when you dance!” Kagome said stepping in front of Jak.
“No need to get so jealous. There’s plenty of me to go around,” Jak said playfully.
“Inuyasha why are you so jealous!” Kagome spat.
Inuyasha paused, to stare at her. Why was he jealous? It was obvious wasn’t it?
“Kagome,” he whispered, the words were there right at the tip of his tongue without out thought he let them fall,“haven’t you realized it yet? I’m in love with you.”

Kagome’s face made several changes all at once none distinguishable from the next, then her features soften and she walked towards him. She reached her hand up to gently caress his face. ‘Is this really happening this has to be a dream,’ Inuyasha thought.

“You bastard,” She said at a deadly whisper. She raised her hand and slapped him soundly across the face. “You rotten evil bastard,” she shouted. “I hate you,” With that she turned on her heel and ran from the room.

Of all the reactions he would have expected that was not one of him. Next to him Jak looked baffled, and he could see Sango and Miroku rushing towards him as well. And many of the guests were staring. ‘I don’t have time for this.’

“Inuyasha what the hell just happened!” Sango shouted,
He glared in her direction but gave no response as he fled after Kagome explanations would have come later; right now all he could think about was stopping her trying to make her understand.


Hot tears stung her face, this couldn’t be happening again. She was stronger than this it was all a lie, and she knew it. Love was pain that was one of her first real life lessons. She’d learned to keep her feelings locked up ever since the first time she was hurt. He didn’t really love her, how could he? She’d been nothing but awful to him from day one; just like she was to everyone to keep them at arm’s length. She didn’t need anyone she had herself; she could only rely on herself. That was the only way to keep history from repeating itself. Kagome stumbled as she was blinded by tears, she saw the ground coming towards her, but before she could move to save herself she was being lifted off the ground by strong arms. She turned to Inuyasha his golden eyes solemn.
“Put me down,” she said steadily.
“Not unless you listen to me,” he replied his expression unreadable.
“What else are you going to tell me, that you want to mate with me?” A flash of emotion darkened his eyes then passed.
She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to hold back the tears she wouldn’t cry, not openly anyway.
“Would you let me explain?” he begged.
“What’s there to explain, you’re in love with me apparently,” her words were meant to cut; she had to keep up her defenses no matter who they hurt.
He dropped her to her feet and stepped back, “I don’t,” he said slowly.
“Don’t what?” she prompted him she needed to hear the words.
“Love you,” He said with a measured pace, almost robotic.
“Then why would you say such a thing,” ‘This is all another game isn’t it.’
“We’re supposed to be married Kagome, I should be jealous, I shouldn’t want other men to touch you. We have nine months left of this sham; we need to keep up appearances.”
Kagome watched assessing him; he seemed to be speaking genuinely. She couldn’t be one hundred percent sure though, this was Inuyasha after all he loved to toy with her. On the other hand though; he had a point.
“We just agreed no more games,” he continued, “you need to trust me, I’m done playing games, I’m sorry if my words surprised you.”
“They did.” She said honestly, ‘He really is telling the truth?’
“let’s start new from this moment, for real this time, I may say or do things in front of others to keep our secret but its only to keep our secret.”
“So are you saying we should act more like a married couple,” Kagome replied, still unsure of his motives.
“I’ll think about it.”
“That’s fine.”
She wanted to believe him it’d be so much easier if she could trust him, all this lying and secrets was taking its toll on her, but she felt like he was keeping something from her, for now though she’d have to trust him. “What do we tell the others?”
“Nothing, if you like; they don’t need to know what it’s about.”
“They’d get suspicious.”
“We’ll tell them it was another fight,” Inuyasha said logically.
“Fine by me,” she felt so tired, why couldn’t this just end?
Kagome turned stiffly from Inuyasha, “I’ll see you in there I need to go wash up my face is a mess.”
“You look beautiful to me.” Inuyasha said below his breath. Kagome turned to look at him but appeared to not hear what he’d said.

Inuyasha waited till she was out of sight, then he walked in the other direction, he had no intention of heading back inside. He’d been humiliated once again. This had to be the week from hell. When the words ‘I love you’ had slipped out it had felt like a wonderful release that was until reality came crashing down. Kagome didn’t love him he couldn’t change that fact, when he’d chased after her he wasn’t sure what to say. Taking it back had never been something he planned on, but the bitter expression she gave him it seemed like the only choice. He needed to get closer to her to prove to her that he really did love her in order to have her love him back. No more games, and hopefully no more lies, but starting off with a lie wasn’t exactly ideal. No he’d have to play his feelings closer to the chest like he’d done in the past. It was all worth it if he could get Kagome to love him though. Like he’d known from the beginning she was the only one for him, now to convince her of the same thing.

A/N: Now before anyone asks, no, this isn’t the end or ever close to the end. To tell you the truth, were not even half way yet. I still have a lot in store for them, so hold on tight! The story is just beginning. Remember they have to be married for a whole year and according to my time line it’s only been three months. And while I have your attention I’d to direct you over to my live journal account http :// nicluv1787. livejournal. Com / (without the spaces) as I’m sure you’ve all noticed it’s been a while since my last update that is part to the holidays(dang them) and me being easily distracted by shiny things, which leads into my next point. I’ve been getting very active in livejournal writing communities(I’m a banner whore) and I’ve decided to make my journal an extension of my fan fiction, so I will have weekly updates on story progress and also teasers for upcoming chapters, probably authors notes too. While you’re there check out my profile for some great writing comms if you’re interested, well that’s all for now hope to see you soon. The two songs used in this chapter were: ‘The luckiest’ By Ben Folds & ‘Come away with me’ By Norah Jones.
