InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Subjugation ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:
By Nicluv1787
InuYasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don't sue me.
Chapter Eleven
InuYasha awoke the moment Kagome's pressure eased off the bed. He waited silently with his eyes shut tight listening as she moved about in the bathroom cursing softly to herself. He cracked one golden eye open to watch Kagome's silhouetted form through door. 'Is she alright?' he wondered, `Maybe I should go in and check on her.' Before he could move, Kagome was heading towards the door. He squeezed his eyes shut, feigning sleep. Listening as the bathroom door slid open, and Kagome padded across the room. Briefly, he wondered what she was up to, until he heard the bedroom door open then close.
Once Kagome had left the room he sat up in bed watching the door. He glanced over at the alarm clock; it was still early, just past midnight. `Where did she go?' He wondered.
He hadn't been planning on sleeping with Kagome, it had just happened. Now that it had it made him wonder where they stood. She had rushed out so quickly he didn't even have time to talk to her about it. `Could this be about the bet?' it would make sense, even though it wasn't him who had seduced her, she did sleep with him. Not that it mattered to him anymore. It was becoming ever increasingly obvious to InuYasha that his feelings for Kagome were much more than the joy of petty arguments, and the thrill of seducing her. Though, he wasn't ready to face the truth of that fact yet.
InuYasha stood up and paced the space between the beds. What should he do now? Should he go after her and make her talk to him? Then she would know that he wasn't asleep and if she was upset she might get even more upset that he'd been awake listening to her. He sat back down at the end of the bed resting his head in his hands, the only thing he could do now was wait it out, and hopefully she would come back.
Kagome's mind was racing with a million thoughts as she left the gift shop, a small package clutched to her chest in brown wrapping. She looked down at the package in her arms, `maybe I'm overreacting,' She deliberated, furrowing her brow at the unassuming wrapping. `No, I'm not if I don't put a stop to it now, he'll think he can do whatever he wants, and besides I don't have to activate it I just have to scare him a little.' She decided firmly.
She rounded the corner past the gift shop when she spotted Miroku, still in his pajamas, scurrying along the building towards the ice machine.
“Hey Kagome!” He hailed her.
“Oh hey Miroku” Kagome responded shifting the package behind her back.
“What are you doing up so early?” he asked genially.
“Just going to visit the resort shrine.” Kagome replied affably.
“By yourself?”
“Uh, Yeah, InuYasha is still sleeping.” Kagome said ineffectually. She wanted to get away fast, before Miroku could sense what she was holding. Some time ago Kagome realized that Miroku had spiritual powers, and if he knew what she was intending to do, she knew he would try and stop her.
“Do you want some company? I can go get Sango and we'll come with you.” He said advancing toward their room.
“No that's okay, I'm fine going by myself, well, I'll see you Miroku.” Kagome said hastily, before speeding off in the opposite direction. Miroku couldn't raise a word in protest before she was out of sight.
It was nearly eight in the morning and InuYasha hadn't moved from the perimeter of the bed. He had been scrutinizing the doorway for over seven hours waiting for Kagome's return that had yet to happen. `Where could she possibly be?' He considered angrily, `She can't seriously be this angry about the bet.'
Voices from the room next door caught InuYasha's attention. Miroku and Sango had woken up. After a few moments of indecision InuYasha decided to head over to their room, maybe they could clue him in to Kagome's whereabouts.
InuYasha rapped on Sango and Miroku's door to let them know he was coming in before opening the door to enter. Sango was relaxing on the edge of her bed wearing her `Bride' robe brushing her long brown hair. Miroku, judging by the sound of running water, was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. InuYasha leaned against the dresser-T.V.-stand casually.
“Morning Inu.” Sango said merrily.
“Hmm.” InuYasha replied nodding his head in her direction.
“Sleep well?” she inquired.
Sango glowered at him suspiciously, “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing's wrong.” he said examining his claws. He needed to think of a way to casually bringing up Kagome without letting her know that he didn't know where she was. Sango was suspicious enough as it was, he didn't need to add fuel to the fire.
Sango set down her brush on the bed beside her, turning her full attention on InuYasha. “So where's Kagome?” She said leadingly.
“Out.” He said flatly, not meeting her gaze, `does she know where she is? Or is she messing with me?'
“Miroku said he saw her on her way to the resort shrine, I was wondering if you knew what she was up to. He said she was acting kind of, well, funny.”
“Keh.” He replied non-committal. `So she's at the shrine what could she possibly have to do there?' He pondered.
“InuYasha is everything alright?” Sango said with trepidation, “You stormed off last night and now Kagome is acting strangely. Are you guys having problems? You know you can talk to me, or Miroku.” Sango said with concern in her eyes.
“Don't worry about it,” he said sharply heading to the door, “I'm leaving. I'll talk to you guys later.” InuYasha proceed through the door slamming it closed after him.
“What's up with him?” Miroku said from the doorway to the bathroom.
“I'm not sure, but I guarantee I'll have it all resolved before the day's end.” Sango said resolutely.
“That's my lady Sango.” Miroku said placing a kiss on her forehead, “Always looking out for your comrades.”
It didn't take InuYasha long to locate Kagome. The shrine had its own section of the resort and when he arrived Kagome was bowing out of the main building, a mysterious brown package clutched to her chest. InuYasha jumped through the air landing soundlessly next to her. Her scent tickled at his nose intoxicating him, he could still smell himself all over her, and he could feel a familiar pressure building in his lower stomach at the memories from the night before. `Now's not the time for that,' he chastised himself. Leaning in close he whispered into Kagome's ear, “Hello Kagome” He said huskily, unable to keep the desire from his tone.
Kagome's body tensed, she rigidly stood upright, nearly slamming into his chest. She twisted to face him, an angry scowl marring her pretty features, “Don't sneak up on me like that.” She ground out.
“Keh.” he replied flippantly, in an attempt to hide his concern for her. He couldn't let her know he'd waited up for her all night. “You left pretty early this morning, what have you been up to?” He said, eyeing the strange brown package. Something about that package gave him an uneasy feeling.
“It's none of your business.” She said in a severe tone as she aimed to brush past him.
He caught her about the waist as she attempted to pass. She glared at him from the corner of her eyes, her intensity boring into him dangerously as he spun her to face him.
“What are you trying to hide from me Kagome?” He asked evenly. He knew he needed to talk to her but; the strange package had grabbed a hold of his attention and he couldn't shake it off until he got to the bottom of it, they could talk about what happened last night after.
“I told you it's none of your business.” She replied exasperatedly.
“Fine, then go ahead and leave.” He said releasing his grip on her waist.
Kagome shifted to move away, while with one swift advance, InuYasha eradicated the package from her arms. It only took Kagome an instant to realize what he had done before she turned on him in a rage.
“InuYasha, give that back!” She commanded.
“Is this why you left last night?” He said holding up the package, now that he was holding it made him even feel uneasier.
“InuYasha please, just give it back.” She pleaded.
`Switching tactics huh?' he smirked, `I wonder what's in this thing that she wants to hide so bad.'
“Not until I see what this is.” He said purposefully while unwrapping the crude paper packaging revealing a necklace of alternating wooden beads and fangs. “What is this?” he said with uncertainty, as his hand brushed the necklace slightly with his thumb, the necklace was illuminated in soft pink glow by his touch.
Kagome's eyes widened with fright. “You touched it!” she shrieked, she struggled to pull the package away from him. But it was too late, the necklace had already started to expand and hover above InuYasha.
“Kagome, what's going on?” InuYasha said bewildered as he attempted to back away. But the necklace only closed in on him faster.
“It's a subjugation collar, you awoke it with your yokai when you brushed against.” Kagome said miserably.
“A what? How do I stop it?” He said panicking, as the necklace began to close in around his neck.
“That's just it I can't!” Kagome moaned.
“What do you mean you can't?” He said fearfully as the necklace gradually lowered itself, receding down to normal size, and resting on his shirtfront.
“I don't know. I just need to sit down and think.” Kagome shouted in frustration. The necklace flared and InuYasha was propelled to the ground.
Kagome clapped her hand over her mouth, “Oh no.”
“What the fuck just happened.” InuYasha growled climbing to his knees.
“I activated it.” Kagome said shamefully.
“What do you mean you activated it?” He rumbled, his rage was threatening to boil over; this had to be the most humiliating moment of his life.
“Subjugation collars have an activation word and whenever I say that word it will force you to the ground.” Kagome explained.
“Great,” he said sarcastically, while rolling his eyes. “So how do I get this damn thing off?”
“That's the thing, the spell can't be removed. It has a set duration, I can't remove it until our marriage ends…” Kagome looked down at her feet.
“Great, just great,” InuYasha said throwing his hands up into the air, could this get any worse? “Can we at least figure out what word triggers this?” He said pulling at the necklace its weight was already bearing down on him.
“Well it would only be one word… so let's see, what was I saying when it activated?” Kagome looked thoughtful for a moment while InuYasha continued to tug at the necklace to no avail.
Then something dawned on him, “Wait if you say it again I'll eat dirt wont I? Maybe we should wait…”
“Was it, `just'?” Kagome said trying the word.
“Okay it wasn't, `just'. How about we just wait till it happens on accident…”
“Seriously Kagome”
“I mean it Kagome”
“Sit?” InuYasha was propelled to the ground once more. He looked up at Kagome snarling. “It's sit, really?” Kagome said amusedly, whilst InuYasha's face was thrust into the ground yet again.
“Don't say it anymore.” InuYasha said spitting out gravel.
“Sorry” Kagome replied trying to stifle her giggles.
“I'm glad you're amused.” InuYasha spat.
“I really am sorry.” Kagome said regaining composure.
“It doesn't matter.” he said arising brushing himself off.
“I really didn't mean to.” Kagome reiterated.
“Yeah, sure.” He scoffed, brushing past her. He couldn't stand the humiliation and instead fled towards the forest surrounding the shrine.
Kagome watched him go, she didn't want things to happen like that, she had only wanted scare him a little to put them on even footing. `What a mess I've made.' She thought sighing heavily. She bent over picking up the packaging. `Maybe I should go after him? But then again he's really mad at me.' Kagome watched the path where InuYasha had disappeared, the sounds of cracking branches echoing behind him. `I guess for now I'll have to wait it out, and I might as well get changed.' Kagome sighed once more looking at her hastily thrown together outfit from the night before. Before she slowly trudged back to her room.
Kagome's room door was within her sights. `Good Sango and Miroku aren't around and I won't have to explain myself.' Kagome thought triumphantly, her hand was grasping for the doorknob her fingers barely brushing it when she heard her name called out behind her. She turned around hesitantly; Sango was standing in the doorway to her room.
“Kagome,” She repeated, “where were you this morning? InuYasha was looking for you.”
“Oh well he found me.” Kagome said attempting to sound casual.
“Where is he now?” Sango said looking over Kagome's shoulder.
“Um, you know I'm not sure…” she said tensely.
“Is that Kagome?” Miroku called from behind the room door.
“Yeah she's back.” Sango hollered back to him, Miroku poked out his head from inside the room.
“Hey Kagome where's Inu?” he said jovially.
“He kind of ran off…” Kagome said examining her feet.
“What happened? Did you guys have a fight?” Sango inquired with alarm.
“Yeah, sort of…” Kagome was growing uneasy, Sango and Miroku were suspicious enough as it was, it could only get worse if they found out they had fought.
Sango turned to her soon to be husband, “Miroku you go find InuYasha, And Kagome” She said turning back to Kagome, “You and me are going to have a talk, at the sauna.”
Before Kagome could even raise a single word in protest, Sango had seized her by the arm and was dragging her towards the sauna.
Miroku chuckled to himself as he watched them go, “I guess I get to deal with the angry Hanyou again.”
It didn't take Miroku long to find InuYasha all he had to do was follow the path of destruction he had left through the forest. Deep parallel grooves marked the bark of trees along a straight path to the tallest tree around for miles. Miroku could sense InuYasha's yokai as he approached. Looking up the tree, he noticed InuYasha's silver hair as it blew in the breeze. he was perched high up in the crook of a tree branch, his back resting against the trunk of the tree. `This seems familiar' Miroku mused, it had been quite awhile since he'd seen InuYasha like this. `Not since Kikyo' He concluded.
“How's the weather up there?” Miroku shouted.
“GO AWAY.” InuYasha snarled.
“Sounds nice.” Miroku replied good-humoredly.
“I don't have anything to say to you.” InuYasha exclaimed, sounding more like a pouting child than a grown adult.
“That bad huh?” Miroku said cheerfully, having been friends with InuYasha for years he knew when he was in a `mood'.
“Now we're getting somewhere” Miroku replied sarcastically. He plopped down on the ground near the base of the tree. This was going to be a long morning, and maybe afternoon, if it was a bad fight. But that was the price he paid for being InuYasha's best friend. “I'm not leaving until you talk.” Miroku announced before resting his head against the trunk of the tree.
Sango didn't know what was wrong with InuYasha and Kagome but she couldn't just sit by and watch one of her best friends and someone who had quickly arose in her esteem be mad at each. They were newlyweds after all, and even thought they got married under strange circumstances Sango was determined to help them work it out. Shouldn't everyone be as happy as she was? `I'm going to make Kagome talk even if I have to sweat it out of her.' Sango though resolutely. And that was exactly what she planned on doing, saunas were great for your pores and it could be cleansing for Kagome to sweat out some of her frustration. Maybe she could even get Kagome to open up to her a little more.
They entered the locker room stripping off their clothes and donning towels supplied by the resort. When they entered the steamy confines of the sauna, it was completely empty. Sango was grateful for that; it would be so much easier to get Kagome to talk if they were alone. Taking a seat on the wooden bench Sango patted her hand on the bench for Kagome to take the seat next to her.
Kagome sat down warily, seemingly on edge. `What is she so worried about?' Sango speculated. Sango surveyed Kagome for a few minutes hoping she would start the conversation off. When she didn't Sango dived right in.
“So spill.” She said fixing Kagome with a no nonsense look.
“There's nothing to tell.” Kagome said making an attempt to sound convincing. Sango wasn't buying it.
“Kagome, I wasn't born yesterday, I know there's more to this than you're telling me.” Sango said steadfastly.
“It's really not a big deal.” Kagome said struggling to dismiss the subject.
“InuYasha wouldn't run off like that if it was nothing.” Sango replied candidly.
“Alright,” Kagome said sighing in defeat, “I'll tell you.”
“Now we're getting somewhere.” Sango said elatedly, “Go on.”
Miroku sighed as he leaned against the tree; he'd been sitting out there for God knows how long. Focusing on the surrounding area, specifically the tree he was leaning against the invisible tendrils of his holy senses prodded around InuYasha yokai. Miroku had been checking every few minutes to make sure InuYasha hadn't slipped away when he wasn't paying attention. Though, he should have known his stubborn friend wouldn't have gone anywhere.
Miroku let out another heavy sigh. `I never thought I'd use my childhood training to talk down InuYasha.' He smiled at the thought `Literally.' He chuckled at his own joke.
“What's so funny?” InuYasha said menacingly from high above him.
“Nothing. Does this mean you're ready to talk?” Miroku said hopefully.
“Suit yourself, I'm on vacation I have all the time in the world.” Miroku replied inserting his hands behind his head.
He could hear InuYasha shifting high up in the tree. `Either he's ready to come down or he's getting ready for a long wait'. Miroku deduced. Glancing upwards all he could see were the leaves blowing in the breeze, for a split second he hoped he was ready to talk.
“I don't have any plans either.” InuYasha said firmly.
`Well that answers that question.' Miroku thought dismally.
“It really isn't that big of a deal.” Kagome said evasively.
`That's not going to stop me,' Sango contrived. “Kagome if you see me as any kind of a friend you'll tell me what happened.” She said laying the guilt on thick.
Kagome grimaced. Sango knew she was about to crack. “It just started out as a petty squabble.” Kagome paused looking at her feet.
“And?” Sango prompted.
“I guess I took it too seriously, it's just he made me so mad.” Kagome face flushed, balling her fists at her side. Sango noticed her angry posture, the way her shoulders tensed and lips were drawn thin, `I feel like there's more to this than she letting on.' “I just wanted to scare him, to get even yeah know?” Kagome said gazing at Sango begging Sango to agree with her eyes.
“What did you do?” Sango said. This was getting more dramatic every second.
“I went to the shrine gift shop and I bought a special necklace.” Kagome said remorsefully.
“What kind of necklace?” Sango said curiously.
“I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I was raised on a shrine and I was trained as a Miko, I have some spiritual powers as well.”
“What does that have to do with the necklace?”
“The necklace I bought was a subjugation necklace. People used to use them to control demons.” Kagome said avoiding Sango's gaze.
“They sell that in a gift shop?” Sango said flabbergasted,
“They only sell replicas, ones that don't have the subjugation spell on them. But when I was younger I found an old book with the spell in it. I wanted to know how to do everything a Miko could do and I learned the spell…”
Sango eyes grew large with realization, “You didn't…”
“I didn't mean to actually put it on him, I was just mad; I only wanted to scare him.” Kagome said mournfully.
“Well I guess that answers that question.”
It had to have been close to an hour when Miroku stood to stretch his aching muscles. `What would my master say if he saw me befalling to soreness after sitting on the ground for less than an hour?' Miroku thought dourly, `maybe I shouldn't have stopped training after all.'
“Getting sore?” InuYasha scoffed.
“Nope.” Miroku said gleefully. Plopping himself back down, but the dull pain in his lower back still persisted. `This is not how I imagined spending my wedding vacation.'
Miroku shifted his body to a more comfortable position, `How do I get into these situations?' He contemplated, evaluating the surrounding forest. `Oh that's right, I'm best friends with the world's most stubborn Hanyou.' Just then an idea came to mind.
“Hey InuYasha, do you remember the day we met?”
“Keh, how could I forget that lecherous, pimple faced, freshman?” InuYasha said sarcastically but there was a hint of his old self in his tone. `I think I'm getting through.' Miroku thought eagerly.
“I remember seeing you ride up on your bright red motorcycle, exuding cool. With your Hanyou powers, leather jacket, and I had even heard rumors that you were working at one of the hottest bars in town. Plus wasn't it your, fifth or sixth time attending college?” Miroku queried.
“It was the seventh.” InuYasha said a hint of whimsy in the timbre of his voice.
“That's right. Anyway, I remember thinking at the time. I would do anything to be that guy, let alone be his friend.”
“I remember thinking, what's wrong with that kids face.” InuYasha said chuckling faintly.
“Hey, it cleared up.” Miroku said defensively, rubbing his cheek where faint reminders of his horrible acne still remained.
A deep throaty laugh escaped from InuYasha. `Now I know I'm getting through.' Miroku exulted.
“Eventually I did become your friend, and I learned about the you behind the gruff cool guy, exterior.”
“My point is: I know you InuYasha, I've seen you make it through worse, I know whatever it is that you and Kagome are fighting about you can move past it. Now why don't you just come down and go talk to her?”
There was no response. Seconds later Miroku could feel InuYasha yokai shift and his friend was standing next to him. Miroku could sense the necklace before he saw it; he noticed the thing wrapped around InuYasha's neck was a subjugation collar. `I've only seen those in text books, no wonder he was upset. That has to be humiliating.'
“Come on.” InuYasha said reaching his hand out to Miroku. Clasping hands InuYasha helped him to his feet and the pair of them headed out of the forest together.
Kagome was silent, and Sango could sense her discomfort. `Now I understand why InuYasha ran off into the forest, but I can't let this lie unnoticed. InuYasha and Kagome deserve happiness, I just need Kagome to talk to him tell him it was a mistake InuYasha should understand.'
“Kagome, you should go talk to him.” Sango said firmly.
“I don't know if I can he has to be furious.” Kagome said indecisively.
“He may be mad now, but I know InuYasha. He never stays mad for very long sometimes he can have a short fuse and blows up easily but I know he'll listen if you talk to him.
“Do you think so?” Kagome said apprehensively.
`I think I'm getting through to her just one more push.' Sango deliberated. I don't think, I know!” Sango said dramatically.
“I guess…”
“Just go before you ruin my whole wedding week.” Sango said melodramatically.
“Alright, alright I'll go talk to him.” Kagome said rising to her feet.
“Good.” Sango replied, observing Kagome as she rushed out of the sauna. `That's what I thought' She thought smugly, as she poured more water over the hot coals, enveloping herself in the steam.
After a quick shower and change Kagome decided she had done enough stalling and it was time to seek out InuYasha. The first logical choice was to start near the forest where she had seen him running off. She headed in that direction and luckily as she approached, InuYasha was exiting the forest with Miroku by his side. `He looks like he's in a better mood'. Kagome thought optimistically as she approached them. Kagome couldn't help but noticed the shift in InuYasha's expression as she drew near.
“Hey.” She said awkwardly.
“Hey.” he replied his anger had apparently subsided.
“Well, I'll let you kids get to it.” Miroku said with a smirk, “See you both at the rehearsal tonight.”
With that Miroku left them standing in awkward silence. Kagome shuffled her feet, digging the toe of her shoe, into the loose gravel of the pathway. `Just get this over with,' she scolded herself.
“InuYasha, about this morning.” She began.
“Don't worry about it, I forgive you.” InuYasha said quickly.
Kagome could feel her eye twitch, `How does he know I was apologizing? The smug bastard.' Kagome thought angrily.
She snapped. “Forgive me? This is all your fault if you hadn't taken the package away from me you wouldn't have ended up with that collar around your neck.” She shot back angrily.
“What were you planning on doing with it then Kagome? Subjugation collars haven't been used for a century! No one makes these anymore.” He pointed irately at his necklace.
“If you could learn to keep your hands to yourself, I wouldn't have needed to make it.” She spat angrily.
“I should, since you seem to be keeping your hands on to yourself enough for the both of us.”
“What I do when I'm alone is none of your business.” Her face burned with rage, as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the memory.
“Then maybe you should learn to do that when you're alone.”
“You weren't supposed to walk in!” she said on the defensive.
“Well you didn't seem to object.” InuYasha sneered.
“Well… that was a mistake!” Kagome stammered. She was losing ground in this fight fast.
A flash of hurt dart through his golden eyes, “You know before this” He said tugging at the necklace, “I would have thought that was true.”
“What are you trying to say?” she said in a treacherously low tone.
“I think you wanted to sleep with me and you set the whole thing up, then when you knew you lost the bet you couldn't handle it.”
“You ass, how could think that!” Kagome balked.
“It's written all over your face.” He condemned.
“Sit!” she bellowed, InuYasha was shoved to the ground, “You know I was going to apologize for what I did on accident, but now I'm glad I didn't, because you deserve it you jerk.
Kagome turned on her heel stomping away, leaving InuYasha laying her wake. `That's what I get for thinking he could ever change, or even think he could be understanding.' Kagome wiped at the hot tears that stung her eyes. `I always knew I couldn't trust anyone. Why would I even think for a second I could let anyone in?'
InuYasha's muscles tightened and strained as he lifted the hundred pound dumbbell over his head. Sweat glistened over his sculpted muscles, coating him in an ethereal sheen. With one last grunt of exertion he finished his set, sliding the weight back into its stand. He sat back up straddling each side of the bench he'd been lifting on. He raked a clawed hand through his silvery tresses, scowling to himself. `Damn wench, I should have known from the start.' He thought darkly. Guilt crept in the moment the thought passed through his mind. `I did take it kind of hard,' He thought, `but who is she to fit me with something so demeaning?' He tugged at the necklace that's weight seemed to be lifting as the day went on.
Hours of exercise had only slightly dimmed the pain of his humiliation, even after Miroku had talked him down from the tree he hadn't been feeling much better, he thought he could trust Kagome it never cross his mind that she would stoop so low as to outfit him with a subjugation collar. `What have I done to let her trust me though? This stupid bet and constantly trying to seduce her, I'm and idiot why would she have a reason to trust me.' InuYasha rose to his feet, his thoughts weren't improving his mood at all. The only option he had left was to work him to the point of exhaustion. Maybe then, his dark thoughts would escape him. He jumped over the weight bench made his way over to the boxing ring. Maybe a few sparring matches would help to let out some of his built up frustration.
The warm water seeped into Kagome's skin weaving its way into the deepest reaches of her body, warming her to the core. No matter how warm the water was she couldn't shake the guilt she was feeling. She sighed resting her head on her folded arms. `Why do I have to be so proud? Couldn't I just admit that I made a mistake and apologize? No, I had to get offended that he was accepting an apology I had yet to give. I just don't understand how he gets under my skin like he does, no one's ever infuriated me quite the way he does.' Kagome shifted to the front resting her neck on her forearms instead. `I've lost the bet, he got me to sleep with him. I should have just conceded my defeat. How do I know he really would have lorded it over me?' Kagome closed her eyes remembering the passionate events from the previous night a blush creeping up her cheeks. `Even though I don't remember the first time we were together it seemed strangely familiar, like… no it couldn't be,' Kagome tossed away the thought. `But now what do I do? Do I apologize? Or do I let him come to me?' She simmered in quiet contemplation for a while longer coming to no reasonable conclusion she rose from the steamy water, covering her naked form with a towel. `I'll just have to wait and see I guess.'
Guests had begun pouring into the resort early that afternoon, they wedding were mainly immediate family and close friends, the total number of guests reaching fifty. Keeping with the casual feel of their wedding Sango and Miroku had invited all of their guests, who wanted to, to come and participate in their wedding rehearsal and rehearsal party.
After showering and changing, InuYasha headed to the banquet hall where the rehearsal was being held. He had half hoped to run into Kagome at their room but was only greeted by her fading scent. His mood had not improved much, the weighted feeling of the beads heavy on his chest. He was beginning to wonder if he would ever return to his normal self. Entering the banquet hall, InuYasha greeted members of Sango's and Miroku's family he recognized. He noticed Kagome talking with Sango and Miroku from across the room. In a split second decision he walked in the opposite direction, just seeing her made the weight on his chest increase, instead he approached Kohaku who was chatting with someone InuYasha assumed was a cousin. Noticing InuYasha, Kohaku excused himself and came over to him.
“InuYasha, Long time no see.” The young man said jovially.
“Hey Kohaku, how's the bar business?” InuYasha said conversationally, while looking over the young man shoulder in Kagome's direction to see if she noticed his purposeful avoidance of her.
“Steady, we sure could use your expertise though.” Kohaku said cheerfully.
“Nah, my bar tending days are over.” InuYasha said not making eye contact with Kohaku instead he was staring daggers into the back of Kagome's head.
“Too bad.” Kohaku said noticing InuYasha's lack of commitment to the conversation; he wondered briefly why InuYasha wasn't talking with his sister and future brother in law. Kohaku noticed Kagome talking with them animatedly remembering her slurred come on the last time they met, he blushed slightly. “She's a great lady.” Kohaku said shyly.
“Who?” InuYasha snapped turning his attention back to Kohaku.
“Kagome.” Kohaku replied unsteadily.
“Sango said she's been great for you, that she's really brought you out of your shell.” Kohaku attempted.
“Yeah she's been fucking fantastic for me.” InuYasha replied brushing his hand against his necklace.
Across the room Kagome was trying to avoid InuYasha's angry stares, she could feel his eyes burning a hole in her brain. `I guess he's still mad' Kagome thought nervously, `Maybe I should wait a little longer to talk to him after all.'
“Kagome why isn't InuYasha coming over here?” Sango said seemingly conversationally, but Kagome could recognize that glint in her eyes anywhere, she was prying.
“I haven't the slightest.” Kagome said brushing the question off.
Sango and Miroku exchange a glance, that Kagome ignored.
“Are you and InuYasha still fighting?” Miroku said kindly.
Kagome shrugged non-committal, as a small balding Japanese man with thick black-rimmed glasses walked up to the trio.
“Sorry to interrupt, but it seems the best man has arrived and now might be a good time to start the rehearsal.” He said in a kind tone.
“Thanks Mr. Hironobu,” Sango said smiling at her wedding officiate, we'll be right out there.” Mr. Hironobu bowed slightly before heading towards the garden where they would be holding the ceremony rehearsal. “Why don't you go get InuYasha love,” Sango said addressing Miroku “While me and Kagome wait for our cue.”
“Sure thing my lady Sango” Miroku said plying a chaste kiss to Sango's brow.
InuYasha watched from across the room as the small Japanese man approached the trio speaking with them briefly, before Miroku headed in his direction.
“Looks like the rehearsal is about to start.” Kohaku said trying to cut the tension that had manifested between them.
Right on cue Miroku strolled up a large grin plastered on his face, “We have been summoned to the garden for the rehearsal.”
“Keh, fine let's get this over with.” InuYasha said grazing past the two of them.
Miroku waited till InuYasha was out the door before he addressed Kohaku, “What was he talking to you about?” he said seriously.
“Nothing really, I mentioned how Sango seems to think Kagome is making a positive impact on him and he got a little tense.”
“Hmm,” Miroku mused, `It doesn't add up.' “Well why don't you go join your sister, she can't practice walking down the aisle without her escort.” He said giving his future brother in law a brilliant smile.
“You're right,” Kohaku said scurrying past Miroku over to his sister.
Kagome waited patiently alongside Sango, who looked like she was nearly ready to burst with excitement.
“Are you ready for the dry run?” Kohaku asked playfully, as he reached them entwining his arm with Sango's. Sango had told Kagome, only recently about Kohaku and her parents untimely death. Kohaku was her only living relative, and Sango love him fiercely, and it showed. Kagome smiled at the pair of them, she'd never seen a brother and sister who were closer.
“I'm ready for the real thing to happen.” Sango moaned, lightheartedly.
“You never were one to be patient.” Kohaku teased.
“You shouldn't say things like that to your nee-chan when she's got a hold of your arm and could flip you over her shoulder.” Kagome said, mischievously
“You wouldn't.” Kohaku said with wide eyes.
“Don't think just `cause you're a big bad college student now that I won't flip you.” Sango said threateningly.
Kagome laughed at their exchange they definitely were close, the smile didn't leave her face as she turned the corner from the banquet hall to step out into the garden soft instrumentals playing in the background.
InuYasha stood of to the side, his arms crossed; Miroku and Sango's guests stared at them with awe. He hated being the center of attention; even though he knew Miroku's family would never judge him he still didn't like being ogled at. Though if he had to choose how big his wedding would have been it would have been the size of Miroku and Sango's if not smaller. He shook his head, what was wrong with him thinking about weddings and marriage, maybe something was knocked loose after Kagome sat him all those times. InuYasha ears twitched as the soft processional music floated to his ears, he glanced out the corner of his eye when he noticed Kagome walking around the corner, the knee length black dress she was wearing swishing slightly as she walked, but that wasn't what caught his attention it was the smile that lit up her face. How long had it been since he'd last seen her smile, truly smile. He could feel the tightness of his chest lift completely as Kagome halted to stand across from him. He wanted to be the one to make her smile like that truly smile, he wanted to be the one to make her happy, not angry. And in that moment something had shifted inside of him as he watched her from the corner of his eye. He knew in that moment, everything he thought he knew about his feelings for Kagome, were completely wrong.
Chapter eleven already my how the time flies I still remember when this was just a plot bunny that popped into my head. Thank you to all the people who read and review, and those of you that continue to read this story as it ambles along. I would like to give a great big warm glomp, to P_tama. My partner in fanfiction crime and awesome beta, we're currently working on a colab so anyone interested look out for a link on my profile in the coming days. And just before I leave you off to the land of reality where there's work to be done and a wedding to be planned, I'll give you a little teaser for the next two chapters.
Chapter Twelve: `Revelation' (speaks for its self *nudge nudge*)
Chapter Thirteen: `Rin's Return' (she's BACK.)
Let me know what you think, I would especially like to hear some speculation on what happens next of course I know what's happening but I want to see what you all think. Till next time.