InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens in Vegas ❯ Mt. Hakurei ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

What Happens In Vegas:
By Nicluv1787
InuYasha and Friends belong to Rumiko Takahashi and I make no money off of this so please don't sue me.
Chapter Ten
- Mt Hakurei
Oriental style buildings dotted the hillside, surrounded by thick forest. Steam from the open air baths wafted on the breeze.
“Is that it?” Kagome said, nearly bursting with excitement.
“Hmm? Yeah,” InuYasha said distractedly.
Kagome watched InuYasha from the corner of her eye. They had barely exchanged more than two words at a time in weeks. Ever since that night he had attempted, and nearly succeeded, at trying to seduce her InuYasha had been very withdrawn. `It doesn't matter now,' Kagome thought decidedly, `after this week it's all over, Rin returns the Monday we get back.' Thoroughly confident in her own self-control, and InuYasha's somber mood, Kagome knew she would make it through the weekend without incident.
They traveled the few remaining feet in silence; InuYasha drove while Kagome enjoyed the passing landscape. InuYasha pulled up his red convertible to the front of an oriental style building with a low slanted roof, and two large red doors. One room was for Kagome and InuYasha the other was reserved for Miroku and Sango. The rest of the wedding guest, who would be arriving the following day, would be staying in different places scattered across the resort. When the car finally came to a halt, Kagome launched herself out of the passenger's side door slamming it shut behind her. Flying to the room door, Kagome fumbled with the keys, only momentarily, before throwing open the room door to an Asian inspired room. Two queen sized beds platform beds dominated the room, each bed was swathed in red silk sheets and matching comforters. The walls were painted a pale cream color with black accents on the molding and on the doors. The door to the bathroom was see-through with intersecting panels, reminiscent of a sliding door, like the ones Kagome's family had at their shrine.
Kagome turned her attention back to the beds, the silky smooth look of the comforter and sheets called to her. She released herself off the floor onto the nearest bed. She pressed her face into the cool silk sheets luxuriating in the expensive feel of them. `This has to be the nicest room I've ever stayed in.' she thought blissfully.
While Kagome was reveling in her good luck, InuYasha walked in with the bags, he roughly threw Kagome's bag on the end of her bed; then the same with his own. Kagome watched guardedly as he plopped down on the end his own bed, turning his back from her to face the wall. `What is up with him? He's been acting so strange for weeks now.'
“What's your problem?” Kagome blurted out before she covered her mouth with her hand, she hadn't meant to say anything. `That was smooth,' she chastised herself.
InuYasha turned somber golden eyes to her, his once dancing eyes that had held so much mischief before, now looked dull and lifeless. “Nothing,” he said flatly.
“Do I look stupid?” Kagome retorted. “Anyone with eyes could see something is bothering you.” She hadn't realized it until now but it bothered her to not have the back and forth they usually shared.
“It's none of your concern,” InuYasha said turning to face away from her.
`What's wrong with him he's not even engaging me in a fight.'
They sat in uncomfortable silence for a few moments, Kagome mulled over her options. She could either choose to ignore him for the rest of the time they were married, or try to get to the bottom of InuYasha's sudden mood change. As much as she disliked InuYasha, she wasn't sure she could live with someone she couldn't hold even a brief conversation with. Then thought occurred to her, `Did I do something to upset him?' She rolled over on the bed to look at the back of his head once more. Bring herself up onto her knees she cleared her throat.
“InuYasha?” she said cautiously.
“What?” He snapped turning to face her, his expression was a mix of confusion and rage.
“Did I do something to upset you?” she continued trying to keep her voice apologetic.
“I told you not to worry about it,” He said standing abruptly, “I'm done talking, I'm going for a walk.”
He was half way to the door when it was flung open. Sango and Miroku stood in the doorway wearing matching bride and groom robes.
“Hey you crazy kids, lets hit the hot springs.” Miroku said, before pausing to look between the two of them. InuYasha was standing in a defensive pose a scowl on his face. Kagome was kneeling on the bed looking upset.
“What's going on?” Sango said cautiously.
“Nothing,” InuYasha said crossing his hands over his chest.
“Geeze someone's is in a grumpy mood.” Miroku said in a playful tone. InuYasha glared at him angrily in response. “No need to kill me with your death glares,” Miroku continued putting up his hands defensively.
“I'll kill you with more than a glare if you don't cut it out.” InuYasha said menacingly.
“Calm down InuYasha he's just messing around,” Kagome interjected.
“Stay out of it Kagome.” InuYasha snarled.
Kagome scowled in his direction as Sango looked between the two of them.
“Come on InuYasha, it will be fun, you've been really tense lately it could do you some good to relax.” Sango said in a would-be convincing tone.
“Fine,” InuYasha grouched, “we'll meet you there.” He then proceeded to slam the room door in their faces.
“That wasn't nice.” Kagome said accusingly.
“Like I give a crap.” InuYasha said violently swinging his suitcase off the bed, before stomping into the bathroom slamming the door after him.
`What a jerk!' Kagome thought, she shrugged her shoulders in defeat and began sifting through the contents of her suitcase for her bathing suit.
Mt. Hakurei was not only the most popular and well renowned resorts in the area, it was also the largest. With nearly fifty different types of hot springs it had the largest selection by far. Anything from the honeymoon special, an intimate two person mineral bath, accompanied with a massage for two, to the expansive men only bath house, Mt. Hakurei had it all. Because it was only a week away until their nuptials, Miroku and Sango could not be torn apart from one another, and had chosen a co-ed open-air bath for the four of them to enjoy. Even Though Kagome would have appreciated a woman's only bath with just Sango and herself, away from InuYasha and his new permanent scowl, she was just as happy to be taking a bath, in the awe inspiring spring.
Kagome followed Sango out the swinging doors of the women's locker room onto to the patio like area surrounding the Olympic pool sized mineral bath.
“Are you sure this is appropriate?” Kagome said tugging at the hem of her bikini bottoms, for some reason she had felt more confident in the revealing two-piece in the store than she did now.
“You look fantastic,” Sango exclaimed, “With a body like yours what are you so worried about?”
“Well you have so much more covering you,” Kagome said eyeing Sango once piece with its dramatic cut away on each side it was much more conservative, in Kagome's opinion.
“If you were marrying the man I'm marrying, you would keep the skin exposure to a minimum as well.” Sango said wisely.
“Are my ears burning?” Miroku said as he strolled up to them, wearing a pair of purple and black swim trunks. InuYasha stalking behind him was wearing a pair of red swim trunks with a white string for a tie. Kagome couldn't help but turn an appreciative eye on InuYasha's nearly naked form as they approached. Her eyes roamed over his lean body and well muscled torso. `Why didn't I ever notice before how in shape he was?' Kagome shook her head. `The air up here must be getting to me.'
“It was nothing dear,” Sango said rolling her eyes at Kagome, as if to say `see what I mean?'
“How about we get in? I'm dying to see what these baths are like,” Kagome said hoping to distract herself from thoughts of InuYasha's nearly naked torso.
“You're right Kagome those baths aren't going to use themselves.” Sango said taking Kagome by the wrist the pair of them ran towards the baths.
When they reached the bath's edge each woman lowered themselves gently down the steps into the warm mineral water.
“We should have more vacations like this,” Kagome cooed, as she sunk down to her neck in warm water.
“I agree,” Sango said blissfully.
“The view isn't too bad either,” Miroku added giving an appreciative glance in Sango's direction. As he and InuYasha waded into the mineral bath towards the two women.
“You know it's not too late for me to change my mind about marrying you,” Sango said mildly giving Miroku a warning glare.
“Oh, don't do that my love,” Miroku said mock pleading, as he waded over closer to the two of them. “You know I would do anything for you my love.” he took Sango's hand in his own. “I would scale the highest peak, swim to the bottom of the deepest ocean.” He began to wade over in InuYasha direction, who was looking as disgruntled as ever. “I would tame the most ferocious beast.” Miroku firmly jabbed a finger into InuYasha stomach.
“Hey, quit it.” InuYasha scowled at him.
“You dare attack my lady, you fowl beast!” Miroku said in a voice reminiscent of King Arthur.
“Miroku, I am not in the mood for this.” He said in a snarling tone.
“En guard.” Miroku said once more jabbing him with his index finger. InuYasha swatted his hand away with another warning glare. Miroku backed up a few steps, before rushing forward his shoulders forward ready to plow into InuYasha mid section. “For my lady, Sango,” He cheered. Kagome and Sango broke into a fit of laughter as Miroku charged into InuYasha waiting hands. InuYasha grabbed Miroku by the armpits flipping him over his head expertly. Miroku hit the water with a huge splash, soaking the four of them to the skin.
InuYasha shook off the water in a dog like fashion, and Kagome found her eyes drawn to him like a moth to flame. His long silvery hair ran down his shoulders like ethereal rivers, framing his wide masculine shoulders leading her sight down to his chiseled chest, bring to mind images of running her hands down his body, lingering slowly down his abdomen, down to the valley right above his, `quit it Kagome. What's wrong with you, you're acting like a horny sorority girl.' She tried turning her head away, but the sun came out from behind the clouds and illuminated the droplets on InuYasha's body accentuating his manly physic. Kagome couldn't help but feel her eyes glued to him. `Why did I never realize how attractive he was before? Oh that's right because I was too distracted by the fact that he's a pompous jerk.' Kagome somehow managed to tear her eyes away from him, when the cloud cover came back and the glow from before disappeared, but for the rest of the bath Kagome let her mind wander to images of InuYasha's body.
They exited the baths a few hours later Kagome's skin thoroughly wrinkly, and her body feeling relaxed, well most of her body. The sexual tension had been building all afternoon, Kagome couldn't remember the last time she was feeling this aroused. She looked over her shoulder as InuYasha climbed out of the hot springs. Trails of water spilling off of his body in a tantalizing way, she was so distracted, by the rivulets of water falling off his shoulders and legs, she didn't even notice a mop and bucket a resort employee had set aside to mop the floor. She was watching InuYasha when he began rushing towards her, `What is he doing…' Before she could complete the thought she was being pulled around the waist and pressed up against his chest. She looked up to him his lip tantalizing close, his breath mingling with hers.
“InuYasha what are you doing?” She breathed heavily, the tension and desire so thick she could slice through it with a knife.
“You almost ran into that bucket” He said flatly releasing her from his grip. He set her on the floor. Kagome looked over her shoulder at the bucket, and blushed from a combination of embarrassment, at not seeing the bucket, and misconstruing the signs InuYasha was giving her. `I have to get it together, this is InuYasha I'm thinking about, lying, conniving InuYasha.'
“Oh, thanks,” Kagome mumbled, she pushed away from InuYasha, and she rushed over to the locker room.
Once inside the locker room, Kagome threw open her locker, placing both hands on either side of the locker she let out a deep sigh. “What is wrong with me, am I really attracted to him?' She regarded the contents of her locker, pair of jeans and a t-shirt was waiting for her. `I guess I might as well change,' she thought heaving another heavy sigh, she pulled off her bathing suit bottoms and shimmied into her pants. She was taking off her bathing suit top when she brushed against one hardened nipple. `That's it' she thought triumphantly `This is just unresolved sexual tension from that dream I had, all I need to do is relive some of my sexual tension and things will go back to normal.'
Sango walked into the locker room and opened the locker next to Kagome's,
“How about some dinner?” Sango said conversationally as she changed back into her clothes.
“No, I'm feeling a little tired, I think I'm going to go lay down for a while.” Kagome said casually in return.
“Oh alright, well if you feel better come join us.” Sango said kindly.
“Maybe,” Kagome said smiling a secret smile as she planned her evening's itinerary.
Once again in her room, Kagome shut the curtains and dimmed the lights. She turned on the small radio in the corner of the room setting to a smooth jazz station. She turned to face the bed, running a caressing hand down her body appreciating the silk of her nightgown. She sauntered over to the nearest bed throwing back the silky comforter to expose the smooth, red silk sheets beneath them. She lowered the straps of her nightgown sensually letting the fabric pool at her feet; she lowered herself onto the cool sheets slowly. She ran her legs up and down the smooth fabric enjoying the contrast between it and her warm body. She took one hand running it up and down her body slowly, teasingly. She laughed a little to herself, `it's been a while.' she thought. Her hand found her breast, and she cupped it firmly, she brushed her thumb over the peek feeling her nipple harden beneath it, she took her thumb and forefinger rolling the nipple between them. She could feel herself getting slicker, as she continued to move her legs up and down the sheet. She teased her nipple for a few more moments before her second hand began to explore her body. It traced its way down the side of her body, feeling her curves until it found its destination. Her folds were wet and ready for her greedy hand; she traced a ring around her clit before pressing two fingers to it expertly. She moaned a little as she began to pleasure herself.
Meanwhile at dinner, InuYasha stared into his barely touched plate of food. Sango and Miroku chatted amicably across the table from him. His mind felt foggy, he couldn't focus in on their words and instead let his own thoughts incase him. He knew he hadn't been himself in weeks. His failed attempt to try and seduce Kagome had put him in a shame spiral. That coupled with the fact that Kikyo was back, which opened up fresh wounds. `Damn it why do I feel like this,' He fumed pressing his index fingers to his temples.
“Inu, is everything okay?” Sango said pausing in her and Miroku's conversation to look at him.
“I've told you once already today, everything is fine,” He said shortly.
“You don't seem fine, you've been acting strange all afternoon.” Sango replied skeptically.
“It's none of your business,” He snarled baring his fangs at the pair of them like a wild dog.
“I haven't seen you act this way since Kikyo, did you and Kagome have a fight?” Miroku pressed concern marking his features.
“Why do you have to drag her into every conversation, this has nothing to do with either of them.” InuYasha stood abruptly scarping his chair across the floor. “I'm going for a walk,” he stormed out of the resort restaurant.
“InuYasha wait!” Sango shouted, but Miroku placed a hand on her shoulder and shook his head,
“Just let him go” Miroku said,
Out in the early evening air InuYasha scowled and stalked along the resort paths. `Damn them, like they would even have the slightest idea of what I'm going through.' InuYasha cracked his knuckles in anger, they were right he hadn't been this upset since Kikyo. `Kikyo was different though, she strung me along like some kind of stupid puppy dog. Kagome has only been straight forward with me I know exactly how Kagome feels.' Anger bubbled in his gut, `My thoughts are just running in circles, I need a distraction, I'll go work out at the gym.' InuYasha turned pushing through a large crowd towards Kagome and his room. He should have been proud, it was his marketing strategy that had made the place as popular as it was but all he could think of was the way Kagome confused him.
With his mind swirling like angry storm clouds InuYasha arrived at their room. He paused outside the door momentarily trying to fish his room key from his pocket when the over powering scent of a woman's arousal nearly floored him. It wasn't just any woman's arousal, however it was Kagome's. He instantly bristled at the thought of Kagome in their room having sex with another man, when he realized the only person he could smell was Kagome. A smirk crept across his face; this certainly was an unexpected change of events. InuYasha was presented with two options, he could walk away pretend like he didn't know what he knew or he could confront her and possible get a glimpse of Kagome writhing in her self-pleasure. The second option was the most tantalizing `and besides, I'm done considering her feelings it's only brought misery upon myself.'
He grabbed hold of the door handle; slowly he turned the knob swinging the door open. Kagome was laying on the bed her legs splayed displaying her box to InuYasha, her hand teasing at her clit. Her eyes were closed in concentration and pleasure, her other hand kneaded her breast. InuYasha felt his erection spring to life instantly, a low moan combined with a growl released from his throat before he could stop himself.
Kagome's hand halted, her eyes flew open and she stared at InuYasha in shock and embarrassment.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE,” she screamed flying off the bed she hastily wrapped herself in a sheet the same color as her cheeks.
“Last time I checked this was my room.” InuYasha said calmly trying to keep the urge to throw her down on the bed and ravish her at bay.
“Haven't you ever heard of knocking?” she accused stepping towards him her eyes lit with rage.
“I didn't know I had to knock to enter my own room,” InuYasha said lightly “Should I have? Do you do this often?” he said making a sweeping motion with his arm towards the bed.
“I think you're protesting a little too much” he replied playfully.
“You pig, I hate you.” She flung herself at him, pressing her lips against his. His eyes flew open in shock as she began tearing at his t-shirt and pants. `Am I dreaming this has to be a dream.'
“Kagome what are…?” She fixed him with a glare.
“Just shut up.” she replied pressing her lips to his. InuYasha felt himself give into desire as Kagome slid off his shirt dragging her nails lightly down his chest covering his body in gentle kisses down his chest; to his abdomen. She unbuttoned his pants, freeing his straining member. She looked up at him her eyes full of lust, taking his length in her hand she stroked up and down, before taking him into her mouth. His mind went blank as she took his full length into her mouth. She dragged her tongue along the bottom of his shaft, he moaned, grabbing a hold of the back of her head as she bobbed up and down his engorged member. Kagome moved her mouth up and down for several minutes before taking one hand and placing it around the base of his shaft stroking up and down with the movement of her mouth. The sensation was indescribable; he could feel the pressure building low in his stomach as Kagome increased her pace. She looked up at him with her large brown eyes as she paused to swirl her tongue around the sensitive tip. InuYasha had to keep himself from bucking, and jamming his cock down her throat. He could feel the pressure building low in his abdomen, and he knew he was close, he attempted to signal to Kagome he was about to cum, but she ignored him and instead attacked his member with even more vigor, the pressure exploded from deep within him as he spilled into her mouth. He looked down at Kagome as she licked the remains off her cheek.
He stared in opened mouth amazement, as she rose from the floor and sauntered over to the bed sensually. Her hips swaying tantalizingly, enticed by the way her naked body moved InuYasha watched her as she slid onto the sheets and posed herself the same way she had been when he had first come into the room, he watch as Kagome explored her own body, mewling slightly as she rubbed her nipple between thumb and forefinger, her other hand explored her body, reaching her prize. She caressed the lips gently before she began teasing at her own clit, moaning under her own pleasure as he watched her.
“Would you like some help?” He said huskily.
“Yes please,” She said sexually dragging a hand along her body.
InuYasha walked over to kneel between her spread legs, he lowered himself down, kissing the inside of her thighs, teasing and nipping as he inched closer to her folds. Kagome bucked in expectation of his tongue rolling along her button. He was filled with her scent as he buried his face into her folds; he licked from top to bottom, letting her juices roll over his tongue, before slowly teasing her clit with a flat tongue. She mewled with pleasure as he rolled his tongue over her clit repeatedly; he could feel her become wet and inserted a single finger that she raised up to meet as he pumped in and out of her. Kagome grabbed hold of the sheets calling out his name, as he stroked her inside and out. He inserted a second finger making her gasp, he paused to look up at her, her eyes told him to keep going, his tongue playing her expertly, and his fingers caressed her walls. He could feel her tense as he brought her to her climax, her pulsating walls trapping his fingers as he was covered in her juices. He removed his fingers and licked them clean; Kagome looked up at him with lustful eyes.
“That was amazing,” she said breathlessly.
“I'm not finished yet.” He said standing, his erection once more at full attention.
He pressed his naked body against hers, sliding his hands up and down her body, as he explored Kagome's awaiting mouth with his own. Her hands slid into his hair, then down his back kneading his rear to press his erection against her opening,
“I need you of inside me.” she whispered in his ear,
He was happy to oblige as he slowly slid inside of her. He moved slowly, enjoying every moment he was inside of her once more. Kagome grasped the sheets above her head and held on tightly, she clenched the muscles within her, wanting to moan out with pleasure. He kissed along her neck, sucking at the spot he had once let a hickey, he played with the idea of sinking his teeth into that spot marking her as his permanently but was distracted as Kagome moaned his name bringing him back to reality.
He thrust into her quicker then pulling back so he could watch her body as it writhed beneath him. He took each breast in his hand rubbing the nipples between thumb and forefinger. He bent his head and tickled the pink bud with the tip of his tongue. Kagome mewled with pleasure making him even prouder of his efforts to please her. Kagome bit her lip and clenched harder on his member. InuYasha growled with the sensation of the tightness. He slid one hand between the two of them to massage her clit, making her rear up to meet his hand as he thrust into her. He rubbed with his gyrations, making it harder to concentrate on Kagome. He moved his hand back up to her side and gently caressed her waist. As Kagome continued to tighten her grasp on his member, she could feel the pleasure beginning to grow and move in her body. She could feel the pleasure all the way in the tips of her toes. InuYasha felt her body tense once more as she neared her orgasm her eyes flew open as he plunged deeply into her feeling the end of her channel, his gold eyes locking with her brown, he saw the wild pleasure raging behind them and was pushed over the edge as he spilled his seed into her. Panting and exhausted, InuYasha collapsed on top of her in a sweaty heap, he kissed the beads of sweat from her chest and neck. He rolled off of her, and then he pulled her close snuggling into her scent,
“InuYasha…” Kagome said breathlessly.
“Hmm?” He said sleepily into her hair,
“We should…” he turned her to face him, pressing a finger to her lips,
“Let's talk in the morning.” he said,
As he drifted off to sleep, he thought `for tonight let me believe you could be mine.'
It was nearly midnight when Kagome's eyes fluttered open, her body incased in the warmth of another person's body. She snuggled close to the strong arm that was wrapped around her body, before the fog of sleep began to wear off and she realized her surroundings. He eyes grew large and her body tense. `Oh no please tell me that was another dream, please tell me I got drunk and the person with their arm around me is a stranger, anyone but InuYasha, anyone but InuYasha.' she chanted as she shifted underneath the other body's weight. She turned over coming face to face with InuYasha, his dark brows relaxed almost peaceful, his silver hair draped over his shoulder like a silky curtain. `What did I do?' she moaned internally, `I'm such an idiot; if he hadn't come in just at that moment none of this would have happened. I have to get out of here before he wakes up.' Kagome gently removed InuYasha arm from around herself, he let out a small whimper as his hand fell against the bed.
She crept away from the bed into the bathroom, sliding the door closed after her.
“Fuck” She breathed into the silent night air. `What am I going to do? I can't let him think that I'm available for a quick fuck anytime he fancies one. I'm so stupid why couldn't I just control my urges until I was safely back at home where no one could walk in on me.' Kagome collapsed onto the toilet putting her head in her hands, `I can't face him without some sort of ammo'. She raked her hands through her hair in concentration, `there is one thing I could do, although it is a little drastic'. She stood up and walked over to the door of the bathroom, she slid the door open, only a crack, to watch InuYasha's sleeping form. He had sprawled out on the bed, his legs and arms splayed, his silvery hair sweeping over the silk sheets. `He looks so peaceful, but I know there's a conniving bastard just waiting under that sleeping form, I'm sure the moment he wakes up he'll rub it in my face that I lost the bet.' Kagome made up her mind there was no other way. She crept back into the bedroom hastily dressed and slipped out the front door.
I hope that chapter was worth the wait it certainly took me the longest it's ever taken me to write anything, I love this chapter and I hope you did too. I'd like to give extra thanks to P-tama who helped an extreme amount with the Lemon, and all her wonderful editing for me is always appreciated. If you loved this chapter let me know I need the extra motivation to keep me writing. I love you all!