InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Happens when Inuyasha meets Barney ❯ Death of Barney ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, no one suggested being in this story, so I will put my friend Moon Rose in as guest starring. Sorry to the people who wrote that Fanfic about Yu-Gi-Oh on American Idol. I had to move on because this is a chapter story, so I promise that you will guest star on the death of The teletubbies.
Disclaimer:I do not own Inuyasha and Barney is definitely not on my ownership list.
What Happens when Inuyasha meets Barney Part II
-Continuing from the last chapter-
Me: Action!!
Inuyasha: Let's get that evil purple dinosaur!!
*They run outside*
Sango: There it is!
Shippo: I told you it was out here..
Kagome: Let's get it!! *Pulls out bow and arrow*
Barney: Let's all sing a song!
Koga: No.. no!! That's exactly what he said after he proposed to being friends..!
Rin: Evil song of death!!!
Sesshomaru: Rin take cover
???: Quick take these!!
*Throws earplugs to everybody*
Inuyasha: Who the hell are you?
???: My name's Moon Rose. I'm guest starring in this story.
Kagome: Nice to meet you, Moon Rose.
Sango: Thank you for the earplugs. You're a life saver.
Miroku: I could've done that…
*They all stick earplugs in their ears*
Inuyasha: See you in Hell, purple dinosaur!!!!!!!!!!!
Shippo: Its name is Barney…
Kagome: Huh? What did you say?? *Takes out one earplug*
Miroku: No, Kagome!!! Leave your earplugs in your ears!
Rin: Oh no!! It's about to start singing!
Koga: Quick! Earplugs in!!
Moon Rose: Looks like this is all up to me. They're all scared of what the singing might do to them, which I don't blame them for.
*Moon Rose creeps up behind Barney, ties him up and kicks him over.*
Inuyasha: What the hell are you doing?
Kagome: Wait… I know that dinosaur! It's a TV show in America for little kids to learn.
Moon Rose: And for the sake of everyone's lives, we have to make sure it dies.
Kagome: Go ahead
Inuyasha: You're not getting all the credit!
*come up beside Risu*
Moon Rose: What are you doing??? I'm abouta kill it!
Inuyasha: Duh! I'm helping you kill it!!
Moon Rose: Then you might want to back up a bit…
*Takes a pin out of a grenade and stuffs it in Barney's mouth.*
Moon Rose: Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Inuyasha runs about half way and turns around, taking out his Tetsusaiga.*
Inuyasha: Backlash Wave!!
Sango: Hiraikotsu!! *throws giant boomerang*
Kagome: Hit the mark!! *Shoots arrow*
Shippo: Fox Fire!
A giant explosion took up a lot of space and everybody stood there watching and taking their earplugs out
*Finally, it cleared up after a long wait*
Shippo: Ewwwww!!! Barney chunks are everywhere!!
Miroku: No problem. Wind Tunnel!!
Moon Rose: Hey! Watch where you're pointing that thing!!
*Every piece of evidence that they had ever fought Barney was now sucked into the void of the wind tunnel*
Moon Rose: Hey. Koga, Sesshomaru, why didn't you take part in destroying Barney?
Koga: Lazy
Sesshomaru: Didn't Wanna.
Moon Rose: Goodbye forever, Barney!! Mwahahahahahaha!! >=D
Me: And…. Cut!
Me: And that, my friends and viewers, is how Barney was destroyed by Inuyasha and company.
So how was it? Was it okay? Tell me what you think and please review. I'm coming up with another story having to do with Yu-Gi-Oh meeting the Tellitubies, and some horrible things will happen. Thanks again, Moon Rose, for letting me use your name. I know you enjoyed killing Barney. Anyway, for all you satisfied readers, please review! ^_^
-Authoress Mei Lynn