InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What I Didn't Say ❯ Sorry I Cared ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: "I dun own Inu-Yasha!!" *sigh*

Ebony: "Welcome. This is 'What I Didn't Say' an Inu-Yasha fic."
Milton: "That's not funny you idiot! You have so much time and you never want to work on your fictions... You freak!"
Edwuardo: "Agreed. You such an abnormal writer..."
Eb: "Shut up!!!!!! Hey, where's Ed?"
Milton: "..."
Edwuardo: "..."
Eb: "What did you-"
Ed: *runs up panting* "You guys F'rgot ta untie me!! You said 'We'll be right back..' WHy!?!?"
Milton: "We didnot forget to- Wait, so we did... Hey, what's that noise? "
Ed: "Luckily, for me, Inu-Yasha was passing by and he helped me! I brought him with me too!" *pulls out taped up hanyou*
Inu-Yasha: *finaly freed* "Feh. I did not ya' stupid wench! I was jus' walking by with Kagome and this nut jumped out of the trees an' grabbed me!!!"
Ed: " THAT'S what happend... heh"
Kagome: "Inu-Yasha.. where are you...??" *wonders around aimlessly*
Eb: "ENOUGH! Our readers would probably like to read the actual story!!!!! er, poem..."

Edwuardo: "yeah, right.."

'What I Didn't Say'


"Why do you always have to be like that?!?!?" Kagome screamed at Inu-Yasha, her eyes glowing and flames egulfing her.
The hanyou looked startled for a moment untill he shot back a not so witty comeback,
"Like WHAT?!?! It's always my fault with you!! You... you stupid wench!!! When you-"
"INU-YASHA!!! SIT!!!!!!" Kag orderd, sending an angry inu-hanyou into the path.
"What the hell was that for?!?! I didn't do anything!!! Why are you always doing that!?!?" The dog boy shouted back at her.
Inu-Yasha was tired of always being 'sitted' and for nothing at all. *Feh, alls I did was call her a bitch.. It's not like it's a bad thing.. Stupid girl. Feh..*

Kagome was fed up with him,
"I'm.going.home.Inu-Yasha." she said through clenched teeth. *Why is he always like this?!? I can't belive I actualy though he liked me.. a little at least..*
"Feh.." was all he could say back, but clearly it wasn't the right thing, for Kagome exploded,

"YES, I REALIZE YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!! WELL IF YOU HATE ME SO MUCH THEN JUST GO TO HELL WITH YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE KIKYO!! SEEING AS HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HER!! I'M SOO SORRY I CARED!!!" Tears began to cascade down her face as she ran to towards well, her only passage home. Before she could jump in however, her heart stopped her...

"Wait... Kagome. I.." She looked back to see Inu-Yasha's darkend face. *His eyes... they're so.. sad..* She hoped he would say what she felt....
Inu-Yasha bowed his head, he figured Kagome hated him for sure, now. *I really fucked up this time... how do I tell her?*


Eb: "How ya like so far??? Next chappy is Lord Inu's thoughts, this is kinda weird how it's put together.. but, yeah.. Oh an' don't be mad cause it's soo short!"