InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What I Didn't Say ❯ What I DIdn't Say ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: "I dun own Inu-Yasha!!" *sigh*

Please R&R, mmmkay?!?!?!

Ebony: "Heelllooooo! This is chapter two! TWO!!!!! It's My Lord's thoughts and what he wants to tell Kagome.
It's the actual poem of this fic...."
Milton: "I will not even say a thing..."
Edwuardo: "Agreed"
Ed: "Meow..."
Eb: "So here ya' go!! Chapter 2, jus' love that! Hey Ed, whatchya do with Inu-Yasha after tchappie one?"
Ed: "..."

'What I Didn't Say2'
Inu-Yasha looked away from Kagome. *Damd this is too hard.. What if she.. Ahh, fuck..DAMMIT!!*

Can't you hear,
hear what I didn't say,
what I never do,
you think that I hate you,
well, let me tell ya',
that's far from the truth.
Kagome, my dear girl,
can't you see,
I'm afraid,
imagine that,
this strong hanyou!
I've been hurt before,
said, never again,
would it happen,
but when I looked hown apon you,
when I was sealed to that sacred tree,
I fell fast and hard,
quick as can be.
Wish I could tell you,
don't know why it's so tough,
to let you know, just,
just how much,
you mean to me.
Please listen,
not to my mouth,
but to my motions,
wish I could show you.
Please hear it,
what I'm not saying.
But tryin' to,
don't you get it?
Kagome, I'm so in love with you...


Eb: "Awwww, stay tuned for the next one!"

please R&R!