InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What I Didn't Say ❯ Kisses and a rush for sleep ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: "me no own, you no sue!"

Eb: "*sniff* Still cryin from da last one..."
Milton: "weakling"
Ed: "....sooo saaadddd"
Card board sign: "Be back later---Edwuardo"


'What I Didn't Say3'


*what 's he gonna say?!?!*
Kagome was wondering what Inu-Yasha would say but when he didn't talking, she spoke,
"Well, Inu-Yasha? What do you want? Do you ha- hey, is something wrong?" She asked,slightly worried because
of the pained look on Inu-Yasha's face. Still though, she was dissapointed that he didn't say what she had hoped...

She spoke again, "Umm, Inu-Yasha, I'm, umm, reall sor-" But The hanyou cut her off when he pressed
his lips lightly to hers. For a brief second they both felt what eternal happiness was... Inu-Yasha pulled away as his tongue swiped across her lower lip..

"Sorry, "Inu-Yasha finished for her. "Really, Kagome, I am.. and.. I care too.." With that Inu-Yasha darted into the forest,
leaving a stunned Kagome with only her thoughts.... and her fingers covering her tingling lips.
*Does this mean... he.. loves me too?!?*


In Kaede's hut...

"Honto?!? Kagome and Inu-Yasha!?!? kissingggg???" Sango asked an elated monk. Her eyes cautiously watching his left hand.. "Hai, may I show you, Sango, darling?" Miroku pleaded, inching closer to the girl, his right hand rubbing her backside..
*SMACK* Sango indented her fist into the monks face... "But Sango, I just wanted to demontstrait what a saw Inu-Yasha and Kagome-sama doin-"
"Not another word, Monk!!" The hanyou in question sneered, his face an odd cherry color..
Stunned Miroku coward behind Sango but then shot up, "Why Inu-Yasha, if I may ask, are you bushing?"
Inu-Yasha growled back, "No you may not ASK!!! It was nothing!! nothing!!!" His face growing darker yet..
However the hanyou didn't notice Kagome entering the hut..
"What was nothing, Inu-Yasha?" Kagome asked, her face redder that his. If that's even possible.
"Kagomeeeeee! Your Baaaackkk!!!" squealed the little kitsune presumed asleep..
"Hai, Shippo, I am.." She replied..
"Well, lets sleep, we'll be lieaving early tomorrow!!" Inu-Yasha declared a little to loudly, thus causing everyone to look at him.
"Why Inu-Yasha, if I didn't know better, I'd say you've got something to hide.." Sango stated. Making Kagome wonder what it was.. "Somehting to hide? What is it Inu-Yasha? " * I wonder.. Oh MY GOSH!!! they know...*
"Well, actualy I'm a little tired my self!! Let's sleep, shall we?!?" Kagome shouted out, her face returning to it's previous shade..
All too quickly Kagome and Inu-yasha got ready for bed, not saying a word to eachother or anyone else..


Eb: "Kinda waffy, ne? I loved it!!! How ya like it? Actualy, it was kinda cheesy ta' me..."

Ed: *sniff* "It was great! I cried soo much!!!" *wails*

Milton: "What little minds they have"

Edwuardo: "agreed.."

please R&R!!!