InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is Love ❯ You and Me ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha so you can't sue me for anything.
Oh, and if there are any spelling or grammatical problems well…my bad!
Chapter 10:You and Me
“…was found today. Police say that…”
“… to make sure that the egg whites are…”
“…used to attract the attention of the…”
“What's the use? No matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about it!” Shutting the television off, I ran a steady hand through my hair. For the past few hours I had done nothing but try to take my mind off the events that had happened yesterday, but nothing worked. What had happened yesterday kept on playing over and over in my head, but the worst part about it was that I could still remember the exact moment when I felt my heart was being ripped in two.
Sounds corny I know, but how would you feel if the women you've loved since you were four years old was in love with someone else? And what made it worst was that, that someone was your best friend.
Inuyasha. Out of all the guys in Tokyo why'd it have to be Inuyasha?
Why was it that he got all the luck? Every female out there was attracted to him like a moth to a flame…well actually that isn't true. The only girl who seemed to be immune to his charm was Kagome. But still…
“Inuyasha you're one lucky son of a bitch.” Propping me feet up on the table in front of me, I leaned back against my leather sofa, my hands laced together behind my head. He had everything he would ever need. Money, fame and all the girls in the whole damn world at his disposal. Of course I too had money but not as much as Inuyasha, and the only fame I had was being the town lecher. But the only thing that I ever wanted that belonged to Inuyasha was…
“Sango…what did I do to push you away?”
Although…the never-ending gropes and sexual innuendoes could be the reason but it isn't my fault! My hand has a mind of it's own, it's a family curse. Whenever a beautiful woman comes by I just can't control myself, but by now I would've thought that Sango would've been use to it. I guess I was wrong.
But still, never have I once done something, which could have let her misread my intentions towards her. I've been there for her whenever she needed me and I've even been considerate enough to stop groping her…sometimes. All I ever wanted was for her to be happy, and if being with me didn't make her happy then…
The ringing of the phone beside me brought me back to reality. Putting my feet down I reached for the phone…but stopped. What if it was Sango? What if she was calling to inform me about her date with Inuyasha? Taking a quick glance at my wristwatch I knew that if it were Sango she wouldn't be calling to tell me about her date with Yash because it wasn't scheduled until 4 p.m. and right now it was noon.
But if it was her why would she be calling me if not to tell me how her date was. Frowning slightly I debated whether to pick up the phone or allow it to continue ringing.
Making up my mind I hesitantly picked up the phone.
“Hi Miroku it's me.”
Letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding I leaned back against the sofa. “Hi mom. Yeah everything's fine. No, I'm the only one right here mom. Yes I know mom, no parties. Uh huh. Yeah. Mom, when are you and dad coming home? Not for another three months huh. Okay, okay. Love you too mom. Bye.”
Closing my eyes I sighed as the familiar sound of the dial tone reached my ears. It's was always like this. My parents would leave on a business trip and leave me here alone. Sometimes they'd be gone for a couple of weeks and sometimes they'd be gone for months, either way I was always left alone.
And believe me when I say being alone sucks.
Placing the phone back into its cradle I braced my elbow on the armrest and my head in the palm of my hand. Looking around the room my eyes settled on my address book, which contained every phone number of every girl in school. I could call up a random person from the book and ask them out but then again…
“Oh to hell with it!”
Reaching over to my coffee table I picked up the book with one hand the phone beside me with the other. Opening the book to any random page I started dialing the first number that I saw. Even though the thought of going out with someone either than Sango killed me inside, I knew that it was already too late. She already chose whom she wanted and it wasn't me.
Placing the phone next to my ear I waited patiently as it rang, a nauseating feeling in my stomach. I clutched the phone tightly in my hand as a muffled hello came from the other end.
“Hello Kagura? It's me Miroku Hiroki. Yeah I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight? Really? Okay, I'll pick you up at 7. Okay, see you tonight.”
Hanging up the phone I looked at my watch. Okay right now it is quarter to one, which means I have like six hours to kill.
“Great! What the hell am I suppose to do for the next six hours?” I asked out loud.
Turning on the t.v again I flipped through channels until one caught my interest. It seemed that Kami finally decided to give me a break for once. Grinning, I turned up the volume and leaned back into the couch as the sounds of moaning and groaning filled the room.
Oh well sometimes being alone does have its perks…
“Sango, I know that I said I'd go out with you today, but I don't think that it's such a good idea. I mean you're my best friend, and that's all I see you as…a friend. And I don't think that the whole you, and me going out thing is going to work.” I paused and took a deep breath. “So why don't we just call the date off and forget the whole thing ever happened?”
A pregnant silence filled the room at the end of my bold confession. It had taken all night but I had finally found the perfect words to say to Sango…too bad I didn't have the guts to tell her this in person. Crossing my arms over my chest I continued pacing my room, a million different thoughts running through my mind.
Right after Sango asked me out, I quickly grabbed Miroku and bolted out of the mall as fast as I could. I knew I seemed like a total coward not responding to Sango's question and running out on her, but at the time, getting as far away from her seemed like the most appropriate thing to do. It wasn't until we finally made it to my house that Miroku convinced me to call Sango and tell her whether or not I would go out with her.
At the time I had every intention of turning her down but when I called her to tell her `no', the usual confident Sango that I knew was replaced by a shy and nervous school girl who acted like she was being asked out to her first date. So being the ass that I am I accepted her offer with Miroku standing right there listening to every word I said.
The look on his face after I hung up told me that he expected me to say no but what was I supposed to do? I just couldn't hurt Sango's feelings but at the same time I didn't want to hurt Miroku's, but seeing that I was in a lose-lose situation I had no choice but to make up my mind, which would untimely end up hurting one of them.
This was the toughest decision I ever had to make. If I said yes I'd probably loose my best friend but if I said no, I'd break Sango's heart. Even though I knew that I would break her heart I just couldn't go through with it, I had to tell her that I couldn't go out with her. I should've just stayed in bed this morning.
A sharp knock on my bedroom door brought me out of my thoughts.
“Inuyasha, father wishes to speak to you.” Came Sesshomaru's emotionless tone of voice from the other side of the room.
I frowned and scowled. “Tell the old man I'm busy here.”
“If I have to come in there and drag you out I will but be warned Inuyasha that if I do, I will not hesitate to use some extensive force.”
“Fuck off Sesshomaru. If dad wants to speak to me so badly than I'll wait for him to come to me but right now I have more important things to do than to listen to one of his lectures.”
Flopping onto my computer chair I had every intension to ignore Sesshomaru and continue with my petty self-loathing. That is of course until the door to my room swung open and the sound of someone approaching filled my room. I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw in anger.
“I thought I told you to fuck off Sesshomaru.” I cursed loudly as I kept my back to him, expecting one of his smart-ass remarks but only received an eerie silence. “What's wrong Sesshomaru? Run out of your usual `I'm going to kick your ass' remarks or are you too fucked up in the head to think of any new ones?”
Still receiving no response, I turned in my in my chair expecting to see Sesshomaru but instead was met with the amused look of my father who was standing at the doorway.
“Now Inuyasha, did your mother and I raise you to use such vulgar language?” My father raised an eyebrow questioningly, a small smile on his face.
“What do you want dad? Did you come here to force another one of your stupid rules on me or is there another reason for this unwanted visit?”
“What, is it a crime for a father to come and check up on his youngest son?” He asked innocently.
AS I glared at him, he chuckled softly and crossed his arms over his chest. “Alright you caught me. I just came here to say that I approve.”
I raised both eyebrows in surprise. “Approve? Of what?”
“Why, of you and Sango of course.” He said happily.
“How did you…”
“She called earlier to confirm your date, and I must say Inuyasha that I was quite surprised when she called. I always thought that she would end up with Miroku.” He shrugged. “Oh well, that's too bad for him. Sango is a fine young women and I couldn't be happier that you two are now a couple.”
“Let's get one thing straight, she and I aren't a couple, this is just a…”
“Sympathy date.” My father finished for me. “Sympathy date or not, Sango is still a lady and you'd better treat her as one. I better not find out that you broke the young girls heart, she seemed pretty excited about this date of yours.”
“She's that happy huh?” My father nodded his head in reply.
Hanging my head low I stared at the ground clenching my jaw hard. That was all I needed to know. I now knew what I had to do.
The sound of my father leaving caught my attention. “You do know Inuyasha that if Sango proves to be the one for you, the deal is off.”
I looked up and glared at him. I had forgotten about that stupid deal and now that he reminded me, I knew that he was right. If Sango and I did work out I wouldn't have to marry that other girl. What was her name again? Maybe going out with Sango isn't that bad of an idea.
“But if she proves not to be, you only have the end of your school year.” My father looked over his shoulder with a serious look on his face. “Let's just hope that Sango is the one. It would prove to be less stressful later on.”
He silently left the room closing the door after him, leaving me in the dark.
Yup, I definitely should have just stayed in bed this morning.
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I have no choice. Raising my hand up, I rang the doorbell twice and waited for someone to open the door. I stood stiffly at the sound of the door being unlocked, as it swung open. My eyes widened in surprise at the person who answered it.
“Kagome? What the hell are you doing here?” I asked rudely.
Her chocolate eyes flashed in annoyance as she opened the door wide enough to let me in. “Nice to see you too Inuyasha.” She replied dryly.
Walking into the house, I looked around to see that nothing had change since the last time I was here. “Is Sango ready?” I asked impatiently.
Kagome crossed her arms and frowned at me. “I don't know let me check. SANGO YOUR DATE IS HERE!” She yelled, making sure to exaggerate on the word `date'.
“For fucks sake women, are you trying to make me deaf?” I snapped as she smiled smugly when I winced at her yelling. “You were practically yelling in my ear.”
“Now why would I do something as mean as that?” She asked innocently as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet.
“Because you're a psychotic bitch!” I wanted to say but resorted to a loud “Keh!”
“IN A MINUTE!” Came Sango's reply.
Scowling, I turned away from Kagome's smiling face and walked into the living room. Sitting on the couch I tapped my fingers impatiently on the sofa's arm. My eyes slowly followed Kagome as she walked past my line of vision, picked up a magazine off the coffee table and sat on the chair in front of me.
“Do you mind? That noise is irritating.” She hissed as she looked over the magazine she was reading.
I smirked and continued tapping my fingers. “What noise?”
Her face flushed in anger as her eyes narrowed dangerously. “The noise you're making with your fingers.” She said through clenched teeth.
“Oh that noise.” I said in fake surprise, as I raised an eyebrow. “Uh…how bout no.”
Her face flushed an even darker shade of red and I couldn't help notice how cute she looked when angry.
Hold on…did I just say that she looked cute? That can't be right. Kagome is anything but cute. Although, that shade of red on her face did suit her…
Arrgh! What the hell is wrong with me?
Shaking my head to get rid of those thoughts I stole a glance at the stairway to see if Sango had come down yet.
I turned my head in Kagome's direction as she huffed in anger.
“For Kami's sake Inuyasha will you stop tapping your damn fingers before I come over there and break them.”
Smirking, I stopped tapping my fingers only to start tapping my foot on the ground.
Without warning, Kagome lunged at me and we both ended up on the floor, with her on top straddling my waist, smacking my head with her rolled up magazine. Successfully grabbing her weapon out of her hands, she tried wrapping her hands around my neck to choke me. Flipping us over so that I was on top, I pinned her arms over her head with one hand and peered down at her, both of us breathing heavily.
My gaze lowered to her soft pink lips and tongue as she licked them. I wonder how would it feel like if I kissed those lips?
What the hell am I thinking?! I don't want to kiss her! She's going out with Kouga and I would never want to kiss anyone who kissed Kouga! But even though all those thoughts ran through my mind I still found myself lowering my head towards hers. Her soft breath fanned my lips, as I continued lowering my head…
“Am I interrupting?”
Looking up, I saw Sango staring at us with an amused look on her face. Taking this as her cue to get away, Kagome managed to push me off of her and glared at me as she stood and smoothed out the skirt she was wearing. Her face was flushed as she ran a shaky hand over her hair to smooth it out.
“Well, since you're ready I should get going.” Kagome said, her voice higher than usual. “Have a good time Sango.” She said as the two girls hugged.
She turned towards me, her face still a bit red. “You too Yash.”
Giving Sango one last hug, she quickly left the house.
The sound of someone giggling reached my ears and I turned to see Sango, her hand covering her mouth as she tried to stifle the sound.
“What's so funny?”
Sango stopped giggling and smiled at me. “For a minute there it looked like you were about to kiss Kagome. Funny isn't it?”
I froze and forced myself to laugh. “Yeah…funny.” Forcing another laugh out of my mouth, I straightened my clothing and cleared my throat. “If you're ready, we should better get going.”
“Yeah I'm ready, let's go.” She smiled at me and reached for my hand.
I felt my body stiffen as she clasped her hand in my mine. Not trying to seem rude I closed my hand over hers and squeezed it gently. Giving me another smile she led me out of her house and we walked together hand-in-hand down the side walk.
“For a minute there it looked like you were about to kiss Kagome. Funny isn't it?”
Keh, that's the stupidest thing that I've ever heard! Me? Trying to kiss Kagome? Kissing her would be like kissing Kouga and that's one thing I'd never do. What happened in there was…a momentary lapse of sanity. I wasn't trying to kiss Kagome and I never will. Nothing happened.
“Mama! I'm home!” I yelled as I walked into my home, closing the door behind me. “Souta? Grandpa?”
Getting no response, I removed my shoes and walked into the living room, finding a note on the coffee table. Picking the note up I quickly read it and crumpled it in my hand when I was done reading it. It seemed that my family went out grocery shopping, which meant that they weren't going to come home anytime soon. Looking at my wristwatch it was currently 6:25 pm. I guess the little detour I took at the mall when coming home took more time then I thought.
Seeing that I was alone in my home for I guess would be a couple of hours I had three options. 1) I could plop onto my couch and watch TV for the remainder of the day. 2) I could call Kouga and ask if he wanted to come over to give me some company or 3) I could go to the kitchen and get some food and then plop onto my couch to watch TV.
Just as I was contemplating on my choices the sound of my stomach grumbling distracted me from my thoughts. “Getting food then watching TV it is.” I muttered as I walked towards my kitchen.
“Hmm lets see…” I opened my fridge and started browsing around to find something to eat. “Carrots…left over oden…more oden…hmm what's this” Picking up a blue container, I opened it only to be met with an awful smelling brown substance.
“Gross…I don't even think this stuff is edible…” I mumbled as I quickly sealed the container, placing it at the back of the fridge. After a few more minutes of scrounging for food, I finally decided on the oden and put it in the microwave to heat it up.
Waiting silently for my food I realized that the house seemed pretty creepy without the usual noises of my brother's video games from the living room, or my mothers humming as she cooked dinner. Don't get me wrong, I was left home alone a lot of times before but usually Sango or Kouga would be here keeping me company.
Speaking of Sango, she really did surprise me the other day with the whole asking Inuyasha out instead of Miroku thing. All this time I thought that she was talking about Miroku when all along it was that self centered jerk that she had a crush on.
Poor Miroku, he must have felt so heartbroken after yesterday, and what worse was that Inuyasha actually went along with the date. That must've made things worse for Miroku knowing that it was his best friend who stole his `girl' away.
Taking my food out of the microwave when it was done, I leaned against the counter and was about to start eating, when the sound of someone knocking at my door caught my attention.
“Now who could that be?” Placing the bowl of oden on the kitchen counter, I walked towards the door and opened it.
“Kouga? What are you doing here?”
Kouga smiled and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. “Just came to check up on my woman.”
Rolling my eyes I stepped aside to let him in. “Kouga, can you please stop referring to me as your woman.”
Smirking, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest. “Why should I? I'm only saying the truth babe. Besides…” He nuzzled his cheek against mine, “I got to make sure that everyone knows that you belong to me.”
Here we go again. Why is it that some guys think that their girl is some sort of possession that they own? Damn testosterone.
“Kouga, I'm not some object that you possess.” I replied taking a step back from his embrace. “But nevertheless I'm glad that you came.” I said sweetly as I pecked his cheek lightly.
Smiling smugly he placed an arm around my shoulders and led me towards the living room. “So Kags, where's the squirt? He's usually bugging the hell out of me whenever I come to visit.”
“Souta and the rest of my family went out shopping, they won't be back for some time.” I said as we sat down on my couch, his arm still placed around my shoulders.
“So you're here alone?”
I nodded my head at his question. “Yeah I am. Usually when my family goes out I'd call Sango to come over but currently she's out on a date.”
“A date? With whom?”
“With Inuyasha.”
Kouga barked out a laugh, which nearly caused me to jump out of my skin. “Are you telling me that Dog shit is going out with Sango? On a date?”
I frowned. “And what's so funny about that?” I asked over Kouga's laughter.
Kouga stopped laughing and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Sorry, Kags it's just I've known those two for some time now and them going out is one big joke. They're completely wrong for each other and besides, I'd have thought Inuyasha would quit on the whole dating thing after what happened between him and Kikyo.”
Again with this Kikyo person. Who is this Kikyo?
“Kouga…who's Kikyo?” I asked.
Kouga froze and gave me a weird look. “Why do you ask?”
“Well…the first time I met Inuyasha he called me Kikyo, and just now you mentioned her name, so I was just wondering who she was.”
Kouga frowned and leaned back into the couch. “Listen, Kikyo is none of your concern and I'd appreciate it if you never mention her name again.” He said in a monotone voice.
“I know that but I still want to know who she is.”
“Just drop it. ”
“But I was just wondering…”
“I said drop it!” His green eyes flashed in anger.
“Jeez, you don't have to bite my head off! It was just a question.” I said, shrugging his arm of my shoulders.
A few minutes of silence passed by as Kouga sat beside me still looking pretty angry by my persistent questioning. It wasn't my fault that I wanted to know who this Kikyo was. It's just whenever anyone mentions that name in a conversation, everyone in the room gets either pretty pissed off or it gets really quiet. Like a few weeks ago when I was having a conversation with Sango and Miroku, one of them mentioned her name and the whole room just went dead quiet.
If just mentioning this Kikyo brings so much tension then there has got to be some reason why. Note to self: Ask Miroku and Sango who she is because I definitely don't think that Kouga would ever tell me how he knows her. As for Inuyasha, I should ask him why he called me Kikyo and maybe he can tell me why everyone seems to get all tense when talking about her.
“So Kagome, you never did answer my question if Inuyasha is seriously going out with Sango.” Kouga asked, but I knew he was just asking to try and get rid of the tension in the room.
“I thought that I made it pretty obvious that they are.” I answered wryly.
“Yeah I guess you did. Man, here I thought that she'd end up with that pervert Miroku but I guess that her taste in guys isn't as good as yours.” He smirked.
That's Kouga for you. One minute he's pissed off the next he's his usual smart-alecky self. Personally I preferred his smart-alecky self because when Kouga's mad well…let's just say that hell hath no fury like a pissed-off Kouga.
Shaking my head with laughter I got up and headed towards the kitchen. That is I tried to get up when Kouga snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.
“And just where do you think you're going?” He asked, brushing his lips against mine in a teasing kiss.
“Just going to get the oden that I left in the kitchen.” I said, as he nuzzled my neck. “I was debating on what to do until my family came home. There isn't that much to do here and it gets pretty boring.”
Kouga stopped nuzzling my neck and raised his head, his eyes filled with a familiar look. A feeling of dread filled me at the four words that escaped his lips.
“I can fix that.”
6:15 p.m
Okay, that means that I have 45 more minutes until this date is done. Looking up from my watch I flashed a small smile at Sango who smiled back, and quickly resumed in telling me some story about something that she and Miroku did last year.
“Anyways, like I was saying Miroku, being the pervert that he is, tired smooth talking his way out but…”
“Uh-huh…that sounds interesting.” I said absentmindedly, tapping my fingers on the table, which we were currently occupying.
The date so far was actually going better than I expected it would. After leaving her house we went and watched a movie of her choice, which (thank God) wasn't a chick flick but a film that we both enjoyed. After the movie we went to get something to eat, so that's where we are right now. In some not-too-expensive-but-not-too-cheap restaurant, reminiscing about some stuff that happened in the past.
Truthfully, I was only half-listening to what she was saying, but it didn't mean that I wasn't interested in what she had to say. There are just too many other things going around in my head that I need to sort that. That and having a short attention span might have something to do with it.
“…so what do you think Yash?”
“Huh?” I sat up straight in my chair and stared at Sango who was waiting patiently for my answer. “Er…I…totally agree with you.” I said hoping that it wasn't too obvious that I wasn't paying attention.
Sango's eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Really? So you also believe that Miroku isn't that bad and that you'd date him if he weren't such a womanizer? I never knew that you felt that way about him?”
“What?” I cried as I stood up from my chair causing it to fall over with a bang. A hush silence went throughout the restaurant as all eyes were on me. “Sorry bout that folks, I thought that I saw a…fly in my soup.” I said in what I hoped was a causal tone as I bent over to pick up my chair.
As I sat back down in my chair I looked over at Sango who was trying hard but failed miserably to contain her laughter. “You should have seen the look on your face Yash. It was priceless.” She said in between her laughter.
“Ha ha…very funny.” I said angrily, only to start laughing with her.
“Excuse me, but can you keep the noise level down. You're disturbing the other customers.” We both looked to our side to see one of the waiters giving us an impatient look.
“Sorry, we'll try to behave ourselves.” Sango said as she clasped a hand over her mouth to stop laughing.
“Actually I think we're done here so if I could have the check please.” I said with as much dignity I had left.
After paying the check, we both walked out of the restaurant, both of us laughing for no apparent reason. We then collapsed on a bench, tears in our eyes from the laughter.
“What, were we laughing about again?” Sango asked as she panted for breath.
Shaking my head, I wiped the tears from my eyes and tried to catch my breath. “I forgot.”
For a few minutes, we sat there catching out breaths as people walking by gave us strange looks. Closing my eyes I rested my head on the bench behind me, only to feel Sango tugging on my hand to get up. Allowing myself to be pulled up by her, I fell in step beside her as she and I walked along the busy streets.
As we walked aimlessly around the streets we soon found ourselves at the park. Walking through the park, she tugged on my hand and led me through a thicket of trees and I soon realized where she was taking me.
“I haven't been here for a long time.” I whispered as I took in my surroundings. Looking around I realized that nothing had changed. The clearing was surrounded by trees and in the middle of the clearing was a large crystal lake. The log that Miroku and I found when we were eight and placed near the edge of the lake to use as a bench was still there.
This place was our refuge. And when I mean `our', I mean me, Sango, Miroku and hell even Kikyo. This place was ours, no one but a few people even knew that this place existed.
“I thought as much. That's why I brought you here.” Sango said softly as she and I sat on the soft grass beneath a large sakura tree, the only one of its kind near the lake.
“Inuyasha, I've got something to tell you.” Sango said seriously, her eyes looking towards her side as she picked at the grass beside her. “But you've got to promise me that you won't laugh.”
“I promise Sango.” I said anxiously, hoping that she wouldn't say what I thought that she was about to say.
She turned and looked at me, her eyes filled with so much emotion and I knew that my worst fears had come true. “Inuyasha…I love…”
“Don't” I averted my gaze from hers as she gasped in surprise. “Don't say it.”
Looking at her from the corner of my eyes, I saw that her eyes filled with unshed tears. “But, Inuyasha I thought that you…”
I closed my eyes. This is what I was afraid would happen, but I couldn't stand to give her any false hope of us ever being more than friends. It wasn't fair to her, nor was it fair to Miroku.
“I can't Sango.” I looked at her and saw that the tears were running down her face. “I just can't do this. You're my best friend and that's all I see you as…a friend.”
“Than why did you agree to this?” She asked her voice quivered from either hurt, or anger or even both.
“Because I didn't want to hurt your feelings.” I said as I reached out to wipe away her tears, only to have my hand slapped away.
“And you think that this made it any better? You led me on to think that you cared and all this was to you was what? A pity date?”
“No. I never said that.” I said in disbelief.
“Than what was this? And don't give me that `I didn't want to hurt your feelings' bullshit because I'm afraid that you failed miserably.” She spat as she stood from her spot. “I was willingly giving you my heart and you fucking stomped all over it.”
Standing up I placed my hands on her shoulders. “Sango I do love you, but not in the same way you love me. I just can't I'm sorry.”
She chuckled sadly and brushed my hands off her shoulders. “And I'm sorry for wasting your time.”
Turning on the spot she quickly ran through the trees, ignoring me as I called for her. As I chased after her through the park, I soon lost her in the crowd of people on the streets.
“Fuck! Sango! Sango wait!” I called after her as I pushed through the crowd. “Damn it!”
Standing in the middle of the street I ran both hands through my hair in frustration looking around to try and catch a glimpse of Sango.
Running up and down the streets I called for her but still I couldn't find her. After 15 minutes of searching and having no luck in finding her, I had no choice but to call for help.
“Miroku! Miroku you asshole pick up the goddamn phone!” I yelled when I got his answering machine. “I know you're there so pick up the fucking phone this…”
I paused as Miroku's exasperated voice answered me back.
“ Miroku, I need your help. I know you're going to get pissed off at me but I lost Sango.” I cringed as Miroku yelled at me through the phone. “Shut up and I'll tell you all the details later. Right now I need you to get your ass over here and help me find her. Right now I'm in front of the-what do you mean hold on a sec? Hello? Miroku?! Miroku you ass you still there? Fuck!” I swore loudly as I flipped my phone shut. The asshole hung up on me.
Running a hand through my hair I thought of all the possible places that Sango could've gone to. Wait a minute. I didn't try calling the bitch, knowing Sango she probably went there.
Quickly dialing Kagome's number, I waited as the phone started to ring. “Damn it!” I cursed again as Kagome failed to answer the phone. Looking at my watch I knew that it was a long shot, but Higurashi shrine was only a 15-minute walking distance from here and Sango could've went there. Hailing down a taxi I quickly told the driver the directions to Kagome's house, praying to all the Gods that Sango was there.
“Miroku you're one good looking son-of-a-bitch.” I grinned at my reflection and combed back my hair. I only had 30 minutes left until my date with the lovely Kagura, even though I would've rather be going out with Sango. But still, a date is a date so I got to make sure that I'm looking my best for it.
As I applied some toothpaste on my toothbrush the sound of my answering going off caught my attention.
“Hey this is the Hiroki residence, sorry but we aren't here right now. Please leave a message after the beep.”
“Miroku! Miroku you asshole pick up the goddamn phone!”
Inuyasha? Why the hell is he calling me at this time? Walking out of the bathroom I walked into my living room to get the phone.
“I know you're there so pick up the fucking phone this…”
“Jeez Inuyasha, you got to learn to stop swearing so much.” I said as I answered the phone. I frowned at the next few words that came out of his mouth. “What do you mean you need my help?”
My eye nearly fell out of my head at what he had to say next. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU LOST SANGO?”
I gripped the phone tight in my hands in anger. “Where the hell are you now?” I snapped. “Inuyasha you better hope that we manage to find her because if we don't not even the Gods can save you.”
A sharp pounding at my door caught my attention. “Inuyasha hold on a second.”
I walked towards my door and opened it; my mouth fell open in shock. There standing at my door was a very distraught and blotchy looking Sango. Turning the phone off I stared at my beloved as she stood there, tears running down her face.
“Sango I…” Before I could finish my sentence she closed the short distance between us and buried her head in my chest, sobbing hysterically.
Quickly closing the door, I managed to walk us toward my couch, holding her closely. Her shoulders shook as I whispered soothing and comforting words to her, my heart breaking with every tear that slipped down her cheeks.
“Sango…Sango it's okay.” I hooked a finger under her chin and raised her head until she was meeting my gaze with hers. “It's alright Sango.” I smiled warmly and wiped her tears away with my thumb.
“Miroku…” She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me fiercely. Wrapping my arms around her I continued comforting her until her sobs slowly quieted down.
I tired not to show my disappointment as she pulled away from our embrace, a part of me wishing that she hadn't pulled away. She smiled a teary smile and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I'm sorry, I got you all wet.”
I looked down at the front of my shirt, which was indeed wet with her tears. “It's okay.”
She looked away. “You must think that I'm such a weakling for blubbering all over you like a baby, just because some boy broke my heart.”
“I don't think you're weak. In fact, it takes a certain strength to be able to cry when you should. And you Sango,” I smiled and turned her head to meet mine, “are the strongest person I know. Hell I got the scars to prove it.”
She laughed weakly. “Thank you Miroku. You're a great friend.”
A friend. That's all she'll see me as. I forced a smile onto my face. “Hey, what are friends for? Besides whenever you need a shoulder to cry on, I have two very handsome shoulders waiting here for you.”
She smiled a smile, which warmed my heart and hugged me. “Now why don't you tell me what happened?” I asked as she pulled away.
A sad look came upon her face. “It's nothing really. I just did something as stupid as to fall in love with someone who can never love me back.”
A sharp stab went through my heart. Love? I knew she liked Inuyasha a lot but loved? What did Inuyasha ever do to deserve the love of such a lovely woman as Sango? Stop, right now I should be comforting her, not getting jealous over what can never be mine.
“Let me guess, you told Inuyasha that you…loved him but he didn't return your feelings?” I asked, hoping that she wouldn't notice the slight hesitation in my voice when I said the word loved.
She nodded her head. “God, Miroku I'm so stupid! Why did I fall in love with him? I knew that he would never feel that same way about me but I just foolishly hoped that he would come around one day and love me back.” She cried hysterically.
“Shhh…Sango calm down.” I grabbed her shoulders to try and calm her down. “Sango, you aren't stupid. Love is a confusing thing and sometimes it takes a lot of heartache until you finally find the one for you. Just because Inuyasha didn't love you back it doesn't mean it's the end of the world. It just means that there's someone out there who'll love you more than life itself.”
Yeah, like me.
“So don't waste your tears over this. If Inuyasha doesn't return the same feelings that you have for him then fuck him. It's his lost. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
Sango smiled and wiped the tear that managed to run down her cheek. “Thank you Miroku, I needed to hear that.” Looking at her watch she slowly stood from the couch. “I think that I should better go home. There's a bucket of Hagan Daz there which has my name on it.”
Every fiber in my being was yelling at me to tell her not to go. To tell her to stay and to tell her how much that I loved her. But instead I just stood up beside her and gave her one last hug. “Alright. But remember, if you need someone, anyone to talk to. You know who to call.”
“Yeah, and that's Kagome.” She laughed and hugged me back.
“Now Sango you hurt me.”
Laughing she pulled away. “Thanks again Miroku. I don't know what I would do without you.”
Wrapping an arm around her shoulders I walked her towards me door. “I'll see you later Sango.” I said softly as I gazed into her eyes.
“Okay.” She whispered back. Her lips were only a few centimeters away from mine that I could feel her hot breath upon them. Standing so close to her, I could smell her intoxicating scent that I didn't notice earlier when I was trying to comfort her. She smelled sweet like honey and it took every bit of my willpower to not kiss her senseless.
But still, I found myself lowering my lips towards her.
“I better go.” She whispered as she pulled away, leaving me alone in my apartment. Resting my head on the door in front of me, I breathed in deeply, the feeling of her in my arms still fresh in my mind.
Turning away, a small knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. Opening the door I was surprised to see Sango standing there, nervously playing with the hem of her shirt.
“Miroku…I um…think that I forgot something.” She said, her voice barely a whisper.
I raised an eyebrow in question. Looking behind me to my couch I looked around to see if anything of Sango's was there. “What did you forget exactly?”
“This,” Stepping towards me she pulled my head forward and kissed me on the lips. My eyes were stuck wide open in shock, but slowly I closed them and kissed her back.
She then stepped away breaking the kiss just as fast as she started it, her cheeks were tinged with pink. “Thanks again Miroku.” She turned around and walked down the hallway towards the elevator.
Standing there in shock, I slowly closed the door. Did I just kiss Sango? Or more like did she just kiss me? Still tasting her on my lips, I walked towards the couch to pick up the phone. I guess I should call up Kagura and tell her that I couldn't make it tonight. I should also call Inuyasha; he's probably worried as hell.
After calling Kagura, I sat there on my couch grinning like a complete maniac. Nothing could bring me down tonight. Hell I even overlooked that fact that I had so many chances to grope Sango but didn't
Oh well…there's always tomorrow.
“K-Kouga…I…I think that was should stop.” I said breathlessly. Completely ignoring me, he continued lavishing my neck with open mouth kisses.
“Don't think…just feel.” He said huskily kissing my lips, licking my bottom lip begging for entrance. Complying with his request I parted my lips allowing him entrance.
Don't think…just feel.
How is that possible? It's not like there's an off switch to my mind. A sharp moan escaped my throat as his tongue raged war with mine, fighting for dominance. Caressing his tongue with mine, I ran my hands lightly down his back.
Is this what you want?
Is it? My body might want this but does my heart? Am I ready for this? A dozen different questions ran through my mind. Kouga moaned deeply as he traced small circles on the inside of my thigh. His other hand cupping the back of my head bringing me closer to him, if that was possible.
Have you forgotten?
Have I?
Breaking the kiss, Kouga looked down at me hungrily with his crimson eyes. Crimson? I felt my body begin to tremble with fear. No…this is Kouga. It is not him. Don't be afraid. I told myself over and over as Kouga reached for the hem of my shirt. But even though I knew it was Kouga who was kissing me. Kouga who was caressing my skin, all I could see was him.
His lustful crimson eyes as he looked at me. His callused hands as he roughly pulled me to a bruising kiss.
Are you sure you want this?
No. I don't know.
Throwing my shirt onto the floor, Kouga quickly ripped off his own shirt, pressing his bare chest to mine. My bra the only thing serving as a barrier between us. I whimpered softly as I pushed against his chest with my hands, trying to get him off of me.
I guess my attempts were futile as Kouga proceeded in his ministrations. Kissing butterfly kisses on my neck he slowly lowered his head until he was kissing the tops of my breasts. I gasped, my body loving the attention but mind telling me to get away.
Do you want this to end?
No. Yes. I don't know.
The ringing of the phone brought me out of my tormented thoughts.
“Kouga…the phone” I moaned loudly as he cupped one of my breasts.
“Ignore it.” He mumbled against my skin.
“But w…what if it's m-my mom?” I asked arching my back to his questioning hands.
“Just ignore it.” He said as he slid his hand up my skirt.
This is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this. This should end now. I'm not ready.
Are you ready for this?
No. I'm not.
Pulling his head back up to mine, I kissed him deeply, thrusting my tongue in this mouth.
Then why don't you end this?
I…don't know.
Pulling away from the kiss…I looked up into his eyes, horrified to find him looking down at me instead of Kouga.
He smirked at me and lowered his head to my neck, his hand reaching behind me to unclasp my bra.
Stop, I tried to say only to be cut off as he successfully managed to take off my bra.
I felt tears of fear leak into my eyes but Kouga didn't realize them for he was too busy trying to get me fully unclothed.
Don't think…just feel.
No. I can't do this.
“Kouga…stop…” I said as I pushed him again. Ignoring my attempts he began kissing his way down my neck to my now bare breasts. Growling lightly he licked the valley between my breasts, causing me to moan softly, my eyes closing in pleasure.
My eyes snapped wide open as I felt him unzipping my skirt, tugging it down.
“Kouga…stop” I said a little louder.
“Can't stop. Not now.” He growled back.
“Kouga…I said stop.” I tried to push him off only to have my wrists pinned above my head with one of his hands.
“Play nice Kagome.” He whispered as he licked the side of my neck. I shuddered in pleasure. No, this is wrong. Damn my body for betraying me!
A loud knock coming from my door caused us both to look in that direction.
“Kouga, get off.” I said firmly as he stared down at me.
“Just ignore it Kagome.” He said as he lowered his head to mine. Turning my head away I bucked my hips in an attempt to get him off, only to elicit a groan from him. “For someone who wants to stop so badly, you sure are acting like a tease.”
“I mean it Kouga. Get. Off,” I said firmly as another knock came from the door.
“Fine.” He huffed as he rolled off of me.
Picking my clothing off the floor, I quickly got dressed and tried to smooth out my hair as best as possible.
Answering the door, I was surprised to see a very distraught looking Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha? What are you doing here?” I asked, looking behind him expecting to see Sango with him. “Where's Sango.”
“That's what I'm here for? Is Sango here?” He asked.
“What?! You're telling me that you lost Sango?” I cried. “What the hell did you do?”
“That is non of your fucking business! Now tell me, is she here or not?” He snapped.
I glared at him. “What do you mean that this isn't my business? Sango is my best friend and if you did anything to upset her I have every right to know!”
“I didn't do anything to her.” Inuyasha said, averting his gaze from mine. “Please, Kagome, if she's there please let me see her.”
The frown on my face slowly disappeared at the sincerity of his voice. “I'm sorry Inuyasha but she isn't here.”
“Kagome? Who's at the door?” A hand on my shoulder nearly made me jump on the spot. I turned to my side and saw Kouga standing there, his shirt still off, glaring at Inuyasha.
“What are you doing here Dog Shit?” He sneered.
Inuyasha stared at us. His eyes eying my messy hair and noting Kouga's state of half-undress. “I hope I wasn't interrupting anything?” He directed the question towards me.
I turned my head, my face turning beat red.
“Yeah you were Dog Shit. So Kagome and I would appreciate it if you leave so that we could continue with our business.” Kouga wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side.
Inuyasha looked at us with a look of disgust. “We'll I better not keep you waiting.” He turned on his feet to leave. “I'll see you later Kagome, for tutoring. But next time I come here, please warn me beforehand if you and your…boyfriend are going to be fucking like bunnies. I'd rather like it if you can spare me with the unwanted visual of seeing Kouga half naked.”
“You're just jealous that you aren't getting any!” Kouga yelled after him.
Waving his hand as if to dismiss Kouga's crude remarks he walked down the shrine steps until he was out of sight. Closing the door I escaped Kouga's grasp and walked towards the living room.
Quickly picking up the throw pillows that were thrown onto the floor…I sighed when Kouga's arm snaked around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest.
“Now…where were we…” He said huskily as he kissed the side of my neck.
“Kouga I think that you should go.” I said calmly as I broke away from his embrace.
“But Dog Shit's gone, which means that there's no more distractions.” He said as he reached for me.
Stepping away from him I frowned. “Kouga, what if that was my family at the door? I think it would be better if you just leave.”
Kouga frowned. “Fine, whatever babe.” He stepped towards me and pulled me against his chest. “But the next time I have you alone…” he licked the side of my neck “no more distractions.”
I lightly pushed him away. “How can you be so sure that they're be a next time?”
He smirked. “Oh believe me, they're will be.”
Putting on his shirt I walked him towards my front door.
“Before I go babe, there's something I want you to do for me.”
He peered at me and placed his hands on my shoulders. “I want you to stay away from Dog shit.”
“You know I can't do that Kouga.” I said exasperated. “He's my tutor and besides he's friends with my friends.”
“Then don't hang out with them. I mean it Kags, I don't want you to be seen with him ever.” Kouga said seriously.
I stared at him knowing full well that he wasn't kidding. “No, Kouga I can't do that. You can't tell me what to do.”
Kouga's face twisted into anger. “Damn it Kagome for once just trust me okay. Inuyasha is bad news, stay away from him!” His grip on my shoulders tightened and I whimpered in discomfort.
“Kouga…you're hurting me. Stop.”
“Just say you won't go near him.” He said ignoring me.
“Fine I won't, okay!” I said.
His face softened a bit and he quickly pulled me into a tight embrace. “I'm sorry Kagome, but I'm just trying to do what's in your best interest.” Kissing me lightly on the forehead he left.
Closing the door behind him, I leaned against it and slowly slid down onto the floor. Pulling me knees up to my chest, my body shook in either relief or fear. Relief, because Inuyasha managed to interrupt Kouga and I before we did something, which I know I'm not ready for. Fear because I didn't want to know what Kouga would do if he found me with Inuyasha again.
Placing my chin upon my knees I stayed curled up at the front of my door, my thoughts the only thing keeping me company.
Hiyas Peeps! I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry for the 5 month wait! I'm a terrible author and I know that I keep saying that I'd try updating faster but things just keep coming up! I know that there is no excuse in the world that would make up for my tardiness but trust me you guys I'm trying my best! So since I felt so bad for the long wait I ended up writing a really, really long chapter for you guys. 24 pages on Microsoft word!
Thanks to all my reviewers and loyal readers out there who have stayed with me and aren't too pissed off at me for being so late.
And thanks to my beta readers for helping me with this chapter and for trying to get me off of my lazy ass and too write up this chapter for you guys!
This time I'll give you guys the honest truth and say that it might take a while for the next chapter to come out (hopefully not as long as this one did) but I aim to please so I'll try to write it up faster.
Thanks again for all my reviewers and my betas Poetic-Pixie13 and Uncertainty. You guys Rock!