InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What is true love? ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

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What is True Love?
Chapter 6
Kagome was walking towards her car in a daze, she was expecting that she would be pregnant, but knowing that it is fact made her wonder.
“We've only been together for a few weeks, but I already feel that we are going to be ready for this little baby.” She said with a quiet sigh. “Inuyasha, I wonder if he wants a little boy or a little girl.”
.:……………………… …………………………Ì ;· 0;…………..:…
“Inuyasha, if you were to suddenly get sick and not be able to do anything fun, how'd you feel?” Mama growled at her future son-in-law who was currently cowering under the dining room table.
“Well I would snap at people like Kagome just did!” Inuyasha muttered taking his arms off his head. “Plus why can't Kagome go on a roller coaster? She allergic to them?” He asked.
“Of course not you nincompoop Kagome can't go on the roller coasters because of the baby.”
“What's wrong with the baby? It sounds fine to me.” Inuyasha asked cocking his silver head.
“I don't know for some reason pregnant women can't go on any ride.”
“Well I'll stick with her on that!” He smiled
“Why do you look s smart?” Mama groaned and placed her head into her hand.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Okay so we need to get bottles, a crib, diapers, clothes, bibs, a breast pump, burping cloths, nighties, changing table, swing, stroller, books on the growth, and cold medicine.” Kagome said making a list in her mind.
“Why cold medicine? Souta asked as e was playing with a teddy bear from the display rack.
“Put that back. Well it would be for Inuyasha so that he could get some sleep.” She yawned, “Sorry about that I didn't get much sleep.”
“Oh what were you and Yash doing late last night?” Souta asked with a very Miroku-like grin.
Kagome whacked her little perverse brother on the head. “I don't need to deal with another Miroku here!” She groaned
“Hey Kags not COOL!” Souta shouted and grabbed his head
“Dude you'll be perfectly fine. Why did you even come with me anyways? Wanted people to think that you got an older woman pregnant?” Kagome snickered
“Disgusting! I haven't kissed Hitomi yet1 EW!” Souta squealed acting like the little kid that he was and ran off.
Kagome laughed openly getting a few strange looks from some of the other women in the store. “What he's my little brother I can screw with him if I want to!” she shouted as the women ran away.
She walked down the aisle that had mini versions of real cribs that were for sale on top of white shelves that looked like they were going to collapse any second from all that heavy plastic. Kagome saw on that looked like a crib style from when Inuyasha would have been an infant.
It was a white painted wood with beautiful calligraphic-like sakura blossoms on the ends the bars in the middle looked like a treetop. The crib was about $500 under what Kagome was thinking that she would have to pay for a crib like this, so she bought it along with the matching set of changing table and rocking chair. With the reluctant help from Souta, Kagome was able to stuff it into the backseat of the car. Along with the bunch of other baby crap, she chose.
HA HA! I have written a new chapter sorry that it took a year but I just got bored of it SORRY any ways yah ok I hope that you like it please review!