InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Be Best Friends ❯ Having Fun ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

What It Means To Be Best Friends

Chapter One: Having Fun

Inuyasha and Kagome sat naked in the bathtub. But, When you're 3 years old you don't really care if some one sees you naked. If fact being naked in the bathtub with a person of the opposite gender can be really fun.

Mrs. Higurashi was currently sitting on the bathroom floor next to the tub watching the pair play in the warm, soapy water. Kagome and Inuyasha had been inseparable from the moment they met. So naturally when Inuyasha's parents had to go away overnight they had asked Kagome's parents if he could spend the night there.

A splashing war had broken out. As well as a fit of laughter and giggles. Kagome and Inuyasha were now had their eyes closed to keep the water from getting in. So they were splashing each other blindly causing water to go all over the bathroom and Mrs. Higurashi who was so wet she looked like she had been in the tub too. The two yellow rubber ducks floating on the waters surface were rocking violently back and forth with the motion of the splashing water.

The splashing eventually stopped and the laughter died down leaving about an inch of water on the bathroom floor. Splashing had gotten boring.

The flushed 3 year old boy with shot silver hair and gold eyes picked up the rubber duck closest to him and looked at it thoughtfully. Inuyasha had gotten his hair and eye coloring from his father. It was something that seemingly only men in Inuyasha's family had.

"Hey, Kagome!"

The little girl with black hair and brown eyes turned to face him and answered "Yeah."

Inuyasha held the rubber duck up in front of Kagome's face and in response said "Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!" while tilting the duck from side to side.

Kagome giggled and picked up the second duck and replied "Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!"

The "Quacking" fest lasted a good five minutes before the occasional `quack' was replaced by a yawn. Mrs. Higurashi then got them ready for bed. And when both were dry and in the PJ's she tucked Inuyasha and Kagome into Kagome's bed. They fell asleep almost immediately. When they woke up the next morning they were so tangled up with each other they looked like one of those really complicated knots.

The now 18 year old Seniors Inuyasha and Kagome sat on Kagome's bed laughing at the memory.

"I know we have to had known each other before that but, that's the first time I can remember us being together." Said the much matured Kagome.

"Yep, that's the first memory I have of us being together too." Inuyasha replied looking at Kagome.

"You know Inuyasha, I'm pretty sure I still have those rubber ducks."


"Yeah, just give me a second." Kagome stood up and disappeared into her closet. She returned and sat back down on her bed placing the plastic storage container the size of two shoe boxes in her lap. She removed the lid a proceeded to rummage through the items in the box. To anyone else it just looked like a bunch of junk but, all of this "junk" ment something to Kagome. For example some notes she has gotten from Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku. The pencil that had "Student of the Month" written on it which she had gotten the first time she was student of the month. Old movie tickets etc…

"Ah ha!" she said triumphantly and shifted the box from he lap holding up the two rubber ducks. Inuyasha took one from her and studied it, the memory again replaying in his mind. He smiles and his gaze switched from the duck to Kagome.


"Yes." She said looking up from the bright yellow rubber duck she held in her hand.

"Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!"

"Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!" She quacked right back. The 18 year olds kept quacking at each other until they couldn't do anything put laugh hysterically.

"Who would have thought?" Kagome said after they had stopped laughing and gasping for breath.

"Who would have thought what?" Inuyasha said as he watched Kagome fall back onto her bed.

"Who would have thought that 15 years later after being best friends for so long we would end up dating and being boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"I don't know but, I'm glad it's worked out that way." Inuyasha leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. He sat back up and smiled at each other.