InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Be Best Friends ❯ First Day Of School ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

What It Means To Be Best Friends

Chapter Two: First Day Of School

A few moments after brushing their lips together Kagome sat up. She paused a moment be for standing up.

"Come on lets get something to eat." Inuyasha stood up.

"I have no objections to that." He said following her out of her bed room door. She stopped right at the top of the stairs and turned around. She smiled.

"Of course you don't Inuyasha, you're like a black hole."

"Hey! That's not a nice thing to say." He said with mock hurt.

"Perhaps but, it's true."

"Yes, yes it is." With that they made their way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Inuyasha was getting two cups out of the cabinet and Kagome was looking Through the refrigerator when Mrs. Higurashi came in.

"Hi you two."

"Hi Mom." Kagome said giving her mother a hug. Inuyasha waved.

" Hi Mom." Yes, Inuyasha had called Mrs. Higurashi `Mom'. This wasn't new. Inuyasha thought of Mr. and Mrs. Higurashi as a second set of parents, Kagome felt that same way about his. They had called each others parents Mom and Dad for as long as they had known each other. To tell the truth both sets of parents liked it.

"What have you been doing?"

"Inuyasha and I were talking about when we were little."

Mrs. Higurashi gave a wistful sigh. "I remember your first day of school. You were both so cute." Kagome and Inuyasha also remembered that day quite well.

It was Inuyasha and Kagome's first day of school. First day of Kindergarten to be exact. Kagome's and Inuyasha's parents went to the bus stop to see 6 year olds off on their first day of school. Kagome had been at the bus stop for a minute or two when she noticed Inuyasha running up to her.

"Kagome!" Shouted the little boy who was rushing to his best friend's side as fast as he could. He finally reached her. Both were very excited and very scared at the same time. Their parents had said it would be fun and that nothing bad would happen. But, being the 6 year olds they were they didn't completely believe their parents.

Inuyasha had taken a minute to catch his breath before he grabbed Kagome's right hand with his left and held on to it tightly. The parents thought it was very sweet. Then the bus finally came and neither Inuyasha or Kagome would let go of each other. Therefore getting on the bus proved to be rather difficult. Yet, they managed to do it and find an empty seat to sit in. Hands still firmly secured together.

To them the bus ride to the school seemed to take hours when it actually had lasted about five minutes. Getting off the bus Kagome and Inuyasha almost fell down the steps of the bus but, luckily they managed to keep their balance.

Once inside the kindergarten classroom the first thing they saw was a little boy and a little girl. The little boy had black hair tied in a small ponytail and purple eyes. He was poking a little girl with dark brown hair and eyes that were a magenta-ish color. Every time the boy would poke the girl she would chuck another large crayon at him. She never missed. Each crayon hit it's mark which was the boys head.

After witnessing this for a few minutes the teacher approached them. They were still holding hands. The woman crouched down to their level.

"Hello there. I am going to be your teacher. Why don't you let go of each other and play with the other children?" She said in that nice patient teacher sort of way.

"NO!" Kagome and Inuyasha shouted together. And in response their grip on each others hands got tighter. So much so that their hands started to become a purple-blue color due to lack of circulation.

"Well, then go play and have fun!" She said walking away to greet some of the other kids.

Inuyasha and Kagome took her advise and started to walk in the direction of the boy and girl they had seen earlier. And sure enough the girl was still chucking crayons at the boy who had yet to stop poking her. But, the girl stopped when she noticed Kagome and Inuyasha.

"Hey, I'm Sango!" She said enthusiastically.

"Hi I'm Kagome."

"And I'm her best friend Inuyasha." He said rather proudly.

"My name is Miroku." Then there was a rather awkward silence until.

"Ack! Miroku stop poking me, you… you… rotten piece of fruit!" Little Sango yelled and rickashaed another crayon off of Miroku's forehead. If only she know what insulting name she would end up calling his. Ah innocent little Miroku you would have never guessed he would grow up to be such a pervert. But, such is life.

Having just witnessed this little episode Kagome and Inuyasha broke out into hysterical laughter. Which spread to Sango and Miroku. They were all crying they were laughing so hard and the teacher just stood there dumbfounded, clueless to what could have made the four laugh in such a way. The day want on and Kagome nor Inuyasha let each others hand go for a second.

"It was so cute the way you two held hands." Said Mrs. Higurashi. Inuyasha's cheeks took on a very light pink color.

"I didn't want anyone to take my best friend away from me." He explained.

"Ditto." Kagome agreed. With that Kagome and Inuyasha Grabbed their snacks and went back up to Kagome's room.