InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Be Best Friends ❯ Time With Friends ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

What It Means To Be Best Friends

Chapter Nine: Time With Friends

Tuesday went by quickly but, nothing really happened. It was now Wednesday, Kagome and Inuyasha were walking down the hall when suddenly Kagome spoke out randomly.

"Grope. Pervert. Slap. Crash." Just as Kagome had finished speaking the sound of Sango screaming `PERVERT' was heard from some where down the hallway. It was obvious that Sango had been groped, thus her screaming. Then came a loud slapping noise and finally the crash of some one being thrown into closed locker doors. Inuyasha stood gaping at Kagome.

"How did you know that was going to happen? We can't even see them." He said stunned.

"It's a gift, I guess." She replied with a shrug. Then a furious looking Sango pushed her way threw the crowded hallway towards them. She stopped when she was standing in front of her two best friends.

"AHHHHHHHH!" She screamed shaking in anger. "Why in the hell do I put up with that pervert?! Why?!" She continued to scream. Kagome and Inuyasha had both taken a step away from their friend. Kagome spoke first.

"Because it's obvious that you love him Sango. Now take a deep breath and say it with me; You love Miroku." Sango took a deep breath and let it out.

"I love Miroku." She nodded her head as if she was in some sort of daze. Realization hit her like a ton of bricks. "I love Miroku. I love Miroku. I love Miroku. I love Miroku. I love Miroku. I love Miroku." She kept repeating happily as she walked away. Inuyasha watched Sango and shook his head.

"Yeah, our friends are mentally ill." Inuyasha stated.

"No they aren't. They just don't know to properly express their feelings. Even thought they are together mostly Miroku expresses his feelings threw touching her in certain places and Sango expresses hers threw violence that is directed towards him. But, what really matters is that they are at least expressing their feeling for each other."

"When did you become a psychiatrist, Dr. Kagome?"

"Shut up. Anyway you know I'm right."

"Sure, Dr. Kagome."

"Just shut up already you jerk."

"Okay wench." Kagome sighed.

"Anyway, Sango and Miroku want us to go get coffee with them after school. I told them we would go." She told him.

"Why did you answer for me? Maybe I don't want to go."

"I answered for you because I know that when food is involved you'll do anything and/or go anywhere." She said knowing he couldn't deny it.

"Sometimes it's creepy how you know me so well." He said trying not to smile.

"Inuyasha, everyone knows that about you. But, I am the only one who knows that you were afraid to touch worms when you were 4 years old. And you tried to wash them in the bath tub."

"They were dirty and I thought I was doing them a favor." Inuyasha said trying to justify his actions.

"Yeah but, I was 4 too, and I knew that worms were supposed to be dirty but, you couldn't understand that."

"You said it yourself; I was 4."

"And sometimes it's hard to believe that you're actually 14 years older then that." Kagome said with a sigh then smirked and ran off.

"Hey, get your ass back here." He shouted as he took off after his girlfriend.

Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha and Kagome all found themselves sitting in the coffee shop. Everyone except Kagome had coffee and a donut, she had decided to get hot chocolate and a cookie shaped like a spoon.

"Why are we sitting here drinking coffee and hot chocolate on a hot, sunny summer afternoon?" Questioned Miroku.

"Good question but, I would have thought that you and Sango would have had the answer to it since you invited us to get coffee." Inuyasha said before he took a sip of his coffee.

"So how did it feel to have Sango throw you into the lockers?" Kagome asked looking at Miroku.

"It hurt, just like every other time but, it was worth it." He answered with a perverted grin and everyone sighed. Inuyasha took that opportunity to voice a concern.

"Sango, If you keep doing things like this to him he'll end up brain dead one day." He said seriously to his friend.

"Would that be such a bad thing?" Sango said. Miroku, who was sitting next to her, turned to look at her. He was obviously sad and hurt. "Miroku, I was joking about that I don't really mean that. You mean too much to me for me to really be serious about that. It's just that I don't like it that you grope me all the time. That's why I hit you. I mean I like it when you touch me but, you constantly putting your hand on my ass gets really aggravating." She said trying to explain her action..

"Do you know why I grope you all the time Sango?" He asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Because you like it when I hit you. And secretly pain turns you on, you know that whole S&M thing?" She suggested waving her hand around a bit. Miroku laughed.

"I wish." He replied with a bit of a perverted gleam in his eyes. Kagome and Inuyasha suddenly got very uncomfortable. Both blushed and looked at each other wishing that they hadn't over heard that bit of the conversation.

"Well, if you don't like it when I hit you then, why do you grope me so much?" Sango was getting frustrated, she wanted to know why he always acted like a pervert.

"Because," He said deciding now was a good a time as ever to tell her. If he told her now, in public his death would probably be quicker and less painful. Taking a deep breath he then leaned in and whispered into her ear. "I love you."

"What?!" She said with a shocked expression on her face. He had never said that to her before, maybe he didn't really mean it. They were both a bit afraid of the word `love'.

"You heard me." He paused. "That and because I'm a pervert." Miroku smiled at her.

"Damned pain in the ass." Sango slapped him in the arm. He had told her the one thing she had always wanted to hear from him and he had meant it. She had to let him know she felt the same. So she mimicked his previous actions and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I love you too." Sango pulled away to look directly into Miroku's eyes. They smiled at one another then kissed deeply. Kagome and Inuyasha. Looked at each other again. Kagome spoke.

"Yep, I think we definitely just missed something important in this conversation." Inuyasha nodded and Kagome turned to her two kissing friends. "Hey guys, Inuyasha and I are going to go now, see you later." She got no answer from them, they just kept kissing. She sighed turned to Inuyasha. "Come on let's go before I hurl." They then quickly exited the coffee shop.

"Well, that was odd." Kagome stated.

"Tell me about it. How they can go from bitching at each other to sucking face in less then five seconds is beyond me." He said in amazement.

"Yeah it is pretty interesting how they can do that. I'm sure that they just admitted that they love one another. That was a definite `We just confessed our love for each other' kiss. I bet that tomorrow they are either going to be extremely happy and in love or we're going to find out that Miroku is dead and that Sango has been locked up." Kagome said with a laugh.

"I go for the second choice. I bet he's trying to get Sango to have sex with him in the middle of the coffee shop right about now." He turned his gaze to Kagome who was walking next to him on the sidewalk. Her face got flushed.

"Oh, I hope not." She said hoping Miroku wouldn't be that stupid. She thought about it a few more seconds. "Yep, he's dead meat." They both knew perfectly well that Sango and Miroku wouldn't really do anything but, it was fun joking about it. "Well, looks like I was right earlier. The groping and hitting was a way to express their love for one another."

"Once again Dr. Kagome has made a correct analysis." Kagome made an aggravated noise.

"Would you stop calling me that? Anyway, My grandfather is coming to graduation." They kept walking, not having a destination but, just walking to walk.

"Really? It will be nice to see your grandfather again. He's a nice old geezer. A little odd but, nice none the less."

"You want to know what else?" Inuyasha nodded. "He's living with a woman named Keade. She's about his age, maybe a bit older. I talked to her on the phone when he called a few days ago. We talked for hours. She seems really nice. They're very happy together. She coming on Friday too. I wonder if she would let me call her grandmother?" The last sentence she said more to herself then to Inuyasha.

"I'm sure she would if you asked her. She would have to be crazy to not want you for a granddaughter. But, what is she like? What did she say to you when you talked to her? Tell me everything you know about her." He took the opportunity to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her closer to him as they walked. Keade had to be pretty wonderful if she could deal with living with Kagome's crazy grandfather.

"Well, she went to college and became a doctor. Devoted her life to helping everyone and anyone she could . She was a doctor up until about fifteen or twenty years ago when she went completely blind in one eye. She wears and eye patch. She told me that she's short, fat and wrinkly and that she's proud of it; her wrinkles show that she lived and wasn't afraid to laugh or smile and that she still isn't afraid to do so. Apparently, grandfather has told her everything about me and you. But, you should hear the way she talks. `So finally I get to talk to ye, Kagome. I have heard so much about ye from your grandfather. Ye should be proud of yourself child, graduating with such good grades.' Keade also said she wants to meet you. She said that after grandfather finished telling her about you she was shocked, she had thought that `nice young men' like you didn't exist anymore. Of course, she doesn't know you like to call me `wench'. I don't know what else to tell you. She's just really neat." Kagome told him smiling.

"No wonder why the old man likes her. But, What happened to her husband?" Inuyasha asked figuring that such a woman should have defiantly found a husband.

"Keade never got married. She told me that when she was in her mid to late 20's, the man she loved died in a car accident. Almost all cars didn't have seat belts when the accident happened in the 50's. She in her 70's, maybe 80 at most." After saying that her smile disappeared and she looked down at the sidewalk sadly.

"Oh." Was all he said. He was sad to hear that the man Keade had loved had died but, was glad that he had asked Kagome that question and not Keade. He had a random thought. "Well, if you're going to ask her if you can call her grandmother, then I am going to ask her if I can call her old hag." Somehow he hoped that would lighten things up a bit.

"If you ask her that she'll probably beat you with her handbag." They both laughed and continued walking.

It was now Thursday after school. Nothing had exciting had happened at school that day other then it being the last day of school before graduation. Now Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha and Kagome were all sitting in Kagome's kitchen. There had been a comfortable pause in their conversation before Miroku stood up.

"Stand up Kagome." He told her.

"Why?" Kagome asked as she stood up.

"Because, I want at least one hug from you before the end of tomorrow and tomorrow is going to be crazy so I want it now." She looked at him warily.

"Okay but, watch your hands." She warned.

"I couldn't grope you even if I wanted to. I have proof. Turn around and bend over just a little." Miroku instructed. Kagome's eyes narrowed. Inuyasha watched his perverted best friend closely.

"Fine but, if you try anything Sango, Inuyasha and I will have a field day maiming you." With that said she did as he instructed.

"I won't and I can't, I'm just about to prove that to you." He paused motioning to his girlfriend and best friend to stand next to him. "Inuyasha, Sango I want you to see this too." They both stood out of their chairs and went to stand behind Kagome. Miroku then lifted the back of her shirt a little to expose a small portion of her back. "It says…" He poked her exposed back. "here, `Property of Inuyasha Yamamoto. Touch under penalty of death. Patent belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Higurashi LTD. All Rights Reserved'." Miroku finished `reading' and pulled her shirt back down. Everyone laughed. Of course nothing was written on her back the whole thing was something he had come up with off the top of his head. "Is that proof enough for you?" It was a rhetorical question.

"That should mean that Sango has one of those nifty little labels too." Said Inuyasha, who turned to Sango. He motioned for her to turn so her back was facing him and he lifted the back of her shirt. "Yep, there it is. `Property of Miroku Omori. Patent belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Hikaru Inc. All Groping Rights Reserved'." Inuyasha let go of Sango's shirt. Once again laughter filled the room. Sango mumbled something along the lines of `All groping rights reserved my ass'. Miroku overheard this, as did Inuyasha and Kagome.

"Oh but, they are my dear Sango, they are." He smiled widely at her, then swiftly groped her bum. Sango clenched her jaw.

"Then again having `all groping rights reserved' isn't such a bad thing because if there were more people groping me then just Miroku I would snap and go on a killing spree." Her eye twitching in anger just at the thought of more people groping her.

"Oh well, violent outbursts or not your still my Sango and I love you." Miroku wrapped his arms around her from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder. "Sango and I have a date to go to the movies so, we bid you farewell." He began directing Sango to Kagome's front door.

"Have a good time." Inuyasha said watching his friends leave.

"Will do, and you two have fun playing `Mommies and Daddies'." Kagome became bright red.

"Shove it, Miroku!" Shouted Inuyasha also red faced.

"Sure thing. See you later." Kagome waved goodbye before Sango closed the front door behind she and Miroku. Kagome walked back into the kitchen.

"I should go pound his ass. Cheeky little bastard." Inuyasha shook his fist at the front door. Kagome wanted to change the topic of conversation to something more pleasant.

"I'm looking forward to our trip." He walked over to where Kagome was sitting on the counter and stood between her legs.

"So am I. I can't wait." He paused and wrapped his arms around her. "Let's forget about graduation and leave today. Come on Kagome, run away with me and we can live happily ever after, what do you say?" Amusement was clearly seen in his gold colored eyes.

"I say that no matter how wonderful that sounds or how much I would love to do that, we can't. We have to graduate tomorrow and go to college." She said running her hand through his short, silver hair. Inuyasha snapped his fingers.

"Damn, I thought I could convince you." He turned around silently telling her to hold on to his back which, she did by wrapping her arms and legs around him. His hands held the backs of her knees as he gave her a piggyback ride to her room.

"I'll give you points for trying and I'll tell you what, when we leave for our trip we can pretend that we're running away together and never coming back. Okay?" Kagome tried to compromise while her continued to carry her to that stairs. She reached to kiss his cheek from her place on his back. Inuyasha had just started going up the stairs.

"Fine. It's better then noting I guess." Kagome then slid her hands down the neck of his shirt and began to run her fingers ever so lightly over his chest. That combined with the felling her body pressed agents his back, having her legs wrapped around him, the wonderful feeling of her breath in his ear and the feather light kisses she placed behind his ear which made the skin there tingle, was driving him crazy. It mad him feel good. He felt his body react and he blushed. "Kagome stop." She continued. "Kagome stop, please."

"Why?" She asked her fingers still lightly caressing his chest.

"Because." He responded. Oh how he hated being male at that moment and there was no way to keep Kagome from noticing. `Because' was not a good enough answer for Kagome. Her fingers kept moving.

"Because why?" They finally entered her room and Inuyasha closed the door with his bare foot.

"Because." Kagome noticed that the blush on his face got darker and he tilted his head towards the ground. She leaned her head over his shoulder to try to get him to look at her. The only thing she succeeded in was noticing the rather large bulge in the front of Inuyasha's shorts. Kagome quickly stopped leaning forward and blushed too.

"Oh." She said in a quite voice as her set her down on her bed. Yep he had been caught, she had noticed. He sat down next to her hunched over with his forearms resting on his thighs and his head hung between his shoulders, eyes closed. "I'm sorry, Inuyasha. I didn't know." She said shaking her head a little while looking at her hands. Inuyasha's head shot up but, he stayed hunched over.

"Don't say that your sorry. It's okay. Just as long as it's you making my body react this way it's okay. Anyway, I liked how it felt when you were touching me like that… a lot." His face got a little bit redder.

"Apparently so." She let out a giggle but quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. After a few seconds she let her hand fall back into her lap. "I shouldn't laugh about this." Inuyasha groaned and hunched over more. "What's wrong?" She asked him. `What if he's in pain?' She thought.

"Nothing, I'm fine." That way a lie and he knew it. He had always been good at hiding erections if he had one when he was around her. He'd been so lucky that she hadn't caught him before. The thing was, was that sometimes it only took the slightest touch from Kagome to make him hard.

"Inuyasha just tell me. I mean that if we've talked about having sex the we can defiantly talk about this. So tell me." She said firmly.

"Okay. What's wrong is that it's not going away." And he hadn't blushed.

"Well that isn't good."

"Really?" He said in exasperation. "Try being 12 and not knowing what the hell is going on with your body and getting your first erection because of your best friend. Believe me that really screws with your head."

"I know how you must have felt; not knowing what your body is doing. Remember how I shut you out for a week?" They looked at each other, Inuyasha still hunched over. That had been a really bad week.

They had been in sixth grade for a month when Kagome got her first period. She came home from school redness in her underwear and she cried out of frustration. Her mother tried to calm her down.

"Why? Why does this have to happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? Why can't it go away? I don't want it." Shouted the 11 year old Kagome and she cried.

"Kagome, honey, it's okay." Her mother tried to soothe her.

"No it's not!" Kagome yelled and ran up to her room slamming the door behind her.

At school she didn't talk to Inuyasha, didn't even look at him. For some reason when she was near him it was like he knew; knew she had her period but, she knew he didn't. She was so afraid he would find out. The 11 year old boy was confused. Why was his best friend avoiding him? There was something wrong and she wouldn't tell him. He had asked several time. He was going to find out what it was no matter what. After about a week of her not talking to him and Inuyasha got feed up. He went to her house and her mother let him in. He went up to her room and flung the door open. It closed behind him. The startled girl was sitting on her bed.

"There's something wrong and your not telling me. I'm going to find out what it is if it's the last thing I do. What's wrong Kagome?" He shouted determinedly.

"I can't tell you." She hoped he would just let it drop. No such luck.

"Fine, if you won't tell me then I'll have to find out some other way." With that Inuyasha went to her closet and started to rip her cloths of their hangers. He didn't know what it was that he was looking for but he would find it.

"Inuyasha stop." She shouted as he moved on to her dresser. "Inuyasha stop you can't go threw my things!"

"I don't care!" He shouted back throwing socks, shirts and pants from the drawers. There was only one drawer left.

"No Inuyasha please don't open it, please." She sobbed as she tried to pull that boy away.

"Why? What are you trying to hide from me Kagome? I thought we were best friends that we share everything with each other." He said trying to reach the drawer, he wasn't going to give up.

"You want to know? Fine! I'll tell you!" She let him go and went to open the drawer that held her underwear and `feminine necessities'." She grabbed a hand full of pads and threw them at him. They fell to the floor in front of him. Inuyasha leaned over and picked up a thick, pink, plastic wrapped square. He examined it and looked at Kagome with a confusion.

"What's this?" He asked holding the pink square up. She pulled him and the two 11 year olds sat on her bed. She took the pad from him and began to explain. Her face looked like it was going to spontaneously combust.

"Well, you see girls get this thing where they bleed from between their legs once every month." She paused. She looked like a red Christmas tree light, so did Inuyasha. "This is called a pad." She opened and unfolded it. "I put it in my underwear and it catches the blood. It's sticky see." She peeled the backing off and on impulse stuck it to his shirt. Inuyasha quickly pulled the foreign object off and stuck it to her.

"I don't want that thing." He said looking at it as if it had some terrible disease. He sat absorbing all the information his friend had just given him. "Are you going to be okay? Are you going to not talk to me every time you have this bleeding thing? Because I don't like it when you don't talk to me." Inuyasha looked down at the floor sadly, a pout clearly seen on his face.

"I don't know why I didn't talk to you. I was scared you would find out, kind of like you would make fun of me. I won't not talk to you again I promise." She stated as firmly as a madly blushing 11 year old girl could.

"You can't ever break your promise, you have to tell me everything from now on. You can't keep things from me no matter how much you want to." He stressed the word `everything'.

"I already to you that I promise." Inuyasha then helped her pick up all the things he had throw around in his rage.

"You stuck it to my shirt." Inuyasha said remembering that day.

"And you nearly had a fit when I did. You should have seen you face it was priceless." She laughed. Kagome became serious remembering the promise that had made that day. "How come you never told me that this has happened before? That I've done this to you before." She asked the boy next to her who was still leaning over.

"You would have, most likely thought I was worse pervert then Miroku."

"You have a point but, I don't think that you're a pervert now. So what usually helps `this' go away?" She asked waving a hand at his hunched form.

"Thinking of disturbing things." He replied. Kagome nodded and bit her lip as she thought. Suddenly she had something. "Oh, Oh, I have something." She said.


"My grandfather naked." Well, she hoped that had helped because that mental image she just had was going to scar her for life.

"Holy shit, I think I'm going to be sick." Inuyasha slapped a hand over his mouth. That though had done the trick; his erection had gone limp just moments after her had finished speaking. Kagome couldn't help but laugh at his green tinted face. "Shut the hell up wench, it's not funny. I said disturbing not horrifically gross!"