InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Be Best Friends ❯ Monday Afternoon And Dinner At The Yamamoto’s ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

What It Means To Be Best Friends

Chapter Eight: Monday Afternoon And Dinner At The Yamamoto's

The next day way Monday. The last Monday of the last week of High School. Kagome met up with Sango and Miroku like always. Oddly Miroku's face was not red with slap marks but, Kagome brushed it off as him trying to be `good' the last week of school.

"Hi Sango. How was your weekend?" Kagome asked the girl with very dark brown hair.

"As good as can be expected because I spent most of it with Miroku." Sango said eyeing her boyfriend. Kagome laughed a little.

"Come now Sango my dear, I know you enjoy my company." Miroku said looking a bit hurt.

"Yes, I regret to say that I do enjoy your company but, oh how I wish I didn't." Sango said with a sigh.

"Hey guys." Inuyasha said as he walked up and draped an arm over Kagome's shoulders.

"Hi." Kagome replied before they shared a short kiss which both enjoyed none the less.

"So, what did your parents say about the trip?" Inuyasha asked looking at Kagome hopefully.

"They said we could go as long as your parents also said it was okay. They also want us to leave from my house so they can give us the whole spiel about `being good' before we leave."

"I am glad they said you could go but, please tell me your Mom is going to be the one giving us that talk. Please let it be your Mom because your Dad was really scary when he gave us the talk about our parents trusting us to have sleep overs and not `do' anything." Kagome laughed at the scared look on Inuyasha's face.

"I'll see what I can do but, I can't promise anything. Oh and my Dad is going to take my car to the repair shop next week so we can drive it on the trip and not have it break down on us."

"Well, That was going to be my next question but, you just answered it." There was suddenly a very loud slapping sound which caused Kagome and Inuyasha to flinch and cringe. They both turned to see Miroku who had a red hand print on his cheek swaying violently with a perverted grin plastered to his face.

"So," Sango began "What is this trip you two are talking about?" She asked.

"Kagome and I are going to go on a road trip a week from Friday." Inuyasha answered.

"So it will be just you and Kagome alone?" Miroku inquired.

"Yes." Inuyasha answered fully aware of what Miroku was getting at.

"Well, well, well, it seems that the both of you will be having a very good time indeed!" Miroku said as he wiggled his eyebrows with a perverted grin. Before Inuyasha even had time to retaliate to Miroku's remark, Sango had already slapped Miroku in the back of the head causing him to fall face down into the grass.

"Sorry about him." Sango apologized. "Traveling is always fun, so I`m sure that you'll have a good time but, if you… forget it, just be careful." With that Sango reached down, grabbed Miroku by the collar of his shirt and dragged him off to class. Inuyasha and Kagome looked at each other and sighed. Inuyasha quickly changed the subject.

"Do you want to spend some time at my house this afternoon?" Inuyasha asked taking Kagome by the hand and walking toward the school building.

"Why do you even bother asking because you know I would have just come over anyway." She stated.

"I know but, is that a `yes'?" He asked opening the door for her.

"Yes it is, oh thick sculled one." She said sarcastically.

"Shut up. Anyway I am going to ask my Dad about the trip so you can talk to my Mom while I do."

"Okay, I'll be there." He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. The rest of the school day went by quickly because all their class's they talked about graduation.

Now, Kagome found herself in Inuyasha's house sitting at the kitchen table with his mother. Inuyasha had, just as he said he would, gone to talk to his father about the trip they wanted to take.

"Would you like some Jasmine tea Kagome?" Asked Inuyasha's mother.

"Yes please Mrs. Yamamoto." The older woman sat down and handed Kagome a cup of hot tea.

"I can't believe you and Inuyasha are going to graduate on Friday. It seems like just yesterday that I watched you two getting on the bus for you first day of school. You were so cute." Mrs. Yamamoto began to tear up.

"My mother said the same thing. We're not dying, just getting older." Kagome said.

"Yes you are getting older and that's why I'm sad. I wish that you didn't have to grow up and that you two could be little again and run around the house laughing like you always did." Neither Kagome nor Mrs. Yamamoto noticed that Inuyasha had entered the kitchen until he spoke.

"Well, if you want Kagome and I to run around the house laughing and screaming that could easily be arranged." He walked up behind Kagome and rested his hands on the back of the chair she was sitting in. Kagome turned to look at him.

"What did Dad say about the trip?" Kagome asked hoping that Mr. Yamamoto had given his approval.

"Well," Inuyasha said looking down at the tiled floor. Kagome began to get worried. "Dad says that if we want to go we have to…" He looked up at Kagome making it seem like he was going to tell her bad news. "be packed before the morning we leave." He finished with a smile.

"Your such a pain, making me think that we wouldn't be able to go. You know it's not nice to play tricks on your girlfriend." Kagome then turned to Mrs. Yamamoto and shook her head.

"Sorry Kags I just couldn't resist the opportunity. Come on, let's go to my room." Kagome nodded then stood from her chair.

"Thanks for the tea Mom." She then put her empty cup in the sink and followed Inuyasha up the stairs. Once in the room Inuyasha went over to his CD player and started looking threw his CD's. As he did so Kagome sat down on his unmade bed. The picture sitting on his night stand caught her eye and she picked it up.

It was a picture another picture of Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha and she but, this one was from that Halloween. It had been taken right before all their other friends from school had arrived for her Halloween party. Sango had dressed up as a cop, handcuffs and everything. Miroku, who had dressed as a monk, promptly took them from her and had handcuffed Sango and himself together for the majority of the party. Inuyasha had been a vampire. He had dressed in all black with a black cape that had a tall stand up collar. His face was painted a very pail skin-tone color with fake blood coming from the corner of his mouth. What really finished the costume were the stick on vampire fangs that, if you didn't look closely enough you might have thought that they were real. She had been a cat and had worn golden brown colored cat ears which were held on by a headband. She also wore a sign around her neck that said `Kittens For Sale' and the clothing she wore was made to look like a cats' body. Her house was decorated with fake spider webs and such. There had also been punch with fake eyeballs floating in it. It may have seemed a bit childish but everyone who came had a great time. It was around 1 AM when everyone left. In the confusion people had left with out her noticing and Inuyasha had been one of those people. Although, she didn't think much of it because he had been eating a lot of candy and junk food so, she was pretty sure he had gotten sick and gone home with out telling her. She walked into her room not bothering to turn on the lights. Standing in front of her bed she managed to take off the `Kittens For Sale' sign before she was grabbed from be hind and a hand clamped over her mouth. She began to struggle. Her mind was racing; Who had grabbed her? What were they going to do to her? etc... She knew that it could very well be a stranger who had slipped into her house unnoticed. It was obviously a man which scared her even more. The man began to speak in an overly gruff and faked voice. She could feel his hot breath on her neck, she shook a bit.

"And now I shall make you my vampire bride." At which point she felt fake vampire fangs pressing into her neck. She knew exactly who it was. Kagome ripped herself out of Inuyasha's arms and turned on the light. She then spun around to look at him. Inuyasha had washed the makeup he had been wearing and was now standing in front of her looking innocent.

"Holy shit Inuyasha, never scare me like that again!" She took a few steps towards him. "I'm going to…" She shook her head trying to fine the words she wanted to say to him. "I… I… I HATE YOU!" She shouted and slammed her fists into his chest. He looked at his enraged girlfriend for a few more seconds before he broke out into hysterical laughter.

"It's not funny!" She said anger dripping from her voice.

"Yes, yes it is. And it's even funnier with you wearing those cat ears!" Inuyasha reached his hand up and rubbed a fuzzy fake cat ear. Kagome glared at him. A few minutes later she had calmed down greatly. She sighed.

"Never do that again." She to him seriously.

"Ok." He removed his hand from the fake ear. He then took the edges if cape in his hands and wrapped his arms around her, successfully wrapping her in it. "So, will you be my vampire bride?" He asked pulling her closer.

"Yes but, you already bit me so I really have no choice. Not that I would have disagreed either way" Kagome said moving her face closer to his.

"Good then you, my vampire bride, won't mind if I…" He trailed off and pressed his lips to hers. The fake vampire fangs made for an interesting kiss. Kagome liked the way it felt when she ran her tongue over them. The kiss lasted a few minutes, when they pulled away Inuyasha had one fang overlapping his bottom lip.

Inuyasha sat next to Kagome on his bed while music by The Beatles started to play. They had both liked The Beatles since they had been very young. He took the picture from her and placed it back on his bedside table. Suddenly a playful look came to his eyes and he wrapped his arms around her so hers were pinned to her sides.

"So, my vampire bride, you have entered my lair. No one can save you now, wench." He gave a bit of an evil laugh and Kagome couldn't take it anymore. The fact that Inuyasha had even tried to pretend to be evil was too funny. Him calling her `wench' didn't anger her anymore. When he started calling her that she would throw a fit, she ever had Sango unleash her wrath on him once. By now, she knew it was his way of telling her he thought she was pretty and that he really liked her with out him actually having to say `I like you.' or `Your pretty.' even thought, he did say those things to her. After Kagome stopped laughing there were a few minutes of silence before she spoke.

"I'm going to miss it." She said to Inuyasha who had let her take her arms away from he sides but, kept his around her.

"Miss what?" he asked.

"I'm going to miss school, living at home and seeing my parents everyday. Don't get me wrong I'm excited to be living away from my parents, it will be fun and new but, it's sad at the same time and I'm going to miss them and my home." Kagome said thoughtfully.

"Yeah I feel the same way but, you will still have me and Sango and Miroku."

"I know." She replied. They talked about the things they would miss and other things for a few hours before Kagome looked down at her watch.

"It's almost seven o'clock." She said wondering where all the time had gone.

"Why don't stay for dinner?" He asked and she nodded. "Good I'll go tell mom then." Inuyasha got up from his place on the bed and down to the kitchen to tell his mom that Kagome would be staying. Meanwhile Kagome made her way to Inuyasha's desk and picked up his phone to call her parents to tell them she way staying for dinner.

Dinner at the Yamamoto household was always nice. Inuyasha's mother had made homemade ramen, Inuyasha's favorite food in the world. Needless to say Inuyasha was very happy. It seemed that every time anyone turned around Inuyasha had a Styrofoam cup of the stuff in his hand munching away happily. Miroku even liked to believe that Inuyasha was born with a cup of instant ramen in his hand. Mrs. Yamamoto always had to fight Inuyasha about how much of the salty noodles he ate. She was afraid that if he ate too much he would have a heart attack before he reached the age of 25. Of course, Inuyasha being who he is always told her to `stop treating him like he was five because he wasn't, he was 18 years old and could eat whatever he wanted and however much of it as he (damn well) pleased'. Although, he never said the `damn well' bit to his mother but, he defiantly thought it. Dinner began as Kagome, Inuyasha and Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto sat down in front of their steaming bowls of the homemade noodles. Inuyasha and Kagome sat next to each other as did Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto. Kagome had taken only a few bites of hers when Mr. Yamamoto started to speak.

"So Kagome." Kagome looked up at the older man and put her chopsticks down. "Are you excited to be graduating?" He asked the 18 year old girl sitting across from him.

"Oh yes, very much so. Finally all my hard work has paid off." Kagome took great pride in her good grades. Mr. Yamamoto then looked over at Inuyasha and sighed in exasperation.

"Son, don't eat so quickly, the noodles aren't going to run away. Plus, if you don't slow down you'll choke and die then Kagome will become very depressed. You don't want that, now do you?" Inuyasha immediately stopped eating and blushed as he glanced an Kagome.

"No sir. I'll slow down but, it's just so good." He said looking lovingly at the bowl of ramen sitting in front of him. The three other people sitting at the table laugh. Inuyasha looked up.

"What you all know how much I love ramen." He said in his defense.

"Yes, we all know that Inuyasha." Kagome paused. "And that's why I'm starting to think ramen should be your girlfriend, not me." She added jokingly and took another bite before he answered.

"But, I like you more then ramen." Inuyasha stated simply and Kagome nearly spit her mouthful of food out. She quickly swallowed and stared at him in shock. This statement had also startled Inuyasha's parents. They knew their son quite well and they knew that if ramen had been a living, breathing, women Inuyasha would have been married years ago. They also knew that for Inuyasha to love something more then he loved ramen meant he had to love that other thing as much as someone could ever love something. Kagome's hand flew out to touch Inuyasha's forehead.

"Inuyasha, are you feeling okay? Do you have a fever? Are you sick? Have you gone crazy? Because there is no way you could like anything more then you like ramen." Kagome said very fast and took her hand away.

"Yes, I'm feeling okay. No, I don't have a fever. No, I am not sick, and I have not gone crazy. Is it that hard to believe that I like you more than ramen?" Kagome vigorously shook her head `yes'. "Well your just going to have to start believing it because I like you a whole lot more than ramen, Kagome. And would everyone stop giving me the `He's gone off the deep end' look." Kagome who was still slightly shocked ate the last few bites of her ramen giving her self time to think of a way to respond.

"Well, I must be the luckiest girl in the world then." She said.

"Indeed." Replied Mrs. Yamamoto from her place across from her son. Noticing everyone was finished eating, she stood up. "So, who wants ice cream?" She asked walking over to the refrigerator.

"Oh, oh! I do, I do!" Inuyasha, Kagome and Mrs. Yamamoto all turned to look at Inuyasha's father. "What?" The older man asked innocently. Everyone else shrugged. Mrs. Yamamoto went about scooping ice cream in to bowls. Kagome looked back and forth between her boyfriend and his father. She came to a decision.

"Just like the saying says `like father, like son'." She stated.

"In more ways then you know Kagome, in more ways then you know." The older woman informed Kagome as she set a bowl in front of each person.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" The two men said at the same time. She sighed.

"Need I say more?" It was a rhetorical question. There were a few minutes of silence while everyone ate their ice cream. Kagome put down her spoon.

"Well, I guess I should go home." She looked at her watch, it was 8:00 PM.

"No, you can't go yet." Inuyasha protested.

"Okay, I'll stay but, I have to be home at 9 o'clock." She told him.

"Don't worry you'll be home by nine. Come on." He stood up out of his chair.

"You'd think you would want some time without me."

"Yeah well, it's no fun with out you around. Now come on." At which point Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hand and hauled her out of her chair and proceeded to drag her up the stairs. They got to his room and Inuyasha closed the door.

"Holy shit." He said facing his girlfriend.


"I really want to kiss you." He closed the space between them. He then wrapped his arms around her waist. Kagome chose to rest her hands on his shoulders. They pressed their lips together for a few second before Inuyasha pulled away. He slid the tip of one of his fingers under her shirt to touch skin. She nodded in approval. Inuyasha slid his hands up the back of Kagome's shirt so he could fully touch and run his hands over the bare skin of her back. They leaned back in and she opened her mouth to him. Inuayshs's tongue moved in and started to caress the roof of her mouth, her tongue, teeth and the insides of her cheeks. In return Kagome did the same to him. They ended the kiss and Inuyasha pulled his hands out from under her shirt.

"Now you can leave." Inuyasha said with a smile.

"I'm tired so I will." They made their way out of the room and down the stairs. Kagome saw Mr. and Mrs. Yamamoto on her way out.

"I'm leaving now. Thanks for dinner." She said politely.

"Your welcome, Kagome. Be careful going home." Mrs. Yamamoto replied.

"I will. Bye." Both of Inuyasha's parents waved. "Bye Inuyasha. See you tomorrow." She opened the front door.

"Bye." Inuyasha said as he closed the door behind her. He turned to look at his parents.

"You two were up there kissing weren't you?" His father asked. Inuyasha became bright red and both his father and mother laughed.