InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What It Means To Be Best Friends ❯ Families And Trip Suggestions ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

What It Means To Be Best Friends

Chapter Seven: Families And Trip Suggestions

Kagome woke up lying on her back. To her left Inuyasha lay on his right side. His back facing the wall and his right arm underneath the pillow they currently shared. Kagome rolled on to her left side and studied Inuyasha's sleeping face. After a few seconds she placed her right hand on the uncovered skin of his left side. As she moved her hand slightly up and down over Inuyasha's ribs as she leaned in, closed her eyes and kissed him. She slowly ran her tongue along his bottom lip. Inuyasha kissing her back and letting her tongue enter his mouth was the only indication that he had woken up. They finished the kiss and separated opening their eyes.

"Well good morning to you too." Inuyasha said with a slight yawn.

"Yeah good morning." She said happily.

"That was new. You've never woken me up like that before. You usually keep poking me or shake me or shout in my ear. Remember once you even dropped Buyo on me and I freaked and fell off the bed while you laughed your ass off. Although it was funny after it happened." He laughed at the memory. "Oh but a kiss to wake me in the morning the just makes my day perfect before it even starts!" He said with an over dramatized sigh and a goofy grin. Kagome smiled.

"Well is a lot better then how you choose to wake me up that one time. You kicked me knowing I would fall off of the bed, which I did rather painfully. I got bruises from that." Her eyes narrowed.

"Hey! I was 5 years old and really stupid, you can't blame me for that now. But how about I make up for it?" She nodded in agreement. "Ok, all you have to do is lay back and pretend to be asleep." He gently pushed he right shoulder until she was laying flat on her back. "Now I shall give you a kiss to wake you my fair sweet sleeping beauty." As soon as he finished speaking she opened her eyes.

"Your `fair sweet sleeping beauty.' Have you blown a fuse?" She asked with one eyebrow raised and a tiny smile. Inuyasha put an overly exaggerated `deep in thought' expression on.

"Nah, I'm just feeling really goofy today. Now how about that kiss?" He answered.

"Just shut up and kiss me my quirky prince charming." With that Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. She loved his kisses. She loved kissing him.

She remembered their first kiss like they had just shared it yesterday. They had been Sophomores at the time and had been at the park where they had been hanging out with Sango and Miroku. Miroku had gone home with many new bruises, bumps, scrapes and red hand marks. A few of his brain cells had probably been killed too. All of which had been inflicted on him by Sango because of numerous groping. Sango had of course, gone home enraged. You could practically see the steam coming out of her ears as she walked away. So there they sat under a tree watching some people walk by while the sun started it's decent. Inuyasha was leaning agents the tree's trunk with his right arm draped over Kagome's shoulders. Kagome was half leaning on Inuyasha, half leaning on the tree. They sat that way talking about random things, laughing at jokes and making up funny things about the people walking by. Kagome watched as that couple currently walking passed kissed. Seeing all of this kissy, kissy stuff was making her sick and a tiny, tiny bit jealous. She gave a small huff and Inuyasha turned his head to look at her.

"That's like the ninth set of people I've seen kiss since Sango and Miroku left 30 minutes ago. Can't these people get rooms or something." She slightly glared at all of the couples milling around the park. Inuyasha suddenly had an idea, cheesy but an idea none the less. He was probably going to get into a lot of trouble with Kagome for it but, at that moment he didn't care. He looked off over Kagome's shoulder and gasped.

"What?" She asked looking directly at him. His gaze shifted to her.

"Don't look now…" He said as he took a hold of she chin with his left hand so she couldn't turn around and look at what he had `seen'. "But, there are some people kissing or at least they will be in a few seconds." He smiled at her. Instantly she knew he was up to something, that the gears in his 16 year old brain were turning. Her thoughts were confirmed when he leaned closer and pressed his lips to hers.

At first it felt odd to her, to be kissing her best friend. Then she realized just how much she liked, no loved the feeling of his lips on hers and started to kiss back. Inuyasha thought it had to be the best day of his life or at least it would be up until the point where they would stop kissing and she would pound his ass into the ground and never speak to him again. So, he decided to fully enjoy his last few moments of life by taking a small taste of her lips. He hesitantly touching her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue. She knew that this kiss could potentially screw up their friendship. She knew she was being stupid but, she couldn't bring her self to end the kiss, it just felt so nice. Just as Inuyasha's tongue slid into her mouth Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck. After a bit of mouth exploration by both parties they broke the kiss. Upon separating both blushed bright red. Inuyasha was contemplating if weather or not, there was a rock big enough for him to crawl underneath somewhere nearby. Yet she hadn't slapped him like Sango always slapped Miroku for one reason or another, which was a good sign. Both Kagome and Inuyasha had one identical thought; `Maybe just maybe he/she feels the same way I secretly do about him/her.' Kagome was the first to speak up.

"Is this going to make things awkward between us?" She asked quietly.

"Not unless we let it, which we won't right?" Inuyasha said hoping that everything would end up all right.

"Of course we won't. Friends kiss each other all the time… I guess, so why would one kiss mess up our friendship?" It was a question and a statement.

"Your right." He agreed with her if-y explanation. "But, it did feel really nice."

"Yeah it did." She said with a smile, her blush finally starting to go away. "Next time you want to kiss me all you have to do is ask, ok?" She stated. She had let him know that she didn't disapprove of them kissing, that she in fact liked it and that she wouldn't object to them doing it again.

"Sure next time I'll ask." He smiled and paused for a few seconds. "Hey Kagome…?"

"No!" She answered with a playful yet serious look before he could get the rest of his question out. Inuyasha just laughed and Kagome eventually joined him.

Inuyasha and Kagome ended their second kiss of the morning and got out of bed. Kagome pulled on a pair of flannel shorts while Inuyasha grabbed the tee shirt he had placed on her bed side table and pulled it on. Inuyasha noticed that Kagome's hair was rumpled from sleeping. Without thinking he reached out and ran his fingers through her long, silky, black hair. As he did so she closed her eyes, it vaguely reminded him of how Buyo responds to being petted. Kagome had and was always been beautiful to him, no matter what, he had even thought so when he was little.

He smiled at her and they headed out of Kagome's room and down the stairs towards the kitchen. Once at the bottom of the stairs Inuyasha become came distracted with saying good morning to his girlfriend's parents causing him to nearly trip over Buyo who, was underfoot like always.

"Feh! Stupid cat always trying to trip me up!" He glared at the cat who simply looked up at him innocently and meowed. Kagome and her parents laughed a bit at the scene. Inuyasha bent over and picked up the fat cat. Carrying Buyo he continued on his way to the kitchen. He held Buyo to his chest as he leaned agents the counter. Buyo began to affectionately rub the top of his head agents the boy's chin while purring. Inuyasha couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face.

"Aw!" Both Kagome and her mother said at the same time. Kagome walked over to where Inuyasha was standing with Buyo and began to pet the cat.

"Once again Buyo proves that he belongs to you just as much as he belongs to my parents and I." She said to Inuyasha, while enjoying the sound of Buyo's purring.

"Well, the boy spends enough time here to be partial owner of the cat and permanent resident of this household." Inuyasha looked at Mr. Higurashi. Guilt and a bit of fear could clearly be seen on his face. Mr. Higurashi instantly noticed this. "No, Inuyasha I didn't mean it in a bad way. You know that I think of you as if you were my own son and so does my wife. Kagome likes you very much and has since you two were very young. I honestly don't mind you spending so much time here and I wouldn't even mind it if you really did live here. Inuyasha your apart of this family and I hope you will be permanently." Mr. Higurashi slightly emphasized the word `permanently'. Then there was a look exchanged between Mr. Higurashi and Inuyasha. This caused Inuyasha to smile and nod in confirmation conveying to Mr. Higurashi he had understood exactly what he had meant by that last statement. Mrs. Higurashi also understood what the exchange between the two men meant and she couldn't help but smile at them. Then there was Kagome who had gotten that what her father had said was a good thing but, couldn't help the feeling that the look he had give Inuyasha had some hidden meaning.

"What exactly did that look you gave Inuyasha mean?" Kagome asked her dad.

"It's just a guy thing." Inuyasha answered her question. He then put Buyo down and give Mr. Higurashi one last glance before going to stand next to Mrs. Higurashi who was at the stove making breakfast.

"Oh well, At least I know it wasn't the `touch and/or go anywhere near my daughter and I will kill you' look." She said knowing no one was going to tell her the truth the earlier `look'.

"Yeah, if your dad gave me that look I would change my name and move far, far away! He can be scary sometimes, I mean really scary." He cringed at the thought of receiving that look from Mr. Higurashi.

"Just make sure I never have to give you that look." Mr. Higurashi said. Just that way he had said it scared Inuyasha a bit.

"Yes sir!" He said knowing that if Mr. Higurashi ever gave did him that look, he would be one dead cookie.

After breakfast and both had changed out of their sleep wear, they sat in Kagome's room listening to the radio.

"We have to go to school tomorrow." Kagome said in disgust.

"Yeah but, we only have one more week of school then we graduate and go to college." Inuyasha said with a happy sigh.

"I am so glad that you, Miroku, Sango and I are all going to the same college. And I am really happy that Sango is going to be my roommate. I just don't know why you would want the pervert as a roommate though, but oh well. The only problem is what to do over the summer." She shook her head as if to get rid of all the boring and over done activities that she had thought of.

"I've been thinking about that too and I came up with an idea." Kagome looked up at him where he sat at her desk, from her place on her bed. Inuyasha continued. "I was thinking that we could take a road trip. You know just go were ever we want to really. I mean we are both 18 years old so we wouldn't really have any problems with us being too young to go." He looked at Kagome and waited for her to response.

"That sounds nice but, wouldn't you rather go with Miroku? I don't want you to be asking me go with you because you think you have to."

"No, I want to go on this trip you and no one else, we do get along, I mean we are both best friends and `together'. Plus all Miroku would want to do is pick up women or at least try to and that is an activity that I don't want to take part in. I have you and I'm one lucky bastard to have you." He said while running his hands through his short silver hair.

"You make me seem like I am the most wonderful woman in the world." She said sarcastically. He looked straight in the her brown eyes.

"You are." He firmly stated. "Well, at least you are to me." He said softly, a tender expression on his face.

"Oh stop trying to sweet talk me into going with you." She said jokingly knowing he had been serious about what he had just said. "I'll go with you. It will be a lot of fun, that is if we don't drive each other crazy which, I am pretty sure we won't. So, when do you want to leave?" She asked

"Well, graduation is on Friday and Saturday and Sunday there will be a lot of graduation parties and stuff. So, how about we leave a week after graduation? That way we can be gone as long as we want and be able to come back and have plenty of time to get stuff ready for moving in to our dorms." He offered.

"Sounds like a plan. How about I get a big bottles of shampoo, conditioner and body wash to share so we don't have to carry around a billion things?" She asked trying to be practical.

"That works for me. So that's that we are going on a road trip the Friday after next." They smiled. It was set he would have a week or longer if they wished, of vacation alone with Kagome and he already knew it would be the greatest summer.