InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath It All ❯ A Brand New Day ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Lies Beneath It All
By Island Girl
PG-13 - R

Disclaimer: I, in no way, have any claim to ownership rights of Inuyasha or any corresponding characters. I just happen to be a really big fan...

<....> content of the note

What Lies Beneath It All

Into the Abyss...

A steady flow of students were traveling the hallways and Kagome was
caught right in the middle of it. No matter. She didn't care that she was
elbow-to-elbow with other students, sometimes even being shoved out
of the way. Her thoughts were focused elsewhere.

His eyes. Those magnificent eyes. She had never seen a pair like those.
They seemed fathomless in their depths. Just as she was losing herself
in her vision, she ran into something hard. She felt very foolish, thinking
she had run into a wall. Looking up she saw something that took her
breath away.

"Are you okay," the creamy voice asked.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. Really," she felt a deep blush rise on her cheeks. She tried
to turn and walk away, but a strong hand grasped hers and gently pulled her
up. Well, what was supposed to be gentle was actually quite forceful and
Kagome was launched into his chest.

"Well now. I believe I should at least know your name before you reach out and
embrace me," he chuckled at her shocked expression. She had failed to realize
he was just kidding.

"'m so sorry. My name is Kagome. I just transferred here. I'm really
sorry..." she just going on and on, but never daring to look up into his eyes. If
she did, she knew she would just turn into jello and jiggle into a big puddle
right in front of him. Oh, wouldn't that be attractive!

"No problem. I was just kidding. Anyway, my name's Inuyasha. If you need any-
thing, don't hesitate to ask. I've got to get to class, but make sure you watch
where you're going. Not everyone here is going to be as nice as I am," he slow-
ly turned away and headed down the hallway.

Kagome couldn't help but wonder 'How could a girl like Kikyou snag a guy like
him? They are totally different people. He was SOOO nice,' she was absolutely
gushing. Looking at her watch she realized she was going to be late if she didn't
head to class.

Inuyasha sat quietly in AP Chemistry [yes, he's smart in this story] copying the
notes from the board. His hand worked diligently at his task, but his thoughts
were wandering.

'I can't believe everyone's saying all those bad things about her. She's so shy and
polite. She's pretty too. She...she kind of resembles Kikyou, but much more innocent.
I hope we have more classes together.'

His thoughts were cut short when the professor started his lecture.

At lunch Kagome began to panic. She forgot to ask Sango what lunch she had? She
searched the cafeteria for an open table. There were none. She decided that she wasn't
ready to face the masses. She turned back ready to head to the library when a hand reach-
ed out for her skirt.

"Damn! Look at those legs. Come here baby. Lemme get a good look at you," Kagome shot
the boy a very mean look. She was absolutely disgusted.

"No thanks. I'm busy. I'll see you around, okay," she was trying her best to free herself of his
death-hold on her arm. He squeezed harder causing her to fall to her knees. She whimpered
in pain.

"Well, looks like the little tramp isn't so tough now. So, in this position, how can you resist my

Kagome looked up through eyes full of unshed tears. "Who are you and what do you want with

"Oh yes. You'll have to forgive me. I'm Kouga. And who are you, my dear?"

"I-I'm Kagome. Kagome Higurashi."

"Ah...beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Well, then, scamper off little one. I'll see you around. But
believe me, I'm not done with you. Remember that. I always get what I want, and girl, I want
you," he released her. She rose to her feet and walked away with as much dignity as she
could muster. She tried to block out the raucous of laughter erupting from behind her.

Her heart was racing. It had been an unpleasant encounter. One that had left her heart racing.
Suddenly she found her lips wobbling and her eyes watering. Her legs collapsed beneath her,
she fell to the ground. She crawled into a corner, tucked her knees up to her chest, wrapped
her arms around her knees and cried. She had been nervous about her first day, but she never
knew that it would this bad.


At that very moment, it seemed like all her body's functions stopped. Someone had found her.
She felt very vulnerable at the moment and the last thing she needed was someone bother-
ing her about this.

She was completely blown away when she found Inuyasha crouching down next to her.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Really. I'm fine. Let me just get up and get to class. Well, I'll see you-" he raised a
finger to her lips, effectively silencing her.

"I know I don't know you, but I can tell it's not in you to lie. Now, tell me. What happened?"

She took a couple deep breaths to calm her nerves. "At lunch I had forgotten to ask Sango
what time she had lunch, so when I got there I was totally surprised to see that she wasn't
there. I decided that I wasn't up for eating lunch by myself..."

"Sorry to interrupt, but when do you have lunch?"

"Um...oh! I have lunch at 11:30."

He smiled. "Great! I have lunch with you. How about you come and sit with me next time?"

A faint hint of a blush tainted her pale skin. "Sure. If you don't mind...that is."

He grasped her hand lightly. "No, don't worry. It's not a problem. Anyway, finish telling me
what happened."

She giggled a little. She had completely forgotten about the incident.

"Okay. I was headed out of the cafeteria to go to the library when this guy grabbed me. I think
...yeah...his name was Kouga. He kept rubbing my leg and telling me how beautiful I was. He
really scared me, right before I left, because he said 'Trust me, I'm not done with you. I always
get what I want, and I want you.' He hurt me...he grabbed my wrists and twisted them until I fell
to my knees. I can't tell anyone because I...he...scares me. I don't want him to touch me any...
more..." her voice broke as tears began sliding down her face again. She felt so weak for crying,
but no one had ever approached her that way.

He wrapped his arms around her and began rocking her back and forth. He even surprised him-
self. He didn't even know this girl, and yet he had the urge to protect her.

"Shhh...shhh...It's okay Kagome. Stay away from Kouga. He's dangerous. What he said, about
always getting what he wants is true. Don't worry. I won't let him near you. I promise," he looked
into her clear blue eyes and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"All better now," he asked with concern.

"Yeah. Thank you. You must think I'm a fool. Man, Kikyou is one lucky girl. Well, I better get going.
Thank you so much. Bye," she walked off and turned down the corridor.

He looked down the hallway even after she had disappeared. 'How does she know about Kikyou?'

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A/N - Ah ha! It is complete! Well, the chapter is, not the whole story. What did you think? Good, bad?
I need feedback people! LOL...thanks for everything, and I'll update soon. Love ya, peace ^_^