InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath It All ❯ New Aquaintances ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Lies Beneath It All
By Island Girl
PG-13 - R

Disclaimer: I, in no way, have any claim to ownership rights of Inuyasha or any corresponding characters. I just happen to be a really big fan...

<....> content of the note

What Lies Beneath It All

New Aquaintances...

", I'm sure by now you have read the student handbook, but we are
going to review it again..."

Professor Kamato's endless prattle had bored her into a trance.

'WHAT IS AN INUYASHA?' she raved silently to herself. This girl she didn't
even know was harrassing her about something she didn't even know of!
What the hell was that all about? Here she was, just a pleasant "new girl"
and here comes Queen Sheba trying to bite her head off. 'I really don't
need this right now.'

She was pulled abruptly from her thoughts as she felt a feather-light touch
on her ankle. A chewed up yellow pencil was lying near her foot. She reached
down for it and as she grabbed the pencil, another hand grabbed hers.

Kagome looked up sweetly. "Is this yours?"

The girl smiled at her and retrieved her pencil.

"Yes. Thank you. You're new here, right?"

"Yes, I am. My name's Kagome."

"Hi! I'm Sango," she said a little louder than she meant to.

Professor Kamato turned around frowning in dismay.

"Excuse me ladies. Can I help you with anything?"

Kagome and Sango both looked up shyly. Sango was the one to speak up.

"Sorry Professor. I was just trying to explain some of the things unique about
our WONDERFUL school to Kagome," she plastered on a fake smile.

"Ah...very well. Please, save it for after class."

"Yes sir," they both answered at the same time.

As the Professor continued his lecture Kagome felt something fall on her ankle.
It was a pink piece of paper. She picked it up and found that it had her name on
it. She opened it up and began to read.

<Whoa, that was a close one! Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm Sango. I can help you around school and stuff, so don't worry...okay?>

A smile crept onto her face. She grabbed her fuzzy pink gel pen and began to
scribble her response.

<OMG! Thanks Sango. I really appreciate it. I mean, God, this day started off
horrible! This awful girl Kikyou came up to me and bit me head off. She was
all like 'My name is Kikyou and I rule this school...blah blah blah so you better
step off and blah blah blah keep away from my Inuyasha blah blah blah. By
the way...Sango? What's an Inuyasha?>

<No, no, no, my dear. Not what, but who? Inuyasha is her boyfriend. She is highly possessive over him. She is highly possessive over everything that's hers. Inuyasha's that guy in the fourth seat, third row.>

Kagome set the paper down on her desk and look for this guy.

She mentally counted the seats 'One...two...three...fou-' She stopped midcount as
she saw the creature Sango had been talking about.

His silver hair shine in the rays of sunlight pouring through the window. His well-muscled arms pressing against his blue and white striped polo shirt. A string
of jet black beads hung around his neck. What seemed to be dog ears peaked
through the crown of his hair. His large eyes were golden-amber in color, wide
and attentive to the notes he was taking. Long, slender fingers gripped the shiny
black pen. His legs were long and thick. They bunched slightly as his legs bent under the desk.

'Wow! He's gorgeous!'

Kagome didn't realize that her mouth was open until she felt something hit her
head. She opened the paper expecting a note from Sango, but was deeply disappointed by what she found.

<Hey bitch, I told you. Stay away from my man.> She looked across the room
and knew instantly who had written this. Kikyou was staring daggers at her.
Kagome wasn't going to have it. Her hand reflexively curled into a fist, but she
decided that she would have to wait until class was over. She didn't want to
cause anymore trouble.

"Okay class. Tonight's homework will be to get the emergency card, federal
survey, and syllabus signed by your parents. I will expect it by tomorrow. Have
a nice day," the professor said, trying to speak over the bell.

With a sigh, Kagome picked up her books and headed out the door.
A/N - How did you like it? I know it was short, and I'm sorry for that, but more will be coming soon. I promise!