InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath It All ❯ The Runaround... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Lies Beneath It All
By Island Girl
PG-13 - R

Disclaimer: I, in no way, have any claim to ownership rights of Inuyasha or any corresponding characters. I just happen to be a really big fan...

<....> content of the note

What Lies Beneath It All

The Runaround...

'I can't believe it. My first day of school and all this shit is happen-
ing to me. I mean, really! I never knew there could be so much
drama in a private school. Why can't people just chill? What did
I do to deserve all of this?'

Her thoughts were interrupted when she passed a door from
which she caught a peek of silver hair. She checked the room
number; 306. She looked at her class schedule, and she smied
as she realized this is where she was supposed to be. She turned
the doorknob tentatively, trying not too draw too much attention to
herself. Typically, the entire class turned in her direction to see who
was entering the classroom. The professor was the first to speak.

"Ah, you must be Kagome Higurashi. Welcome to Intro to Calculus.
Please, take a seat."

A warm smile touched her face. "Yes sir. Thank you."

Inuyasha signaled her to sit in the empty seat beside him. He couldn't
help the brillant grin that escaped him. It was a pleasant surprise that
she should be in another one of his classes. He took out a piece of
paper and wrote:

<Hey Kagome! So, we're classmates again. How many classes do you
have with me? Give me your schedule. Okay?>

Keeping a watchful eye on the engrossed professor, he folded the paper
and handed it to her. Giving him a confused look, she apprehensively un-
folded the note and read it. She smiled, happy that he cared. She wrote
down all her classes and the times that they started and ended.

<8:00 to 8:45 - Homeroom (duh!)
8:50 to 9:35 - Physics
9:40 to 10:25 - World History
10:30 to 11:15 - Drama
11:20 to 12:20 - Lunch (like you didn't know ^_^)
12:25 to 1:10 - Calculus
1:15 to 2:00 - AP Studio Art

Then there's study hall at the end of the day. So, how many classes do
we have together?>

She wrapped the note around a pen and dropped it on the ground. He most
graciously picked up the pen, letting the note slide onto his desk, and returned
it to its owner.

<We have 4 classes together...well, that includes study hall, but that's like a free
period. We can do whatever we want. Guess I'll be seeing you around, eh?>

When Kagome got the note back, she read the whole thing and laughed, quietly
and to herself. She was really enjoying this, but as she looked at him the image
an angry Kikyou hovering above her brought on a frown of disdain. She had been
so adamant about keeping Kagome away from Inuyasha.

<Um...I think maybe we should pay attention now. I'll talk to you after class.>

Thereafter, they were both silent. However, through the silence Kagome would
occasionally glance at him, just to see what he was doing. Not only was he
EXTREMEMLY attractive, but he was also sweet, kind, caring...her list went on
forever. She had the feeling that she would want to hang around this one for a
while yet.

'Man, she's so nice! She seems so naïve! Such innocence. It's not common any-

"Okay class. I know the bell is going to ring in 30 seconds and everyone is going to
run out of this classroom as if the plague were infesting, but do page 14 and 15...and
that means all problems! Have a nice day!"

With this being said the entire class rose, ready to run out of the room. All that is, except
for 2 students. They were sitting right next to each other.

Kagome looked at him quizzically. "Why aren't you leaving?"

The look on her face was reflected on his own. "I wait until everyone else leaves. Don't
want to get trampled you know."

"Yeah! Same here. After all, I already had a not-so-cool run in with someone today."

"You did? Who was it?"

Kagome panicked when she realized what she had just said. ", I don't know
who it was. I mean she was just so mean...I didn't even get her name."

He frowned. Why would anyone be mean to her? "Well, make sure when you find out who
it is you let me know. I'll take care of it."

She was trying to put her stuff away quickly so she wouldn't have to look him in the eye. This
was not good. She was talking to Inuyasha. The in the Inuyasha who belonged
to Kikyou. She'd better hurry and get out of there.

", look at the time. I've got to go. See you around then."

He looked a little more than confused. They were having such a good conversation. "Okay! Well,
as they always say 'this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.'" He finished lamely as she high-
tailed it out of there.

'What's wrong now?

The day had been a long one for Kagome. After almost letting her chance encounter with Kikyou
slip to Inuyasha, she had managed to avoid him for the rest of the day. While walking home she
had time to thiNK about her first day. She had managed to make a bad enemy and a really good
friend. The only thing was that the enemy was the friend's girlfriend. Ugh. Not cool. How was she
supposed to handle this? She looked up toward the sky and thought to herself 'Maybe I should just
stay away from him. He is her boyfriend. How am I supposed to compete with her? She's so pretty,
and probably is e-x-p-e-r-i-e-n-c-e-d than I am." She took her index fingers and massaged circles
around her temples. "Jeez, I need to stop thinking so much."

She turned to walk through her yard when she saw a paper airplane fl in front of her. She looked
back to see Inuyasha smiling at her. Just the sight of him made her want to melt! On his other side
was Kikyou, tucked securely beneath his arm. She was looking the other way.

"Inuyasha, that is quite enough. Don't talk to that...that...little girl! You don't know what trouble she might
be! Besides...this morning she attacked me!"

"She attacked you Kikyou? Where? Why," he was very concerned to hear that his new friend could
have done this.

"Just before school. She was in a rush to get inside and shoved me out of her way and onto the
ground. Just thinking about her makes me sick. Just, do me a favor? Don't talk to her, okay?"

"Kikyou...why would you ask such a thing?"

Her sweet, fake smile turned into a twisted grin. "I've heard bad things about her. She acts all sweet
and innocent, when really she preys on nice guys...guys much like yourself."

"Wait a minute now. What are you suggesting?"

"Nothing. It's just, well, you seem very friendly. Don't let her take advantage of that."

"Yeah, sure. Thanks for you *concern* Kikyou, but I can handle myself. I'll see you later."

He took back his arm and walked quickly away from Kikyou. Spreading rumors was one of the
lowest things you could do to someone. He couldn't believe his Kikyou was capable of something
so ugly. Especially of a new person. Kagome had nearly been scared tp death today by the asshole

'He's so full of himself.'

Inuyasha turned back to see Kagome's house number.

'I think I'll come by and see her tonight.'

He smiled cheerfully and he walked the rest of the way home. He felt something unusual about Kagome.
Something special. And this was just the beginning...

A/N - Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. I have had a tons of homework. I'll probably get
more time this week. Almost the end of the quarter you know. Hopefully...