InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath It All ❯ Something Special ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Lies Beneath It All
By Island Girl
PG-13 - R

Disclaimer: I, in no way, have any claim to ownership rights of Inuyasha or any corresponding characters. I just happen to be a really big fan...

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What Lies Beneath It All

Something Special...

"Kagome honey. What do you want to have for dinner tonight?"

"Uh...I don't know mom. Hey, how about this? I'll cook dinner while you
go and relax for a while. I don't have too much homework tonight anyway.
Yes, that's right...go on now," Mrs. Higurashi was hesitant, but complied
her daughter. She was glad to see that she was offering to help out.

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly. "Well, if YOU
insist..." she trailed off with a mischievious grin.

"Yes mommy, I insist, so get out." She gently kicked her mom in the rear,
giggling on her way back to the fridge.

Inuyasha was actually pretty nervous when he came to the Higurashi's door.
He didn't really know what he was going to say.

'I guess I could say <Hi! I'm Inuyasha, one of Kagome's classmates. I just
wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.> Yeah. That's sounds reason-

Slowly he approached the door. His heart was pounding against his ribcage.
He couldn't figure out why though.
--------------------------------------------------------------< br>
(from inside) DING DONG

From her "oh-so-relaxed" position Mrs. Higurashi went to answer the door.
She was pleasantly surprised to find a young man, about Kagome's age,
standing at the door.

She smiled warmly, "Hello dear. How may I help you?"

He couldn't help but to smile back. "Hi! My name is Inuyasha. I'm actually a
classmate of Kagome's I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood
and see if you needed help with anything."

"Well thank you Inuyasha. We're fine right now. However, we are about to eat
dinner. Would you like to join us?"

"Are you sure it wouldn't be too much trouble?"

"I'm positive sweetie. In fact, Kagome is in the kitchen right now. Why don't you
go and help her. I'm sure she would enjoy the company."

"Sure. I'd be glad to help."

Kagome's mother opened the door to Inuyasha, pointing him in the direction
of the kitchen. He was amazed by how beautiful the house was. There was a
simple elegance to it. The walls were a cream color and there were wooden
floors. White orchids and cherry blossoms were splayed across the coffee table
mantle above the fireplace, which was fully stoked and flaming. The couches
were cream colored as well. A beautiful designer chaise lounge sat near the
bay window. The ceilings were raised high above his head. At least twenty
feet. A spiral staircase led to the second floor.

"Wow, Mrs. Higurashi. Your house is absolutely beautiful!" exclaimed the young
man at her side.

"Thank you. Kagome helped me pick out most of the furniture." She could see
the admiration on the boy's face.

"Kagome's in there. She's making dinner tonight."

"Oh, okay. Let me go see if she needs any help."
---------------------------------------------------------------- -------

Engrossed with the task at hand, Kagome lifted the spoon to her lips for a taste.

'Needs more salt,' she thought to herself.

From where he was standing he could see her reflection in the mirror above the
stove. The tip of her tongue peeked out the side of her mouth in display of her
concentration. Her eyes squinting slightly as a rush of steam rose to her face. It
smelled wonderful.

"Kagome-," he jumped back at the sound of her scared-to-death scream.

"Oh my God! Inuyasha? What are you doing here? You scared me half to death!"

He snorted in quiet laughter. "I'm sorry about that. I was in the neighborhood and
thought I would stop by. Do you need any help?"

She smiled nervously. She hadn't meant to yell at him. "No, I'm sorry for yelling at
you. You just surprised me, that's all. Um, no, I've got this. You can stay in here
and keep me company if you want to."

He pat her on the back. "Sure, no problem. Hey, what are you making anyway?"

"Beef stew," she said simply.

"How do you make that?"

"Here, let me see your hand. I made up an easy full-proof method of making this
stuff without messing it up."

He tentatively held out his hand. She grabbed it. At that very moment...


They both looked at each other and grabbed their hands back to themselves as
if they had been burned. Technically, they had. They had both felt that spark be-
tween them the moment they touched.

"Well, here. Let me show you." She held up her own hand up. "The thumb. First step.
Prepare all the ingredients. Chop onions, carrots, potatoes, celery, or whatever you
want to put in here. Then cut the beef into cubes. Second step, cook beef. That has
come first, because it takes longer to cook than everything else..." and she just kept
on going. Inuyasha just smiled and listened as she instructed him in the art cooking.
She was so lively when she spoke. Her eyes wide with excitement. Those eyes, a
beautiful blue. They looked so innocent, so accepting, so loving. Giving in to the urge,
he grabbed her hand. She stopped mid-sentence.

"I'm more of a hands-on learner. Do you mind starting over?"

"No...not at all," her words came to her slowly. What was he doing? And what is that
look on his face for? Does he think something is going to happen here? HE HAS A
GIRLFRIEND! A drop-dead gorgeous one at that. What does he want with a little girl
like me? Boy, if Kikyou were here she would kill me!

And so the lesson went on. It took about 40 minutes to cook dinner, but she sat herself
on the counter letting it simmer. He stood in front of her, silently admiring her from where
he stood. She looked like an angel. A raven haired angel who had flown into his life and
changed his view on everything. First of all, he had never cooked for himself. He lived a
fairly wealthy life. His father was founder of Tomikashi Enterprises. Oh yeah, he was
wealthy alright, but also lonely.

"Inuyasha, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"Yeah. Go right ahead."

"Why are you going out with Kikyou?"

"Huh?" He was confused. What brought this up?

"Well, I mean, what would a guy like you being with a girl like Kikyou?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Um...oh well, I don't know...never mind. Just forget it." She felt stupid for asking him
like that outright.

"What? Did she do something to you?" He was concerned now. He had once heard
rumors about Kikyou before he started dating her. He heard that she had killed a girl
because of an old boyfriend. At the time he didn't believe them; his feelings for her
clouding his judgement, but now he was driven to believe it. To believe it, for Kagome.

"Well, no, I better not say. It's none of my business hat goes on between you two."

"Kagome! Tell me! I need to know!"

She took a deep breath and just let it all spill out of her. "I bumped into her this morn-
ing and she threatened me saying that I better stay away from you." She paused and turned
away, blushing. "She must have seen the way I was looking at you this morning. She said
she destroy me if she ever saw me near you."

He was completely astonished. His Kikyou? Saying something like this to Kagome? But
she was so nice? How could Kikyou not see that?

Then the picture started coming together, that's why she told Inuyasha to stay away from

He reached for her hand, and though she tried to back away, he grabbed her anyway. He
looked into her eyes and saw true pain there. It was as if she had been hurt like this before.
He would never let anyone hurt her again.

"Don't worry about Kikyou. She can't hurt you. And besides, she wouldn't do it when I was

"But she's your GIRLFRIEND! Doesn't that mean anything? You probably shouldn't even be
right now. I think maybe you should leave." She turned back to the stove to hide the tears
that were trailing down her face.

He could hear her sniffling. "Why does it matter? What does this have to do with her?"

She choked on her words. "Because I like you! I do! I mean, I feel like a lunatic! I don't even
know you, but I want to run my fingers through your hair, touch your face, hold your hand. I
want to be held by YOU, and yet you hold someone else. Someone who isn't worthy of your
touch. I-I can't do this..." she sank down to her knees and dropped her face onto her folded

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. They had only just met, but he had that same feel-
ing as she. Her soft eyes called out to him. They were haunting. He wanted to explore this
new "thing" with Kagome, but he had already invested so much time into his relationship
with Kikyou. It was something familiar, something he was comfortable with. He was at war
with his emotions as part of him told him to stick with what he had committed to. The other
longed for this innocent angel who had fallen from the sky. He did the only thing he knew
to do at the time, and that was to comfort her.

"Kagome...thank you for being honest. Kagome...look at me...that's better. I don't know what
will happen from here, but I assure you that Kikyou won't hurt you. She really a pussy cat once
you get to know her."

Kagome smiled. "Is that supposed to be some kind of sexual innuendo? Be careful, I am vul-
nerable in this state. I might just fall victim to your merciless charms."

He playfully ruffled her hair. "We'd better serve dinner now. Everyone must be starving."
------------------------------------------------------------ ------

Dinner was perfect. The stew - superb, and the conversation was great. When it was all over
Kagome walked Inuyasha to the door and out to the front gate.

"Thanks for dinner Kagome. It was wonderful." His voice was very soft and tender. He flashed
that sexy grin of his, sending shivers down her spine.

"No. Thank you for all the help. I...had fun."

"Me too." The awkward silence was too much for him. She licked her lips nervously and found
that his eyes were focused on her lips. She smiled nervously and went to hug him.

'She's so soft and warm! She smells nice too. Like vanilla and jasmine."

He looked down at her. Her eyes were closed as she smiled contently against the broad expanse
of his chest. She looked back up and him and it seemed as if the gravitational pull on her body
lessened, because before she knew it she closed the gap between their faces and kissed him.

Her arms wrapped themselves around his neck, and his around her waist. At first they revelled in
how soft each other's lips were, but soon she timidly slid her tongue across his lower lip. He smiled
in surprise as he opened up to her, letting her explore him fully. She was bold, but so was he. Her
tongue caressed his and he began to massage her back, gently pulling her further into him.

Her heart went cold. What was she doing? He belonged to someone else.

'But then why is he holding you?' another part of her asked.

Reluctantly she pulled herself out of his grasp. It was only then that he realized what they were
doing...what he was doing.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." Kagome said shamefully.

"No...don't be sorry. Look, it's getting late. I better go. I'll you tomorrow."

Before he could leave she grabbed him by the wrist and turned him around.

"Wait. What happens now?"

He looked at her sadly. "I don't know. I just need some time to think. Goodnight Kagome." He couldn't stop
himself as his lips claimed hers once more. The kiss was hard and quick, and almost as soon as it had
begun he pulled away and ran towards home, leaving her there touching her lips that were now swollen from
his demanding kissed.

"Goodnight Inuyasha..."

A/N - So they have now had their first kiss. What will happen now? Hmm...I wonder. This was actually the
way I had my first kiss. I was sharing my troubles with someone who was totally off limits to me. It was a
forbidden relationship, but I was helpless to the clutches of its power...LOL...those were the days. Anyway, the next
chapter should be up this week. I have so much school work, but I'll update as often as possible. Love you all!