InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath It All ❯ The Aftermath ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Lies Beneath It All
By Island Girl
PG-13 - R

Disclaimer: I, in no way, have any claim to ownership rights of Inuyasha or any corresponding characters. I just happen to be a really big fan...

<....> content of the note

What Lies Beneath It All

The Aftermath...

The rest of the night went by in what seemed like a blur for Kagome.
After that earth-shattering kiss she moved about in a trance. She
couldn't believe what was happening. They had only just met, and
yet she felt an indescribable pull towards him. And then there was
that kiss! Oh God, the kiss. She had practically melted in his arms.
She marveled in the wonder of his lips and arms. Then she had
remembered, he belonged to someone else. It completely broke
her heart when her brain displayed the image of Kikyou in his arms,
him sharing his soul with her the way he had with Kagome. Oh...the
fates had been too cruel.

As she lay down to sleep that night she left her TV on, hoping to dis-
tract herself from her thoughts. She wasn't sure how she was going
to handle things in the morning, but she decided she would just have
to deal with it as best she could. Still, she felt some kind of emptiness
that she had never had before. She closed her eyes, letting a single
tear escape.
--------------------------------------------------------------< br>
With a sigh Inuyasha threw his keys onto the nightstand. The night
had revealed many new prospects, and he needed time to think. His
relationship with Kikyou came so naturally that he never thought of
what it would be without her.

But now...Kagome. She was like a breath of fresh air. She was some-
thing he had never experience before. He was drawn to her, like a moth
to the fire. It frightened him, because he'd had his whole life planned out.
He was going to finish high school, go to Stanford University. After he
graduated and got a steady job, he was going to marry Kikyou. Then
they would, supposedly, live happily ever after. It shook him to his very
core that he wasn't so sure about his decision anymore. What was
once a source of security and reassurance was very quickly turning into
a pool of confusion. How? How could something like this happen so
quickly. He had invested so much time into his relationship with Kikyou
to just throw it to the curb. When he saw Kagome next, he would act as if
nothing had changed. They would still be the new acquaintances that
they had become, and he would still be madly in love with Kikyou.

His head was beginning to pound with the jumble of thoughts that were
running through his head. He had to see Kikyou. She would help set
his mind straight.

He grabbed his jacket and ran out the door, wiping his lips in an attempt
to erase the feel of Kagome's silkiness on them.

Kikyou was sitting by the fireplace reading the heated note that her
best friend, Yumiko, had written her. She was a virgin, but she had
begun some hot and heavy partying since she was now a senior.
She had met some men at the club who were more than willing to
"befriend" her. Kikyou laughed after she read it, because though
Yumiko was going for the high voltage image, she was really just a
pussycat at heart. She still had the mind set of a child.

A knock at the door jarred her from her musings. She rose and went
to look out the peep hole to see who could possible be visiting at
such a late hour.

She opened the door, letting in a blast of icy air. "Inuyasha?"

Without responding, he pushed his way into the house and closed
the door behind him. He took of his coat and sat in the Lazy-Boy by
the fire, simply looking up at her and frantically running a hand through
his hair.

"Inuyasha, baby, what's wrong?"

He looked up at her, and couldn't help but to see Kagome's face before

"N-nothing. Just, I just need you right now. Please, I'm s-so cold. Keep
me warm."

A mischievous grin flashed over her face. She knew what had happened.
He had been with Kagome and gotten burned. Well, as she had said be-
fore, Inuyasha belonged to her, and she was going to make sure that he
knew it.

"Oh, you're cold? Oh! No wonder, you're soaked to the bone. Here, let's get
rid of these wet clothes, eh?"

Without even thinking, Inuyasha raised his arms as Kikyou peeled off the
layers of clothing. First the sweater, then his shirt, until he sat half-naked
on the floor next to her.

"Oh dear. If you stay wet like this you are going to catch pneumonia. We
should get you into a warm shower. Come on, I'll wash your back."

He walked as if in a trance. His body had told him to follow her, but his
heart wrenched with guilt. He was sure Kagome was off somewhere
thinking about the events of that evening, and he had run off into his
girlfriend's arms seeking comfort. BUT...she was his GIRLFRIEND. This
was where he belonged.

The next thing he knew the rest of his clothes had been stripped away and
the heated was sluicing down his back, plastering his hair to his face. A few
minutes later, Kikyou followed suit. He looked at her with eyes not his own.
His body longed for satiation. The way she touched him, washed him,
brought his body to respond in a way that had become second nature to him.
He hadn't made love to her in a week. They were way over due for some
quality time.

He gently backed her into the wall, pressing her body up against his own.
His hands found themselves stroking down her sides and his fingers inter-
twining with hers.

Kikyou's eyes rolled heavenward, she was in Heaven. "Oh...*gasp*...Inuyasha..."

He smiled at her reaction, pleased that he could make her feel this way.

"What do you want baby?"

She looked him straight in the face, smiling an innocent, though fake, smile. She
rose just enough to moan into his ear. "I want you inside me."

It was his turn to groan. He leaned down a whispered against her open lips.

"How do you want it?"

"You know my favorite way..."

She turned around he wrapped his arms around her. She braced herself on
her forearms while he used one hand to massage her breasts. The other
snaked down to rub her jewel.

He was slowly gliding his manhood between her legs, along the line of her
woer juices were manhood, but never into her. She was slick and her juices
were coating him, getting him ready to push into her.

She rolled back with her hips. "God, Inuyasha! Please! Now!"

"As you wish." He pulled back and slammed into her a force that shot her amidst
waves of pleasure, riding out her first orgasm. He had always been skilled in
the arts of love, being a tender, attentive, and patient lover. Even when they had
both been virgin, he seemed to know what to do to please her. He had always
put her needs first, never asking for anything in return.

He couldn't catch the small grunts that escaped him. "Is this what you want?"

She leaned back against him, using her hands to knead her breasts and her
fingers lacing with his to help massage her jewel.


He took his thrusts into double-time. He knew when she was ready to release
and with one final thrust he slammed into her, biting onto her neck at the very
moment when they both climaxed.

She went limp against the shower wall while he slumped onto her shoulder.
After they both regained their breath, they finished washing each other off and
went to go lie down in Kikyou's room. Neither one said a word.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -

Kikyou had just fallen asleep, and it was that moment when a huge wave of
guilt washed over him. Even after their passionate lovemaking he still couldn't
get Kagome out of his head. He was beginning to feel disgusted with himself.
He was torn between Kikyou, whom he had loved since freshman year, to this
Kagome, who was something new and refreshing. She was like no one he had
ever met before. Such innocence, even as a senior. He couldn't think of any one
off the top of his head who was still virgin. The only person he thought COULD be,
was Kagome. His eyes began to water because he was now yawning every 30
seconds. He climbed out of the bed, put on his clothes and left the house. He
just couldn't sleep here while he was feeling like this.

The air was mercilessly icy as he walked down the street. The wind cut through the
skin, down to the bone. Such conditions seemed like a prayer answered because
it took his mind of the storm of emotions coursing within. By the time he got home
he was both physically and mentally exhausted. After taking off all his clothes, he
lie down on his bed, and before his head hit the pillow, he was out.
-----------------------------------------------------------------< br>

A small hand tentatively reached out for the alarm clock. She tried to open her eyes,
but they seemed to be glued shut. There must have been thirty elephants sitting on
her head because the pressure focused there was immense. Her throat felt as if it
had been rubbed down with sandpaper.

A hoarse voice broke out. "Mom!"

Foot steps were frantic as they came bounding up the stairs. "Yes baby? Are you okay?"

"Mom...ugh...I feel like crap. Can you see if I have a fever?"

Mrs. Higurashi placed her own small hand against her daughter's forehead.

"Oh my God [I know she used the Lord's name in vain, but Kagome's never been sick
like this], Kagome, you're burning up! You're not going to school today. Just stay put
while I go get the thermometer."

"Trust me mom, I'm not going anywhere."

"Er...yeah, I know. I'll be back."

Eyes already closing, she simply replied, "Yeah."
--------------------------------------------------------------- ----

Inuyasha must have been clicking his pen for a long time, because he noticed that
more than half the class was practically glaring at him. Thoughts of the previous
night were fleeting through his mind. Where was she?

Then his thoughts reversed to the night before. Did she regret what had happened
between them? Realizing the direction of his thoughts, he tried to fill his mind with
images of Kikyou. Why should he care about how Kagome felt about the kiss? It was
nothing more than a goodnight kiss. A GOOD night kiss. He began to feel a familiar
heat pool in his lower abdomen. He clenched his fists trying to fight back the feeling.
Damn her for torutring him this way. And what made it worse was that she wasn't even
aware of the affect she was having on him. DAMN HER!

'No, you want to fuck her,' a voice cried out in his head.

"No, I don't. She's nothing more than a virgin. But then again, that's part of what makes her
sexy. She had no idea what she was doing to me last night, so that meant all her reactions,
they were honest...emotional...desirous. She was giving her all, not knowing what to do, or
what to expect. That is a real woman." A soft chuckle escaped him when he realized he was
thinking out loud.

An "AHEM" suddenly jarred away his thoughts.

"Inuyasha. Would you mind taking Kagome's homework to her today?"

"No Professor Tomoe. Not at all."

He smiled inwardly to himself. Even if he was just dropping off the homework, it was, after all,
still an excuse to see her.

'You are a sick, sick man Inuyasha,'

Still smiling. "Don't I know it."

Those damn white egg noodles just kept floating around the circles.
It was nauseating. Deciding to set the bowl aside, she grabbed the blankets and pulled
them over her head, hoping that the added warmth you diminish the growing urge to vomit.
She hadn't been this sick in a long time...and she hated it. It was too quite in her room, but
her mom insisted that she leave all electronics off. No radio, no TV, no nothing. That which
was supposed to help her feel better was actually making her feel worse. Her thoughts
strayed back and forth between constant nausea...and the kiss. It had broken her heart
to see him walk away. She knew he would go see Kikyou, and it was probably because
of the guilt he would feel. These types of things just weren't supposed to happen to her.
She was the good girl who had never been touched. The virgin, the angel. Things were
changing. Everytime she thought if him an incescent throbbing would begin around her
thighs and crotch. She felt so dirty, but not in a bad way. Things were definetely going to
get interesting.

And then the doorbell rang.

A/N - How did you like that chapter? I am so sorry it took me so long to post, but my school
work has officially piled above my head and I had no clue as to wear my computer had floated
off to. Anyway, I will try to post next week. Please, reviews are needed! Thanks! Love you all!