InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Lies Beneath It All ❯ Her Very Own Angel ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Lies Beneath It All
By Island Girl

Disclaimer: I, in no way, have any claim to ownership rights of Inuyasha or any
corresponding characters. I just happen to be a really big fan...

A/N- This chapter is a bit limey/lemony. Reader beware! Lol...

<....> content of the note
'...' character's thoughts
*...* my notes

What Lies Beneath It All

Her Very Own Angel...

...Then there was a knock at the door...

Kagome had heard it, and she had assumed that it was Sango bringing her the
assignments of the day. When someone with a long silvery mane backed into
her room, she panicked.

She thought about the reason why she was in bed in the first place. 'Oh my God!
He's here! I'm not ready to see him yet! And I look absolutely repulsive!'

She peeked out from under the brim of her comforter. Immediately she met his eyes.
Fighting the urge to look away, she stared into his golden eyes. There was an emotion
she couldn't quite identify. Still, she waited quietly for him to initiate conversation.

Stumbling over his words, he began. "Hi Kagome. How are you doing?"

Warmth suddenly filled her. She wasn't sure whether it was just being sick, or if it was
something else. But she smiled as brightly as she could. "I'm about as good as I could
be, seeing as I am sick. I guess the cold from last night was too much for me. I'm still
not quite used to it. How was school today? Did I miss anything much?"

" Calculus there is going to be a test on Friday. He said we could make some flash
cards with the formulas and he would give us a few minutes to use them on the test. Um...
lunch was uneventful. Ki - I mean I sat alone today..." his statement drifted off after that.

She looked a bit sad at this. "Why did you sit alone today? Where was Kikyou?" It killed her
to think of him with her, but she was his girlfriend. What more could be said about it?

"I needed some time to myself. I had a lot of thinking to do."

"Thinking? About what?" She knew was he was thinking about, but she needed to hear it
from him. She had to know if the kiss meant as much to him as it did to her.

"Kagome. We need to talk..." He really didn't know how to convey what he was feeling.

By the tone of his voice it occurred to her that he regretted what happened. Her first re-
action was to apologize...profusely.

"I know. I'm so sorry. I should have acted like I did. I had no right. I guess, I just lost control.
I was feeling so vulnerable...but that's no excuse. And I know that you're probably feeling
horribly guilty, but if you want...I could leave you alone. I promise. It'll be like I was never here."
She felt completely an utterly shamed. She had caused him pain through her own selfishness.

He shook his head as he grabbed her hand. "No Kagome. That's not it at all. It's just, you have
opened my eyes. Everything that I was so sure about is now so unclear. Thinking back on how
I have been living, it seems like I've only been settling for 'okay'. You've made me want more.
Want to reach for more. All you've done is change my perspective on life. He he...that's an under-

"Okay then. Now I have to ask you this question. What about us? Where do we go from here?"

His smiling face suddenly went solemn. "To be honest with you, I don't know. I know for sure that
I am going to end it with Kikyou. Being with her just doesn't satisfy me anymore. I need something
more." He paused, trying not to look at Kagome for fear of giving off the wrong message. "As for us,
I have never felt anything like this, and it's scaring me a little. If anything, we need to take this slow."

She couldn't help the few tears that had slipped from her eyes. "I understand. Look, I don't wan t to
complicate your life. Maybe...I should just back off. I'll talk to Kouga tomorrow. Maybe there IS some-
thing there, I just need to give it a chance." They both knew she really didn't want that, but she hated
the fact that she was so weak when it came to this kind of thing. The last thing she wanted to do was
show him how hurt she was.

He looked at her in surprise. He couldn't believe what she was telling him. "Do you really mean that?
I hope not, because you obviously don't know this guy. He gets with a girl, gets what he wants from her,
then dumps her to move onto his next victim. You deserve better than that."

The adrenaline was beginning to flow rapidly through her body. She pushed herself up so that she was
sitting before him. The quick movement had made her dizzy. She faltered for a moment, and when he
tried to help her, she refused. "Do I then? Inuyasha..." Her voice was beginning to crack with emotion.
"You don't know how hard it is! I barely even know you, but I want to be with you every waking moment
from no on. To see you, and know that you are not with breaks my heart. Haven't you ever heard
the expression 'So close, yet so far?' That is what I feel. Your closeness is both a blessing and a curse.
Don't get me wrong, you are a great friend, but what I need is more. I want you, all of you, heart and soul.
Though we have only just met, I know there is a connection. Can't you feel it? Am I crazy or what?"

For the first time in what seemed like a lifetime, he was completely speechless. Kagome took the
opportunity to continue. "I am willing to devote my entire being to you. Does that scare you, because
it sure as hell scares me. None of my past relationships have gone well. I seem to be a magnet for
dumbasses and playboys, but I'm done with it. I will not let anyone hurt me like that anymore. I've
learned my lesson. Now, if you aren't ready for this, please let me know, because I don't know how
much more of this I can take." She was sobbing by the time she finished talking. He felt hollow
watching her like that. He never wanted to see her like this. After all, her happiness was his happiness.

He crawled onto the bed by her side. She turned away from him, trying to hide the pain in her eyes.
He wanted her to be honest and open with him. Placing his hands on either side of her face, her
turned her enough that she was facing him. He stared straight into her eyes, seeing the ache that
was in her heart. He places him body softly over hers and wrapped his arms around her back and
her waist, and cradled his face in the hollow of her neck. He inhaled deeply, taking in all of her

She lie there, wide-eyed as he caressed and stroked her body. Her body began to move on its own,
squirming under his gentle touch. She looked up him and asked, "Inuyasha? What are you doing?"

He heard her, but he didn't want to think about what he was doing. Feeling, that was what he was
going on now. "Shh," he simply replied.

Though she was confused, she obeyed him and focused once again on his roaming hands. He gently
nibbled in her neck, then ran his tongue over the tender skin. She was so sweet. 'It's like milk and honey,'
his mind called out.

Her arms automatically reached up to grasp his shoulders and massage. His tongue and hands were
driving her crazy. It was quite an effort to keep from crying out when he reached down to grab her ass.
She took his face in her hands and forced him to look at her. "Why?" It was thing she could say before he
closed to gap between them and claimed her lips.

The kiss was nothing more than a chaste press of the lips. Still, it was enough to start the fire in Kagome.
Her blood was beginning to boil. His scent was assaulting her senses. He smelled purely or male musk.
Her nose flared with a desire foreign to her as she reached her hands beneath his shirt to feel the tight knit
muscles under his smooth skin. Her hands reached further down and they both suddenly froze. The
look in each others' eyes was merely a reflection to themselves, and they knew it. Kagome reached up to
his neck and pulled him down onto the bed. She straddled his hips and lay her head down on his chest.

Finally she whispered, "Thank you." Her eyes had already begun to drift into sleep.

Inuyasha looked upon the young woman lying on top of him. His feelings were not that of lust, but those of
tenderness and endearment. As his eyes began to float, he simply responded, "No problem."

Mrs. Higurashi sat down stairs...well...she didn't really SIT, it was more like standing on a chair on top
of the dining room table with her ear pressed up against the ceiling so she could hear what was
going on in her daughter's room. She trusted her daughter, but she knew how Kagome felt about this
Inuyasha boy. if anything, she wanted to hear if she was getting her heart broken so she could stomp
on in and save the day. All she heard was silence. It had been an hour; it was time to check on them.

When she reached her daughter's room the door was slightly cracked open. Thankful for this she sound-
lessly opened it and was greeted to the sight of her daughter lying dace buried in Inuyasha's chest. Both
of them were fully clothed, so instead of deciding to make a scene she covered the two with the plush
comforter that was now on the floor. Giving both of the young people a motherly kiss on the forehead, she
turned back and left the room, closing the door ALMOST soundlessly...

...but it was enough to wake up a certain sleeping boy.

A giant wave of warmth washed over him as he looked up to find his angel sleeping on him. Her back rising
and falling with each breath. The slight curve of her spine cried out to be touched. His fingers tracing over
each little vertebrae. Tiny little bumps crawled over each inch of skin. He marveled in how quickly her body
reacted to his touch. So warm...and so sweet. It was like holding a girl, and yet a woman. Curious fingers
trailed their way to the front of her pajama top. Through the thin material he could feel the slight breeze blow-
ing through the dark room. His hands skirted up over her concave stomach and over her ribs. He came to a
halt when he reached her breasts. Now, he was no virgin, but this was something new to him. He had never
been intimately involved with anyone besides Kikyou. Holding his breath he reached up a little further and
cupped her breasts. Though still asleep, Kagome's body began to squirm. He was surprised when she firmly
pressed her hips against him. It was becoming painfully obvious that he wasn't tired anymore. His questing
hands began to knead and massage the soft flesh he found there. He could help but smile when he heard
small whimpers coming from Kagome. He felt small hands roving over his chest and gently tweak his nipple.
He gasped.

She smiled. "You know dearie, you're making it very hard for me to sleep, let alone keep quiet."

When she finished her statement, he was blushing profusely. "I'm sorry. Maybe I should leave."

"No. I said you were making things difficult, but I didn't say I didn't like it."

"But you're not feeling well-," he was cut off when her mouth came down on his.

"Oh, but I'm feeling much better now. Please, stay with me a while longer. I'm enjoying your company." She
emphasized her meaning with the long, hard roll of her hips. "Are you not enjoying yourself?"

He was speechless. This girl, this angel, was speaking like this to him. It was almost embarrassing. It felt
like his first time all over again.

"Kagome, what are you doing?"

"Nothing. I just want to be close to you."

"We are close, wouldn't you say?"

"Yes, but, well, I want to be closer."

He was getting a little apprehensive about his. "How much closer can we get?"

In response to this she sat up, seeking out the hem of his turtleneck sweater. When she found it she
pulled it up and over his head, with little to no help from him. She laid back down and rubbed her cheek
against the side of his neck and grinned at the reaction when she ran her tongue along his jaw line.
"A little closer."

So he wouldn't feel like he was being left behind Inuyasha ran his hands from her shoulders, down
her back and over her butt. He was amazed at how firm, yet soft it was. He gave it an experimental
squeeze, drawing a light moan from Kagome. She looked at him with an emotion foreign to her, but
he knew it all too well, for he has seen the same face on Kikyou. He mentally smacked himself for
thinking of her at a time like this.


"Shut up."


"I said shut up."

And to prevent any further protest, Kagome pressed her lips to his once again. It was only meant to
silence him, but it had done much more. He felt that familiar burning in the pit of his stomach. This
was no girl. She was a drug, and he needed more. He grabbed the bottom of her pajama top and
began to inch it upwards. He took her gasp as an opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth with-
out her noticing until she had come out of her shocked state. When he has raised her shirt up to her
waist he stopped. She wasn't ready to stop. She backed away just enough so that she could completely
remove her top. The rush of cool air was a sudden reminder of her state of undress. A sudden blush
assaulted her cheeks as she raised her arms to cover her chest. Inuyasha saw this and felt like she
was trying to protect herself from him. It had never been this way between him and Kikyou. She already
had..."experience" by the time he had come to her. There had been nothing to hide on her part. He, on
the other hand, had been very self-conscious. That night had been his night of exploration and self-discovery
(not in a "touchy-selfy" He learned more about himself that night than he had in his
whole life. He only hoped that if things were going in the direction he thought they were going he would
be able to make her happy.

He had failed to realize that while he was pondering Kagome had taken things into her own hands,
and she was handling things with vigor.

"Wait a minute. Kagome, are you sure you want this?"

"Am I sure I want what?"

God, was she really that naïve?

He thrust upwards with his hips to give her a feel of the hardness contained within his pants. She really
didn't know what it was, all she was aware of were the feelings that had been awakened by this gesture.
To make sure that it wasn't just her she rolled her hips downward and dragged forward, unconsciously
pushing her button. A shot of white fire raced through her veins. At this point, all she knew was that she
wanted more.

"What was that?"

"Kagome, that's me. This is what you're doing to me. Now, I need a straight answer. Are you sure you
want to go there. I know this is all new to you, and I'm willing to wait. I don't want you to feel rushed into
things. That you're not ready for."

"Inuyasha, I may be a virgin, but I know what I want. Please, just tell ME something, how do you feel
right now, this very second."

He looked up at her and sighed. "To be honest with you, I can't describe it."

She leaned down and nipped his ear. She whispered, "Okay, so don't tell me. Show me."

His last ounce of restraint snapped. He rolled them over so he was now lying on top of her. She squeaked
in surprise, but was extremely turned on by his sudden aggressiveness. She prayed to God that her mother
wouldn't walk in.

Suddenly she stopped him.

He was breathing heavily, but tried his best to listen to her.

"Inuyasha, I'm sorry, but I don't want it this way..."

A /N: Oooooh! Cliffhanger! Sorry about that, but I am having a severe case of writer's block. If anyone
has any suggestions or would like to see something happen between Kagome and Inuyasha, please
let me know! I mean, I have this vision, but I don't know how to put it into words. Maybe a break from my
laptop will help clear my mind (and get rid of the colorful spots floating around my Well, I'll
update ASAP!