InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Heat ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Wow, was that quick or what?

I’ve been writing pretty much none-stop since I post the last chapter, and, quite honestly, I’m beginning to wonder where the hell I get the time to have a life. Oh wait, that’s right-- I don’t! Lol.

Okay, what do we learn from this chapter... Umm, being in heat sucks (no, not in that way-- will you get your mind outta the gutter?-- though really, who am I to talk?). Sesshomaru’s a bit of a possessive asshole and I really do have way to much time on my hands.

To the reviewers: Thanks so much, you guys are the best!:

-AnimeRainChildOf Love - Well, it’s always nice to add some spice to the characters, but since I don’t know all that much about Inu Taisho, it’s hard to also keep him in proper character since I don’t really have an idea what that’s like. Anyway, I’m ranting on, hope you enjoy this chapter! ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Well that sounds about right. Lol, glad your liking it, even if it is weird. ^_^

DISCLAIMER - See other Disclaimer’s for details. ~*~   Heat

Inuyasha silently cursed his father and whatever-other-more-powerful-beings-that-existed-who-seemed-to-hate-him-so- much that had caused him to go into heat during the same week his father was holding this stupid damn “mating announcement” thing.

All day long he had been followed by the lusty gazes of youkai and humans alike, and a more-than-comfortable number (the majority in fact) of them had belonged to men.

He tried keeping to himself, but already that plan had proved to get him into trouble. He had attempted to sneak off alone to get away from it all, but one of the lesser demons visiting with their lord had followed him, taking him by surprise when he grabbed him and shoved him up against the wall, raping his mouth with his tongue.

Inuyasha had been too stunned for a moment to do anything, and by the time he came back to his senses, the demon had already been pulled off him, pinned violently to the opposite wall by an very enraged Sesshomaru.

His brother had hit the youkai in the temple hard enough to knock him out, effectively stunning Inuyasha into silence, and he could find no voice to protest with when his brother suddenly grabbed his wrist and yanked him violently away from there, stalking him the rest of the day and growling or glaring viciously at anyone who so much as looked at the hanyou in the wrong way.

It was effective, to say the least, and Inuyasha was grateful that no more demons were attempting to molest him (though he could still feel the stares that followed him and his suddenly over-protective brother), but Sesshomaru’s behaviour was unnerving and unsettling him, and he wasn’t sure how to react to it.

It wasn’t until he accidentally ran into what appeared to be a small tornado that Sesshomaru really got out of hand.

He and whatever it was he had run into both fell to the ground, though the other (that he a minute later realised to be a wolf demon) was up on his feet before Inuyasha had even realised he had hit the ground, glaring at Inuyasha in distaste-- a look he had often received when people had recognised his hanyou blood.

‘Why don’t you watch where you’re going, mutt?’ The demon asked, clearly not recognising him as anything but a hanyou, and Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed angrily. However, before he could voice a retort, the wolf was suddenly slammed against the wall, his head smashing violently against it with a sickening crack as Sesshomaru pinned him there, eyes glowing dangerously red, and the strange tang of poison filling the air as it hissed out from under his nails.

‘You should be more careful who you insult, wolf. You are not in your lands anymore, and your pack cannot protect you here.’ His brother hissed his voice laced with a venom matching that seeping from his claws, and the wolf choked slightly and dug his own nails into Sesshomaru’s wrist.

Inuyasha could do nothing but watch as Sesshomaru shoved roughly against the demon’s throat, then released, letting the wolf drop, coughing and bleeding, to the ground.

‘Let that serve as a warning to you, wolf.’ Sesshomaru said in his usual icy tone, though now it was laced with a malevolence that Inuyasha had never heard before. ‘Insult my mate again and you will die.’

The sound of Inuyasha’s jaw dropping was almost audible to the taiyoukai, though he ignored his brother’s stunned gaze as he turned and continued walking, knowing Inuyasha would follow.

Indeed, a minute later the sound of running footsteps reached his ears, and his brother was rushing up behind him, shouting a loud “Hey!” Which Sesshomaru chose to ignore.

‘Hey!’ Inuyasha said again when Sesshomaru did not respond, and grabbed his brother’s shoulder, wrenching him around to face him.

Glacier cold met heated molten gold as the two brother’s eyes locked and Inuyasha glared up at Sesshomaru. ‘What the hell was that all about?’ He demanded of the indifferent demon standing before him ‘You totally flipped on that demon!’ He said, again enforcing his unrelenting ability at pointing out the obvious. ‘And where do you get off calling me “your mate” anyway?’ Inuyasha asked, and Sesshomaru cocked an elegant eyebrow.

‘You are my mate Inuyasha. Father has chosen you to be my mate, and so, in all but physical bonding, that makes you such, and I have every right to refer to you as “mate”.’ Sesshomaru said coolly, while Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed.

‘We are not mates!’ He snarled. ‘I don’t give a crap what father said, I am never going to be mated to an arrogant idiotic bastard like you!’ He all but spit at his brother, and Sesshomaru cocked an eyebrow again, his eyes narrowing slightly.

‘You would defy me? You would defy your Lord and your father?’ Sesshomaru asked coldly, wondering how foolish the hanyou really was.

Inuyasha locked gazes with him, his eyes glowing darkly as a glare of his own spread across his face, in an expression that was almost but not quite cocky and only all too rebellious as he lifted his chin slightly as said ‘In that order.’

Sesshomaru’s eyes flashed red at Inuyasha’s show of outright defiance, and before either brother knew what was happening, he’d rushed forward and grabbed Inuyasha’s neck, slamming him against the wall (a position the hanyou had been in all too many times today), his head cracking back in a movement that mirrored that of the wolf demon’s as Sesshomaru glared dangerously at his brother.

‘Though we have yet to complete the bond, you are my mate, Inuyasha, be it by our wills or not.’ He hissed out, venom starting to hiss under his nails as he dug them into the tender flesh of his choking brother’s neck, though never once did Inuyasha even try and break eye-contact. ‘And you will obey me, little brother. Make no mistake about that.’ He snarled at his brother, before leaning forward and crushing his lips against those of the stunned and gasping hanyou beneath him.

He let his fangs graze over Inuyasha’s soft lips, letting one of them sink in enough to draw blood, before forcing his tongue roughly inside of his brother’s mouth, mapping out the dark cavern and savouring the taste that was uniquely Inuyasha’s.

Inuyasha was (yet again) too stunned for a moment to react, and when he did, he was too weak from lack of air to do much fighting, his body’s weak struggles doing little to discourage Sesshomaru. In fact, the feel of his brother writhing beneath him was only serving to excite the youkai even more.

Pulling his mouth away before he completely lost control, Sesshomaru offered his gaping brother a small smirk as he took in the confusion, anger and lust in Inuyasha’s eyes, silently revelling in the small traces of fear that now haunted those golden depths as well.

Leaning up, he let his tongue caress the soft fur on the outside of his brother’s ridiculous cat-like ear, enjoying the feel of Inuyasha shivering under him as he did so.

He let his mouth move lower, coming around to the front of the ear and it trembled slightly as his breath whispered over. ‘Never forget, Inuyasha’ he hissed into the furry appendage, letting his tongue lick the inside of the sensitive ear before blowing coolly across it, causing it to flick back and flatten before straightening again. ‘You belong to me now.’ He said, and Inuyasha’s whole frame trembled slightly underneath him.

And then he was gone, disappearing in that annoying way of his, and leaving Inuyasha leaning roughly against the wall, his breathing heavy.

Unfortunately for him, the wall was no match for the combination of the jelly in his legs and the pull of gravity, and he slowly felt himself sliding down to the ground, his breathing still short as he brought a trembling hand to the puncture marks on his abused throat, his befuddled mind trying to work out what the hell had just happened and failing miserably.

There was a small cut on his lip where Sesshomaru’s fang had grazed, and Inuyasha gently prodded it with his tongue, hissing faintly at the light burn that rushed through him, his stomach fluttering as though he had successfully swallowed live butterfly’s that were now in a violent battle trying to get back out.

He took in a gulp of air and forcibly slowed his breathing, turning his head to look after his brother, ears flattening in confusion, one still slightly slick with Sesshomaru’s saliva.

He trembled slightly at the still lingering feeling of Sesshomaru’s tongue running into his all-too-sensitive ear, and he ran his hand lightly over the furry top of his ears, the ears he so hated having people touch, that his brother was supposed to hate plain and simple, and the frown on his face deepened as irritation and confusion rushed through him.

‘Dammit, what the hell is he playing at?’ His mind snapped, but he did not have long to contemplate this, because the sounds of demon’s approaching drifted to his ears, and, knowing the consequences that came with being by himself during his heat and, although the smell of Sesshomaru on him might dissuade them a little he did not want to be caught alone again by more lust-controlled demons, even if it meant he had to spend more time with his ignorant brother.

Rising quickly to his feet, he wiped the blood from his throat off his hands and then moved to swiftly follow after his brother, leaving almost no trace of their previous encounter to be found except the scents of hate, confusion, heat and lust. And even those were beginning to fade as the winds of late autumn brought with them the warning of a chill winter ahead, picking up the scents and carrying them off to noses far away, who would smell them and wonder where they had come from, before they passed along again, like one child telling a secret to another, and eventually faded from existence, overpowered by the new scents picked up along the way until the wind eventually made it’s return journey to the place they had come from. And by then, no one would be able to recognise them anyway.


Youkai - Demon

Hanyou - Half-Demon

Taiyoukai - Could also be “Daiyoukai”, It Means great demon ~*~

A\N: Okay, so a little lime-ish stuff in there (which is always a good thing). I’m actually surprised how fast this story is progressing. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, I should be updating it soon!
