InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Naraku's Insidious Plot ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Okay, this chapter is far shorter than the rest (I think) so it’s really more of a teaser than a chapter, but still...

Thanks to I Love Twins, who recommended this pic -- -- to me. It really is a good piece of work! You should check out this artist: -- She draws mostly Inu pics, I think, but there’s some from some other anime too. My favs are “Best Selected Youkais”, “Brothers”, “Hot Dog” 1 and 2, Sesshomaru-sama, and the Three swords. This is not exactly yaoi art (Though there are is some slightly more slashy ones here (one with Naraku\Sesshomaru\Inuyasha (Not entirely explicit, though):, but it’s still fucking awesome shit (plus naked Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are always a good thing ^_^!)


-Inu4Ever - I read your reviews (both on this and Forever Can’t Last) And I’m glad that you’re enjoying my writing so much! I’m afraid I’m a bit of a sadistic freak though, so not all my writing is appealing to the lighter side of FF, but still... Also, no offence but, if this is only the second Sess\Inu fic you’ve seen, you’re clearly not looking hard enough! ^_^

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Lol. No Sess\Inu in this chapter I’m afraid, but now the plot really does begin to thicken.

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Just as long as people keep reading, I’ll keep updating! ^_^


VERY IMPORTANT DISCLIAMER: (please understand before reading on) I own and make no money off of any of the characters associated with Inuyasha. So far only one of the characters seems to be mine, so I own him, but I make no money off of him either. Keep that in mind when you read. ~*~   Naraku’s Insidious Plot

‘You know what is required of you?’ The crimson-eyed demon asked the two bowing before him.

‘Yes Naraku, we’ve gone through the drill a million times already. Can we just go now?’ The elder of the two women asked.

‘Impatience will get you nowhere, Kagura. You should know that by now.’ He turned his attention to the younger of his two bowing sisters, though still not younger than his other sister, Kanna, who was not present at this time.

‘And what of you? Are you prepared to do this?’ He asked, his cold eyes glittering as deep brown raised to meet his own.

‘Of course I am, onii-san. I was born ready.’

Naraku smirked. ‘I find it hard to believe that you were born to do this. Nevertheless, it is going to be done. You both understand the consequences if you fail.’ Two dark heads nodded. ‘Good. Now the younger sibling-- the hanyou -- means nothing. He will inherit no lands or authority when his father dies. One of you is to distract him while the other goes after Sesshomaru. He is the one we want.’

‘And here I was thinking the “hanyou” was kind of cute.’ The youngest of the three said. Kagura snorted.

‘Of course you would, imouto. You always did have a soft spot for the weak.’ The wind sorceress said, deliberately referring to the hanyou as weak to get under her brother’s skin. ‘If you are going to go after someone, at least go after someone with power!’

Naraku stared at the woman coldly.

He didn’t really care what happened to them-- they were only his half-sisters born of unholy relationships between his parents and others. Kagura came from his mother’s union with another demon, resulting also in their youngest sister Kanna, while his human father ran off with some ningen wench, resulting in their only human sibling.

He had killed them both for gifting his sister’s with pure blood, while in his own veins flowed the tainted blood of a half-demon, that which he resolved to one day make pure. His hanyou blood was disgraceful, and a fact he kept hidden from any and all. Only his sisters knew, and they also knew the consequences for releasing such information to unwanted ears. Which basically meant everybody.

In actuality, it would all be for the better that Kagura was the one who went after Sesshomaru. She may not be the most powerful demon in the world, but she would be the more appealing mate to the lord. Her full demon powers and unwavering persistence just might be enough to intrigue the ice-prince of the west, who would be uninterested in the sweet disposition and manipulative stubbornness that came along with his free-spirited ningen sister. In fact, that personality might be perfect for grasping the weak-minded hanyou’s attention and keeping him at bay long enough for Kagura to steal Sesshomaru as a mate.

‘Kagura, I trust you can handle the “travel arrangements.”’ He said, and Kagura nodded, reaching for the feather in her hair as the two sisters rose and turned to leave.

‘And sisters’ he said, causing the two to pause and turn to look at him. ‘I have Kanna here, as you know. I will be watching you. Do not disappoint me.’

‘Do we ever, onii-san?’ Kagura asked. her red eyes gleaming.

‘All the time, Kagura. I am hoping you will choose now to break that annoying little habit.’

Kagura scoffed and continued out the door. ‘Both your lives depend on it.’ Naraku called after the women. His only answer, the heavy oaken doors slamming shut behind them.



Onii-san - A polite and\or formal term for “big brother”. Less polite would be “onii-chan”

Hanyou - Half-demon

Imouto - little\younger sister (like otouto for “little brother”)

Ningen - Human

(Any Corrections for the glossary, please let me know. Also, I know that the band of seven use “aniki” for elder brother, but, in truth, either seems to be correct. I just wanted to go with this one...) ~*~  

A\N: Ooooh, who do you think his other sister is? Come on, take a guess, I dare ya-- lets see if I can surprise you all!

You know, I was thinking about some of the older InuYasha episodes the other day (something I probably do way too much) and it occurred to me: Jineji’s a half-demon too... what do you suppose he looks like when he transforms into a human? Maybe someone should write a fic about that. Lol.