InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Taken ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Well the other night I caught some of “The House on Haunted Hill” And, OMG, that was such a LAME Fucking movie! Especially the ending! I gotta tell you, if I’d just seen like six people get killed and then nearly got killed repeatedly myself, the last thing I would’ve been doing was laughing cause I got like 2 million bucks!

This is why I don’t like horror movies: The are never even in the slightest bit plausible!

Lol, okay, so I’m in a fairly sadistic mood now, but I will try to be nice when I answer the reviews:

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - I know exactly what you mean. Actually, the first time I found out he was a guy was through a fanfic, so that was more than a little bit weird for me, since I had NO idea what the author was talking about. Then I did some research, and that put me in my place. ^_^ -- Lol, I’m glad you’re still with me in this fic, I think I drove off several readers with the last chapter, and I think I’m about to drive off several more with this one. ^_^ -- It’s nice to know you can handle some of the things my sadistic mind spews out. ^_^

Anyway, I hope no one hates me for this chapter, cause it’s gonna get nasty.

DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMED DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER: (annoying yet?) -- Well good, now that I’ve got your attention: I OWN NONE OF THE INUYASHA CHARACTERS! I only own this story and one of the characters (Katashi) in it. I make no money off of this stuff, and only write it to amuse the voices in my head (which, between you and me, don’t really exist!) If you think I do, then maybe it’s time to go get a refill on your medication. ~*~   Taken

Inuyasha arched in pain as the crimson-eyed demon dug his claws into his chest again, dipping into the blood that pooled out and trailing it across Inuyasha’s pale skin, painting red designs that dripped and ran into one another as the hanyou’s body quivered under that hand.

The blood-slicked hand then trailed down over his abdomen to the juncture of his thighs, cupping his limp manhood and then gently moving down to massage his balls.

Inuyasha’s lip curled in disgust as his youkai adamantly refused to respond to the demon’s touch. The human part of him, however, found the touch more than a little enjoyable, and, while he did not harden under Naraku’s ministrations, the little thrills of pleasure rushing through his body were enough of a torture to the hanyou. He silently cursed the traitorous weakness of his human side as he stubbornly ignored being molested.

‘That’s odd.’ Naraku said in mock contemplation as he gazed down at Inuyasha’s erection, or rather, lack-there of. ‘From what Rin had said, I thought you would have been much more responsive.’

Inuyasha pretended as though he could not hear the demon, but inside his mind was racing. So it was Rin who had betrayed him like this. Rin. The human sister of this monster above him who he had so foolishly let get anywhere near him. And she had sold him out and handed him over to this devil.

‘Perhaps I am simply not using the right stimulations on you.’ The youkai said, squeezing Inuyasha’s balls hard enough to make the stubborn hanyou’s eyes widen and water in a pain he still refused to acknowledge.

However, when he felt a finger slip inside of him, he could not longer pretend.

He gasped at the sudden intrusion, then growled, turning violently flashing eyes on the demon while he tested his restraints yet again. The tentacles about his wrists and ankles did not release him, instead doing the exact opposite and tightening more cruelly around him, cutting off the blood from his hands and feet and making them go numb.

The finger prodded around for a moment, the demon’s nail purposefully scratching painfully against sensitive and weak flesh, before brushing against that one hidden spot inside him, making Inuyasha gasp in surprise as a wave of pleasure washed through him.

Naraku gave a low chuckle as his finger prodded against that spot, silently torturing Inuyasha in a pleasure he did not want, only adding to the inner turmoil of the hanyou when, after a moment’s molestation, he said ‘Now that’s much better.’

Inuyasha glanced down at the demon and was horrified to find that he had responded to Naraku. He was hard.

‘I can’t help it.’ He said in helpless shame and anger, hating how weak his voice sounded, how weak he was at this moment.

Naraku only chuckled and slowly drew his finger form within Inuyasha. ‘I think that’s enough preparation.’ He said, and Inuyasha’s eyes widened slightly in fear-- Sesshomaru had used three fingers and it had still hurt, but Naraku had only used one...

Inuyasha felt his body being lifted by the tentacles he had come to hate so much, which were moving in several complex motions, trying to flip him over without giving a single limb even a moments freedom.

One came to wrap around his waist, forcing him to his hands and knees, while the whisper of clothing falling to the ground reached his ears as Naraku began to undress.

He felt the demon come up behind him, wrapping his arms around Inuyasha’s waist to pull his hips higher in the air and give him better access.

Inuyasha whimpered quietly as he felt that long, hard length positioned at his entrance, his ears crushing flat against his skull as he again sought uselessly to free himself.

It was hopeless, he knew he couldn’t escape, and so, finally, left with no other alternative, Inuyasha did the one thing he had sworn he would never do: He begged.

‘Naraku...onegai... please stop!’ He whimpered, giving the demon behind him pause.

‘Are you begging me, Inuyasha?’ He asked, the smirk plain as day in his voice, and Inuyasha gritted his teeth. Dammit all, he had already fucking begged the demon, he was not going to play this little game too!

He felt Naraku push forward slightly and panic rushed through him again. ‘Iie, Naraku! Please don’t!’ He said, trembling slightly at the feel of the head of Naraku’s length beginning to press and stretch his entrance.

Naraku chuckled again behind him. ‘That’s right Inuyasha, beg me.’ The demon murmured into his compressed ear. ‘Not that it will do you any good, but I like the sound.’

Inuyasha’s eyes widened in anger and fear, and then in pain as the demon slammed suddenly into him.

At first Inuyasha was too stunned to react, the instinctual part of his mind blocking out the pain for a moment to try and save him from it. However, it did not last nearly long enough, and by the second thrust the pain (both mental and physical) was far to great to ignore.

And Inuyasha screamed.

Naraku grinned then grunted as he slammed into the hanyou beneath him, careful to make each thrust as painful as possible. ‘Yes, Inuyasha, scream.’ He hissed against Inuyasha’s ear, pounding relentlessly into the unwilling flesh beneath him. ‘Scream for me like you did for your brother!’

And Inuyasha screamed.

Naraku thrust into his body again and again and again and again, and Inuyasha screamed again and again and again and again, crying out until his throat was raw from it and could no longer give the demon what he had demanded.

Not that that was why Inuyasha had been screaming in the first place.

He was screaming in agony. Though the mental and spiritual agony far outweighed the physical. Bodies can heal quickly-- in no more than a few hours sometimes-- but spirits and minds can take years and years, and only under the proper healing environment. Sometimes they did not heal at all.

One of those hated tentacles moved to wrap itself around his manhood, and Inuyasha gasped despite himself, his body arching forward involuntarily as Naraku grunted from the unexpected movement and chuckled yet again behind him (though what the demon found funny about this situation was beyond Inuyasha).

‘Are you enjoying this that much, hanyou?’ He asked when the brown appendage moved away, only to return a second later, the tip of it running across the slick slit of Inuyasha’s length, making Inuyasha thrust forward and gasp again without meaning to.

Inuyasha growled, then moaned as the tentacle wrapped around him and began pumping fast and furiously along his shaft, forcing Inuyasha to buck uncontrollably into it while Naraku slammed into him from behind, somehow managing to hit that spot within him each and every time.

‘Come for me, Inuyasha. Give yourself fully to me.’ Naraku hissed in his hear, the tentacle tightening and twisting every time it came to the head of Inuyasha’s erection, and Inuyasha snarled in agony-filled arousal as he tried to hold back-- if for no other reason that to spite and disobey the demon behind him.

However, his body was currently in a state that did not care what his mind had to say or what his heart felt about this situation, and he came a minute later, his seed spilling out over the tentacle as he screamed one last time in desperation and anguish, deriving no pleasure from the release.

He had betrayed Sesshomaru.

By submitting to his body, letting another coax his body into responding to them, and giving in to it’s need, he had betrayed his mate. And now Sesshomaru would never want him, once he had learned what he had done.

Naraku thrust into him a few more times before reaching his completion with a loud cry of triumph.

He fell against Inuyasha, breathing heavily, though the tentacle around his waist prevented the weak-limbed hanyou from collapsing in the way he so wanted to do.

A moment later, Naraku was pulling out of him, pulling away from him, and the tentacles almost instantly followed, letting Inuyasha collapse to the ground, where he lay, still, unmoving, waiting uncaringly for whatever came next. After this, there was nothing Naraku could do to hurt him. After this, death would be a welcome gift.

He half-considered begging the demon to kill him, but he had already tried begging once, and the results had not been pleasant.

Naraku moved to his clothes, dressing himself swiftly while eyeing the limp figure in satisfaction and disgust. ‘I had not thought you would be broken so easily, hanyou.’ He said, his voice deep and lazy as he moved over to where Inuyasha’s sword lay-- only a measly few feet from the hanyou. ‘You make a good whore, though. I can understand why your brother used you.’

Inuyasha’s eyes were glazed and he did not appear to be listening, but Naraku knew his words were reaching the hanyou, breaking his spirit the rest of the way.

‘That is all he wants you for, you know.’ He whispered in an almost gentle manner to the figure below him. ‘Not that he will want you now.’ He reached his hand down to run lazily through the hanyou’s silver hair, but tensed and straightened when an unfamiliar but unmistakable scent reached his nose, cutting on the sudden wind that burst through the still trees in a way that did not match the atmosphere around them at all, getting stronger as it approached them fast. Sesshomaru.

Frowning slightly in dissatisfaction that his fun should be interrupted before he had deemed it time for it to end, he threw the sword down next to the hanyou, watching the hilt smack painfully against his wrist, though Inuyasha showed no signs that he had felt it all.

He would not kill the hanyou. Not right now. He’d leave him for his brother to find-- break him this way first, and then, when the time was right, he would come back and take both their lives.

He crouched down slowly next to the hanyou, and leaned in to whisper in his still compressed ear. ‘Remember that, Inuyasha. You are nothing but a whore and a hanyou no less. Should your brother ever want you back after what you have done, remember that you are filthy and dirty and unworthy of his touch. Remember that, no matter what he says, you are, and always will be, nothing more than a whore to him. But, more importantly, remember that you are my whore. And I always come back for what is mine.’

And with that he was gone, leaving no trace that he had been there in the first place save the faint scent of miasma, and the broken and bloody figure lying dirty on the forest floor.

END ~*~


Hanyou - Half-demon

Youkai - Demon

Onegai - Please (or sometimes a more elaborate version can be turned into “I beg of you”)

Iie - No

(Any Corrections for the Glossary, Please feel free to let me know) ~*~

A\N: Okay, that’s the chapter *hides under desk* please don’t kill me! It’ll get better!... probably... maybe... hopefully...