InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Tears of Blood ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Alright, I’m still in a sadistic mood, so, to all the people who read and enjoyed “Darkness and Light” The sequel is now out. It was just too tempting to resist continuing.

Anyway, to the people who are reading and enjoying this fic:

I am not in a very talkative mood (especially since I just finished typing this chapter out and that’s after writing out “Scars” so I don’t have a lot of energy) so I’m just gonna answer the reviews and then go on with the story.

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Most people run and duck in cover whenever a story even hints at the idea of rape.

I didn’t actually think a lot of people would stick around, which is their loss cause this story’s gonna get interesting I think. ^_~

Here’s the next chapter!


    ~*~   Tears of Blood

Inuyasha had noticed very little of what happened after he had come, but Naraku’s words had hit home, digging their evil roots into his heart, contaminating and convincing him that they were true.

He was a filthy whore and Sesshomaru would never want him. No one would. He was dirty, violated, broken... and so very alone.

Trembling with inner anguish, Inuyasha felt the sweet sanctuary of unconsciousness coming to claim him, and he let it without even attempting to fight, slipping into a peaceful, blissful, dark nothingness, temporarily blocking out his pain for the moment, blocking out the rest of the world, while, without his consent or knowledge (not that either of those things seemed to matter much anymore) tears began to slide in rivers of hollow despair down his cheeks. ~*~  

That was how Sesshomaru found him minutes later: Unconscious, bloody and broken on the forest floor, the stench of blood and poisonous miasma and come reeking off his brother’s limp body, and for several minutes Sesshomaru could do nothing but stand and stare at the broken creature before him in shock.

He had sensed it before as he ran-- Inuyasha’s anger, his panic, terror and pain and then... nothing.

He had felt nothing from his brother, and that immediately sent his own panic and fear roaring to the forefront as thoughts that Inuyasha must be dead raced through his mind. Now he saw the truth of the matter and that was much worse, because death he could repair. He had Tenseiga-- the sword that, up until now, he had believed to be utterly useless. The sword that his father had given him when he had given Inuyasha Tetsusaiga to quell his demon blood. The sword that could have saved his brother from the fate of death, but could do nothing against... this.

Slowly Sesshomaru approached the broken figure, Tenseiga humming faintly, almost as though calling out to it’s brother, Tetsusaiga, who lay on the ground, it’s hilt resting on Inuyasha’s hand, a faint ringing sound that made Sesshomaru’s ears hurt faintly emanating from it. Like it was crying. Crying for it’s master.

He came till he was standing right next to his brother, dropping to his knees and staring at Inuyasha in a daze of hurt and confusion.

‘Why?’ He wondered in anguish. ‘Why, Inuyasha, would someone, anyone, wish to hurt you in such a way?’ He gently rested a hand on his brother’s shoulder, feeling the body shiver slightly and attempt to cringe away even in unconsciousness. And it ached like nothing else ever had, not the death of his mother, or the re-mating of his father.

‘Even when I hated you I would never have wished such a fate upon you, brother.’ He murmured, barely loud enough for his own ears to hear, let alone for the words to reach Inuyasha.

He leaned forward and, in a motion that was almost tentative, pulled Inuyasha to him, cradling his brother gently in his arms while his eyes searched the empty face before him, and he realised that Inuyasha was crying, two rivers of sorrow cutting through the mask of dirt that now made up his brother’s face.

It was odd to see Inuyasha, since he had not seen his brother cry since his brother had been no more than a pup, and it angered him that anyone could have reduced Inuyasha to this.

After a moment of staring in frustrated despair at his brother’s face, he began to realise something.

The tears his brother was emitting, though clear, yes, and flowing the way normal tears should, were not normal tears at all.

They were tinted with a barely visible red, and faint traces of a familiar metallic scent flowed up with their salty tang-- a scent he could have easily missed, since it currently surrounded his brother. The scent of blood.

Inuyasha was crying tears of blood.

‘The tears of an innocent.’ Sesshomaru thought in a combination of despair and rage.

Unlike humans, it was not common (even during heats and mating seasons) for demons to rape another being. There were rare cases during heats, but mostly the furthest they took things were stolen kisses, or marking the unwilling partner as their mate. That had been Sesshomaru’s biggest fear during Inuyasha’s heat, not that a demon would rape him (demons had more pride than that) but that one would mark him, mate him in the most symbolic and complete manner and steal his brother from him. It seemed that he should have been more concerned about the former.

However, when a demon was raped, the tears of the victim would be tinted directly with blood flowing from their hearts, marking and revealing to all that they had, indeed, been an innocent violated.

And, when a victim shed these tears, it only made the fact of the occurrence all that more real to everyone around, and the punishment of the assaulter all that more severe. They had taken one of the few things that was still whole and pure in the world and contaminated it in an irreversible way.

And now that had happened to Inuyasha-- the tears, the scent and sights all spread out before him were enough proof of that.

‘Inuyasha...’ He thought as he cradled his brother closer to him, feeling, for the first time since he could remember, tears of his own beginning to well up in his eyes. ‘I’m sorry I could not get here in time...’ He felt something bitter-- bile, maybe-- fill his mouth, and he swallowed, forcing down the anger, the confusion, the despair, the utter helplessness that tried to well up within him.

Those were emotions he had long locked away and now that he actually needed them locked away, if for no one but Inuyasha’s sake, they were trying to force their way back out.

Well he would not let them.

Right now he needed to worry about Inuyasha, to be strong for his brother and mate, and later he could deal with his emotions... with whoever had dared to lay a hand on his brother like this.

To save his brother the dignity of being brought back to the castle naked, Sesshomaru carefully reached over and wrapped Inuyasha tightly in his haori, while draping the yukata and hakama (which would only get in the way and hurt Inuyasha if placed on properly) around his brother’s lower body, before slowly lifting his brother, wincing at the whimper of pain that escaped his mate’s lips, and moving as swiftly as he dared without injuring Inuyasha back toward the castle.

‘Hold on for me, Inuyasha.’ He thought when Inuyasha whimpered, though in fear rather than pain this time, and he picked up his pace, wanting to end whatever nightmares assailed his mate in his unconscious state, whatever pain his mate was feeling at the moment, as soon as possible.

‘Hold on, little brother.’ He murmured to the still unconscious figure.

Inuyasha only whimpered again, trying to crawl away from his nightmares-- the sort of nightmares that were filled with terrors other’s could not begin to imagine, but that he would not remember later-- and back into the haven of unconsciousness.

End. ~*~


Tenseiga - Sesshomaru’s sword that, in the anime, he used to revive the dead Rin, and, later on, Jaken. I think it means something like “Heavenly Life Fang” or “Heavenly spirit Fang”

Haori - Japanese half-jacket

Yukata - a light summer Kimono, or bathrobe.

Hakama - something similar to pants