InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Acceptance ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: Okay peoples, I’m back with another chapter, which is now considerably longer considering the rants at the top and the bottom. But I did actually try to make this chapter longer since the other chapter was kinda short. Anyway, it’s a little bit suspenseful and tense in the chapter since Inu’s finally dealing with his family again but things should get better for him. Maybe. Probably. Possibly. Well... they might. ^_^

Things we learn from this chapter

--Inuyasha does have some common sense in him.

--Sesshomaru cares about Inu. A lot.

--Izayoi isn’t the complete spaz that I made her out to be a while back.

Also-- Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed “Sacrifice”-- you guys are great! ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Thanks! ^_^ :)

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Lol, I’m glad you enjoyed it so much. I actually originally introduced Yuko with no real intentions of keeping her around that long, but then she went and got so damn popular... it’s like a Sherlock Holmes scenario, you know, I wanted to get rid of her, but everybody else likes her way too much.. only difference is that I like her too! ^_^ -- Anyway, I don’t know if your names will be the ones that are picked-- I’m trying to give all the reviewers a chance to send in their names and then have them voted for so I can narrow it down and at least get some idea of which names people think Inu and Sess would name their kids. However, whether I actually go with the most popular or not is an entirely different manner. I just gotta say though that Inuko will most likely be on the list. It’s just such a good name for one of their kids! ^_^

DISCLAIMER - Own all the OC’s and the story. Don’t own any of the other characters. Don’t make any money off of anything here. It is simply up for your viewing pleasure. ^_^   ~*~   Chapter 27 - Acceptance

Inuyasha sighed and put his head in his hands.

It had been nearly two full weeks since Sesshomaru had told him about the rape.

Two full weeks of fitful sleep (his dreams haunted by images of Naraku and giant spiders with venom and miasma spewing from their mouths), constant bathing (since he still felt as though that monster were all over his skin no matter how hard he tried to get rid of it) and having zero energy to go on-- spending nearly all his time sleeping and then dreaming and then waking up shaking with tears streaming down his face before going to have a bath which drained all his energy and led him to go to sleep again. It was a very tiring routine and not one he was particularly fond of. What’s more, he had grown to get very hungry at certain times but whenever Sesshomaru (or Yuko) brought food before him, he almost immediately lost his appetite, which was strange since he had found that one dish “ramen” to be more than a little enticing.

To top it all off, he hadn’t left the room (except to bathe) in nearly all that time, and the only outside contact he had was through Sesshomaru, Yuko and Takehiko.

The healer, however, usually didn’t talk to him or Sesshomaru very much (whereas Yuko talked too much about things he didn’t care about, and Sesshomaru didn’t seem to care either way) always simply coming in and, after feeling up his lower abdomen, quickly leaving with little more than a word to either him or Sesshomaru.

Curiosity had peaked in the hanyou at her strange behaviour, but he had let it pass for the moment, Sesshomaru insisting he take some of the drug the healer had left (at Takehiko’s own bidding) and sending him into the blissful waves of, thankfully, dreamless sleep. He assumed he must have been out for a day or two after that (the food Yuko brought in never having been touched) because when he woke up the bed sheets had clearly been changed and Sesshomaru and he were dressed in entirely different garments.

He was slightly curious as to who had done this (though he strongly suspected his brother) and more than a little hungry, and was about to question Sesshomaru when Takehiko suddenly decided to return with his two very anxious looking parents, Izayoi approaching quickly, but refraining from touching him (which seemed to cost her a great deal of effort. He was thankful for it though-- he didn’t really want to be touched all that much right now. Not by anyone but Sesshomaru) his father standing a little off to the side and looking fairly nervous, which was a rarity in itself.

They had rambled on about things, asking him if he was okay, but each of them refusing to even mention Naraku-- as though some other terrible thing had happened to him that didn’t involve the demon at all. Quite frankly, he couldn’t have cared much less. His head was beginning to pound, which he assumed was an after-effect of the drug Takehiko had given him, and he quickly found himself unconsciously blocking out their voices to nothing more than a dull murmur in the background.

Sesshomaru was silent throughout all of it, gently easing his arm around Inuyasha’s shoulders (which got them strange looks from both parents) and offering him silent physical comfort. It seemed that Sesshomaru understood that he didn’t really want to talk to anyone right now. He wasn’t ready for this. And Takehiko seemed to get it too (though why the bitch had thought to bring his parents in in the first place if she understood was beyond him) as she silenced them both after a moment.

‘Inuyasha’ she said, drawing the hanyou’s golden eyes upon her. He looked very fatigued and stressed suddenly, and Takehiko hesitated a moment, wondering if now was perhaps not the best time to tell them this.

‘Can’t put it off any longer.’ She shook her head. It had been nearly a full moon cycle since Naraku’s attack on Inuyasha, and that was more than enough time for the pups to grow sufficiently for her to become certain of their presence. What’s more, Inuyasha was beginning to emit the scent that came along with pregnancy-- fainter than usual because he was male, but there nonetheless. It had actually surprised her when Sesshomaru had not said anything about it on her many visits to check on the hanyou. ‘He likely doesn’t know what it is because he has never dealt with a pregnancy before. Male or female. The longer we wait, the more of a shock it will be. They need to know it now.’

‘You have been wondering, I imagine, why it is I come in here everyday and feel your stomach.’ She said slowly, and She could see Inuyasha’s formerly flat ears swivel forward to focus on her voice, making him look for all the world like an eager puppy. Takehiko, however, kept her own face neutral, unsure what sort of a reaction she should give to this information she was about to bestow upon the hanyou.

‘Yeah I wondered.’ Inuyasha said quietly as Sesshomaru’s arm tightened slightly around him. The healer was acting strangely... strange. There was no other word for it. Her normal bite and bark attitude was gone, replaced with a sort of sombre seriousness that Inuyasha wasn’t entirely certain he liked.

‘Well’ the healer said, casting a meaningful glance at Sesshomaru that was lost on both dog-demons, neither realising the effect the next words would take. ‘I have come to the belief that you are with child.’

Inuyasha blinked.


And then glanced at Sesshomaru in a mirror image of the day his father had first announced this whole thing-- looking for confirmation that he had heard right. If the lack of expression on Sesshomaru’s face was anything to go on, he had indeed heard right. Now the problem was figuring out exactly what the hell had caused the healer to say this. A fever or insanity were the top choices on the list.

Mustering what little energy he could, Inuyasha crawled slowly across the futon, brushing his brother’s hand away when he tried to stay him, and lifted his hand up to gently press the back of it to the healer’s forehead-- something she endured with a strange amount of grim calmness.

Her temperature felt normal.

‘Okay, so no fever... maybe she fell or something.’ He thought, and decided to voice this thought in his usual way: blunt and rash and very upfront.

‘Did you hit your fucking head or something?’ He asked falling back slightly on the futon-- not having the energy to hold himself up. He was feeling a strange sense of deja-vu--- hadn’t they gone through this whole insanity thing when his father had told him he would mate with his brother?

‘And look how well that turned out.’ His mind supplied.

Takehiko frowned in displeasure and her eyes narrowed slightly, though her voice still remained calm as she said ‘No, Inuyasha, I have not hit my head. I know this is not easy to believe, but I have dealt with pregnancies before, and, odd though it may seem, I am almost certain that you are with child.’

Inuyasha scrunched up his face and shook his head. ‘That’s crazy.’ He said after a minute. ‘I’m a male. How the hell can I be pregnant?’

‘Believe it or not, male pregnancies are not always a rarity in the youkai world. Some have the ability to change sexes by will or when their is no trace of the other sex to be found-- a means of survival. Other’s, however, sometimes simply become able to bear children after their first heat. Now, while dog-demons are not usually placed in any of these categories, there is a rumour that half-demons can. They do not possess enough youkai power to simply change their sex, and so simply end up remaining the sex they are but able to bear children. Needless to say, this only happens among male hanyou.’

Inuyasha stared at her, pondering this a moment, before turning slowly to look up at Sesshomaru while the rest of the occupants in the room tensed, waiting for the explosion that was sure to follow. But it did not come.

Instead of going berserk like everyone seemed to think he would, Inuyasha’s face softened and brightened slightly at the same time, and then, of all the things that no one had ever expected him to do after hearing this news, Inuyasha smiled.

‘Did you hear that, Sesshomaru?’ Inuyasha asked, still grinning like an idiot and causing some of Sesshomaru’s expressionless mask to give way to confusion.

‘You are not angry.’ Sesshomaru noted slowly, and Inuyasha snorted.

‘Why the hell would I be angry?’ He asked, looking down at his stomach with wide and slightly fond eyes. ‘As a hanyou no one would have ever wanted to mate with me except to gain status and power, and once the pups were born they would have heirs to garuntee their station and would not need me anymore. As the father, they could easily break my connection with the pups. But with you, I know you’re not after me for status since you have none to gain from this relationship, and... if I bear them, then the bond between the two of us would be like a mother’s-- virtually unbreakable.’

‘Isn’t that what I was saying?’ Inu Taisho hissed to Izayoi, earning him a light thwack on the arm, and a look that clearly said he should be quiet as his mate grabbed his hand and pulled him until they were standing closer to the door.

Sesshomaru meanwhile had turned his gaze back to the healer and was eyeing her coldly.

‘Are you certain about this?’ He asked, earning him a disapproving frown from the healer, which in turn earned her a curious look from Inuyasha, causing the healer to let out a small huff of agitation.

‘If you do not believe me, why not ask your father? He has come to the same conclusion.’ The healer said, gesturing in the vague direction of the Inu no Taisho.

The two brother’s looked over at him, and he stared rather grimly back, as though he was about to reveal something terrible and foreboding. ‘It is true, Sesshomaru. Inuyasha is pregnant.’

Sesshomaru stared at his father a moment, before looking down at his mate in his arms, who was still holding his hand over his stomach in something close to awe before looking up at Sesshomaru with an expression mirroring the same amazement as his actions. Sesshomaru’s face was as cold as metal left on ice and just about as hard too as he stared back at Inuyasha with an almost unreadable expression, but Inuyasha could tell that his brother was just as shocked and uncertain as he was as he quietly (as though too much noise would ruin the moment) said ‘We’re going to have pups.’

Sesshomaru stared silently down at his mate, his face softening slightly as he finally got over the initial shock and came to realise that he was, indeed, going to have an heir before he died.

He let the smallest hint of a smile grace his face as he placed his hand on top of Inuyasha’s, still his movement as the two stared at one another, their youkai’s silently beckoning to each other.

However, the moment was broken a moment later when Takehiko suddenly spoke up again.

‘Actually, Inuyasha, you two may not be having pups.’ The healer said, drawing the two brother’s eyes upon her as Inuyasha frowned in confusion.

‘But you just said--’

‘That you were pregnant.’ Takehiko said. ‘Yes, I know, and I stand by that-- I do believe that you are carrying children. But, there is a possibility, however slightly, that... Sesshomaru is not the father.’

Sesshomaru frowned and tensed, but Inuyasha didn’t seem to have quite caught on yet.

‘But who else...’ he began, then trailed off, his eyes widening, his entire frame tensing as realisation hit him. ‘You don’t me...’ He said, but Takehiko nodded. He looked swiftly to his parents, and then his mate, as though searching for answers they could not give, before turning his attention back to the healer and shaking his head. ‘No.’ He said, softly but firmly. ‘They can’t be. Not his.’

Takehiko sighed. At least Inuyasha seemed to be taking it in a calmer manner than his father had, while Sesshomaru didn’t seem to be taking it at all. She couldn’t even tell if the words had registered with the youkai-- he certainly gave no sign that they had, other than to go completely still and silent.

‘But they could be, Inuyasha.’ The healer said calmly. ‘And, while I wanted to leave this information a while yet, I knew it couldn’t wait. You see, I do not know how long a three-quarter dog-demon’s pups would take to mature, and we need to get this out of the way now so we can have a future ready when they come.’

Inuyasha looked up at her with hurt and bewilderment in his eyes, while sneaking a small sidelong glance at his brother, who was watching Takehiko with his usual stoic mask in place, and this time even Inuyasha couldn’t tell what he was actually feeling-- which had been the purpose of the glance in the first place.

Slowly he turned back to the healer and worded his confusion to her. ‘I don’t understand.’ He said quietly, and Takehiko, who suddenly looked incredibly her age, sighed.

‘Inuyasha, what do you plan to do if the pups are Naraku’s?’

The hanyou flinched slightly at the sound of the demon’s name, and then looked up at Sesshomaru, searching for answers his brother did not give.

‘What do you mean?’ He asked cautiously as Sesshomaru still refused to look down and meet his gaze. Inuyasha fought back despair at his mate’s hurtful actions and looked instead at the more understanding and kind face of the healer, hoping that she at least would be able to face him. ‘I will have to look after them won’t I?’

Takehiko shifted her head slightly to the side in not-quite consideration.

‘Not necessarily.’ She said slowly, her eyes dark as she watched Inuyasha ‘They could be killed at birth or given to an adoptive family somewhere far away-- breaking your ties and responsibilities to them.’ Inuyasha’s mouth dropped open slightly and he looked positively horrified.

No fucking way in all of hell was that happening! Not to his pups! He knew well enough the whispered words that were always hissed behind his back just loud enough to make certain he could here-- how he was a disgrace to the demon and human worlds, how he was a taint on his father and brother’s name. How his mother was a whore for bearing him and his father a fool for not destroying him at birth.

That was not the kind of fate he wanted for his pups, but he’d rather have words whispered behind their backs about them than not have them live at all. Even if they were Naraku’s as well. That was a chance he had to take.

After all, who the hell was he to decide who should live and die like that? Never even giving them a chance.

Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t think of a bigger act of cowardice than trying to slay a child for no other reason than you don’t like (or rather, hate and are fairly afraid of) the person who sired them.

He must have been silent a long time because when he finally came out of his internal raging he could feel all the eyes n the room on him, boring holes into him and making him fairly uncomfortable.

Still, he hid it well as he looked up to meet Takehiko’s gaze, his own eyes blazing with outrage and indignance. ‘No fucking way in hell!’ He said, voice his earlier thought-- momentarily forgetting his mate’s presence. ‘Who knows what bastards they might end up with if they’re given away! And I am not going to murder my own pups!’ He said, swallowing the sudden lump that had taken up residence in his throat as he felt Sesshomaru tense even further behind him.

Still he plundered on relentlessly, despite his growing fear of how his mate was going to react. He had heard that, in most cases, they usually abandoned their mate’s, or else hunted out the pups and killed them. Sometimes they even went after the mate themselves. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to loose the pups or Sesshomaru. He still needed him. ‘They may have been sired by that evil son of a bitch bastard, but that doesn’t make the pups any less human... or whatever.’ He said in slight irritation at his screwed up description and hoping he was getting his point across anyway. ‘They’re still part of me.’ He said, his voice lowering to a soft hum as he looked up and locked eyes with his brother. ‘You can’t expect me to give them up.’ He whispered.

Silence filled the room as Sesshomaru continued to stare blankly down at his brother, who shifted around until he was facing him (biting back his growing despair at Sesshomaru’s constant lack of reaction) and gently reached up to cup his mate’s cheek-- silently praying to whatever gods existed that he wouldn’t pull away from him-- not from his touch or from his decision. He couldn’t do this alone.

‘I don’t ask that you understand, Sesshomaru.’ He said softly, the first traces of tears filling his eyes at the indifference that still shielded Sesshomaru’s. ‘Or even that you help or have anything to do with them if they’re Naraku’s. But please, for both my and the pups sakes... I need to know that you accept this.’

Sesshomaru stared at him a moment coldly, in that same way he always used to before they had mated, both brother’s oblivious to the other room’s occupants as Inuyasha anxiously awaited his mate’s response.

But Sesshomaru didn’t know how to respond.

He had just been asked by his mate to accept the pups sired by another demon-- worse, the very demon who had raped and broken his mate in the first place-- and he just expected him to go along with that.


He stared down with hundreds of emotions rippling just below the surface of his eyes, anger trying to push to the forefront but never making it very far, and he could practically see Inuyasha’s whole world falling apart and crumbling in the soft gold that stared back at him.

And, with every piece that broke away into those honey-coloured pools, Sesshomaru felt his rage and indignant resolve slipping away as well.

This was his mate.

He couldn’t just turn his back and walk away from him.

‘Inuyasha.’ He said quietly, causing Inuyasha to blink away the tears that had begun to gather uninvited in his eyes as Sesshomaru’s hand came up to cup his face in a near-perfect imitation of his own hand that still resided on his brother‘s striped cheek.

‘I promise, I will not only accept, but I will look after the pups as a father would. Whoever the father may be.’ He said, the last coming out with a hint of sadness.

Inuyasha’s lips trembled as he moved them in an effort to respond, the tears gathering in his eyes again, but no words that could even begin to express what he wanted to say-- everything that he felt-- would come.

So instead he just said ‘Sesshomaru.’, his voice a soft whisper once again as he pressed his face against Sesshomaru neck, inhaling his lover’s scent deeply, wrapping his arms under Sesshomaru’s own and up around his shoulders to draw him closer. ‘Thank-you.’ He said softly, the faint traces of his tears now evident in his voice as Sesshomaru’s own arms moved to wrap around his waist and he felt his elder brother’s chin come to rest upon his head.

Takehiko smiled in an almost smug manner at the picture they made.

‘I told Katashi Sesshomaru would accept them! Stupid baka-- maybe now he’ll finally realise which of us has the better judgement.’ She thought.

Inu Taisho stood a little away from them all, staring at his embracing sons for a moment, smelling the tears in the air (though if it was just Inuyasha or if Sesshomaru was crying as well he couldn’t tell) and he sighed, turning slowly and exiting the room.

Izayoi frowned at her husband’s silent departure and quickly moved to follow, catching him a few feet away from the door.

‘Where are you going?’ She asked in an almost angry tone. ‘Those are your sons in there too, you cannot simply walk out on them.’ She said rather commandingly.

Inu Taisho sighed and nodded, looking back at the door with an odd and strangely melancholic gaze and Izayoi’s anger instantly fled her for concern.

‘What is wrong, my mate?’ She asked, reaching up and gently touching his face, and Inu Taisho closed his eyes and then sighed again, before turning to look back at her, his eyes still deep and sad.

‘I had wanted to break through my son’s barriers of ice and give him warmth and light in his heart again.’ He said slowly, catching Izayoi slightly off guard since the dog demon did not usually want to talk about his feelings or explain things all that often. So now that he was doing both at once (in a sense) it more than caught and held her attention. ‘I thought maybe Inuyasha could achieve that... Instead I broke them both completely...’ Inu Taisho said, and Izayoi looked up at her mate in concern, shaking her head slightly in disbelief, and walking up to stand right in front of him, placing a hand on his chin and turning his face (which had drifted back toward the door when he had suddenly stepped away from her touch a moment before) toward her.

‘No.’ She said quietly. ‘Naraku took what was not his and crippled Inuyasha’s spirit. But even the crippled shall walk again, Inu Taisho. Look at them--’ She said, gesturing in the vague direction of where Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were. ‘They are more alive than they have ever been before. Sesshomaru actually cares about what happens to his little brother. And Inuyasha finally gets to feel love from the brother who always thought him worthless and tried to destroy him. They are not broken, koi. But they are hurt. And the hurt need time to heal. Do not so freely turn your back on hope and light. It is the only thing that can draw back the shadow that monsters like Naraku create.’

Inu Taisho stared at her a moment, some of the sadness leaving his eyes, and then he shook his head with a small smile.

‘How come you always know the right thing to say?’ He asked, and Izayoi, happy with her husbands suddenly uplifting mood, figured that the bought of grief a moment before had been just that-- a bought of grief-- not unlike her own little breakdown when Inu Taisho had told her they could not go and hunt down the bastard that had raped her son (though she had gotten considering better since being able to see her son again) and that all it would take as a bit of cheering up and he would be fine once again.

‘Years of practice listening to you say the wrong things.’ She said with a smile, and Inu Taisho cocked an eyebrow in slight surprise (used to, but not expecting her backtalk) and then chuckled quietly. Izayoi smiled and shook her head, saying ‘come on, we should leave them for a little while.’ Inu Taisho, still holding his small smile captive on his face, allowed her to reach forward and grab his hand, pulling him off down the hall.

Inside the room, Takehiko was quiet, letting the two lovers embrace for several minutes, until there was a sudden serious risk of either of them falling asleep, and then she knew she had to intervene.

She cleared her throat loudly, causing Sesshomaru to fix his gaze one her stoically, a bit of anger flashing in his eyes at the interruption, and Inuyasha to sigh quietly before finally pulling away and rolling back over to look at her.

‘I am sorry that I must interrupt you two yet again’ Takehiko said, rising from her seat and moving toward the partly closed door ‘But there is someone who has been very anxious to see you for a very long time, Inuyasha, and I don’t really want to force her to wait any longer.’

Inuyasha tensed and sighed again. ‘Might as well get it over with.’ He thought, though he really had no idea who in hell it could be (it wasn’t as though he had a lot of friends or anything).

Takehiko disappearing into the hall for a few minutes, and the two brother’s remained silent, both curious as to who it was that wanted to see him, (though Sesshomaru had a fairly good and slightly enraged idea at who it was) the elder of them going surprisingly tense yet again.

Inuyasha was about to question his brother when the healer suddenly returned, bringing along in tow...

Inuyasha’s eyes widened, his brow’s attempting to meet at the centre, a small gasp escaping his lips as he stared at the person before him in surprise and slowly kindling anger that was attempting to rise up within him and consume him, but not being entirely successful since he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to be angry, even though he knew he should be even as the single word that was her name escaped his lips in a soft gasp.

‘Rin?’ ~*~


Hanyou - Half-demon

Youkai - Demon

Baka - Idiot, fool, moron, incompetent

(Wow, this was a surprisingly short glossary considering the length of the chapter!) ~*~

A\N: Okay so some people may have noticed that in the story I had a line that went “Incredibly her age” -- it’s just another way of saying she was looking really old at that point in time, because Takehiko really is ancient-- probably older than Toutousai. Just wanted to clear that up before it caused some serious confusion. ^_^

Also, I got rid of all my names that had no votes next to them. In one of the future chapters I’ll have to butcher the reviewer’s list as well, but I wanted to leave that off for a little while since you guys all were nice enough to take the time and send those names into me in the first place. ^_^

Thanks to everyone who has submitted names, and to everyone who has voted! This is all gonna play a big part in the story-- the future of Inu and Sess’s kids’ names depends on you guys! Your vote counts! ^_^

(The Ones with stars next to them are Reviewers picks so far-- Number of * equals number of votes)

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child - ********

Inuko - Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl - ******

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^) - ******

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as well - ***

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2

out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season. - **

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness - **

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?) - **

Hotaru - Firefly - Female - ***

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males **

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor

Blade - **

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female - ***

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of) - **

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female - *

Yuki - male - snow or luck *

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Kyo - boy - large, approval, or ginger *

-Tomiko - girl - child of wealth

-Yoshi - boygirl - goodness, luck, free

-Shiro -boy - fourth son (but as a color, white)

-Yuri - BoyGirl - Lily

-Keitaro - Boy - blessed *

-Shiori - BoyGirl - Poem/weave (I don’t think I’ll use this one seeing as how it already belongs to a character on Inuyasha)

-Yuiko - Girl - Bindgarmentchild

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity *

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl -

-Takara - means treasure - either *

-Haruko - means spring - girl - *

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy

-Einujieru (boy)- Flourishing To Sew Time Graceful Flow
-Kurisu (boy)- Revered Air Reason
-Jizasu (boy)- Revered Time Sitting
-Jyaku (boy)- Air person
-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul
-Buraian (boy)- Safe Thunder Dancer
-Raian (boy)- Safe Thunder
-Riku (boy)- Air Reason
-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory
-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit - **
-Jyurio (boy)- Confusious Reasoning King
-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason
-Merisa (girl)- Eye Enticing Reason
-Sera (girl)- roughly Inclusive Avert
-Jyaeshika (girl)- Graceful Flower Scholar Person
-Eipuriru (girl)- Flourishing Flowing Wind Reason
-Jyunu (girl)- Confucious To Sew
-Jiru (girl)- Flowing Time
-Saimon (boy)- Will Enticing Question
-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar
-Kasurin (girl)- Revered Moral Flower
-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air
-Kurisuten (girl)- Reason Heaven Revered Air

-Juri- Girl - acceptence

-Hiro- Boy - reactor

-Chiaki- Boy - definite

-Ruri- Girl - lapis lazuli - which means stone of azure,its this kind of rock,thats a pure blue color,that some culture worship it.

-Asato - Boy - shooting to death


Shiroi - White - Girl

Yoshino - Boy - It’s the name of a river (don’t actually know it’s meaning)

Shinkei - girl- god's grace

Shinzo - boy- god's gift


ALRIGHT PEOPLE! I HAVE ACCEPTED THE NAMES SUBMITTED IN THE LAST FEW CHAPTERS (though mostly because some of the people were late coming in and never got the opportunity to submit) BUT SERIOUSLY-- NO MORE! I’m supposed to be shortening the list, and I took three names off the list today, only to add about five more! “One step forward, Two steps back” just isn’t gonna cut it with this, I’m afraid, or else I’ll have to stop writing when I get to the chapter of the pups naming until I can narrow the list down sufficiently.