InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Itazurana Kiss (Mischievous Kiss) ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: *Phew*

It’s been very hectic in my life lately, considering I’m now working on 5 continuation stories, plus I’ve got a mountainload of schoolwork and other shit that has to be dealt with.

Anyway, I’m here nonetheless, so let’s get to it ^_^:

-AnimeRainChildOfLove - Lol, you have no idea how hard it is not to angst everything up. Lately I’ve been so fried with all these sort of WAFF moments in my stories, it was absolutely killing me, so I just shoved everything aside and wrote one story that was almost entirely smut. ^_^ --Whatever works right? And besides, it gave me enough tolerance to write some more chapters like this. ^_^

-fawn of the woods - (In response to your questions on “Keep your enemies close” -- Wow, I’m surprised anyone read this fic! ^_^ -- Well Bondage, which is the B in BDSM, generally refers to people being tied up or restrained in some manner-- by ropes, chains, shackles-- whatever floats your hentai boat. Techinically, by definition, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a sexual act, and some people just enjoy without the D/S/M, but those usually are involved. -- Well, this one’s a little bit more difficult considering I’ve never been good at explaining things (not a good trait for an author ^_^), but basically a rip is pretty much just like a flame, only possessing seemingly no connection to the story or author whatsoever. Just a ranting of angry words placed there for no particular reason. It’s not entirely enjoyable since half the time the things are untrue or don’t make sense. Flames usually have some relation to the story. Does this help any? -- Well, hope that answered your questions-- and don’t worry, I fully intend to keep updating this story ASAP, though it’s getting a little bit more difficult considering what a big ass my computer is. ^_^

Okay, well that’s about all I’ve got to say.

TTY next chapter! ^_^

DISCLAIMER - I don’t own the Inuyasha characters, or the song “Itazura Na Kiss”. They belong to other people and I can’t make any claim on them, nor do I make any money off of them. All the OC’s and this story are mine though. ~*~   Itazura Na Kiss (Mischievous Kiss)

* Itasura na KISS shite nai kuwanu kao suru
Ijiwaru na watashi wa kodomojimite iru?
Namaiki datte iwareru koto ni wa nareta kiedo
"Suki" no kotoba dake ienai n da My Sweet Emotion

SUMAIRU bacchiri kagami no mae saishuu CHEKKU shite
Shigeki wo motomete tobidashitara mune hatte arukou

Michiyuku hito minna no shisen wa kugidzuke
Odoroko hodo daitan waraeru kurai ni

Rin and Kouga walked for what felt like a very short expanse of an eternity.

He told her much about his tribe-- the war that was waging there between them and some bird-demons of some kind, unexpectedly promising that he would take her there sometime when it was again safe.

Rin had only blushed and nodded, before urging him onto another topic, which turned out to be this strange wolf-demoness from one of the other branches of the wolf-tribe who was, apparently, constantly harassing Kouga.

Rin surprised herself by getting slightly upset over this news, though she was careful not to let it show.

‘You should simply tell her that you do not love her.’ Rin said when he had finished telling her about Ayame, not entirely surprised when Kouga let out a derisive snort.

‘I tried that. Didn’t work.’ He said slowly, and Rin shook her head.

‘On all of the times you “tried” did you seek her out, or was it her who came and found you?’ She asked, and, at Kouga’s confirmation that it was Ayame who had come and found him, she nodded, having anticipated that answer. ‘I thought so.’ She said authoritively, causing Kouga to glance at her sharply. ‘Well, since that’s the case, then you need to be the one to search her out the next time you tell her. That’ll instantly tell her that you’re serious about whatever you wish to talk about.’

Kouga stared at her a moment with wide eyes, seeming to consider this, before crossing his arms in front of him, a lop-sided smirk crossing his face.

‘You know, you’re not half-smart for a human girl.’ He said, and Rin cocked an eyebrow.

‘Arigato, Lord Kouga. I only wish I could tell you the same.’

Kouga blinked in surprise at the audacious statement, before letting out a low, rumbling laugh, and turning to continue walking as they entered a small, clear area in the garden where Sakura’s and lilac’s closed in from all sides, and small blue flowers they didn’t know the names of dotted the ground.

Rin touched the bark of one tree, looking up at their nearly bare branches. Winter was coming soon, but there was still a couple of months left-- these trees had shed their flowers and leaves early, and only a few flowers were left, clinging to life on their branches.

She waited a moment, trying to listen for the sounds of birds or wind or... something,

But not a thing stirred.

Nothing answered her.

And it was strangely upsetting to the ningen girl.

It was agitating to not be able to hear anything, for some reason she could not explain, and she frowned accusingly up at the tree branches stretching above her.

‘It’s so quiet.’ She said frustratedly and Kouga nodded.

‘The world’s already gone to bed.’ He said, stepping up behind her, and she could practically feel the warmth emanating from his body, even through he metal and leather breast-plate he wore.

Rin glanced back at him in an almost nervous and appraising manner, taking in his appearance more fully as he continued to gaze at the trees.

While Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were like pale reflections of the moon-- silver and white with a hint of gold-- Kouga was far more earthy in his appearance-- his dark hair and bronzed skin, making him appear almost human in some ways.

His style of clothes, however, along with his long hair and his pointed ears -- not to mention his crystalline-blue eyes and his claws-- all first-glance and dead giveaways of what he truly was.

He was shadowed and bronzed, similar to the humans she was used to meeting, but, at the same time, he had a very exotic quality that could only belong to a demon-- yet it was not nearly as faraway and strange as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s.

He was caught somewhere in between the two worlds, even though he only belonged to one of them, and it caught her attention.

She must have been staring for a while, because Kouga had his arms crossed in front of him again, another smirk plastered on his face, and his eyes glinting with traces of amusement as he stared openly back at her, though he seemed to only be assessing her face, not the rest of her body.

Rin was not used to such treatment, and immediately felt the urge to fidget under his gaze.

However, she had not lived with Naraku all those long years for nothing, and quickly suppressed the motion, opting to give the wolf a dark frown instead.

‘What?!’ She demanded, letting some of her previous agitation leak into her voice, and Kouga smirked wider, shaking his head, looking away from her and back up at the tree branches, before reaching up and grabbing hold of one of the small sakura blossoms that had not fully reached maturity in the time it had had.

‘Here.’ He said, holding it out to her. ‘It’s not nearly worthy of your beauty, but it’ll have to do for now.’

Rin’s eyes widened and she felt herself blushing faintly at the brazen boldness of that statement. Nevertheless, she found herself smiling shyly, and reaching up to take the flower from him-- lifting it to her nose and sniffing in it’s fragrance.

‘Thank-you.’ She said softly, her blush darkening as she found herself unable to look up and meet his eyes.

She stared instead at the flower in her palm, and was slightly upset when she saw one of the pale petals break away and flutter slowly to the ground.

The two stared at it for a moment, Rin biting her lip nervously-- and why did everything she touched have to get ruined?-- before Kouga offered a small shrug and looked back up at her.

‘Like I said-- it’s not worthy of your beauty.’ He said. Rin looked up at him in surprise, a small flutter rising in her throat, effectively gagging any response she might have had, so instead she just smiled softly and shook her head.

‘You’ve got some nerve, Lord Kouga, you know that don’t you?’ She asked rhetorically, and Kouga’s own smile returned as he reached out, gently taking the flower from her own hands into his much-larger ones with a small ‘Here.’ And reaching up to gently place it in her hair.

‘There.’ He said, looking at his handiwork. ‘That’s better.’ His hand trailed down slowly from the flower to brush a wayward strand of hair away behind her ear, before coming to rest on her cheek.

Rin shivered at the contact.

His skin was so different from her own-- tanned and rough from days spent battling unknown demons. She could only imagine the sorts of battles he had seen. And she found herself thankful that Naraku had never deemed the wolf tribe worthy of taking over-- she would have hated to have to had manipulate Kouga as she had Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and so many others before them.

‘Kouga.’ She said softly, her voice a quiet whisper that hitched slightly when his thumb brushed across the corner of her mouth.

Unfortunately, this was not a good night for “moments” and, as Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had moments before, Rin and Kouga found their own being broken, though in an entirely different way than the Inu’s.

‘Kouga!’ The voice called out, causing the ningen and wolf to break away with a swiftness that would have made the falcon demons proud as they turned to look at the intruders.

Ginta and Hakkaku, the two ookami Rin always saw trailing after Kouga, were running swiftly up the garden path toward them, looking as though they had just run twenty miles in the hopes of finding them.

‘We’ve been looking everywhere for you!’ Ginta said, breathing heavily and leaning on his knees, though what the hell had him so exhausted was beyond Rin.

‘Konbanwa, Lady Rin.’ Ginta said, offering her a small bow. Hakkaku mirrored the action, but seemed to be too out of breath to actually repeat what his comrade had said.

Rin raised an eyebrow and glanced at Kouga, who had a dark look on his face.

She smiled.

So he was upset their moment had been broken was he?

She turned back toward the other two ookami, offering them a small bow of her own. ‘Konbanwa Ginta. Hakkaku.’ She said, smiling warmly a them, her face slightly flushed as she wondered just how much they had seen, while, at the same time, trying to see how Kouga was reacting to her warm greeting to his two comrades that had just interrupted them.

It was needless to say that Kouga’s greeting of the two wasn’t nearly as warm as hers had been.

In fact, he barely seemed to acknowledge them accept for a small glare that confused both the other ookami to no end, since they had absolutely no idea what they had stumbled in on, and Kouga didn’t seem inclined at the moment to let them find out.

‘Well, I guess I’ll see you around, Rin.’ He said in his usual gruff manner, turning to walk away, earning exasperated and slightly desperate looks from his comrades.

Rin and the other two ookami were both slightly surprised at his sudden decision to depart, but the ningen quickly got over it, moving to catch up to him.

‘Kouga, wait!’ She called, causing the wolf prince to stop and look toward her, one eyebrow raised in question, his hands taking up residence on his hips as she came to stand a few feet in front of him.

‘I just wanted to say’ she began in a rather nervous manner as she began to feel out unknown territory with her words ‘I had a really great time tonight. I would like to do it again some time. And thanks... for the flower.’ The middle part had come out slightly rushed since she had never done anything like this before, but she slowed down toward the end, taking in the pleased surprise that reflected in his blue irises, and then the casual, off-handed, typically male shrug as he tried to make the matter seem offhanded.

‘As I said before-- it’s in no way any sort of match for your beauty.’ He said, even his tone becoming offhanded, and Rin resisted to urge to roll her eyes, opting instead to smile warmly at the prince.

‘Still, it is a very nice gift. The best I’ve ever had.’ She said softly, earning her an odd look from the wolf, before, gathering all her courage about her and pushing all her thoughts from her head so that they couldn’t interfere, she leaned up the few inches that separated them, and placed a gentle, chaste kiss on the corner of his mouth.

She pulled back slowly, smiling softly-- innocently-- as though she had done nothing out of the ordinary, while secretly revelling in the expression on the wolf’s face, her eyes glittering slightly with mischief as they stared up into the shocked azure of Kouga’s own.

‘Good-nigh, Lord Kouga.’ She said softly, brushing her hand against his cheek, before turning and walking away, leaving the three stunned ookami alone in the gardens to contemplate what had just happened, a small grin of her own playing across her features, and, as soon as she was out of sight and (hopefully) hearing range, she began to run, the grin still in place on her face, until she finally collapsed in a small, vacant room, the laughter bursting from her lips and echoing around the hallow chamber.

She unconsciously swept her tongue along her lips, gathering the faint traces of the wolf that still resided there, and she was still grinning like a fool when she finally went to bed that night. ~*~

*I give you a mischievous kiss and then make an innocent face
Can someone as ill-tempered as me be childish?
I've gotten used to saying brazen things...
but I still can't say "I love you." My Sweet Emotion

I just checked my smile one last time in the mirror
so if we rush ahead looking for excitement, we can hold our heads up high.
I can laugh so boldly it's shocking...



Ayame - The female wolf demon who Kouga promised to marry on the night of the lunar-rainbow. In all honesty, it’s more than a little unbelievable that he would take such a big thing so lightly and make such a promise to a child-- especially after how serious he seems to attempt to take it with Kagome.

Ningen - Human

Sakura - A type of Cherry Tree that is native to and very much associated with Japan.

Ginta and Hakkaku - They are the two rather incompetent side-kicks of Kouga, and seem to spend all their time simply chasing after him, since, whenever they manage to catch up with him, he decides to take off again (not very good leader skills!). They are seemingly very weak (it took two of them to take down one very strange and weak looking demon with no arms in one of the episodes on mount hakurei) and not entirely smart-- though when it comes to Kagome, they seem to be the only ones with any sense in their small group and it constantly gets them in trouble with Kouga. They also don’t seem to think that Inuyasha isn’t such a bad guy and don’t seem to understand why he and Inuyasha don’t team up (let the fur fly!)

Ookami - Wolf ~*~

A\N: I said in the story “with a speed that would make the falcon demons proud” to try and emphasize how fast they moved, since the falcon is the fastest animal in the world (yes-- even faster than the cheetah in some breeds) I figured they’d be the best example, but I wasn’t sure if everyone would get that. ^_^

Lol, anyway, someone on another site said that this chapter was boring, so I hope that other people found it a bit more enjoyable. I’ll have the next chapter up fairly quickly (although I’m a little worried, considering when I posted the next chapter on the other site, it went down.. ^_^) and... well, no, no and, that’s all I wanted to say. ^_^ ~*~  

(The Ones with stars next to them are Reviewers picks so far-- Number of * equals number of votes)

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child - *****************

Inuko - Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl - **********

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^) - *********

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness - *****

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2

out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season. - ****

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female - ****

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males ****

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of) - ****

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as well - ***

Hotaru - Firefly - Female - ***

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?) - ***

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor

Blade - **

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female - **

Yuki - male - snow or luck *

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity ****

-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit - ***

-Haruko - means spring - girl - ***

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy ***

-Keitaro - Boy - blessed ***

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl **

-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason **

-Takara - means treasure - either **

-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar **

-Kyo - boy - large, approval, or ginger *

-Yuri - BoyGirl - Lily - *

-Riku (boy)- Air Reason *

-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory *!

-Yoshi - boygirl - goodness, luck, free *

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl *

-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul *

-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air *

-Natsuko - Summer Child

-Fuyuko - Winter Child