InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Breathe ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A\N: More lemon (and it only took me like seven chapters this time ^_^).

Quite personally, I don’t much care for Inuyasha’s human form, and I think he looks far better as a half demon (his hair style especially looks weird when he’s got no dog-ears) so I don’t know what everybody else is talking about.

-nightangel15 - Oh really? Hm. Well I suppose I better post that then... Thanks! ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - This soon enough for you? ^_^ Hope it was worth the wait.   ~*~   Breathe

Inuyasha’s whole frame went rigid at the first signs of penetration, his breathing picking up several paces, and Sesshomaru forced himself to hold still, waiting.

Inuyasha looked at his brother and forced himself to relax.

He was human now, for hells sake! He knew this would hurt when he began it! He knew it, and he had still wanted it...

He couldn’t just back out now...

Taking deep, steadying breaths, Inuyasha silently urged his brother to continue, which the older demon did with a good deal of reluctance, watching as his mate’s eyes squeezed shut and his teeth grit together, the hanyou’s hands curling into white-knuckled fists on his chest until at last he was sheathed to the hilt inside his quivering brother, his youkai barely registering the glistening tears that had begun to fall from Inuyasha’s eyes at the initial part of it.

Sesshomaru felt his own teeth clench shut again at the overwhelming surge of pleasure and need that washed through him at the feel of it.

‘Breathe you fool!’ The more practical part of his mind snapped at him, and Sesshomaru jolted slightly, letting out the breath he had never even realised he was holding, before taking in another, fresher, gulp.

Some part of his mind remembered Inuyasha-- reminded him of his pleasure as well-- and, ignoring the demons of his own body to start fucking this creature into oblivion, he reached up and wrapped one clawed hand around Inuyasha’s length.

The younger one jerked in surprised pleasure, causing another wave to wash over Sesshomaru as Inuyasha’s body shifted and clenched before relaxing again on his aching length, and he barely held back the moan that tried to escape his lips at the sensation.

A couple more strokes on the hanyou got him similar results before Inuyasha leaned forward, resting his hands on Sesshomaru’s broad chest, and began a slow rocking motion over his brother, nearly driving Sesshomaru insane from the feel of it.

‘Inuyasha.’ He breathed, his hand coming to tangle in the onyx hair, pulling his brother down on him at the same time as he thrust up, drawing a whimper from Inuyasha’s lips, which was cut off halfway through as Sesshomaru tongue invaded his mouth to wage war with his own.

For a moment Inuyasha just lay against Sesshomaru’s chest, just breathing in his brother’s scent and revelling in the feel of his chest rising and falling rapidly-- in the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. Then the barely concealed desperation pouring off of his brother began to make itself known, and Inuyasha sat slowly back up, grimacing slightly in discomfort, before bracing his hands on Sesshomaru’s chest again, trying to get enough leverage in his rolls to be able to bring Sesshomaru to his peak.

However, he was already fairly worn out from the pregnancy combined with the nights events and his human state, and he no longer had anything near Sesshomaru’s strength... or stamina for that matter.

As if sensing this, Sesshomaru’s hands suddenly came up to grip his hips again, stopping his movements as the tips of his claws unwittingly pricked into his flesh, drawing small wells of blood as the elder youkai slowly lifted Inuyasha up till he was in just to the head, searching his brother’s face once again for some kind of signal that this was okay, and that he could continue.

Inuyasha’s face scrunched up in discomfort, but he quickly got over it-- he may be human, but damn it all to hell, he was nothing if not stubborn and resilient!

Locking eyes with Sesshomaru, Inuyasha shifted around slightly in his grip, silently urging him into movement once again, all the while ignoring how the force of his brother’s hands on his hips was probably going to leave more than a few good bruises behind for him later.

Sesshomaru hesitated a moment longer before slowly lowering his brother back down again.

Inuyasha gasped slightly in pain, but urged Sesshomaru to keep going. If they didn’t pick the pace soon, there was no way in hell he was ever going to get rid of the pain!

Sesshomaru tried his best to go slow, to take it easy, but unfortunately for him, his best was not what was required and was no match for an indignant and determined Inuyasha, and before Sesshomaru could stop it, Inuyasha’s hands were on his own, directing him as he lifted and lowered and bucked into Inuyasha at a rather alarming pace, and he was certain if they kept this up Inuyasha would get hurt, but Inuyasha wasn’t complaining (far from it actually) and he felt so complete right now, sheathed inside his brother, and damn it all to hell, he couldn’t stop now if he wanted to!

Inuyasha’s energy slowly began to wane again, and he left Sesshomaru almost entirely to the responsibility of moving his human body as he let his own eyes drift shut, his head falling back slightly, his hair falling to tickle Sesshomaru’s chest.

Sesshomaru slowly released his brother’s hips, letting Inuyasha move in his rolling motions once again as he reached up and gripped his brother’s length tightly in his hand as he had before.

And Inuyasha let out a small cry of surprise, his back arching violently as his body shuddered over and around Sesshomaru causing fresh waves of pleasure to crash over him again and again.

He could tell Inuyasha was coming close-- feel it in the way his body trembled over him now-- and could also tell that he wasn’t too far off himself.

So he tightened his grip on Inuyasha, stroking him at a rapid pace, making Inuyasha moan his name and shudder in pleasure.

‘Sess-- Sesshomaru!’ Inuyasha moaned, and who would have thought that something as simple as someone moaning your name could be so erotic? Sesshomaru wondered as his hips jerked forward at the sound, his body shivering in anticipation for the climax he refused to give.

He was still the dominant one in this relationship, and he would wait for his mate to climax first (and hopefully soon).

Luckily enough, he didn’t have to wait very long at all.

Inuyasha began to quiver violently above him, his whole frame shuddering as he suddenly froze over Sesshomaru, who, knowing how his brother always seemed to try and fight off his climax, continued to stroke him at a frenzied pace.

Inuyasha whimpered, another quake going through his body as he spilled his seed over Sesshomaru’s chest and belly at the same moment that the sun decided to rise fully over the hidden horizon on the other side of the castle.

A strange wind, not created or controlled by anything demon or human, rose up out of the blue, and surrounded Inuyasha, lifting his onyx coloured hair and painting it silver once again as a bright white light surrounded him, his eyes flashing back to their normal golden hue, his claws lengthening and unconsciously digging into Sesshomaru’s chest as the hanyou’s transformation completed itself.

Golden eyes, so familiar but suddenly incredibly strange stared down at him, and Sesshomaru let himself be lost in that gaze, surrendering to white-hot oblivion as he reached his own climax, buried deep inside the hanyou above him.

They both collapsed, Inuyasha curling up tightly next to (and on) his brother’s chest as Sesshomaru, once he had control on his breathing again, somehow conjured the strength to reach up and gently stroke Inuyasha’s hair.

he had now witnessed his brother transforming both to and from his human form, and both times had been fascinating to watch, but entirely different from each other to witness.

The transformation into a human was much slower, more of a gradual “slide” (for lack of a better word) from one form into the other-- Inuyasha’s silver hair seeming to literally be painted black by the setting sun’s rays.

Sesshomaru hadn’t been able to see his brother’s eyes at the time, but he had had a clear view of his ears as they seemed to slip down and transform on the side of his head-- not to mention his claws, which had seemed to retract at a gradual pace-- almost like a cats.

All in all it had been a rather slow process, but it had caught Sesshomaru off-guard nonetheless.

As had the change back.

He had been too caught up in... other activities to notice the lightening of the sky until Inuyasha was already transforming again, and by then it hardly mattered anymore.

The transformation back was far more swift and impressive-- over almost before it had really begun, but still surprising and awe-inspiring nonetheless.

Again, he had always known that half-demon’s turned human one night of the month, but he had always viewed it as being a weakness and a rumour and had never really cared to find out more about it.

Now he could see how wrong he was.

After all, he had the proof right before his eyes.

The fact that any creature could survive such a transformation, and keep it a secret for as long as Inuyasha had was testimony enough to how not-weak it really was.

Even someone who was human all the time wasn’t as weak, since they never really had the taste of demon power and knew quite well how to live without it.

Wrapping his arms tightly around Inuyasha, he covered them in his kimono, before pulling the thick fur he carried around them for warmth that they really didn’t need, before pulling his tired brother more comfortably against him. It was actually kind of nice how easily Inuyasha seemed to fit against him.

‘You’re an amazing creature, Inuyasha.’ He whispered in his mate’s hair, causing Inuyasha to blink in surprise at the unexpected statement, then smile, tilting his face up to look at Sesshomaru.

‘Well, you’re not half-bad yourself you know.’ He said, still smiling as Sesshomaru raised his eyebrow in an almost exasperated way (though what he had to be exasperated about was beyond Inuyasha) before smiling softly and leaning down to steal another kiss from his brother. ~*~  


Hanyou - Half-Demon

Youkai - Demon ~*~    

A\N: Hm.

Well, I’m not sure if I like the ending of this chapter.

Couldn’t think of anything else to put though, so gomen for that. ~*~

Tsukiko - Female - means Moon Child - *****************

Inuko - Means Dog-Child, and could be for a boy or a girl - **********

Moriko - Female - Forest child (Picked it out cause Inuyasha’s so fond of trees and all that ^_^) - *********

Akira - Male - Intelligencebrightness - *****

Akiko - Autumn child - This one’s just female (for reasons I do not know). Picked these 2

out because I like autumn. ^_^. It’s a tie between it and spring for best season. - ****

Gina - Silvery (Think I picked this out because Inuyasha and Sesshomaru have silver hair ^_^) Female - ****

Kenaku - Swordsman, obviously a males ****

Suzume - Sparrow - female (again, this one I just liked the sound of) - ****

Hikaru - Light: this is a boys name (I believe) but I suppose it could be used for a girl as

well - ***

Hotaru - Firefly - Female - ***

Naomi - Female - Above all beauty (I always liked the name Naomi, so why not?) - ***

Katana - Female - (Yep this is an actual name, not just a word) it means Sword andor

Blade - **

Aki - Autumn andor bright - It’s male and female - **

Yuki - male - snow or luck *

As well as ones given by the reviewers:

-Shinsei - Boy - DivinityPureDignity ****

-Arekusu (boy)- Revered Wild Air Spirit - ***

-Haruko - means spring - girl - ***

-Ryuji - see Ryuko - boy ***

-Keitaro - Boy - blessed ***

-Ryuko - means dragon - girl **

-Biri (both)- Beautiful Reason **

-Takara - means treasure - either **

-Shion (boy)- Graceful Scholar **

-Kyo - boy - large, approval, or ginger *

-Yuri - BoyGirl - Lily - *

-Riku (boy)- Air Reason *

-Aron (boy)- Wild Theory *!

-Yoshi - boygirl - goodness, luck, free *

-Kiyoko - means pure, girl *

-Bureiku (boy)- Air Dancing Soul *

-Makusu (boy)- Revered True Air *

-Natsuko - Summer Child

-Fuyuko - Winter Child

-Hikari - Female - Light

One of the upcoming chapters I’ll get rid of all the 1-votes. ^_^