InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Pointing Fingers ( Chapter 46 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Lol, some more fun in this chapter, and some more tension too. Still, I think this means we’re getting closer toward the end of the pregnancy. ^_^

-Punishment of the Inu/Tryst - Lol, you mean the demon Rin’s found for Kagura? ^_^ I don’t know how much trouble he’ll be, or even how much of an appearance he’ll make, but hopefully I can still make it believable. I think I kinda screwed up Kouga’s character a little in this, and I’d prefer not to do it with another character, but...

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Thanks! ^_^

-inuluver313 - Lol, Arigato!... wait... was? ^_^

-Nahuajaret - Well I’m glad you’re enjoying the story, although I do have to disagree with you, Despite any evidence there may be to the contrary, I have no idea what I’m doing. Never have, and I really don’t think I ever will. Well, that’s not true, I think way back at the beginning I knew that I was going to make them mate... yep, that’s just about the only sure thing I ever knew about this story. ^_^ Lol, anyway... It’s good to know you don’t think I overdramatize his emotions or anything... He’s one of my fav characters in the whole anime, and I’d really hate to make him really OOC. If I have to do it, then I’d like to at least make it believable. ^_^ And thank you for reading this story! I never would have continued it if people hadn’t read it! ^_^ ~*~   Pointing Fingers


Sesshomaru’s ears twitched slightly and he paused, a slight frown creasing his forehead as his brother’s voice reached his ears in a glass-shattering yell. He had definitely been greeted in much nicer fashions then that before. Though, then again, he supposed that didn’t really quality as a greeting, given that Inuyasha’s screeching was not directed at him.

Cautiously, he slid open the door to their room and stepped inside to find out exactly who his brother was yelling at.

He wasn’t entirely certain what he was witnessing when he stepped inside, but it seemed that Inuyasha and Takehiko were having some sort of face-off from opposite sides of the room, while Kaede was sitting calmly with her back to the far wall ignoring the two Inus. Or maybe she really didn’t know they were there, it was sometimes hard to tell with humans.

The woman’s eyes opened when the door caught slightly, and she offered him a small nod of greeting.

‘Ah, Lord Sesshomaru.’ She said, setting her cup down while Inuyasha and Takehiko continued to stare each other down from other sides of the room, Inuyasha still screaming at the top of his lungs, Kaede raising her voice slightly to talk over him.


‘It’s quite good of ye to join us--’


‘We were just discussing how we are going to--’


‘Birth the pups.’

A sudden silence feel on the room that was enough to make Sesshomaru’s ears ring faintly after the constant roar of noise that had filled the room ever since he had entered

Tenseness followed the silence, before Inuyasha, seemingly deciding it was time to take note of his mate’s presence, whirled around to fix a dark and accusing glare on Sesshomaru.

‘Do you know what this old hag wants to do to me?!’ He demanded, pointing an finger at Kaede.

Takehiko huffed in annoyance and turned toward Sesshomaru in exasperated annoyance.

‘His hips are too small!’ She said, pointing her own finger at Inuyasha, as though this explained everything, when, in reality, it explained nothing. Not to Sesshomaru anyway, and he arched an elegant eyebrow at the healer, though it was Inuyasha who answered his unspoken question.

‘Those bitches want to cut me open!” He said, gesturing frantically around at Takehiko and Kaede.

Sesshomaru brow creased again at this, and he glanced at the two females, though Takehiko had again fixed a glare upon Inuyasha and didn’t seem to notice.

‘If you weren’t a male we wouldn’t have to!’ The bitch shot back as the two eyed one another again and Sesshomaru frowned and stared at the two Inus.

The pups weren’t even born yet and already, and already he felt like he was dealing with two incredibly immature ones.

‘Children, behave.’ He said simply, stepping more fully into the room and shutting the door.

Inuyasha let out a low growl, and then spun around and stopped over to curl up on the futon, drawing his knees up as close to his body as he could and shoot venomous glares seemingly at random at any given object his gaze landed on.

Offering his mate the smallest of frowns for acting in such a childish manner, Sesshomaru turned his attention back toward the two women in the room.

‘Now, does anyone want to try explaining this?’ He asked, gesturing around the room in a rather vague manner.

‘Why do ye not sit and allow me to explain.’ Kaede asked softly, and Sesshomaru decided that, since she currently seemed to be the only other mature “adult” in the room, it would be best to take her up on that offer.

So he moved forward and situated himself on the floor a few feet away from the ningen, ignoring the offered tea in favour of staring coldly at the hag.

Kaede seemed unphased by this, and took her time setting down the cup before turning her one good eyes toward him.

‘Now, Sesshomaru, you are aware that Inuyasha is a male.’ She said.

‘The thought did occur to me...’ Sesshomaru stated blandly, not noticing the shocked expression that crossed Inuyasha’s face at his small attempt at humour.

‘Well, then you should also be aware that his anatomy... differs from that of a female.’

‘Get to the point, hag!’ Inuyasha snapped from the bed, which Kaede again seemed to ignore.

‘Because of this, I am uncertain if he will be capable of opening enough to allow the pups to pass through. He could end up killing himself or them in the process of trying to birth them. Therefore, I have suggested an alternate birthing technique. It is fairly new and has been used mostly on demons, since they heal faster, but it still may work. It does involve cutting him though to extract the children.’

Sesshomaru’s eyebrow narrowed slightly at that as the woman continued.

‘However, since I have witnessed some occasions of children being born of a much weaker union without such measures, it is very likely it will not be required. Since Inuyasha is so far along in the pregnancy, I thought it would be best that ye be aware of all that may need to be done.’

‘I already told the lunatic it wasn’t happening!’ Inuyasha stated, eyeing Kaede as though she truly was insane, and very possibly dangerous to their well-being.

‘And I think I told you to shut your mouth a little while ago, but we can all see how well that turned out.’ Takehiko shot back at the half-breed.

In all honest, she should really just let him rant, but if he got too carried away with it, he could cause himself a lot of stress, and that could end with premature labour. What’s more, even in wolf-clans the bitches were not allowed to get too carried away the way humans sometimes were, and, at the moment, she was thoroughly fed up with the hanyou’s behaviour (which was a very hard task for someone to accomplish).

Inuyasha opened his mouth to respond, but the look he received from Sesshomaru caused him to falter, and he let out a small “Keh” before falling silent again.

Sesshomaru used the silence given to give new consideration to the miko’s words.

He must have been quiet a long time though, because when he looked up again Inuyasha was fast asleep, and Takehiko and Kaede were moving toward the door.

‘We’ll be leaving now, Sesshomaru.’ Takehiko said. ‘If he wakes up in less than an hour, give him some more of that tea.’ She gestured toward the table and the kettle resting on it, before turning and walking out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

Sesshomaru waited a moment, and then moved to join his mate on the futon, curling protectively around Inuyasha, one of his hands moving to rest on the swell of his stomach in an incredibly protective and possessive action, though in reality he had no intentions of sleeping.

He had way too much to think about now.

Hopefully though, being near his mate without getting his head ripped off would make that a little easier. ~*~  


Inu - Dog

Ningen - Human

Miko - Priestess/Witch. In this case Priestess. ~*~  

A/N: Well, that’s it for now! Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! ^_^