InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Wait and See ( Chapter 47 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Someone requested early on that I do an Inu Taisho/Izayoi scene. Since I’m in a fairly pleasing mood, I thought I’d give it a shot. ^_^ I don’t know if it turned out alright, but at least it turned out so... oh, and we should be getting really close to the birthing next chapter! ^_^ (Took me long enough huh? What can I say-- I like drawing things out! ^_^)

Anyway, there is absolutely nothing of any importance in this chapter (at least, not as far as I can see) so feel free to just skip right over it if you want... ^_^

-Crazy-Inuysaha-Girl - Lol, well luckily enough for you then, the wait is almost over! ^_^

-Tryst\Punishment of the Inu - Lol, yep! All the more complications for poor Inu and Sess! I read your update in “Will you bear my child?” BTW! I left a review for you there too! It was really awesome though! ^_^ Oh, and, because you’ve mentioned that you like Inu Taisho so much, hopefully you’ll enjoy this chapter! ^_^

-Snowfall - Lol, wow. Okay, well I’m gonna see if I can answer all your reviews here! ^_^ -- Lol, yep, Sesshomaru really is brave isn’t he? It does take a lot of courage to approach a pregnant person sometimes. I’m glad you liked that line too! It’s so much fun messing around with words like that and finding interesting ways to put them together! It’s much better then just going “reaching around Inuyasha and risking having his arm torn off” or something like that. That’s just... dull! ^_^ It’s good to know that I got a good list of the pregnancy emotions. I’ve, personally, never been pregnant, and have only had minimal dealings with people who have been pregnant, so it’s mostly just guesswork here. Luckily enough, as I said before, because he’s a male, hanyou I can stretch the rules a little bit sometimes. ^_^ -- Yeah, I had lots of fun writing “What about him?” and getting Rin all aggravated. I’m afraid I kinda messed Kouga’s character up in “Itzura na kiss” so I’m trying to bring him back, but it’s kinda hard without focusing in too much on him. He’s not, necessarily supposed to be a sideline character, but he’s not supposed to be a main character in this either, and considering I haven’t dealt a lot with writing him, it was rather complicated to try and portray him in a way that people might find believable. Still, even though I love Kouga in the anime, I don’t think they give him enough moments of wisdom. He is the pack leader after all, he should have some common sense and not just go rushing around like a maniac. ^_^ -- Lol, another chapter I had a lot of fun writing! I think Takehiko’s gone a bit out of her wise-healer mode now, but at least Kaede’s there to balance her out. ^_^ -- “A day to play” huh? That title sounds familiar. Maybe I read it before... Hm... Well, i can’t remember, but if I haven’t read it, then i’m definitely going to have to read it, cause it sounds really interesting! ^_^ -- Wow, you’ve had five kids? So I guess you’re quite the expert by now, huh? I don’t like hospitals either. But I’ve never actually stayed in one for more than a few hours... But I think I might dislike them for different reasons than you. ^_^ I’ve got a kind of personal question, which you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but did you ever give birth in water? It may sound like a strange question, but I’ve heard that it makes it easier and less painful to give birth. I don’t know of course, but... Wait, is that why you were in the bathtub? -- Woosh, now I’m just prying away, aren’t I? Lol, gomen, just ignore any of the above comments you don’t want to answer/acknowledge, and it’s fine by me! ^_^ -- Oh, and I hope you’re feeling better now! ^_^

Okay, well, before I give you this chapter, I suppose I should tell people that there isn’t going to be an alert email. Emails been down for a couple of days, and it’s still not up, so I can’t send out any. Gomen!

Anyway, that’s about it, so I guess now it’s time for the chapter...   ~*~   Wait and See

When Izayoi opened the door to her room, her eyes instantly moved to land on the figure by the window, whose whole form seemed slightly more slumped than usual.

Of course, that was understandable considering how stressful the day had been.

Okay, forget that, considering how stressful the month had been.

Inuyasha being raped earlier on, then the pregnancy... morning sickness... moodswings... the wailing mushrooms!

Izayoi had been very tempted at the idea of drugging her son’s food to get him to calm down. And she might have, had Takehiko not reminded her that it could end up being harmful to the pups.

Giving a slight shake of her head, she slowly slid the door shut, and began to approach her mate. Not that the quiet would do her any good-- she knew that he knew she was there anyway.

For long moments nothing was said.

Then Izayoi decided to break it with a simple ‘I was never that difficult was I? When I was pregnant.’

Inu Taisho blinked and frowned, further accenting the deep shadows that had taken up residence on his face over the past few weeks.

‘I have no idea. You didn’t stay sane long enough for me to decide.’

Izayoi frowned and thwapped his arm. ‘Oh that’s nice!’ She huffed in mock anger, and Inu Taisho gave a small smile, cradling his arm as though she had really hurt him and earning another swat from her.

‘If you keep that up, koi, I’m not going to have any working limbs left.’ He said, earning him a sharp glare, and then a smile as Izayoi turned back toward the window, allowing him to draw her back against his chest.

Silence fell again in the room.

And Izayoi again broke it.

‘So, what do you think they’ll be?’ She asked softly, her eyes far away as they focused on the night sky, glittering with star-light.

Inu Taisho frowned again and looked down at his mate.

‘What will what be?’ He returned, just as softly, watching as the moonlight reflected off of her hair, making it look like a shining black waterfall.

‘The pups.’ Izayoi said, completely ignorant to his silent appraisal of her. ‘Do you think they’ll be boys or girls? How many do you think they’ll have?’

Inu Taisho paused and mentally sighed.

She had asked him that same question when she had been pregnant.

And he had had no real answer to give her then either.

‘I don’t know.’ He said after a minute. ‘That is something even a demon’s senses cannot perceive.’

Izayoi cocked her head slightly to the side. ‘I didn’t ask how many they would have, I asked you how many you think they will have.’ She looked back at him, the dark shade of her eyes all but vanishing in the colour they had taken on-- so similar to the shadows painting her face at the moment. ‘Come. Humour me for a minute will you?’

Inu Taisho stared at her a moment, then looked back up at the sky, shielded by the translucent barrier of the window.

‘Well.’ He began slowly. ’I can’t imagine them having much more than two pups. It’s a rarity even for full-blooded demons, but given that Inuyasha is only half-demon, I don’t think that that will improve their chances at having a litter very much. As for gender’ and here he paused again for a moment. ‘I am not sure. In demons, the father normally has a great deal of influence over what the pups turn out to be as, but, given that they are technically both father’s, it’s very hard to say. Most demons would likely prefer a son, and I imagine Sesshomaru would as well, since I can hardly see him allowing a little girl to trail after him everywhere. Which means that Inuyasha would likely have a girl just to spite him.’

Izayoi gave a small smile at that last part, and then her face fell slightly and turned thoughtful as she considered her answer to her own question. ‘Well,’ she said after a moment ‘I don’t know how it usually works with demons or hanyou, so I would have to assume that they’d have no more than one pup. And I also think it would be a girl.’

Inu Taisho raised an eyebrow. ’Oh? Why is that?’ He asked, wrapping his arms tighter around her small body.

Izayoi gave a small shrugging motion.

‘Because. I think that, whether they will admit it or not, they both like having someone to protect. And a girl would be less averse to being protected by her two father’s.’

Inu Taisho stared up at the skies a moment, and then gave a small nod. ‘I suppose that does make sense...’ He trailed off into silence again as their eyes moved to follow the path of a shooting star.

Izayoi smiled slightly at the sight. ‘Well.’ She said softly once the little fire-tailed dot had disappeared from sight. ‘I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.’

Inu Taisho nodded softly and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

She reached up, wrapping her hands around his neck, and drew him down to kiss her lips.

It started out soft, but Inu Taisho should have known better than to expect it to stay that way.

Soon enough Izayoi was gently nipping at and swiping her tongue playfully against his lips, silently daring his own to come out and play with it.

He let out a low growl and complied with her silent challenge, forcing her own wayward tongue back into her mouth as his own moved to invade it as well, twining with her own.

He could smell her excitement growing as she started pushing him back toward the bed.

And that was pretty much where he lost control of the situation.

He was never entirely certain what always lead to this.

Of course, thinking back, when it came to Izayoi he never was.

She was one of the few people in the world who could catch him off-guard.

That was one of the things he loved about her.

Which, he supposed, explained how he had gone from talking about their grandchildren, to being straddled and “pinned” by his wife on their futon.

Izayoi had that look on her face-- that one of complete mischief that he knew she reserved especially for him. That look that he had seen in similar notes on his youngest son’s face more times than not. That look that usually meant trouble was not far away.

He supposed the difference between Izayoi and Inuyasha’s versions of it was that he had never seen it commingling with lust in his youngest son’s eyes (something he was incredibly grateful for).

He could feel her small, round hands travelling over his torso, and he brought his own hand up to trace over her flanks, feeling the small shudder run through her body when he came in contact with one of her breasts, coaxing her nipples into hardness.

That was another thing he loved about her-- it didn’t matter how many times they did this, she still was just as responsive as though it were their first.

Letting out a small growl that sounded really rather ridiculous to the full-blooded demon, Izayoi pulled out of his grip, sliding his body as her hands continued to trace and tease his flesh.

He watched through half-lidded eyes as she slowly moved her hands to his hardened shaft, her own eyes trained with the same fascination they held whenever they did this, as she slowly began to stroke him.

Her pace was a familiar one-- one that she loved to use on him because she knew that it was fast and hard enough to get him very hot and bothered indeed, but nowhere near enough to get him to his release.

‘You’ Inu Taisho gasped out after several minutes of silently enduring her torturous grip ‘Are as tease.’

Izayoi smirked up at him, and then moved back up his body to kiss him. ‘I know.’ She said, her voice a low, seductive purr. ‘But you love me for it.’

She squeezed him gently, and Inu Taisho let out a surprised gasp and then grit his teeth against a moan.

Izayoi gave a whole new meaning to the saying “Lamb in the kitchen, tiger in the bedroom.”

Not that she had ever been in the kitchen. The woman was a princess and Lady of the West-- far too noble to be doing that sort of work.

Although, he did not doubt that some would question her true nobility if they could see how she acted when mating sometimes.

And he did not doubt that those “some” would be humans, since youkai usually had far more extreme tactics than even she could come up with.

Another rub from his mate drew Inu Taisho’s attention back to her as her scent spiked again, sending his youki into a frenzy of want.

Eyes hazing with red, Inu Taisho let out a low growl and, gripping her hips tightly, quickly rolled over to switch their positions so that he was now overtop of her, his legs on either side of her own, his arms supporting him so that he was mere inches away from her face as he let out a low, primal snarl.

Not that she was complaining.

Izayoi didn’t seem to mind how dangerous and deadly he could become when the mated. It didn’t seem to faze her one bit that his eyes would haze red with bloodlust and his would feel the almost unbearable need to draw blood. Because she knew he wouldn’t hurt her.

Giving her neck several large licks, Inu Taisho slowly sniffed his was down to her breasts and began to worry one of the nipples between is deadly fangs.

Izayoi gasped and arched into his touch, her head flying wildly to the side, her dark eyes wide with pleasure.

‘Now... whose teasing?’ She asked, letting out a low moan as his clawed hand came up to pay similar attention to her other breast.

Inu Taisho didn’t respond, just brought his knee up to nudge against her own, silently urging her to open her legs, which she did without a moments hesitation.

He felt her wetness press against his thigh as the full force of her scent hit him, and he very nearly lost it at that.

Another growl tore free from his throat as he stared down lustfully at her.

If he didn’t take her soon, he would loose control, and he could end up hurting her.

Pulling back, he lifted her legs so that they could rest against his shoulder, and then moved to position himself at her entrance.

Her slick folds touched the tip of his length, causing his eyes to pulse red as his claws and fangs lengthened even more, the cobalt stripes on his cheeks seeming to glow in the dark light as she contracted against him in response, silently urging him to continue, her body quivering in anticipation.

Deciding that prolonging it any longer would just be a torturous act of madness and a sheer waste of time, Inu Taisho jerked his body forward, swiftly burying himself within her warm depths.

Izayoi let out a small cry of pain, and Inu Taisho held still, waiting for her to continue, determined not to hurt her. Though, with the way he could feel her flesh moving around and beneath him, it was an extremely difficult thing to honour.

After a moments time of adjusting, Izayoi let out a feverish moan, giving a sharp contraction around him, signalling she was read, and Inu Taisho wasted no time, quickly beginning to thrust in and out of her at a frantic pace as her hands ran over his back and shoulders, feeling the hard muscles shift and tighten beneath her fingers.

Despite their deep love for each other, Inu Taisho and Izayoi were not the sort to just romp each and every time they felt like it.

Indeed, for the most part their relationship was a fairly chaste one-- especially as of late with all the things that had been happening around them. However, that did not change the passion and need that came with each of their couplings. In fact, more often than not it just seemed to increase it...

As Inu Taisho felt himself approaching the edge, he also felt the demon nature rise up within him, searching for blood, as was usual in youkai matings. It was very rare that a demon could be satisfied during mating if there was not blood present, though why this was he wasn’t entirely certain. Because of this, however, it was not a surprise that youkai couplings tended to be rather violent affairs.

Humans were a different story though.

They had no such inclinations to draw blood, nor the power to survive some of the injuries that could be inflicted when doing so, and thus he always had to be very, very careful when with Izayoi, or risk hurting her.

Wrenching his arm free from where it had come to tangle in Izayoi’s hair, he quickly brought the appendage up to his lips and tore at the flesh with his fangs, releasing the crimson fluid that flowed just beneath the surface.

The demon instinct, while slightly disappointed that it was his own blood, was satisfied, and quieted down instantly, allowing the rest of his youki to rise up as he felt his mate’s body clench around him, and heard his name moaned out as Izayoi reached her peak.

Feeling his own rising upon him, Inu Taisho thrust in one more time, before, his body shuddering with the beginnings of orgasm, he wrenched almost violently out of his wife just in time to come all over his mate’s thighs and belly. He didn’t know if they would ever have more children, but, until Izayoi said she was ready, he wasn’t going to risk getting her pregnant.

A gasp and then a loud howl of pleasure and surprise tore free from his throat as Izayoi’s hand wrapped around his manhood, helping him along his completion, before pulling away as his collapsed upon his mate, breathing heavily.

He didn’t stay there too long though, knowing he would likely suffocate her if he did so, but quickly rolled over to the side, wrapping his arms tightly around his mate and spooning her back against him; and, with the combination of all that had happened over the past months, along with what they had just done, it was not surprising that they had both fallen asleep within moments.

Neither demon nor human were aware that, in a room not so far away, someone was still awake.

And that someone had smelled their arousal-- heard his father’s cry of release even from this distance.

And Sesshomaru wasn’t entirely certain whether to be happy for them, annoyed, or maybe even disgusted.

Deciding that he had right to be neither of the latter, and not really feeling up to the first, he opted instead for amused as he remember a comment his father had made to him after he and Inuyasha had first mated about the half-demon’s vocal abilities.

Pulling his younger brother more comfortably against him, Sesshomaru smirked to himself.

‘Looks like you are not the only loud one in this house, otouto.’ He murmured to the hanyou.

Inuyasha only let out a sleepy murmur and snuggled closer toward the warmth and safety that was his brother. ~*~  


Koi - Love

Hanyou - Half-Demon

Youkai - Demon

Youki - A demon’s energy or aura

Otouto - Little Brother ~*~  

A/N: Okay, well that’s it for now.

Next chapter should be up soon I hope...