InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ False Labour ( Chapter 48 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hm.

Well, I’m not sure if all the details in this chapter would be completely accurate... so please excuse any inaccuracy’s I may or may not have included. It’s really all guesswork here on in. ^_^

I finally got around to changing the summary so that it no longer says “possible” Mpreg. ^_^ About time, neh? ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, well we’ll see... the next chapters might take me a bit longer to get up... ^_^

-FXL - Oh! Cool! Lol, sounds really interesting actually... I think I may put that name down for future reference... I don’t think I’ll be using it for the pups in this story, but maybe I can use it in a different one, neh? ^_^ That’s fine if you don’t have all that much time for it... Your stories should come first, neh? And I’m sure you’ll catch up eventually... although, I have absolutely no idea what chapter you are currently on, so... ^_^ And I look forward to hearing from you again! ^_^

Okay, well that’s all for now... Time to get on with the chapter I guess! ^_^   ~*~   False Labour

The moment Inuyasha felt wakefulness dawning on him, he rolled over onto his side, one clawed hand blindly reaching out to grab at the bucket that had taken up residence as he readied himself to empty his stomach out yet again.

For a moment he just lay there, eyes still closed (him having never bothered to open them), waiting for the wave of nausea to come.

He wasn’t entirely certain how long he lay there like that, with nothing happening, only that it was, apparently, enough time for Sesshomaru to wake up beside him as well, though neither of them said anything to each other for a long time.

Inuyasha had become used to opening his mouth in the morning and letting out the disgusting mixture of bile, food and kami knows what else, and he had learned early on that talking was never a smart move while doing this.

‘Did you fall asleep, otouto?’ The elder demon asked, his voice sounded ever-so-slightly laden with sleep as he stared at his siblings back.

‘Oh ha-fucking-ha!’ Inuyasha muttered angrily, breaking his own rule about not talking. ‘Excuse me for trying not to puke my guts out all over you.’

Inuyasha rolled over and, despite his harsh words, curled up slightly against his brother, deciding that, if he hadn’t puked by now, he clearly wasn’t going to.

A small sigh of contentment escaped his lips as he breathed in the comforting scent of his mate.

Sesshomaru cautiously wrapped his arms around his little brother, not entirely certain if he would get them ripped off for such an action.

Inuyasha snuggled closer.

He licked his brother’s neck.

Sesshomaru stiffened slightly.

‘Inuyasha...’ He said, his tone low and warning. Over the past couple of weeks Inuyasha’s moodswings and hormones had been fairly erratic and, while to Sesshomaru he looked and smelled absolutely delicious, he refused to take advantage of his mate in his confused and unblanaced state. Not even when Inuyasha tried to convince him that he wanted to be taken advantage of. ‘What are you doing?’ He finished, even though he knew the answer perfectly well.

Inuyasha gave him a small nip on his shoulder as his hand came up toward Sesshomaru’s hip. ‘What’s it look like, stupid?’ He asked as he continued to nuzzle against Sesshomaru’s neck, his hands moving to wander over the full-demon’s hard chest, trying to get a response out of him.

‘Inuyasha.’ Sesshomaru said again, though he tone seemed to have dropped a couple octaves, and Inuyasha gave a small grin against his neck.

Hands founds his wrists suddenly, drawing them up and away, as Sesshomaru forced his mate to stop touching him, and Inuyasha made a small, frustrated sound, before drawing back and glaring at Sesshomaru.

‘What the hell is your problem?’ The half-demon demanded of his sibling, whose youki was currently demanding a very similar thing within him. He had this beautiful and delicious creature here, coming on to him like there was no tomorrow, and he was refusing? What part of his fucked up mind came up with that brilliant idea?

Sesshomaru, pushing those thoughts away, gave a small frown at his brother. ‘There is nothing wrong with me, Inuyasha. But you are in no condition to be doing such things.’

Inuyasha glared.

‘Why don’t we let me decide what things I am and am not in the condition to do?’ He snapped, yanking on his wrists. Sesshomaru didn’t let go. Inuyasha felt anger boiling to the surface and he snarled savagely at his brother. ‘Let me go, Sesshomaru.’ He let out on a deadly hiss, yanking his hands again.

This time Sesshomaru did let him go, though more out of worry that the half-demon would end up hurting himself if he didn’t than because he really wanted to.

Immediately Inuyasha threw the blankets off of him, making them fly about in a wild frenzy of silk and fur (much of which ended up piled on top of Sesshomaru) as he quickly made a move to stand up off the bed.

He didn’t make it that far.

A small gasp tore itself free from his lips as a strange lurch and tug hit him directly in his abdomen.

Immediately Inuyasha sat back down, his hand going to his stomach as another pain shot through him.

Sesshomaru (who was currently fighting a rather difficult battle to untangle himself from the blankets) felt his ears twitch at the sound, and noticed the change in his mate’s scent.

Without hesitation he sliced his claws through the blankets, effectively shredding them, and threw the remaining pieces off of him as he quickly moved to his mate’s side, confused as to what had happened in his short period of captivity to cause his mate pain and distress.

‘Inuyasha?’ He asked softly.

Inuyasha was sitting at the edge of the futon, one hand cradling his stomach, the other doing it’s best to tear a hole in the bed. His ears were tucked back flat against his skull (all but disappearing into his hair) and his eyes were wide in pain.

The half-demon made to shake his head at his mate, trying to indicate his inability to respond, or even know what was wrong, and then let out another gasp as another wave of pain washed through him.

Sesshomaru’s face creased with concern and he was up off the bed in an instant, clearly fearful that something was wrong with the pups and his mate, but having absolutely no idea how to identify or deal with that something.

‘Wait here a moment, Inuyasha. I’ll go and find Takehiko.’ He said, before heading toward the door.

Inuyasha didn’t bother arguing with his brother, even though he really didn’t want him to leave.

His teeth were clenched so tightly he didn’t think he could have argued with him anyway, and he could feel them grinding against one another as they strained not to chip and break.

He barely noticed as his brother left, feeling a different sort of tug as his youki called after it’s mate, and he scrunched his eyes closed.


Actually, fuck didn’t really begin to describe what he was feeling at the moment. Fuck wasn’t even really feeing up to the job of describing what he was feeling at the moment, but, considering that he didn’t think that there were any words in any language that did as of yet, so Fuck would have to do for now.

During a pause between the tugs, he somehow managed to get himself lowered down into a more comfortable position on the all but destroyed futon.

The next tug he felt had him digging both sets of claws into the bed, gritting his teeth even tighter.

The one after that had him arching sharply in pain, a low cry escaping his lips.

It felt like his body was trying to turn itself inside out starting at his gut.

Letting out a small whimper, Inuyasha closed his eyes and leaned back against the mattress, waiting for his brother to return.

Which he did.

Several minutes later.

And by that time Inuyasha was shaking visibly, and his breathing was shallow and ragged.

In an instant Sesshomaru was next to his mate, grasping one of his clawed hands tightly in his own as Takehiko quickly moved to begin examining him.

The youkai had been aware of every jolt of pain Inuyasha had experienced as it raced through his own mind, making his youki go into a frenzy and very nearly sending him into a worried panic for his mate.

He had moved at breakneck speed to find Takehiko, yet it still hadn’t been fast enough to satisfy either youkai or hanyou’s youki’s.

Faint huffing out in the halls and fast footsteps alerted him that Kaede was still trailing somewhere behind them.

‘Sesshomaru!’ Inuyasha gasped out, drawing his attention back to him, one hand pressing tightly against the swell of his abdomen, the other clutching blindly at his mate’s hand.

‘I’m here otouto.’ He said. Inuyasha whimpered pitifully, and rolled onto his side.

Or tried to.

But one of Takehiko’s hands came up to his hip, staying him.

‘No, Inuyasha. I know it hurts, but you must remain on your back.’ The healer said.

Inuyasha’s head pressed back into the pillows as sweat began to stain his face in the effort to obey the healer. ‘It hurts so bad!’ He whined out. Sesshomaru have his hand a gentle squeeze at the same moment as the door opened and Kaede, breathing fairly heavily, came toward them.

‘Let me see.’ She said, not pausing or waiting for a reaction as she moved to take Takehiko’s place between the hanyou’s legs.

The miko frowned as said appendages tried to clamp shut on a particularly painful contraction.

‘Takehiko, you are stronger than me. Do you think you can hold his legs up?’

Takehiko gave a small nod, and Kaede quickly moved aside the few coverings Inuyasha still had upon him.

The hanyou moaned and yelped loudly, his back arching as his legs were raised up.

Kaede frowned slightly, pushing gently to urge the half-demon’s hips back down.

‘How far apart would you say the contractions are?’ The miko asked.

Takehiko gave a small grimace as one of Inuyasha’s legs tried to free itself by sending an ill-aimed kick in the general direction of her face.

‘I don’t know. Not very. Somewhere between two and four minutes I would say.’

Kaede frowned again, her withered face becoming even more so with the action.

‘They are so close together... It should not have come on this suddenly.’ She muttered to herself.

She continued to examine Inuyasha for what must have been nearly a full hour, in which nothing other than the pain-filled yelps and the hag’s occasional mutterings broke the silence, and Sesshomaru felt the bones in his hand come very close to shattering in his mate’s grip.

He was beginning to think that offering him his hand was, perhaps, not the best idea he had ever had.

Finally, Kaede pulled away, still frowning at them.

‘Well?’ Takehiko asked, lowering the hanyou’s legs slightly.

Kaede looked up at her, her face still creased with displeasure. ‘I think he may be experiencing false labour.’ She said.

There was a slight pause.

‘And what’ Sesshomaru said after a minute of contemplating this to no avail. ‘Does that mean?’

Takehiko looked over at him. It was clear that he was very concerned for his mate, and did not have a lot of patience for complicated explanations at the moment.

‘In laymen’s terms?’ The healer asked as Inuyasha gave a loud whimper. ‘It means he is not actually going to give birth.’

There was a long silence, broken only by the harsh breathing and sounds of pain from Inuyasha.

‘This’ The hanyou said after a moment, swallowing thickly, his face flushed and his bangs starting to cling to his forehead. ‘Isn’t... false...’ He was cut off by another cry of pain.

Takehiko sighed.

‘Inuyasha, I know it must be hurting you, but I do not believe--’

‘Well that’s your problem, isn’t it?’ The hanyou snarled at her, effectively silencing her. ‘I don’t really give a shit... if you believe it... or not!’ he said, punctuating his words with arches and cries of pain.

He swallowed thickly. ‘But... with your help... or not... one way or the other...’ His previously clenched eyes opened as his fixed them all with a blazing glare. ‘These pups are coming out.’

As if in confirmation of that fact, there was a vaguely disgusting wet sound, and then an odd scent filled the room as something wet spread down between the hanyou’s thighs.

Kaede looked down slightly as stared at him a moment, her eye wide with surprise, before looking back up at the other’s.

‘His water has broken.’ She said softly. ~*~  


Kami - God

Otouto - Little Brother

Youki - A demon’s energy or aura

Youkai - Demon

Miko - Priestess

Hanyou - Half-Demon

Broken Water - Pregnancy term (just skip if your not interested) - When a pregnant woman says that her water broke, she is referring to her "bag of waters" — the amniotic sac. During Pregnancy this sac helps protect the fetus from being crushed by the uterus walls and getting an infection. It contains a fluid that is composed mostly of water, but it also begins to contain nutrients (such as proteins, carbohydrates, etc) after about 10 weeks to help the baby develop. When a woman goes into labour, the sac gets ruptured, causing the “forewaters” to be released, though most of the “hindwaters” will remain inside until the baby is born. ~*~  

A/N: Well there you go! Hows that for a bit of a cliffhanger? ^_^ Figured I better make up for the pointlessness of the last chapter with this one! ^_^

Hope you liked it!

Don’t be afraid to review either! ^_^