InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Nursing ( Chapter 51 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey everyone!

Sorry it’s taken me so damn long to update... but I do have an excuse! -- I’ve been fairly sick lately with a bad case of the flu, and I’ve been much to tired to actually write anything lately... Luckily enough I’m starting to get over it now (that only took a week! >_<) and I managed to crawl out here and get this chapter up for you guys.

Don’t you feel special now? ^_^

Anyway, if I’m any less coherent than normal, that’s what I’m blaming it on, so... yeah... ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, thanks. Although the names might have to wait... maybe I’m a bit confused, but I’ve heard that the Japanese sometimes wait up to a month to name their kids. Or they used to. I don’t know if that’s entirely accurate though, but... ^_^

-Snowfall - Hm, that’s a good question. How could she manage that? I have an idea about that, but it might have to wait a while before I can get the explanation in. Hopefully it’ll be a suitable enough one though... ^_^ Still, I’m glad you liked the way I did that chapter. You’re the expert not me, so if it’s gotten your approval, then I’ll just have to assume I did it right. ^_^ Thanks again for all your help with the last couple of chapters too btw-- I probably would’ve forgotten all about the placenta without your help. ^_^

-LynnGryphon - Lol, you’re very welcome, although I have to point out that that does seem to be my expertise in my stories-- writing about things other people won’t. ^_^ I know what you mean though, not a lot of people manage to actually get to the birth... it’s like they just suddenly decided to stop writing or something... can be fairly annoying, because that is no place to end the story. ^_^ -- Lol, well I haven’t had a kid either, and I don’t know if I ever will, but, considering all the stuff I had to read to try and get an accurate depiction of this in my story... well, let’s just say don’t do that before you have a baby. Some of it can be really freaky... Not to dissuade you or anything, but really... it’s like pre-exam anxiety-- you don’t need to add more to what is probably already a nervous decision. -- Lol, a lot of people are waiting to see how he reacts... not a lot of people seem to have faith in his ability to honour his promise to Inuyasha though... *sigh* hopefully I have pleased everyone with this chapter... although there will more than likely be more angsty things before I’m through with all this. Wouldn’t be my story if there wasn’t now would it? ^_^

-Tryst/Punishment of the Inu - Lol, yeah it is weird saying something like that isn’t it? Lol, well I actually don’t know if she has three father’s technically... I’ve come up with a sort of idea for this, but I’ll need more time before I have the chance to explain it properly... I don’t know how much time, but still more, so... ^_^ -- Lol, well I suppose you can always hope... I’m not gonna stop you from doing that... but really, I can’t promise that it’s going to be smooth sailing... I’ve still got a few snags left I intend to make in this particular plot before I can even think of finishing it... ^_^

-golden kitsune - Lol! Pocky for you then for guessing right. ^_^ And if you really want to know how Sesshomaru will react... well then, I suggest you read on and find out. ^_^

-Lina Inverse The Dramata - Lol! Hell in a hand basket, now that’s an interesting thing to picture... ^_^ Still, good to know you’re enjoying the story so much! Hopefully as you’ve continued it’s continued to meet your standards. Yep, there are mispelled words, and I take full credit for that. It’s my own fault because I’m to lazy to do any editing in my fics, and I don’t much like using beta’s. Lol, yep, Dominant Sess does rock! And I really do have a hard time picturing Inu as submissive without giving a good reason behind it... hopefully I’ve done that as the story continues when he shows his little acts of submission. But really, he’s never backed down to Sess in the series-- why would he now that they’re mates? ^_^ -- 4am? Wow, sounds like you’re almost as much of an insomniac as I am. ^_^ Lol jj-- seriously though, this story seems to be making a lot of people loose sleep lately... Kinda makes me feel guilty. ^_^ Anyway, you left another review, so now I’m going to respond to that! ^_^ --- Lol, it’s good to know that all my little twists can still manage to keep people interested without scaring them off completely. And that you made it past the rape. I lost a few reviewers way back when because of that. Which I find a little funny, because they can handle yaoi demon/hanyou incest, but they can’t handle a rape... it’s all fiction anyway, so I’m not entirely certain why it would effect them that much, but then again, I have a really dark and sadistic mind, so who am I to judge? ^_^ Anyway, I’m rambling when I should be talking about what you said so... Lol, you dread and anticipate my next update... yep, that sounds about right. ^_^ Most people either tend to dread it, anticipate it, or be caught right in the middle. But that’s no real surprise, considering I don’t think there is another option... Anyway (sorry, think the flu medicine is going to my head) Yep, I’m still writing this. I haven’t stopped writing since I started writing around four/five months ago, and I’m not about to now. Like I said, the only reason I’ll stop is if I am killed or have killed my computer, in either case the end result has been a death, and it’s a plausible excuse. ^_^ Anyway, hopefully this chapter has met your standards and will continue to make you dread/anticipate my updates. ^_^

-Skullz - Lol, well I’m glad that I could catch your interest even if it isn’t all that original, although that’s something I anticipated, considering this is based off of two very popular challenges. There is one difference between this one and most of the others like it though-- I’ve actually made it to the birth, and I am coming closer to finishing it. I have seen a few other versions of this, and they always stop somewhere just after Inu getting pregnent. A real shame, because those people had something going for a while... Lol, anyway, sorry if you would’ve preferred Kagome, but she’s from the future, and, in all honesty, I think she should stay here, because I don’t like her very much. ^_^ Still, hopefully you like Rin enough to keep reading on... ^_^ -- Lol, sorry I’ve completely lost my train of thought... I blame it on the medicine... anyway, no I don’t want to burn you, becuase, in all honesty, I didn’t see anything at all cruel in what you said. It’s your honest opinion, and it was done in a nice way, and it still seemed like a compliment to me, so you have left me no reason to burn you. ^_^ And thanks! Believe me, I’m probably just as surprised as you are that I ever got anybody to read this. ^_^

-FXL - Lol, I’m turning people into all kinds of insomniacs with this fic! ^_^ That can’t be good... ^_^ -- Lol, anyway, I’m glad you finally caught up! Lol, a lot of people have come up with several theories about what’s going on with the little girl pup... None of them have completely matched my original one, but they’re still interesting, and they’re tempting me to change my mind. ^_^ Lol, I suppose though, to see how Sesshomaru reacts, you’ll have to continue on and find out, neh? ^_^ Hopefully what I’ve done isn’t too terrible for people to read... ^_^

Well that’s pretty much all I’ve got to say... oh, I can’t send out any alert emails today because, once again, the email isn’t working. Hopefully I’ll get that fixed soon, but until then...   ~*~   Nursing

To say everyone was shocked would’ve been an understatement.

Shocked was so far behind them, it was nothing but a pinprick in the distance that was quickly disappearing.

No, they weren’t shocked.

Whatever they were, however, was enough to make even Sesshomaru’s mouth open slightly, and he was forced to look between the pups the humans were coddling, to the on in his mate’s arms just to make certain he wasn’t seeing things.

On the one hand, he had two silver-haired males that were, quite clearly, his own. Although one might mistake the elder on as being their father’s if not told otherwise, but that was beside the point.

On the other hand... he had a raven-haired female with dog ears that was, quite clearly, not his own.

And, the first thing his mind could come up with once it came out of it’s numb stupor was ‘How the hell did Inuyasha manage that?’

The little girl was... beautiful. At least as far as babies went anyway. Her skin was deathly pale though-- even more so than that or her two brother’s, the younger of which was making strange noises in Rin’s arms and wriggling about almost as much as he had when Sesshomaru had held him.

‘Sesshomaru.’ Inuyasha said softly, his voice a harsh whisper that strained against the former silence, drawing Sesshomaru’s dark, cold gaze toward him.

Inuyasha swallowed heavily under the weight of that gaze.

They had... agreed what would happen if something like this came around... but... he didn’t think either of them truly believed that it would have... And inside him, his youki was in a frenzy, caught between getting rid of this thing that it perceived could be a potential threat to it’s offspring, and destroying this abomination that was clearly a stain on his mate’s name and a disgrace to himself as well, shrilling angrily about how he had bourn another demon’s child...

And Inuyasha didn’t know what to do... he could feel Sesshomaru’s youki pulsating, clearly caught in a battle similar to his own... and it grew stronger with ever pulse, making him shiver and want to pull away.

The human side of him forced him to shield the child in his arms slightly from the youkai in front of him, and he pressed back slightly into the pillows behind his head.

And perhaps things would have gotten very out of control and awkward indeed if, at that moment, Rin hadn’t let out a small, startled cry of pain.

Gazes shifted toward the girl, and with them went their owners attention as they stared at the ningen, who was cradling the pup slightly away from her body with one arm, the other pressing against her breast, a rather furious blush staining her cheeks.

‘H-he bit me!’ She said softly, shock clearly written in her face and on her voice as the child continued to worm about in her grip, small angry whines tearing free from his throat.

‘He’s hungry.’ Kaede said, observing the pup with one eyebrow raised. ‘He wishes to eat.’

Sesshomaru cocked an eyebrow, while both of Inuyasha’s own shot straight up and all but disappeared into his hair. ‘And what do you propose we feel him?’ The full Inuyoukai inquired, scepticism clear in his voice. ‘Inuyasha clearly has no breasts for him to nurse from.’

‘Yeah, I can’t exactly... do that.’ Inuyasha said, gesturing over at Rin, his own blush rising up on his face as hers flames and brightened another notch.

Takehiko barely held back a small laugh at their antics and shook her head.

‘No one expects you to, Inuyasha.’ The old healer said. ‘I would expect Sesshomaru to know something like this, since he is a demon, but perhaps he would not remember.’ She looked at Sesshomaru, who fixed with a cold glare of sorts, and then back at the hanyou. ‘Inuyasha, demons do not have the same eating patterns as humans, or even half-demons. Your pups will likely feed the same way normal demons do. Off of blood.’

Inuyasha’s eyes widened comically as he looked up at the healer and the miko in blatant disbelief.

His mouth opened and closed several times as he did his best impression of a landed fish-- trying to think of some sort of response he could give to that.

After all, how was he supposed to respond after learning his newborn pups were little vampires in the making?

A loud, and rather high-pitched sort of noise reached Inuyasha’s ears, making them twitch slightly in response, which he supposed was supposed to be a growl, and his wide eyes swivelled over toward the pup now squirming wildly and making it quite the challenge for Rin to hold onto him.

‘I think you better feed him, Inuyasha.’ Takehiko said, amusement plain in her voice and eyes. ‘He sounds like he might carry out that threat.’

Inuyasha stared blankly at her a moment, and then his ears pressed back as his eyebrows drew up at the centre. ‘B-but I... don’t know... how...’ He said, gesturing around helplessly. Or as much as he could with the little girl still cradled safely in his arms.

‘You may not.’ Takehiko said with a small nod of acknowledgement as she reached out to take the fretting male from Rin. ‘He does. Let him figure it out.’ That said, she moved to stand next to the bed and held the wailing boy out to Inuyasha.

The hanyou looked at the pup being offered to him, to the one in his arms several times, before giving a small nod, as if deciding something, and holding the small female out toward Sesshomaru.

There was a pause in which nothing happened, and then Inuyasha narrowed his eyes slightly.

‘Hold your daughter, Sesshomaru.’ He said quietly, his voice steady, but with an underlaying tone of venom-- the same sort of which was sparking just beneath the surface of his eyes. A blatant challenge. Inuyasha was silently daring Sesshomaru not to take the pup. Daring him to live up to his word...

And, as had happened before during the rape, Sesshomaru could practically see Inuyasha’s world crumbling down in his eyes as he hesitated a moment more to take the creature held out to him.

And he realised suddenly that, as much as it would hurt them both, Inuyasha would defend and go away with the pups if Sesshomaru so much as thought to cast them out or harm even one of them.

Not that he really was, but part of his youki was horrified and in a snarling rage that he would keep alive another man’s pup-- a pup that had been forced unwanted upon his mate in the most brutal of ways, and that his mate was now daring him to turn away.

Pushing that side of his demon away, Sesshomaru reached out, slowly, deliberately, his eyes never leaving those of his mate as his long claws came up to wrap around the small pup and steal her away from his mate.

The look that flickered across Inuyasha’s face was one so full of relief it was almost staggering to see, as Sesshomaru held the small girl in his arms much the same way he had with the two males, leaving Inuyasha free to finally take the bawling and growling pup Takehiko was still holding.

‘Shit!’ Inuyasha mumbled as the male slashed his tiny claws in the general direction of the hanyou’s hands that were holding him captive, and glaring up at the tiny pup. ‘He’s grumpier than you are, Sesshomaru!’

The youkai fixed Inuyasha with a cold look as the small female snuggled back into his arms, one of her tiny claws coming up to tangle in the fur of the pelt he carried on his shoulder. ‘You will refrain from using that language in front of the pups, Inuyasha.’ He said firmly, his eyes as cold as steel, and immediately everyone felt some of the previous tension slip away from the room as the two brother’s began to add more paternal notes to themselves.

‘It would seem things are back to normal.’ Takehiko said softly to Rin, who nodded. ‘Whatever normal is around here.’ She murmured back, holding down a giggle as she watched Inuyasha raise his eyebrows at his brother.

The hanyou opened his mouth to reply to his mate, but all that ended up coming out was a small yelp (more of surprise than pain) and his eyes widening immensely as he glanced down at the pup he was holding.

The male had, seemingly tired of waiting for it’s “mother” to figure things out, latched firmly onto one of Inuyasha’s nipples, his tiny fangs digging firmly into the aereola as he proceeded to suck up the blood welling there, his small tongue lapping happily at the crimson liquid, while one of his claws dug firmly into Inuyasha’s chest, as though trying to make certain he wouldn’t pull away.

Silence fell over the room as everybody watched the pup “nursing” from Inuyasha, each with a different expression on their face.

Takehiko seemed rather pleased with this development-- as though she had been waiting for this to happen all along, and couldn’t quite understand why it had taken so long for it to happen in the first place.

Yuko was smiling excitedly, and all but bouncing where she stood-- making the pup she still held twist his tiny face up in open displeasure as he tried to get the idiotic human to remain still so he could resume sleeping.

Rin looked caught between imitating Yuko and nervous uncertainty, while Kaede was simply watching passively and Sesshomaru... well, the only expression Inuyasha could describe that was currently on his face would have to be awe... which was really quite the site to see, and if he wasn’t busy watching his pup with a similar expression, he probably would have gaped openly at Sesshomaru for that.

The moment of silence and calmness as everybody watched the pup was broken by a loud knock of sorts, causing everyone in the room to jump slightly, before a look of surprise crossed Takehiko’s ancient features and she quickly moved over to slide the door open and allow a rather anxious looking Izayoi and slightly exhausted Inu Taisho inside.

It was highly likely that the dog demon had to physically restrain his frantic wife repeatedly from bursting in on her son , so it was no wonder he looked slightly strained... Still, Inuyasha couldn’t help but offer him a thankful sort of smile... he really didn’t want to have had to deal with his mother when he was giving birth...

‘Inuyasha, are you alright, we were so worried, but Takehiko said we could not come in--’ His mother began as she rushed over to his side, only to stop halfway as she caught the sight of blood.

His blood.


On the sheets, on the towels, on the clothes, on nearly every female in the room... on her son’s body.

Izayoi stopped, taking a deep breath and forcing herself to remember how it had been during Inuyasha’s own birth, her eyes moving instead to focus on the child in her son’s arms.

Izayoi stared at the tiny, silver-haired pup for a moment in awe as it continued to greedily suckle at her son’s chest, before she seemed to stiffen slightly, and then turned to examine everyone else in the room, her eyes lingering for long moments on Yuko and Sesshomaru and the pups in their arms.

Inuyasha looked up at his parents a moment, wincing slightly as his youngest son withdrew his sharp little fangs, yawning widely and contentedly as he began to fall asleep in his father’s arms, and then offering his parents a soft sort of half-smile.

‘Mother. Father.’ He said slowly, drawing the pup away from his abused chest that was working as fast as it could to heal over the punctures his son had made. ‘Come say hello to your grandchildren.’ ~*~  


Youki - A Demon’s Demonic Energy

Youkai - Demon

Ningen - Human

Hanyou - Half-Demon

Miko - Priestess

Inuyoukai - Dog-Demon (I can’t actually remember if I used this word in here, but just to be on the safe side...) ~*~  

A/N: Well that’s it for now.

It’s a beautiful day outside though, and I’ve been locked up for the past week, so I think I might go and get some fresh air now...

