InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Plans ( Chapter 52 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

-Skullz - Lol, well I’m glad you enjoyed it. Sorry if my little rants are bothering you-- I usually only try to rant outside the reviewers with something related to the story. And I usually fail miserably. However, inside the reviewers I just respond to what they say. I’m sorry but I’m not gonna stop responding like this, becuase a) I think if the reviewers took enough time to respond to me, I should take enough time to respond to them, and b) it helps me to better interact with them, and that in turn helps me get into a better frame of mind for writing the story. Gomen though if it bothers you. If you want, I can stop responding to you...

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - Oops! >_< Well, once again my laziness in editing has messed with the story. *sighs* Man, one of these days, I swear I’m gonna start proof-reading these chapters... Maybe... Well, probably not, but we can always hope, neh? ^_^ -- Lol, I’m glad you enjoyed it. And I came up with that theory too a while back, but like you I remembered that I was putting a spider mark on the little girl, so for now I’m sticking with my own basic theory, which I haven’t explained to anyone yet. Hopefully it will work out though. ^_^

-Tryst/Punishment of the Inu - Lol, you don’t have anything to worry about. You’re doing a fine job with all of your stories. And thanks for the recommendation-- I’ll be sure and try that out! (I haven’t actually considered chilli before, but it does make sense, and I’ve got nothing to loose (except what’s left of the cold) so why not? ^_^)

-golden kitsune - Lol, well it’s only virtual pocky, but hopefully it still works. ^_^ -- What will happen next? Lol, well, read on and find out for what’s going to be happening for now, but for later... I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, neh? ^_^ -- And BTW, Tenterhooks are, technically, a hooked kind of nail that are used in tenters to hang and stretch drying cloths. What you used though was an expression that means in a state of anxiety, suspense or some other emotion like that. Hope that helps. ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, thanks again! ^_^

-FXL - Lol, well I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m glad I didn’t make Sess go crazy either, cause that would have basically ruined the plot of the story... Or it would have made for an interesting twist... I can see it now, Sess going nuts, and Inuyasha taking his pups and running away, maybe staggering through a forest or something... and Naraku finds him... maybe he agrees to go with him, or maybe he’s just kidnapped... and then later Sesshomaru realises his mistake and goes out to find his mate, only to learn that Naraku’s gotten hold of him. Huh, that actually would have made for a fairly good plot. Makes me almost wish I had gone that way instead. ^_^ Lol, it’s good to know that you haven’t forgotten about Naraku-- it’s been probably more than 10 chapters since he’s made an apperance, and I don’t know if many people remember he’s still a risk at large. Hopefully this chapter will help answer a few of your questions though. ^_^ And don’t worry about getting ahead of yourself-- I do it all the time. It’s an interesting idea, and one I’ll definitely have to consider... ^_^ -- Lol, yeah I do need to name the pups sometime soon don’t I? Although, I have heard a rumour that, in japanese culture, they sometimes wait a month to name their children. I’m not certain if this is entirely accurate, but it’s still something to consider... -- And yep, the pups drink blood. I realised a little while ago that they probably wouldn’t be drinking milk because... well, basically because of Sesshomaru’s comments to Rin that he “doesn’t eat human food.” And it got me thinking, what would a demon, who doesn’t eat anything related to humans, drink as a baby? It’d have to be something that they could produce and it’d have to be plausible. I actually learned that demons are originally supposed to eat humans as food, but that didn’t really seem like something I wanted to do here, so I went with blood. ^_^ -- And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about Kagura. It’s just a bit hard to focus on her since I’ve unwittingly made her an offhand character. Hopefully I’ll find some way to fix this all in before the end-- although, there is an awful lot of chaos about to take place, I’m sure.... so it may have to wait a while yet... ^_^

-maelia8 - Four hours? Wow! That’s quite the undertaking! I think I’m gonna have to start putting up a warning at the start of the story or something so that people will remember to take breaks in between the chapters. I’m turning everyone into an insomniac! ^_^ -- Oh really? Huh. I mean, I have seen a few stories where it’s unbelievable as well, but I’ve also seen several where it’s done very believably. Or maybe that’s just the hentai part of my mind talking. Still, I’m glad that I managed to make this story, not only believable, but good enough to catch and hold your interest. I was actually a little worried about the character development, since in the series it is... well, minute for lack of a better word. Which is fine, but it does tend to make people clingy to the way they want their characters to act, and I seemed to have added changes to them over the course of this story that some people wouldn’t like. Still, if I could make it believable, as you say, and make it work, than I am more than pleased with how it’s worked out. ^_^ -- Lol, I was actually a little confused myself as to whether this was an AU or not. Then I decided that I didn’t really care. It’s a story, and it’s turning out this way with these characters like this. I’ll leave it up to everyone else to decide what category it belongs in. Just as long as people are enjoying it, that’s all I care about. ^_^ And no, I don’t think Kagome is ever going to make an appearance. In this story, I have tried to simply take characters from the series, and make minor adjustments to them (Kagura and Rin being Naraku’s sisters instead of an incarnate and an orphan, Shippo being related to Yuko, Kouga starting to fall in love with Rin...) but taking Kagome from the future and putting her in the past seemed like a fairly big change to me. Especially since if I did that I’d then have to have made her Naraku’s other sister, instead of Rin, since that’s what the challenge called for. Since I don’t really like that for this story, I didn’t do it. And I don’t think she will make an appearance in here. Gomen if you wanted her too, but... -- Lol, a gender-bender fic, huh? Lol, I’ve never actually written one of those yet. I’ll have to consider doing that sometime though... this one though, I don’t think he’s going to turn female. Lol, maybe it is a little crazy, but most gender-bender fics are... ^_^ Lol, I actually am reading a story where someone got turned female in springs somehow-- it’s called Female Hanyou Inu by Tryst/Punishment of the Inu, and it’s got some pretty major gender-bending in it. ^_^ -- And again, I suppose you’re right, that would ruin some of my serious chapters... or just make it that much harder to cope with for them. Let’s face it, an Inuhanyou mating with his brother, getting groped by everyone else because he’s in heat, having a little ningen girl come onto him, then getting raped by her brother, and ending up bearing pups, one of which seems to be his rapists... all while randomly turning female throughout the plot. It would definitely effect the story I think. -- And don’t worry about suggesting things like this. I love hearing any and all ideas and views for this story. Feel free to say suggest whatever you like. ^_^ I’m not saying I’ll use it, but I still like hearing it. ^_^ -- And maybe you should write a fic. It can be very relaxing and thrilling cause you get to have so much fun manipulating the characters. ^_^ It’s great to torture them and mess with their minds! ^_^ -- Lol, I don’t know if I agree with you about Sesshomaru though. I’ve never been able to really picture either one of them as being gay seriously, only in the fic aspect. But then again, I’ve never mistaken Sesshomaru as a girl either, and apparently quite a few other people have, so that might not be saying very much. ^_^ Lol, but I could never picture Sess as the beta. Which is kinda weird, considering I probably should have a scene like that somewhere in this story... I’ll have to finds some way to make that believable though and fit in with the plot... -- And I’ve never seen Rin or Kouga before either. It was actually a kind of accidental relationship-- I just decided that Rin should end up with someone, and when I realised I had already made her spend some time with Kouga, I just couldn’t help but jump at the chance of pairing them up. Lol, and I haven’t forgotten about Kagura... But, unless you mean his ancestor, then I don’t think I can pair her up with Hojo. Again, it’s the whole past-future issue. -- Lol, sorry about Shippo being a bit of a let down for you. I don’t know how mcuh time I’ll have to further develop him, but hopefully I won’t let you down. I think we’re just about to enter the full-on chaos mode that usually comes just before the story is about at it’s end, so it might end up not working out... I seriously hope it does though, I’d hate to disappoint. -- Lol, I’m glad you like the pups. And yep, Inuyasha with two old ladies fussing around him is definitely a sight worth seeing and remembering. Yes, I do need to give them names soon don’t I? Unfortunately, it’s not gonna happen in this chapter. In this chapter I’m paying more attention to a character I’ve been neglecting for the past ten or so... Hopefully I can still make him believable after all this time, neh? ^_^ -- Lol, wow, is this a rant or what? Lol, sorry about the long length, I just try and answer every aspect of every review, and I seem to get more than a little carried away...

-ponygirl2112 - Lol, well then I suppose that would’ve worked as well, wouldn’t it’ve? But I imagine that would take time, and that pup was hungry NOW. ^_^ Lol, but actually, the reason behind the blood wasn’t entirely because Inuyasha was a male. It was also because of that comment Sesshomaru made to Rin “I don’t eat human food.” Now, maybe it was a little extreme, but it got me to thinking about what a demon pup actually would eat as a child... and this is what my twisted little mind came up with. ^_^

-Caitriona695 - Lol, I’m sorry if this is a little bit... well, creepy to imagine. Believe me, I did entertain the idea of them drinking milk from Inu for quite some time, but in the end it all came down to one particular aspect that I remember from the series-- the comment Sesshomaru made to Rin. “Your energy is wasted, I don’t eat human food.” Or whatever he said. And then I learned that, according to original Japanese ideas about them, demons actually ate humans. Now, since I didn’t really like that idea very much for any of them, I just opted for a slightly less dark, but hopefully believable route to take with them. Lol, but don’t worry, I’m actually thinking Sesshomaru probably will be able to help. It makes no sense that he wouldn’t be able to after all, so hopefully they won’t end up mummifying Inuyasha before he has the ability to replenish his blood. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, believe me, I let out a sigh of relief too when I was writing that chapter, because for a moment I think I almost did have him reject the girl, and that would have totally messed with the story line... It would have made for an interesting twist though, to be sure. ^_^ -- Yep, now comes the issue with Naraku. It’s good to know you haven’t forgotten about him despite my obvious neglect of his character... ^_^ -- And thanks to you for reading! ^_^

Okay, that’s enough from me, on with the story now...   ~*~   Plans

Naraku watched the entire birthing process with something akin to indifferent disdain on his face. If such a thing even existed, that is.

He watched as the first two pups-- the males-- came out of his victim, and then the female being cut out of the hanyou.

And he watched as Inuyasha groomed his children, cleaned them, inspected them, and then passed them onto his mate for further examination, before they were then handed over to the two ningen wenches for coddling.

He felt his lips curl slightly at the last.

However, when Inuyasha remained on all fours (quite the enticing position that woke memories and desires within the kumohanyou despite his efforts to remain unaffected), hovering over the last of the pups for a much longer time than necessary, Naraku felt himself sit up a little straighter, and gaze a little harder into Kanna’s mirror.

He gazed keenly down into the reflection before him, his crimson eyes glittering faintly as he watched the silver-haired inu slowly rise and turn to face the others.

And he froze.

Because the pup in the hanyou’s arms... was very clearly not Sesshomaru’s.

She had the puppy ears of her Inuhanyou father, but her hair was midnight black, and she bore the same birth marking that he had Kagura did.

Albeit, the mark was much smaller and darker-- with a design that made it look more like an actual birth-mark rather than a scar-- and it was placed just beneath the girl’s collarbone instead of on her back, but it was still the same sort of mark, and very clearly indicated spider blood in her veins.

Which meant...

Naraku was caught between smirking and scowling as he realised exactly what that meant, and so opted to do neither, instead simply staring at the small child the hanyou was now trying to pass off to his mate.

His child.

The puppy-eared, pale skinned, dark-haired, birth-marked, female he had just watched being cut out of the one he had raped all those weeks ago...

He had sired that pup.

Naraku’s face darkened slightly as he brooded over this a moment, before rising from his seat and moving over toward the door.

He could not let that little fact get in the way.

He would have no emotional ties brought into this.

Emotions were weak and he had no tolerance for them.

Despite the fact that things were not going the way he had planned... not entirely anyway, and he didn’t much care for that.

He had been preparing for either Sesshomaru’s pups or his pups. One or the other. Not both. And he most certainly had not anticipated the one pup he had in the litter to be a female. Females were not the sort of warriors he had been hoping for from the union. He already had three sisters, though one was seemingly trapped in an eternal sort of child-like state and was hardly suitable for anything other than sucking people’s souls out. But he most certainly did not need another female, since almost the only thing he could use them for was temptresses.

Still... as he had thought before, any pups sired from their union would undoubted by strong... stronger than the two bitches who were currently under his reign... he might be able to put the girl to use if he could train her. Maybe he could even make her become a warrior. Kagura had the abilities to fight after all, even if she was a demon. This girl could very easily learn it as well, and perhaps he could teach her...

Naraku smirked at the thought as he began walking quickly down the many winding hallways that made up his castle, the air thick with the traces of the miasma that loomed in the sky outside it‘s walls.

Yes... he just needed some time... things could still work out to his advantage.

All he needed to do was go and retrieve the pup and his future “mate” and then slaughter the rest of them.

Or maybe he would take the two males as his own as well and train them to fight.

Of course, there was always the risk present that they would try and over throw him in the future and take his lands back as their own... but he would burn that bridge when he came to it.

For now... he had a trip to the western lands to look forward to... he just needed a little time to make some changes in the... arrangements he had set up before. And then he would go back there. And he would take what he had claimed as his... ~*~  


Hanyou - Half-Demon

Ningen - Human

Kumohanyou - Well, I guess technically this would translate into Spider half-demon. I suppose hanyoukumo would really make more sense, when you think about it....

Inu - Dog

Inuhanyou - Dog Half-Demon... again, half-demon dog would probably make more sense, but...