InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Actually Upset ( Chapter 53 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Konnichiwa everyone!

I realised the last chapter was probably very short, and probably not everything everyone was expecting, so I pounded my brains out last night, and managed to get another chapter out, although it didn’t really come out the way I was planning. I was going to have the naming of the pups done in this chapter, but it had already gotten fairly long, and I just wasn’t up to the task last night. Still got the flu and all, and the medicine makes me really tired so...

-Tryst/Punishment of the Inu - Lol, Naraku’s making a nuisance of himself again. And you’re right, when Sesshomaru gets a hold of him... well it probably won’t be pretty. ^_^ Sounga and Demon Inuyasha. Well, those are both ideas that are, quite frequently, running through my mind (I’m an Inu 3rd movie obsessor too) but I don’t know if I’ll actually do that. It would be interesting to say the least. ^_^ -- Lol, and don’t worry, I won’t tell your beta. He really probably should tear Naraku’s throat out. Especially after all the bastard has put him through. ^_^

-golden kitsune - Lol, well then more virtual pocky for you! ^_^ And you’re welcome. I actually don’t know all that much about why they came up with the phrase “On tenterhooks” I would imagine it has something to do with the whole material on tenters things I talked about, but I don’t know. People make weird connections like that. Like the phrase “shotgun.” It’s certainly and understandable connection, but it’s not exactly one you’d expect to be carried on. Lol, and once again I am rambling 0once again... I wonder if I can get that fixed somehow... ^_^

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - Oh... Well I’m sorry if the chapter’s length disappointed you. But I’m not about the reviews though... It’s just something that I think should be done. If someone takes enough time to review my story, then I want to take just as much time out to respond to them. And, while emailing may work for some people, I doubt that I’d be able to cope with that. I’d likely get everybody’s emails mixed up. And emails usually go to junk before they’re put on a safe list anyway, so no one would know I was responding to them. Besides, a lot of these people are anonymous, so I can’t get they’re emails, and the ones I can get may not want me to email them. This is simply the easiest, most efficient, least confusing, most appropriate manner to respond to people, so I’m afraid that I’m gonna have to keep doing it. If you want, I can stop responding to you though... but I won’t stop with the other people unless they ask me to. Gomen.

-maelia8 - Lol, well, as I’ve said before, if you’re gonna take the time out of your life to respond to each of my chapters, why wouldn’t I take the time to respond to your reviews? Although, some people seem to find it annoying, it’s good to know that other’s appreciate it. ^_^ Lol, although if you‘re thinking about doing that for any of your fics, I probably should warn you that-- especially if you ramble as much as I do-- it can take a loooooong time. Not that I‘m complaining. ^_^--Lol, yep, that’s mostly what chapter 51 was for-- just wrapping up some loose ends and things like that in Naraku’s mind. It’s good to know that it accomplished it’s mission. ^_^ -- You’ve got a fic up? How cool! It’s always great to see fresh work! ^_^ But if you don’t want me to read it, I won’t... Hm. English essay paragraph formating, huh? Well, I think I know what you’re talking about, although I’m not entirely certain, so I’m not sure how much help I can really be. Although, I can say that, in fanfics, when you have a new speaker talking, most people tend to make the beginning of their sentence into a new paragraph. Other than that, I’m not really certain what to tell you. I might be able to say more if I looked at your fic, but I can’t actually garuntee that. I’m hardly a beta, and when it comes to offering up advice about writing... well, I suck. And I usually just end up confusing people. >_< Hopefully I’ve made at least some sense to you though. ^_^ -- Lol, and don’t worry about wandering off topic- I do it all the time. ^_^ And I don’t mind when other people do it. Feel free to talk about anything you want, I don’t care. ^_^ -- Lol, you’re right, it is highly unlikely that he would be able to get his claws into Inuyasha and the pups again with Sesshomaru on guard. Unlikely, but not impossible. And, considering that Inuyasha and Sesshomaru probably haven’t realised that he’ll come back for the pups and Inuyasha yet, or that he would even think of something so seemingly crazy, that would definitely give him an advantage over them. And you’re more than welcome for the vocabulary at the end of the chapters. I have the same sort of problem when I’m reading a fic, and I’m just like, okay, what the hell is that supposed to mean? I figure, if I’m gonna use Japanese words, then it’s my responsibility to not just assume people will know what they mean, and actually let them know so they don’t have to run around and figure it out. And here’s a little tip for he future-- use an online dictionary. They’re not always 100% accurate, but they’re usually more effecient and convenient than a regular jap-english dictionary (which aren’t always 100% accurate either). Lol, but I agree, Japanese would probably be a useful language to learn. Unfortunately, no, I don’t speak/read/write any language other than English fluently. Although I’ve heard that, after you learn a second language, it’s easy to learn a whole bunch of others. All I speak are little bits and pieces of lots of other languages. Nothing that would help me at all really. I just don’t have the patience for it. I’ve looked up books and things like that about learning another language (since they’re aren’t any jap classes for me to take currently) but really, with the drones they have that made these things, it’s quite easy to loose interest. I think the only way I’d ever learn is if I actually moved out to Japan for a while. ^_^ And nope, you’re questions don’t bother me, and I don’t mind answering them. If I did, believe me, I wouldn’t answer them. ^_^ -- Lol, well tell LadyOrange I said “Konnichiwa” too, and that the next chapter for chained should be up relatively soon. And I’m sorry that this fic is yaoi-- I’d take it out, but then the plot would kinda be... well, not there. ^_^

-Tai-san - Hey! I’m glad you like this fic so much! ^_^ Can’t believe how many people I’m turning into insomniac’s though... ^_^ Lol, believe you me, I was a little disturbed about the Mpreg thing too, but I’ve done pretty much everything else, so I had to give that a shot too. ^_^ -- And of course the little girl has a chance at not being evil. How big a chance that is depends on how sadistic I feel while writing out the rest of the story. ^_^

Okay, okay, I’m done rambling for now, time to give you guys the chapter I guess. ^_^   ~*~   Actually Upset

Inuyasha sighed and leaned back against the sturdy trunk of the tree behind him, revelling the warm feel of the breeze rushing up to caress the flesh of his skin, bringing with it the promise that autumn would soon be coming to an end.

He frowned slightly as he felt feeling start to drain from his fingers, and slowly pulled them away from the greedy little male’s mouth.

‘That’s enough for you.’ He said reprimandingly. ‘If my hands fall off because you won’t stop eating, how the hell do you expect me to look after you?’

The small male pup whined and squirmed in his arms, and Inuyasha sighed against, before leaning forward and setting the boy down between his spread legs to rest next to his elder brother.

‘I don’t know how you guys can eat so much anyways.’ He complained, slowly flexing his hand to try and coax life back into it.

It had been nearly two weeks since the pups had been born, and they had come across several problems along the way since then.

The first of which was feeding.

The two males tended to get very hungry very frequently, and the younger one would squall like there was no tomorrow if he wasn’t fed as soon as he demanded it.

Now, if that wasn’t annoying enough, the little pups had developed very sharp fangs over the passing fortnight, and it was very nearly enough to tear Inuyasha’s nipples off whenever they “nursed.”

Luckily enough, Yuko had come up with a rather brilliant idea to feed them through his fingers, since they were a similar sort of size and shape. The idea definitely worked better for him, although it did bring rise to some worries in his mother that this might teach them to bite later on.

Another good thing about this was that they discovered that the pups really didn’t give a shit about who was feeding them, just as long as it was blood that (preferably) had demonic powers in it. This meant, of course, that Sesshomaru could feed the whelps as well, and they could switch off from time to time if Inuyasha became too tired. Or started to suffer from blood loss.

The female, however, who was born without fangs (although they were quite obviously coming in now), was an entirely differently story, and she quite adamantly refused to drink any of the blood they tried to offer her.

Because of this very aniti-vampirific trait in his daughter, Inuyasha had felt several resulting moments of panic, not knowing what to do to get the pup to eat, and worried that he was going end up starving her to death. Sesshomaru had worked hard to calm him down, but it had been more than a little difficult considering the youkai was more than a little worried about this himself, and it was just one of those situations where Inuyasha really didn’t want to be calmed down. He wanted a solution.

And they had found one soon enough when Takehiko had moved to find someone in the castle that she liked to call a “nurse-maid” who, after so recently giving birth herself, was able to produce enough milk to satisfy the picky female pup.

That was where his only daughter was right now-- off getting fed by someone.

Not that he minded.

Two of the pups alone he could... sometimes handle.

But when the three of them got together, it was like one, big, chaotic conspiracy against him.

The girl didn’t actually do much since she wasn’t developing nearly as fast as her brother’s, but, when called upon to do so, she played the roll of decoy quite well, allowing the boys to get into all kinds of trouble.

What’s more, the pups’ seemed uninclined to sleep away from them-- even if they were in the same room-- and would put up on awful fuss about it if they were forced to.

As a result, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru hadn’t managed to spend much time alone together, and the sexual tension between them was beginning to rise again... being so near to what they desired, and yet knowing it was still beyond their reach.

On the rare nights he did manage to actually sleep next to his mate, one of the pups would always find some way to curl up on his chest-- pinning him to the bed-- while the other two worked their way to snuggle up between them again... and more often then not when they put this plan into action, Inuyasha would not wake up in time to find a more... appropriate place for one of them to go to the bathroom.

And, while those clothes the pups wore were all well and good, having to wake up with someone pissing on you first thing in the morning (or at anytime for that matter) was not a very pleasant experience at all.

The smell of blood and the sound of small, pathetic growling invaded his senses, and Inuyasha frowned slightly and then looked down at his two sons.

The younger of them, whom he had just finished feeding, was, apparently, not satisfied that he had declared the meal over, and had rolled enough to place a rather ill-aimed bite on his brother’s arm, letting out more of his tiny “growls” all the while.

The older one seemed surprisingly unphased that someone was currently trying to chew his arm off, and simply squirmed around until he got in the proper position to kick the annoyance sharply in the stomach as though his brother was nothing more than an annoying mosquito, causing his small arm to be released with a small sort of yip, and then a loud shriek to fill the surrounding area that made Inuyasha’s ears pin back against his head.

‘Stop it!’ He growled out at the male, only earning him louder squalling as the other pup merely rolled over to bury his head against the crook of Inuyasha’s knee (perhaps in an attempt to block out the noise) and went back to sleep.

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes, and picked up the crying pup, staring sceptically at him for a minute.

‘Well, what do you want me to do about it?’ He demanded. ‘Fair is fair. You were the one chewing a hole in his arm. Don’t go picking fights you can’t win, stupid.’ He said.

Not surprisingly, this did little to appease his crying son.

Sighing, Inuyasha lowered him down into his arms and slowly began rocking him back and forth, instantly helping to soothe the boy, causing him to whimper happily in his hanyou father’s arms, his large golden eyes fixing on Inuyasha’s ears, which had perked up again on his head.

The boy had proven many times that he had an interest in the strange appendages (usually by gnawing on them when Inuyasha was asleep) and would fixate himself on them whenever he got the chance. Strangely enough, this fixation of the pup’s only sometimes transferred to his sister’s own puppy-like ears, but when it did, you could be certain that all hell broke loose.

Inuyasha shook his head, causing the child’s head to tilt slightly to the side as his eyes moved to Inuyasha’s face, and the hanyou couldn’t help but soften his expression slightly.

He wasn’t sure what the normal rate for pup’s opening their eyes was, but it had only been very recently that his two son’s had actually allowed their hidden orbs to break through the veils of skin and peer at the world around them. And, as was expected, they had both developed their fathers’ golden colour, although it was a slightly darker shade in the younger one-- closer to Inuyasha’s colour-- whereas the older one had a slightly more yellow colour that Sesshomaru had.

Strangely enough, the girl had actually opened her eyes in nearly half the time of her brother’s, which, Inuyasha supposed, was something to be attributed to the human blood flowing through her veins. Still, it had been quite the site to see because... well, she had such strange and unique eyes.

For the most part, especially during the day, her eyes were a soft sort of crimson colour-- deeper than Kagura’s, but not so dark as Naraku’s-- but at night, when the moon would reflect off of them, they seemed to flash to silver.

It was... strange, to say the least, but Inuyasha wasn’t about to say anything about it.

Inuyasha shook his head again, drawing himself back to reality as he frowned down at his son.

‘Y’know, I don’t think you were actually upset.’ He said in mock-suspicion, causing the pup to squirm softly at the sound of his voice.

‘You hear that little one? Not even a month old, and already your brother’s being made out to be a liar.’ A voice from somewhere off to the side caused Inuyasha to glance up sharply, surprised that he hadn’t sensed anyone coming, and see Rin standing there, cradling his third pup close to her chest.

The ningen smiled softly down at him. ‘She just finished eating.’ The human said as the pup in her arms began to wriggle around in a blatant effort to get toward the familiar scent that belonged to her hanyou father, though Rin clearly did not get the message, and continued to hold her as she moved to finish what she was saying. Which, by the laws of everything involving babies, was quite the big mistake. ‘She’s full now, so she should be--’

The small pup, whose face had scrunched up in displeasure at the continued denial of what she wanted, now darkened her features even further, not giving Rin the chance to finish as she began to wail at the top of her lungs.

‘--happy...?’ Rin said softly, barely audible over the sudden roaring of the small pup she was holding as her eyes widened in confusion and she looked down at the female, wondering what had caused her sudden and inexplicable outburst.

Inuyasha winced visibly and pressed his ears back as he braced himself for the explosion.

Sure enough, the next second the chain reaction began as the male in Inuyasha’s arms scrunched up his face as well and began to let out his own chorus of wails, earning them disapproving “growls” from the eldest pup, who, though he continued to try and sleep, seemed to be getting closer and closer to joining in on the screaming match his siblings had started.

‘For fuck’s sake!’ Inuyasha all but yelled, his ears beginning to ring harshly.

He attempted to reach out and take the pup from Rin, hoping that he would be able to settle her down if he could just hold her, and then maybe work on his other pups, but this only made the pup in his own arms yell all the louder.

Just when Inuyasha was about to go insane from the amount of pain all this noise was causing his sensitive ears, a deep, threatening growl resonated around the area, rumbling somewhere just behind Inuyasha, so close that it caused the hanyou to jump slightly.

And he could practically feel that sound echoing and rising inside his own chest as the little girl in Rin’s arms instantly quieted, and the boy lying on the ground let his eyes fly wide in what Inuyasha could only assume was surprise.

The male in Inuyasha’s arms however, while toning down a good deal, still needed a bit more convincing before he would be coaxed into silence again.

Inuyasha sighed in relief, and then looked up to lock eyes with his would-be saviour.

Sesshomaru stared coolly back at him a moment, one eyebrow raised at his mate, before moving over and retrieving their daughter from Rin, causing the pup to stare up at him in what Inuyasha could only describe as awe, her already large eyes going even wider, and he couldn’t help but smile vaguely at that.

For some reason, the girl seemed to have developed a strange fascination and attachment to Sesshomaru over her short life-span, something that amused and confused Inuyasha to no end, considering the girl didn’t technically have any sort of blood-bond or anything with his brother. Not that he was complaining-- far from it in fact-- he just found it odd.

Shaking his head slightly, Inuyasha sighed softly and looked between his three suddenly silent children.

‘You’ve got to teach me how to do that sometime.’ He muttered.

Sesshomaru arched his brow again at his brother. ‘I don’t see how that would help. You certainly never listened to it.’ The Inuyoukai said simply, before moving to take a seat on the ground next to Inuyasha.

Instantly the pup Inuyasha was holding tried to squirm from his grip and into Sesshomaru’s, earning him a growl from both parents that caused tiny eyes to widen as he suddenly fell silent.

The female tried to put her ears back at the noise, but, considering that they were still too large for her to really control, she mostly just ended up flopping them backwards slightly as she continued to gaze up at Sesshomaru with that same sort of fascination as before.

Inuyasha sighed deeply and leaned back into the tree, his eyes closed shut against the world around him.

He felt Sesshomaru’s free arm come up t wrap around his shoulder, and he nuzzled into the touch, burying his face against his brother’s shoulder in a vain attempt to hide from the rest of the world for just a little while. And for a moment the two siblings were allowed this peace.

Then Rin, in all her ningen glory, decided that talking again would be a good idea.

‘So... have you two thought about what you’re going to name the pups yet?’ She asked, causing Inuyasha to mentally groan, before cracking open an eye to glare at her.

‘We were going to.’ He said slowly. ‘But Takehiko went and stuck her nose in again.’ His face darkened. ‘The old hag said we had to wait for at least a month or something before giving them names.’

Sesshomaru frowned slightly as he looked down in disapproval at his mate. ‘It is tradition.’ He said slowly, but this only caused his hanyou brother to snort.

‘So is having the father name the baby, but you can see the kind of problems that would create here, seeing as there are three fathers.’ Inuyasha snapped, surprising both of him as his run-away-tongue forced him to speak so freely of Naraku in such away. Especially in present company. ‘Besides, we can’t got around calling them pups one, two and three for the next two weeks!’ He complained.

Sesshomaru stared down at his brother blankly, while inside he mentally cursed at the logic behind this statement, and how much he wanted to agree with his brother and just toss the rules aside.

‘So, then, what are we waiting for?’ Rin asked, clapping her hands in front of her and looking very much the part of a kid in a candy shop as she leaned down and picked up the pup still lying between Inuyasha’s legs.

The male whined loudly in displeasure, kicking out at anything within reach at being disturbed. Rin, outright ignoring his small protests, turned him to face Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, and held him out at arms-length for them to examine.

‘What shall you call him?’ ~*~  


Youkai - Demon

Hanyou - Half-Demon

Ningen - Human

Inuyoukai - Dog-Demon ~*~  

A/N: Okay, so, I don’t know if either of these two facts is entirely accurate, but I have heard rumours that the Japanese didn’t used to name their children until a month after birth, and that the father’s were usually the one’s to do the naming, but they sounded plausible, so I used them here. If I’ve made a mistake in my facts... well, gomen, but it’s a little late to fix it now I guess...

And, As I said on Chapter 50, when it showed Inuyasha as a baby in the third movie, he had no teeth, but lots of hair. Well, I found some pictures of him to confirm that fact, so you can take a look if you want...

http://i ude=view_photo.php&categoryid=3