InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Inappropriate ( Chapter 55 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Konnichiwa!

I just had a really big math test and completely fried my brain, so I decided to write another chapter to help me relax. Lol, it worked, but I think for the most part this chapter is just nonsense... But I don’t care. I had fun with the characters, so... ^_^

Oh, and thanks to CrimsonInHumanBlood for pointing this out-- Last chapter was, as I’m sure most of you noticed, 534. Guess I forgot to delete the three or something. ^_^ Anyway, sorry for any confusion that may have caused. ^_^

-CrimsonInuHumanBlood - Hm. You don’t sound entirely pleased with the names. Was there another one you think would have done better? -- Tsukiko, I believe, would be pronounced in a similar way as Tsubaki. The “T” is pretty much silent, and it would probably come out sounding something like su-key-ko. But that might not be accurate. That’s the way I pronounce it though. ^_^ -- Oh, whoops! Lol, sorry bout that! Get that fixed up right away... ^_^

-golden kitsune - Lol, I’m glad you liked Rin’s part in the names. And yep, I did say that it was the fathers’ picking the names because, technically, it was. Rin only suggested the name Arekusu, but it was Inuyasha and Sesshomaru who decided to keep it. Hope that helps! ^_^ -- Lol, well as long as you’re sure and don’t come back and bite my ear off later about it, cause believe me, you guys get me rambling and WHOOSH! I can’t stop! ^_^ Lol, chances are, the more a reader says to me, the more I’m gonna say back to them. Although, I have been known to write whole paragraph responses to very short one-sentence reviews, so... ^_^

-Tryst/Punishment of the Inu - Lol, maybe we do think along the same lines. Although, Inuko probably has been done to death in other fics, but I’ve never used it so what the hell do I care? I like the name for one of their pups. So it’s just too bad for everyone whose tired of seeing it! ^_^ Lol. Hm... the main stuff huh? Well... no, actually, I think it’s only just beginning. ^_^ -- And don’t worry about taking a long time to update. Just so long as you do update, we should all be fine, neh? ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, I’m glad you enjoyed the names, and the chapter! ^_^

-Soma-san - ^_^ I’m glad you liked the names! Took me forever to decide on them... ^_^ But luckily enough got lots of help from the reviewers, so that definitely helped narrow it down a bit! ^_^ Although, I think Arekusu might be a piece of furniture in Japan... I wonder if the person who submitted it knows that... oh well, we won’t tell them. ^_^ Or Inuyasha and Sesshomaru for that matter. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, Naraku... he should have something up his sleeve... something we probably won’t like... something that’ll probably add more angst for Inu and Sess. YAY! ^_^ Lol. ^_^

-fawn of the woods - ^_^ Well, even if you’re not reviewing all the time, it’s still nice to hear from you now and know you’re still liking the story! ^_^ -- Hm. A mysterious friend of Inuyasha’s? What, like Miroku? Hm. Well, that’s definitely an interesting idea. ^_^ I don’t know if I’m gonna use it though, but still... every little thing helps get my creative juices flowing, so it’s always great to hear your guys’s ideas! ^_^ -- Glad you like the names, BTW! ^_^ -- No, I haven’t technically “introduced” him, although we have caught site of him in one of the chapters, but that doesn’t really count, so... So far there haven’t been a lot of guesses as to who he is, although one person did guess, and got it right on the mark. ^_^ -- Lol, I don’t know when we’re going to see him though... with all the confusion with the rest of the characters, I guess I’ve been kinda neglecting her though, haven’t I? I really gotta stop doing that... anyway, hopefully I’ll be able to introduce him sometime soon, but I don’t know... I think we’re about to head over another drop in the roller-coaster, and it’s not gonna be pretty. ^_^

-maelia8 - Lol, HI! ^_^ It’s great to know that my fanfics help cheer you up, although you’re right, it is a bit of an irony considering how depressing most of them can be. Guess that’s just one of the great mysteries of life. But then again, who doesn’t get cheered up by reading fanfic? ^_^ I know it helps relax me a lot... ^_^ -- Bleargh! I hate tests! And considering how ADD I can be about things I don’t like... yeah, you can imagine how well that would go for me. ^_^ -- Oh, you’re going to read Chained? ^_^ Cool. Let me know what you think, k? Although, it’s probably not one of my best fics. I just don’t think it has the same sort of energy behind it as this one or some of my other’s do. But I don’t really care cause people seem to be enjoying it, adn that’s all that matters. ^_^ Lol. Well, at least you and your sister can share fanfiction as a common interest. Whenever I mention fanfiction to my sister, she gives me a weird look and the matter is promptly dropped. ^_^ -- Yeah, I read your fic (after you gave me permission of course) and I left a review on it. Hopefully I didn’t insult you with it (I have a tendency to accidentally insult people when I leave reviews-- which is why I don’t leave many) though. ^_^ You seem to have some talent in you for writing! ^_^ -- Lol, thanks! I’ll try and keep on cultivating as much as possible! Although, I think that some of that stuff could be attributed to the fact that most of the sentences that come out of my mouth in real life are sarcastic. But hey, when you live in my family, you gotta have sarcasm or else you’ll go insane. And I mean the bad kind of insane-- not the good kind, which I currently already am at full capacity of. ^_^

-Snowfall - Yeah, I know, I wasn’t entirely planning on her being Naraku’s either (I don’t even know if that’s technically possible) but I decided that it would be too predictable and a little too fluffy for my liking if we didn’t have the angst that came along with one of the pups being Naraku’s so, I made her it. ^_^ Lol, I’m glad you like the moon and silver flashes. I’m not sure where the heck I came up with those ideas, but the point is I did and they seem to have worked out okay, so... ^_^ -- Hm. Y’know, you’ve just pointed out to me a fact that I’ve been unwittingly ignoring-- maybe Inuyasha wouldn’t have such an easy time accepting her. After all, she would be a constant reminder of the guy who raped him... but then again, maybe he wouldn’t I have no idea at all on the matter. He is a dog-demon after all, and dogs are pack animals, so maybe that instinct is what's driving them both to be so accepting. That, and they don’t want to loose each other. ^_^ -- Lol, but don’t worry though, I don’t think the silver flashes and moon phasing are anything bad. Maybe their just a consequence of her having so many father’s? ^_^ Lol, yeah, Inuyasha could probably keep track of his moonless nights like that! Although, I imagine that the shortening of claws, teeth, the darkening of hair and eyes, and the all around weakening of his power in general might help him keep track of it as well. Lol, but I suppose you mean that he would have an easier time of knowing when it was coming up, then when it was actually there. Lol ^_^. -- Don’t you DARE apologize for a moment of insanity! They’re the only things that keep me going! ^_^ And don’t apologize for not reviewing all the time either! You have stuff to do and ups and downs in your energy level just like every one else-- I don’t expect constant reviews. Besides, what little energy you do have I’ve probably been sapping with my feature-length emails, so we’re even. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, I guess the whole vampirific trait in the two boys is a bit creepy. But you’re right, Sess should do some of the feeding. I actually think I mentioned that a couple of chapters ago, but it was just a passing kind of mention, so it wouldn’t surprise me if everyone missed it. ^_^ -- Lol, Tsukiko’s eating habits aren’t the same as her brothers’-- she eats milk. But because, as of yet, Inuyasha doesn’t produce milk, he can’t feed her, so they have found a “nursemaid” of sorts that feeds her whenever she’s hungry. ^_^ -- Still, glad you’re liking her. And don’t worry, I don’t think she’ll be evil. Well, at least, she wasn’t born that way. As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter who you’re born to, it matters who you’re raised by. That’s what’s gonna effect you later on in life, not the DNA in your veins. Well, unless your biological parents gave you some sort of disease or something, but that’s beside the point. So don’t worry about that. (Lol, and I actually didn’t do it to torture you-- I think I explained earlier why I made her Naraku’s, so it’s nothing personal. And I actually can’t remember if I did want another name or not. Really early on in converted over to Tsukiko, however, (which you probably played a big part in) so that’s the name I used. ^_^) -- Brain fog, huh? Lol, don’t worry-- I’m in a similar state to that quite frequently myself ^_^. Lol, yeah, I saw all your reviews on chained. ^_^ Lol, just don’t strain yourself, k? I can live without reviews t every single chapter, but if you go over board then you won’t even be able to read the chapters let alone review them, and that’d really suck cause I really like hearing from you. ^_^

-FXL - Lol, I’m glad you liked the chapter, and the names! ^_^ I had lots of fun picking them out, and lots of help from everyone, so hopefully everyone’s pleased with them-- although so far Tsukiko seems to be the fav. And not just for the name either. Lol, guess I should’ve seen that coming, after all, she is the only girl, and is automatically singles out because of that. Let alone the fact that she has Naraku as a father too. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, I suppose the moon would have somehting to do with Sesshomaru. But then again, it could just be from Inuyasha. After all, the moon could simply be a dog-demon trait, and since Inuyasha had dog-demon blood in him, he might be able to create a marking like that in his offspring. -- Lol, draw her huh? Lol, well, I probably could draw her, but I have no idea how good that’d turn out. Not to mention the fact that my scanner is currently a complete mess and I can’t get anything on the comp, so I wouldn’t be able to show you anyway. Still, that’s an interesting idea. I’d like to see other peoples takes on characters and things from this story... ^_^ -- Lol, still, again, I’m glad you liked the chapter (and Tsukiko ^_^), but remember, you called yourself a crybaby. You’re not gonna hear it from me. I’m just flattered that my story could have that big an impact. So I guess I should be thanking you for the compliment! ^_^ Lol

-kitsunesan - Lol, well I’m trying to keep the pace with my updates in this story, but, with tests, and all the work I missed when I was sick, it might have an impact on the rate the story is updated. Gomen! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep it up though! ^_^   ~*~   Inappropriate

‘And this’ Inuyasha said to the small child in his arms as they approached the tree over the ravine. ‘Is where your father first molested me.’

He stopped, staring down at the wide-eyed Tsukiko in a rather serious manner, while Sesshomaru, who was carrying their two sons came up behind him and scowled.

It had only been a few hours since they had decided on names for the pups, and they had both decided that it would be best to avoid telling everyone for a little while until they themselves had a chance to get used to it, and so had spent most of the time since then just wandering around the castle, with Inuyasha giving a constant monologue of nonsense like this to whichever pup he just so happened to be holding at the time, simultaneously earning him filthy looks from Sesshomaru when he came up with a particularly degrading or offensive comment such as this.

‘And just think’ Inuyasha said, eyes still locked with his daughter’s in a rather solemn manner. ‘If he wasn’t such a horny and aggressive bastard, you may never have been born.’

‘Inuyasha.’ Sesshomaru growled out, his tone low and dark-- warning his mate, who quite clearly had absolutely no intentions of listening to him whatsoever.

As if to help back that fact, Tsukiko let out a small cooing noise that sounded vaguely similar to a giggle of sorts, before craning her neck as far as it would go to get a better look at her youkai father, her eyes taking on that mystified look again.

Inuyasha tsked softly.

‘Don’t you know it’s not polite to stare?’ He questioned of the infant, his voice mock-scolding, belying the amusement that was glittering quite clearly in his tell-tale eyes.

He didn’t know what it was, but for some reason Sesshomaru seemed to get highly annoyed when he talked to their pups like this.

So, naturally, it had become one of his favourite pass-times.

Besides, he was hardly going to talk in an incoherent baby voice to his pups.

There was no way in all the seven hells he was going to start spewing out that high-pitched nonsense humans always used when in the presence of babies. Honestly, the way they talked, it was a surprise their children ever learned to speak themselves. He didn’t know if his mother had done it to him, but he imagined his father hadn’t, and that was probably one of the only reasons he had come out able to cope and make a coherent sentence. It seemed that babies turned human’s minds to idiotic puddles of mush for them to think that anything along those lines would help teach their kids anything.

Shaking his head softly, he was pulled back into reality as Sesshomaru’s voice drifted to his ears from the dangerously close position of two feet behind him.

‘It seems she is inheriting her manners from you.’ The demon said, his tone icy as his eyes bored holes into Inuyasha’s back.

This statement caused the hanyou to pause and turn toward his mate, taking in the dark expression that now adorned his features, and he couldn’t help but smirk, before leaning up and ruffling Sesshomaru’s hair with his free hand, knowing the youkai would be unable to stop the action. Unless he wanted to bite Inuyasha or drop one of the pups, and he highly doubted his mate would even take those choices seriously into account.

The stunned expression that fell on his brother’s face made the risk of having his arm lost to his brother’s mouth more than worth it, and he grinned broadly in Sesshomaru’s face as Tsukiko let out another gurgling sort of giggle, and Inuko attempted to latch his claws into Inuyasha‘s wrist as it passed him.

‘You are so cute sometimes!’ He exclaimed, before turning and walking out to stand near the very edge of the ravine’s ledge.

Sesshomaru, pulling out of his shocked stupor that Inuyasha had just ruffled his hair like he was no more than a pup or a mongrel, threw his mate a withering glare, a low growl rumbling up from his chest and instantly stilling the pup in his arms.

‘I am no such thing.’ He protested, his tone low and deadly and causing Inuyasha to look back at him over his shoulder, eyebrows raised.

‘No, what you are is self-centred.’ The half-demon returned, smirking once again. ‘I was talking to Tsukiko you idiot.’ He stated mockingly. Although, in reality, he hadn’t been. But Sesshomaru didn’t need to know that, now did he?

‘Gods, Sesshomaru, when they discover the centre of the universe, don’t be surprised you’re not it!’ He said, before turning back toward the edge of the cliff, his eyes settling on the horizon and practically seeming to glow in the rays of the setting sun.

Sesshomaru mentally sighed at his brother’s antics, deciding that getting angry clearly was not going to work anymore.

Still, he couldn’t help the small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

It had been a long time since he had seen Inuyasha this playful... and he hadn’t realised it before, but now... he suddenly became aware of how much he had missed it.

Inuyasha’s ears perked up slightly, and he smiled softly as two strong arms wrapped around him from behind-- tugging gently on his waist and urging him further into the being that was embracing him. And he leaned back into said embrace, his back pressing against the firm chest behind him as he let out a small sigh and... hold on... back up a second... two arms?

Inuyasha frowned, instantly tensing up slightly as he looked down, past the suddenly slumbering Tsukiko in his arms, to whatever happened to be wrapped around his midsection.


Two arms.

One had actually moved now and was bound around his shoulders, trying to convince him to relax back again, while the other was wrapped about his waist, squeezing gently.

Inuyasha frowned again, his eyebrows drawing up at the centre and his ears going back.

That couldn’t be right... unless Sesshomaru had an extra set of arms he had never told him about... Because he should still be occupied with the two pups he was carrying... not hugging his mate with his seeming abundance of limbs...

Unless... it was someone else.

It was highly unlikely of course, and he felt fairly positive that it was his brother, but he couldn’t help but feel unsure-- couldn’t help but say his name, just to be certain.


The arms around him tightened slightly, and he heard a small ‘Hm?’ somewhere near his right ear that was still compressed flat against his head.

Okay, so it was Sesshomaru.

But then that meant...

‘What the hell did you do to Arekusu and Inuko?’ He demanded, making Tsukiko squirm in displeasure, using his own rule to be certain and make sure to use his pups’ new names as much as possible so that he could become used to them, even as he scowled at the being behind him that he could not see.

‘I did nothing to them.’ Sesshomaru murmured softly. ‘They are asleep.’

At the confused expression that graced Inuyasha’s face, and the agitation that was radiating off of his aura, Sesshomaru turned slightly-- forcing Inuyasha along with him-- so that they could see the tree, where Sesshomaru’s fluffy thing lay in a heap of fur, nestled protectively around the two sleeping pups.

Inuyasha instantly relaxed slightly, wondering whatever had possessed him to think that Sesshomaru would ever risk putting their pups in any sort of danger.

‘You better hope to hell that they don’t wander off.’ He murmured softly, only half the fire he had intended to be there actually coming out as he settled back more comfortably in his mate’s embrace.

He felt Sesshomaru’s breath cascading over his head, tickling his ears and making them twitch as the hair around them fluttered at the disturbance.

Inuyasha squirmed softly in a mimic of the action his pups’ so often participated in, and then gasped as one of his ears was suddenly being bathed in a cocoon of saliva that was being painted on by a very familiar tongue, Sesshomaru’s hand coming to push his haori up slightly and run over the skin of his stomach.

‘W-wasn’t it you who didn’t want to do anything “inappropriate” in front of the pups?’ He questioned even as his head lolled back to rest on Sesshomaru’s shoulder, exposing the pale expanse of his neck to the demon.

Sesshomaru nipped his ear gently-- laving it in a thick coat of saliva-- before moving down to kiss along his jaw, down his neck and over his shoulder to suckle and nip the skin viciously.

‘I miss you.’ Sesshomaru said, his voice a low, husky murmur that sent thrills up Inuyasha’s spine.

Sesshomaru.’ He whimpered, his voice holding a note of warning as well, because, as little as his youki cared about the presence of the pups, there was no way in hell his human side was going to tolerate him being fucked into oblivion in front of his children. ‘Wait.’

Sesshomaru growled low, and dragging his fangs along Inuyasha’s skin-- leaving two deep, red welts-- before sucking harshly on it.

He couldn’t wait anymore.

It had been so long and his youki was all but screaming within him to just take his little brother right here and now... only years of practice had allowed him to show this much control thus far... he didn’t think he could hold out much longer though. Not with his youki behaving the way it was.

It wanted it’s mate.

That was it.

And it could feel it’s mate’s youki calling back to him just as strongly.

And, quite frankly, it seemed they were both past the stage of caring if he took him right in front of their pups-- something which was slightly disturbing to the more rational side of his mind.

Inuyasha clenched his teeth against this new torture-- trying hard not to moan aloud as he felt his body beginning to respond to his brother’s ministrations-- Sesshomaru’s hand dipping dangerously low on his abdomen, continuing to work it’s magic on him and try to make him concede defeat.

The spell was broken, however, when Sesshomaru decided to press against him-- his hips coming directly into contact with Inuyasha’s ass, jolting the half-demon out of his pleasure induced stupor and back into reality, and he quickly moved to pull away from his mate before things went too far.

If they hadn’t already, that is.

Sesshomaru, whose eyes had begun to haze crimson as he started to surrender to his youki, growled his negation quite loudly into his mate’s neck, and placing a small nip on his nape, causing Inuyasha to stiffen and whine slightly as he tightened his grip some more and pressed forward again.

‘Sesshomaru!’ Inuyasha snapped, then, remembering the pup in his arms, lowered his voice slightly, though never loosing the dangerous, if somewhat confused tone in his voice. Because, in all their meetings together, he had never before seen Sesshomaru have such... reckless abandon for the world around him and the consequences of such actions. It was startling and... somewhat arousing if he truly thought about it. So he was trying desperately to stop thinking about it as he glared fiercely at the very little of his brother he could see. ‘Look, I’m getting Takehiko to watch them tonight. Do you think you can contain yourself until then, or am I gonna have to find someone for you to fuck?’ He demanded, his youki instantly shying back slightly at the very idea.

The elder demon narrowed his eyes, and sunk his teeth a little deeper into his mate’s neck in reprimand, before slowly drawing them out, forcing himself back into control as he leaned up to murmur in his mate’s ear again.

‘Till tonight then.’ He said softly, his breath warming the wet fur and skin that made up the appendage he had bathed before, and causing Inuyasha to shiver a little.

Said hanyou relaxed ever so slightly in his grip as Sesshomaru seemed to calm down, and then whimpered as his brother again began to bathe his ear with his tongue.

‘Sesshomaru.’ He whined out, his eyes again drifting closed as he slumped slightly against his mate, trying not to give in...

A moment later and his face scrunched up as a familiar scent reached his nose... one he couldn’t quite place, but definitely knew... and it sent a strange spike of ice shooting it’s way up his suddenly stiffening spine.

He realised that Sesshomaru must have scented it too, because he could feel his brother tense up minutely against his back, and Tsukiko had suddenly begun shifting about uncomfortably in his arms.

He was about to question his mate on what he thought might be the cause of the scent, but he was cut off when a low and terrifyingly familiar voice reached his ears, causing his stomach to jerk sickeningly and his whole body to tense up as his ears flattened tightly against his skull.

‘Well, well, what have we here?’ ~*~  


Tsukiko - Moon Child(OC)

Youkai - Demon

Inuko - Dog-child(OC)

Arekusu - Revered Wild Air Spirit(OC)

Haori - A type of Japanese jacket, worn by men and women over their kimono’s

Youki - A Demon’s energy ~*~

A/N: Well there, hows that for a cliffy? ^_^

Lol, hope you guys enjoyed it! Hopefully I’ll get the next chapter out soon, but with tests and everything, it might take a little while... ^_^

***When they discover the centre of the universe, etc... -- This ain’t my quote. I don’t actually know who came up with it, but it wasn’t me. Just thought I’d let people know that so that no one came around and started complaining at me.