InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Surrender ( Chapter 56 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Well, hopefully I didn’t screw this chapter up and still made it believable for everyone. ^_^

I’m finally admitting defeat though.

That fluffy whatever-the-hell thing that Sesshomaru carries (formerly known as a mokomoko-sama (though why it earned such a title is beyond me)) is, in fact, very likely his tail. I’m willing to admit to this fact... but it doesn’t mean that I’m gonna use it as his tail! Nope, I still adamantly refuse to go that far in this, so...

Lol, okay, I’m done now.

Seriously, I think I might be more than a little OC. ^_^

Oh! The next review will be number 200! ^_^ *Claps hands together* How cool is that? ^_^ Yay! ^_^

Okay, seriously, I’ll stop. ^_^

Lol, my head is starting to hurt anyway, so I’m gonna stop rambling like this and just answer the reviews. ^_^

-golden kitsune - Lol, yeah! I’m sure we all remember the first time our parents sat us down and told us stories about groping each other! ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, everything was going so great... that’s probably why I had to throw this twist in there. C’mon, it’s been sooooooo long since I’ve seriously tortured Inu... I mean, sure he’s had the pregnancy, but that’s not serious serious torture, so... ^_^

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - Hm. Well, maybe there will be one eventually... but I don’t have a lemon in this chapter. Lol, yeah, horny bastards. Good thing Inu had enough sense to tell Sesshomaru off a little bit though... and that their kids are probably too young to remember this, or else they’d probably be traumatized for the rest of their lives, neh? ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, glad you’re liking it still! ^_^

-love it - Lol, soon enough for you? Afraid I’ve been a little slow lately-- I’m backlogged in... well, just about everything. ^_^

-Trsyt/Punishment of the Inu - Yep! Evil Naraku! Although, I really hope you don’t feed him to the inu’s, cause that would kinda ruin my story, wouldn’t it? Lol, not to mention the fact that he just makes such a great little villain for me to mess with! ^_^ -- Worried about Sesshomaru and Inuyasha? Lol, well, yes, I imagine you should be, considering that I’m the one writing this fic, and we’ve all seen what I can do to them before, haven’t we? ^_^ Lol. Yep, don’t worry, you go the name right. ^_^ Will she cause an issue? You mean, will Naraku try and take her? Or will she suddenly possess amazing powers no baby should have and somehow kill Naraku with them? Lol, well, either way, I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see-- wouldn’t want to spoil the chapter for ya now would I? ^_^ -- Yeah, the other two were set down now weren’t they...Hm... ^_^

-maelia8 - Lol, yeah, it would be great to see Sess kick some major ass, wouldn’t it? Although, we do get to see him do that an awful lot in the series, but still, it’s always a treat when he gets to beat up on Naraku... ^_^ -- Lol, well, I am definitely suffering from tests, but usually I do get more than a quarter of an hour online (sorry!). But a lot of that usually goes into answer emails and typing out chapters, or sometimes researching for school and shit, so I don’t actually get to post very much, and I haven’t read all that many fics in ages. Still, my sympathy for you, cause tests really do bite. Maybe we should get Sesshomaru to burn them all up with his poison claws or whip, neh? ^_^ -- Nope, my sis doesn’t like fanfiction. Well, at least not that I know. Like I said, whenever I attempted to bring it up, everything would get awkward, and then that’d be it. No, I that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like anime. Or at least, Inuyasha (she hasn’t watched any other animes so...) but I got her hooked on Inu a long time ago, so... And I don’t know if she’s a purist either. She’s just not interested in this stuff. But I know for certain that I ain’t no purist, because everything I know about Inuyasha is based on the anime, not the manga. I haven’t actually read any of the manga. They are simply too expensive to buy without reading first, and I have never had, and never will have, the patience or ability to sit still in a library and read a book. That’s not my thing. So I haven’t really all that much experience with them. Not that I really care, cause the series is awesome in TV format anyway-- and it’s far more effective when Kagome “sits” Inuyasha to have actual sound and movement. ^_^ -- I don’t much like purists though. Not because I give a shit if they dont want to watch the anime, but because they think that anyone who does and doesn’t read the manga isn’t a real fan of Inuyasha. As I’ve said before, and I’ll probably say again, if I’m only watching the anime and that doesn’t make me a fan of Inuyasha, then somebody better give Rumiko Takahashi a call, cause there’s a show on TV called “Inuyasha” That has all her characters in it that I am a fan of. Lol, anyway, moving right along... ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, I find it interesting to see what people will come up with for their own endings, or what sort of situations they like to put the characters in too. Maybe that’s why I was one of the people who didn’t see anything wrong with the ending to the LoTR, RotK. But then again, that thing didn’t have a whole bunch of multiple endings. It had one ending. But before that, it explained what happened to all the other characters. Actually, it didn’t even do that, cause there’s a whole bunch of other shit in the books that they never even dealt with... not that I’m complaining. And I’m rambling off topic again, so I’m gonna try and get back on topic now. Lol ^_^. -- Lol, yeah, I’m glad you enjoyed the clashing situations in that chapter-- love and lust one second, and then darkness and terror the next. I like to throw curve balls like that at everyone though-- just when you think the ride is gonna come to an end, you suddenly find yourself plummeting down an unexpected turn. ^_^ -- And you’re right, Sesshomaru really is a horny bastard. I don’t know if it’s because he’s the alpha. I think it’s mostly just because, if you think about it, it’s been a good long while since he’s had any private time with his mate, let alone intimate contact. And before that, they only had three sexual encounters, one of which only involved him giving Inuyasha a HJ, so I imagine his youki would be pretty demanding and horny right about now. Especially with someone like Inuyasha as it’s mate ^_~. -- Lol, no, I’m not British. I’m Canadian. Maybe my spellcheck thing is British though, cause it’s the one that never lets me spell center without a great big fuss over it. ^_^ -- Lol, those are all interesting ideas about why she has the moon. Although your right, she does have Inuyasha’s ears. Although, even without them, she would still have Inuyasha’s genetic material (after all, you can’t just combine two people’s semen in someone to make a baby-- there has to be an egg or something involved somewhere along the lines, which means that Inuyasha would have to have contributed something to the kid). Lol, I plan to explain about the moon as soon as I get the chance (though considering the way things are going, that might take a while longer than I expected.) -- Why the ears? Hm. I’m not entirely certain what you mean... can you clarify your question for me? Thanks! ^_^ -- Lol, cliffie extrodanaire? Hm. Well, if it’s really so good, maybe I shouldn’t save you, maybe I should just let you dangle for a little while... ^_^

-Myli - Lol, I’m glad you’re enjoying this! Thanks so much for the compliments! I’ll try to get the next chapter up soon! -- It looks like you’ve been the victim of the horrible reviewing system this site has-- it posted your review four times! Not that I’m complaining... ^_^

-FXL - Lol, yeah, I really can’t picture Inuyasha speaking in that gibberish we so love to give our children. Although really, I think my muses may have had a point when I wrote that chapter-- do we really expect our kids to learn to talk like that? Lol, doesn’t seem to matter though, cause we all seem to learn to speak eventually anyway. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, Inuyasha ruffled Sesshomaru’s hair. Had to have some humour mixed in among all the Out of control horniness in that chapter. Honestly, Sesshomaru, get a grip on yourself, would ya? Lol. Yeah, go Inuyasha’s human side! Although, I suppose it did deprive us of a lemon, now didn’t it... so maybe it’s not such a good thing after all... ^_^ -- Lol, it seems I’ve taken everybody by surprise with Naraku-- nobody expected for him to come (and they all hate that Inu and Sess’s moment of happiness has been ruined). Lol, yeah, Sesshomaru really should kick Naraku’s ass, and then Inu and Sess should get on with their lives and raise their kids and live dysfunctionally ever after. But then again, the suspense I could put in by having Naraku get away, as you said, would indeed be good... and even more so if he managed to get his hooks into Inu or Tsukiko... Hm. So i guess the question we need to ask ourselves is, which sounds more like the route I would take? ^_^ Hm. Decisions, Decisions. ^_^ Lol. Yeah, Kagura... I really gotta give her a bigger part in this story. And hopefully I’ll somehow manage to do this somewhere along the lines (although it might be a little difficult considering the current twist I just added to my plot, bu-ut... ^_^) Lol, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what I have in store for them all, neh? ^_^ -- And thanks! I think I got a 70 or 80 on my test, so it’s no worse than usual! (It’s actually surprising considering I completely suck at math, and I absolutely hate it) but anyway, I’ll seriously stop talking now so you can go and read the chapter... ^_^

-Cyndi - Very interesting indeed. ^_^ Lol, I’m glad you think so, although I suppose if it wasn’t interesting, you wouldn’t have read this far, now would you’ve? ^_^

-Tai-san - Lol, I’m glad you like the chapter and Inuyasha’s views-- hopefully they don’t make him permanently screw up his children. And you’re welcome-- nothing too bad has happened in front of the children... at least not yet. ^_^ -- Yes! I got your angst senses tingling! Those are the best kind, and the ones I’m striving the hardest to tingle, so... ^_^ ~*~   Surrender

Inuyasha’s whole body went tense as a horrible sensation of deja vu filled him, running through his entire body and giving him the horrid sensation that his muscles had just turned into worms-- wriggling and sliding against each other within him, and making his skin crawl and shudder horribly.

He could feel Sesshomaru’s own youki rising into defensive mode from his reaction, though it was obvious that his brother wasn’t entirely certain as of yet why he was so upset.

Which mad sense, he supposed, since he had, as far as Inuyasha knew anyway, never met Naraku.

But he still remembered the last time he had encountered this demon.

He still remembered the fear... the pain... the absolute helplessness of the situation...

And it was all he could do not to slip and allow himself to panic-- to try and run. Because that would just be stupid. First of all, he had no where to run to, being stuck on the edge of a cliff as he was. And secondly, there was really no other place in the entire universe that he could think of as safer than with Sesshomaru.

As if to confirm that fact, his brother’s arms suddenly released him, and his mate turned slowly to face the intruder, Inuyasha following suit at a much slower pace, hoping, praying, it wasn’t the demon he thought it was-- that it was all just some big mistake, and his mind was simply playing tricks on him again.

It seemed that someone up there really didn’t like him very much, because the moment he turned-- lifted his eyes to stare at the being before him-- it became quite obvious that his prayers had been very much in vain.

Inuyasha’s breath hitched slightly as his eyes locked briefly with crimson, before he was forced to break that gaze-- look away from the eyes that had haunted so many of his nightmares, his ears pinning themselves tightly back against his head.



No, No, No, No, No, No, no, no, nonononononononononono NO!

It couldn’t be!

He couldn’t be here!

Not now!

He wasn’t ready!

He couldn’t face him yet!

Things were finally starting to go right in his life! It wasn’t time for him to unsettle that yet!

‘Ah, Lord Inuyasha. I see that you have not forgotten our last encounter.’ The hanyou’s sadistic voice reached Inuyasha’s ears, making him cringe in the obvious way it taunted him. ‘I’m flattered.’ The kumo continued. ‘Although I must say, it would have been a pleasure to remind you, had you forgotten.’

Inuyasha’s body shuddered, and the tiniest of whimpers escaped his throat. Because he had dealt with the nightmares. He had dealt with the memories and hallucinations and terror and pain and everything else that had come with the rape. But he wasn’t ready to face the real thing yet.

Sesshomaru, who had tried to remain calm throughout this exchange, could not now stop the growl that tore itself from his throat, ringing loudly throughout the entire ravine as he felt poison beginning to hiss beneath his nails.

When the strange scent had reached his nose, he had not been entirely certain what it was... only that it was vaguely familiar in some ways... and that it made his hackles rise because it reminded him of when he had found Inuyasha in the forest-- and some part of his mind was nagging at him with an insistence that had grown louder with every passing moment.

And he could feel things starting to click slowly into place even as Inuyasha tensed in his arms.

The fear radiating off his mate now, and the scent of the hanyou in front of him was all he needed to finish putting two and two together and come up with--


His tone was glacial and laced with an undertone of darkness, and the look in his eyes (despite being hidden by all his icy barriers) was something Inuyasha was very familiar with from his brother, but had not seen for quite sometime.

It was a dangerous look.

The type of look that usually only appeared right before someone was killed.


And he shuddered and just the pure thought of the type of damage Sesshomaru could do with the mood he seemed to be in.

Naraku didn’t seem phased at all, however, as he turned his glittering crimson eyes upon the older of the Inu’s, quickly assessing the elder demon before speaking.

‘You must be Sesshomaru.’ The onyx-haired demon said, his attention momentarily stolen from Inuyasha as his gaze continued to roam Sesshomaru. ‘I’m sorry I did not introduce myself the last time I was here, but I was rather... preoccupied with your mate.’ His eyes flickered back to Inuyasha again-- to the small pup in his arms that was squirming about and letting out soft cries-- and Inuyasha instinctively tightened his grip, pulling Tsukiko closer to him as both hanyou’s adamantly ignored the swell of youki Sesshomaru had emitted from his last statement.

‘I see you have kept yourselves busy while I was away...’

The older Inuyoukai’s eyes narrowed slightly as he stepped sideways, effectively blocking his mate and pup from view, though Inuyasha could still feel his crimson gaze travelling over him, scouring his skin and making him tremble all the more.

‘Leave him be, Naraku.’ Sesshomaru said, his tone even darker than it had been before, which Inuyasha knew meant his brother was getting closer and closer to the breaking point. ‘You have no business with him.’

Naraku smirked at the elder demon and arched an eyebrow.

‘To the contrary, Sesshomaru, my “business” is very much with him. He still has something that belongs to me, after all.’

Inuyasha tensed even more than he had been at these words, and clutched Tsukiko even tighter to him, silently willing the child to be quiet.

But the little pup just squirmed all the more, clearly upset and determined to make the reasons known with what little she had to accomplish that.

Inuyasha stared down at her in frustration for several minutes as Sesshomaru and Naraku continued their own little stare-down with each other, exchanging the occasional word that Inuyasha no longer heard as tension continued to build.

A small sound reached his ears suddenly-- cutting through the deafness he had momentarily fallen victim to-- and Inuyasha inhaled sharply, his entire frame going entirely rigid for several long seconds, before, slowly, terrified of what he might find, he looked up-- his eyes trailing over toward the tree standing some feet away... widening in absolutely horror as they fell on Arekusu and Inuko...

His heart skipped several beats, before pounding wildly in his chest as he caught site of Naraku out of the corner of his eyes, and he realised that only a very few feet separated the kumo from his pups... Even with the agility Sesshomaru possessed, he would not be able to make a move before Naraku could lay his hands on them...

And it was quite obvious from the smirk on his face and the look in his eyes that Naraku was also quite clearly aware of this-- perhaps had even planned it this way when he first came. And it terrified Inuyasha to no end, because he knew this foul beast would not hesitate in harming their pups...

‘Sesshomaru.’ He breathed out, trying to make his concerns known without actually being forced to voice them, and hating how the fear was so plainly audible and evident in his voice.

‘I know.’ His brother returned, just as softly, though he made no other acknowledgment of his mate’s words.

Naraku, however-- clearly hearing the exchange-- did acknowledge the words... and worse still, he responded to them.

‘It would see, Lord Sesshomaru, that your mate is concerned with the well-being of your two sons.’ The demon-spider said, that same smirk that Inuyasha hated so much spreading across his face as he put a good deal of emphasis on the word “your.”

A low chuckle escaped his lips as his eyes continued to glitter with malcontent and darkness as he stared at the two Inu’s before him. ‘And perhaps his concern is not without warrant.’ The kumo continued, his eyes coming to rest on the little of Inuyasha that had revealed itself in the inuhanyou’s concern for his pups.

Sesshomaru let out a small warning growl, again blocking his mate from sight as he stared the other demon down. ‘You will not move two feet before your head hits the ground.’ He all but hissed out, sounding very much unlike himself, but beyond caring that much by this point.

He had a family to protect, and if that meant he had to give up his masks and shields for a bit, then so be it.

Naraku only chuckled again at his statement, his crimson eyes flashing slightly as they fixed on the Inuyoukai. ‘Be certain, Sesshomaru. Be absolutely certain before you dare to make such an assumption. It is not only your life that is at stake now. And the price to pay if you make a mistake will be far greater than you have ever known before.’ He said, his low voice falling over Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, blanketing the two in a wave of darkness and ice and making the Inuyoukai, for the first time in a very long time, truly hesitate.

Poison dripped menacingly from his claws, filling the air around him with green vapour, but still he held back... because Naraku’s words were true... and, in all honesty, he did not know if he could make it in time before the hanyou make a move...

And Inuyasha was more than a little grateful for that, because, even if Sesshomaru was certain about this, he was more than a little less than not, and he was not prepared to risk the lives of Arekusu and Inuko over his mate’s over-confident stupidity.

‘It seems that you are less sure of yourself than you first deemed yourself to be.’ Naraku said, the dark miasmic cloud that had hovered over them for the majority of their conversation starting to slowly drift lower, making Inuyasha cough and attempt to cover Tsukiko from it (though for some reason the girl didn’t seem all that effected by it anyway), his ears pressing back as Inuko and Arekusu suddenly began to cry from the scent-- their shrill calls making his youki rise up in a panic and try to force him to their sides, actually making his physical body take a step forward before Sesshomaru stopped him, staying him, keeping him shielded behind him, even as the hanyou’s panicked eyes flew toward his sons.

‘Stop it!’ He all but yelled at Naraku, attempting to step around Sesshomaru, only to have an arm raised to block him as his mate growled and shot him a fierce look.

‘Let me go, Sesshomaru!’ He said, nearly frantic from the continued cries of confusion and distress his pups were letting out-- the smell of their fear as some of Naraku’s strange insects came to hover over them, frightening them all the more. ‘It’s me he wants! He came here for me!’

‘And you expect me to hand you over to him?’ Sesshomaru questioned, his voice icy as he continued to stare at Naraku, though Inuyasha caught the barely-present undertone of fear that he was certain anyone else would have missed as he continued to press against his mate’s arm.

‘He’s torturing them, Sesshomaru!’ Inuyasha said desperately. ‘They don’t understand! They’re scared! And the miasma is suffocating them!’ His claws raked along Sesshomaru’s flesh as he continued to try and push the limb out of his way, both the human and demon sides within him desperate to get him to his children. ‘I won’t let him kill our pups!’

‘He will kill you if you go!’ Sesshomaru snarled, not liking the sound his pups were making any more than his mate did, but... really... what did Inuyasha hope to accomplish with this?

Once he had fully shredded the muscles and flesh of Sesshomaru’s arm so that he could no longer hold him back, what did the boy hope to achieve by going to Naraku?

The bastard would not let him live... he would make Inuyasha suffer... and Sesshomaru didn’t want to even think of the horrid tortures the demon would come up with to accomplish this...

‘We don’t have a choice, Sesshomaru!’ Inuyasha shot back. ‘Besides’ He added in a much softer tone ‘I don’t think he intends to kill me...’ The hanyou trailed off as his eyes fell on Naraku, who had been watching the entire exchange silently, but with an expression of bemusement painted on his pale features, as his crimson eyes came to lock once again with the golden eyes of the hanyou, and his smirk grew.

‘Indeed.’ The kumo said slowly. ‘I can think of many other things that I think you’d be put to far better use doing.’

Inuyasha shuddered faintly, his claws unintentionally tightening around Sesshomaru as his eyes fell closed and he tried to keep his breathing even, even as Naraku’s attention returned to Sesshomaru.

‘Well then, Sesshomaru..’ The kumohanyou said slowly. ‘It would seem you have a choice. Either you surrender Inuyasha to me, or you loose the lives or your sons. Either way it works to my advantage, so I don’t care which happens.’ His crimson eyes flashed slightly as Sesshomaru stared down at him, his teeth clenched and grinding together in is fury and loathing. ‘The decision lies with you. Who will you surrender to me?’ ~*~  


Youki - Demonic Aura or Energy

Hanyou - Half-Demon

Kumo - Spider

Inuyoukai - Dog-Demon

Inu - Dog

Inuhanyou - Dog Half-Demon

Kumohanyou - Spider half-Demon ~*~  

A/N: Well there’s the chapter.


If you kill me, how am I ever gonna finish the story for ya?!

Lol, the next chapter should be up soon... Hope y’all enjoyed this one! ^_^

