InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ What did he Want? ( Chapter 58 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: This chapter’s a bit shorter than usual, but I was too tired to write anything else, so... Oh, and for the convenience of everyone who doesn’t want to listen to me ramble, I’ve moved the responses to the bottom of the page. ^_^ (I don’t know if I’ll keep it this way, cause it’s a lot more difficult for me (whether you believe it or not) but for now I thought I’d try this out and see how well it went. ^_^)   ~*~   What did he Want?

The moment they were out of sight, Sesshomaru sprang into action.

Using inhuman speed, he rushed over to the unconscious Inuko and Arekusu, pausing for an instant to check for any injuries the pups may have gotten from the encounter.

The stench of fear was rank in the air, mingling with the overpowering miasma surrounding them, and he could scent the purple toxin on the breath of his sons as well as in the air. He knew that they had likely inhaled a generous amount of the shouki, and they would need to see a healer soon if they hoped to recover from it.

Letting a small curse escape him, he wrapped the pups tighter in the fur, and then, transforming into a large, orb-like ball of white light, he sped off into the castle, scenting the room Takehiko was in and heading toward it, vaguely pleased to find that both his father and Izayoi was there as well. That would save him the trouble of running around trying to find them and reveal this to them as well.

Not bothering to enter through a door (or really any sensible opening or fashion), Sesshomaru shot in through the window, causing a small storm of glass to fly through the air, littering the air and ground with large pieces of it, like crystal-clear shards of ice, before he finally came to a stop from his frantic rush right in front of Takehiko.

The healer and Izayoi seemed to be on the very of a heart attack as his abrupt appearance, but he paid no attention.

He had pups to look after, and a mate to find. He had no time to be concerned over the over-active nerves of the two women.

Wasting no time, he quickly moved to set his pups down on the futon, before turning toward Takehiko.

‘They are sick.’ He said simply, unwrapping the fur from about them, which still carried traces of the toxin in it’s grasp as he placed it in it’s customary place upon his shoulder once again.

Instantly a sort of silence fell around the room as each of the occupants (Sesshomaru excluded) exchanged confused and nervous glances, before Takehiko moved forward, shoving him out of the way in much the way she had when Inuyasha had been raped, and moving to hover over his two sons.

Sesshomaru, certain for the time being that his pups were in the best possible place they could be, quickly moved to exit the room without a second glance at the occupants.

‘Sesshomaru, wait!’ His father’s voice echoed after him, causing him to freeze stiffly in his tracks not even bothering to look back over his shoulder at the other Inuyoukai.

‘What has happened?’ The Dog lord asked, his face strangely pale, clearly sensing the tension in his eldest son... the tension he had only seen five times before now: When his mother had died, when he had remated to Izayoi, when Inuyasha had been born, when he had made his announcement that they would mate, and when Inuyasha had been raped.

Needless to say, it drew more than a little concern out in him that it would be rearing it’s ugly head again now, especially when involving his son’s pups.

For a long moment Sesshomaru was silent, his hands clenched tightly at his side-- small rivulets of blood escaping where the nails had dug in-- while everyone waited with baited breath to learn what had caused him to revert back to his old glacial ways that had not shown themselves for so long.

Then, slowly, quietly, his voice an icy monotone that barely reached their ears, Sesshomaru spoke.

‘Naraku came back.’ He said, not bothering to look back and see the other’s reactions.

He already knew what they would be.

Izayoi would be horrified and wide-eyed. Inu Taisho would be shocked, grim, and maybe a little angry. And Takehiko would likely be intent and grim.

‘And what’ Inu Taisho said slowly, is voice obviously being forced to keep it’s low and calm tone as he stared at the back of his son’s head. ‘Did he want?’

Sesshomaru could barely keep his voice under control as he responded to the sheer stupidity of that statement, his tone filled with ice and almost nothing else as he spoke.

‘What do you think he would want?’ He asked, a small hint of venom mixing in with the ice pouring from his eyes as mouth, and everyone could practically feel the temperature in the room drop several degrees.

Izayoi seemed to say something, but Sesshomaru did not hear it. He was too caught up in his own battle to remain calm, and not just start destroying everything and anything in sight... -- to keep himself from transforming and going on a rampage across the country until he found his mate and destroyed his assailant (which, at the moment, sounded like a very good and practical idea to his youki indeed). Slowly he looked back over his shoulder and fixed the other occupants of the room with his cold gaze, finally daring to speak the words his mind had been trying to deny ever since the incident had happened.

‘He has taken Inuyasha.’ ~*~  


Shouki - I think this means miasma, but I might have gotten my definitions mixed up... ^_^

Youki - A demon’s aura or energy ~*~  

-Tryst/Punishment of the Inu - Well, I guess what you just read is “What’s now” ^_^ LOL. Yeah. Demon Inu... Hm. I don’t know if that’s gonna happen, but... well, you never know, it might very well. We’ll just have to see how it goes, neh? ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl- Lol, well I’m trying to, but my muses have seemingly disappeared, so it’s a bit more difficult... ^_^

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - Lol. ^_^ Gomen! ^_^ -- Lol, lots of people want a transformation... ^_^ Hm. When you say “them” are you referring to Inu and Sess? -- Mm. Yeah, the pups transforming would be... interesting. But, then again, I imagine it would cause quite a good bit of chaos. Not to mention the fact that they would probably end up murdering several people in that state... not necessarily the kind of peaceful upbringing you want for them, neh? ^_^ -- Lol, well I don’t know if I’m gonna stop writing it, but I’m not gonna update it for a while anyway. I’m having enough trouble with my muses and my other three stories (this one included) and I’m not gonna drop them just to work on that one. Gomen! -- Oh, and to answer your question “Subjection, Subjugation” did have a second chapter up at one point, but I took it down. I didn’t know when I was gonna be updating again, so I decided to turn it back into a one-shot so that there wouldn’t be a whole bunch of people expecting an update if I decided to make the change permanent.

-FXL-lazy - Aww! I didn’t mean to make you cry! I hope you’re not trying to guilt-trip me though, cause I’ve still got some hell to put them through before I’m finished this story! Don’t forget that, even if they get Inu and Tsukiko back unscathed, I’ve probably gotta do something involving the pups growing up and stuff... Or maybe that’d have to be in a sequel (this is getting pretty long as is) or... well, I don’t know. I guess I’ll have to burn that bridge when I come to it. ^_^ -- Oh, and Naraku has to be so evil, because otherwise I wouldn’t have a villain and the whole plot would just kind of... fall apart. ^_^

-Taisho - Yeah, but if I kill Sess then you can’t bring me back to life! *starts to stick tongue out, then pauses and reconsiders* hm. Well, actually, that’s not a good thing is it? Cause that means that if you kill me, I will be permanently dead. Hm. Well then... if you kill me and bring me back I just won’t write anymore anyway! So There! -- Get Sess and Inu back together huh? Awww but I only just got started! You’re gonna ruin my fun before it’s begun! *pouts* Ack! No, I don’t want you to cry! I already made a couple other people cry, and I’m running seriously low on tissues! Please don’t cry! Please, please don’t cry!

-golden kitsune - Yeah, well, doesn’t mean I like making you cry any better. *sighs* You fans are starting to get to me... making me feel guilty about torturing poor Inu! *sighs dramatically* Oh well. Guess I’ll have to deal with it, neh? ^_^ Lol. YES! It’s no longer just me! I’m contagious! First it’ll be just the readers of this story and then... the world! Lol, slowly but surely we must all succumb to rambling! ^_^ -- You’ll protect me! Oh, arigato! But are you sure your up to the job? I’ve been threatened with knives, ostriches and other, less specific tortures... I guess that’s just everyone’s way of saying how much they love this story! Lol ^_^

-Snowfall - Mm. I am evil aren’t I? But it’s the good kind of evil. The kind that lets me write stories like this. ^_^ Your Inuyasha? Now wait just a darn minute! He’s not yours! If anyone’s, he’s Sesshomaru’s! Or he should be anyway. But I guess Rumiko Takahashi didn’t like that idea... Maybe she’s not as brilliant as everyone thinks she is, neh? ^_^ Lol. -- Yeah, Inuyasha’s showing some nobility now. Could be a bad thing though, cause now he’s in Naraku’s grasp and all hell’s probably gonna break loose before he gets free. ^_^ -- Lol, don’t worry about the feeding thing, I’ve already got it covered. I’ve got an idea in my head anyway. -- Yeah, I suppose I’m torturing Sess quite a bit now too, aren’t I? Hopefull the reaction I wrote was believable, although I probably should have made it a bit more detailed... and I know I used the word “Icy” too many times in this chapter, but... And that’s fine. You can think of Tsukiko as his daughter if you like. I tend to do that too more often than not. ^_^ Cause as I said before, it does take more than semen to make a father, and Naraku wasn’t there. He raped Inuyasha. Just because he got him pregnant too doesn’t give him any rights to the baby. Or it shouldn’t. But I guess that’s not the way it’s quite working out in this story. ^_^

-Tai-san - Yep, Inuyasha’s giving himself up to save his sons. And Sesshomaru’s stuck there, absolutely helpless for once. I imagine it’s killing them both inside, neh? -- Hm. Yeah. I suppose Naraku is only the sperm donor. Though he’s also very different from that as well, cause he actually had sex with Inuyasha, and he wasn’t anonymous. Sperm donors are anonymous and don’t get rights to whatever babies may result from their donated sperm (at least, I’m pretty sure that’s how it works) so technically he’s not quite the same thing. But anyway, that’s human reality, and this is demon fiction, so we’ll just go with this for now, neh? ^_^

-Caitriona695 - You nominated me? Woah... You liked the fic that much?... huh. ^_^ Arigato! It’s great to know you’re enjoying it that much! ^_^ (lol believe it or not, I’m actually really excited, but it’s hard to type excitement so... ^_^). -- Gomen about the 1/2 chapter thing. I swear this rambling is a curse! Lol, I’m trying my best to keep the responses as short as possible, but it’s hard considering how different some people respond and sometimes how hard it can be to keep my rambling down to a minimum. I have been trying to find ways to make it more convenient for everyone though... And don’t worry-- I know you’re not trying to “flame” (for lack of a better word) me or anything like that. You’re not the first person to make a complaint. However, I’m afraid that, as I told them, I’m not gonna ever stop responding to people. I can stop responding to you personally if you like, but not everyone else unless they ask me too. So gomen for that. -- Anyway, I’m glad you like the storyline. I love using psychological torture in stories. It allows you to dig much deeper into a person than physical torture. We’ve seen Inu get stabbed through his gut and throat over and over again and come out just fine, but it seems like he’s highly susceptible to emotional torture. It would likely take very little to break him that way. So I’ve given him some of that, and then added a whole lot more and a plot to go with it. ^_^

-inutaiyoukai25 - ^_^ Lol, gomen! Well, about the cliffhangers, not about you loosing your mind. Smartest thing you could ever have done, in my opinion. I lost mine a long time ago, and now look at me!... Hm. O-kay, on second thought, that was a bad example. Hm. Well, don’t worry, I’ll come up with a better one. ^_^ In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this chapter... Hopefully the cliffy wasn’t too much to bear. Maybe next chapter I’ll avoid a cliffhanger... but then again, that might mean that I’ll have to end the story next chapter, which would mean it would have to be unbelievably long and... well, I just don’t think it would work. ^_^