InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Serious ( Chapter 59 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Konbanwa everyone. Well, at least where I am anyway.

Sorry to you all for all the lagging updates... I’ve just been too busy lately, which, normally isn’t a problem, but I’ve damn near worn myself down completely and I just haven’t had energy or time to write let alone update. It’s actually just about midnight where I live, and this is pretty much the only time I’ve managed to get on the computer at all in the last few days so...

And I’m gonna apologize right now if this chapter sucks, I really can’t remember, I don’t think I was all there when I wrote it, so... ^_^

Thanks again to Snowfall-- who made some contributions to my muses for this chapter! ^_^

THERE WILL BE NO ALERTS FOR THIS CHAPTER... haven’t had the time to log into my email for most of the week, and I still don’t now, so gomen about that... >_<   ~*~   Serious

Inuyasha trembled faintly as the cold air bit harshly at his skin.

He drew his knees up toward him, hugging them to his chest tightly, the chains that bound him to the wall rattling with the movement as he huddled back in his small, dank corner of the room.

His dull golden eyes drifted up toward the other figure in the room, the tall, threatening man silhouetted by the faint light travelling in through the window, and he felt his hackles attempt to rise, even as a shudder travelled up his spine.

‘How long do you intend to keep us here?’ He demanded sharply, with more bravery than he felt, but not nearly enough hate.

His mind was torn between how he should react-- Traumatized and incredibly terrified of the demon before him and what he was planning to do-- to him and his baby-- confused as to what he was up to in the first place-- why he wanted him-- and enraged that this... devil dared to come between him and his mate... between him and his children. It had dared to threaten physical harm to his sons, and now held him and his daughter captive... the fact that he had not yet hurt Tsukiko was probably the only thing that kept Inuyasha’s mind completely sane and stopped him from going on an all out massacre after this demon, and anyone else Naraku had ever been in contact with, if for no other reason than to make certain no one else made the mistake of coming after his pups like Naraku had.

Keeping this urge under control, of course, was not helped in the least by his youki shrilling it’s assent within him as well-- thrashing madly within him to try and convince him to go after this beast-- sink his claws deep into his flesh, and tear his heart still beating from within his chest. Rend the very skin from his bones, and rip his throat to pieces-- cause this demon the ultimate pain he could for hurting his offspring--

Inuyasha stopped that train of thought.

Because this wasn’t helping him.

He couldn’t do that.

He wasn’t strong enough at the moment and he... couldn’t risk putting Tsukiko in danger. And he was fairly certain that Naraku was aware of this as well... and perhaps that was why the spider had brought her along with them in the first place... to keep him under control.

Whatever the reasons, it was working... forcing his anger back, and making him be instead consumed by his fear and sorrow. Though it did not stop the bloodbath from playing constantly behind his eyes. And, secretly, he could not help but hope that he would soon experience for real... it would be nothing less than what Naraku deserved, after all...

By the window, Naraku frowned slightly at the question, and turned to look at his captive, the dark purple robes he wore barely concealing the tiny figure he had clasped in his hands.

‘Are you not happy here with me, koi?’ The demon asked in mock-hurt and concern, earning him a loud growl from the hanyou.

Inuyasha slumped harshly against the stone when his efforts only earned him a taunting chuckle, his head drooping to rest on his arms, which still bound his knees tightly against his chest.


It had only been a few hours most likely-- maybe a day at the most, but already it felt like he had been here an eternity.

A hand on his shoulder made him jump, and his head shot up, only to end up with him all but forcing his and Naraku’s lips together in a harsh and ill-aimed kiss.

In an instant Inuyasha had wrenched his face away, his eyes widening with horror as he prepared to scream obscenities at the top of his lungs, only to have a finger pressed against his lips, staying him for the time being.

‘Shh.’ Naraku murmured softly, gesturing over to the small cradle in the corner where Tsukiko now lay (though how the demon had transferred the pup from his arms to the cradle so quickly as beyond Inuyasha). ‘You don’t want to wake the baby.’

Inuyasha’s breathing hitched, and then was cut off entirely as his lips were again pressed against Naraku’s-- sharp teeth drawing blood and whimpers from him as a long-fingered hand pressed against the top of the shredded hakama Naraku had forced him to wear.

Honestly, the thing could hardly be considered clothing! For one thing, it seemed to be a size too small for him. And for another, it had so many cuts and rips in it, that it barely left anything to the imagination. Now that Naraku needed to imagine, of course, but for fuck’s sake, a strategically placed obi would likely have done a better job!

Inuyasha jerked himself angrily away from that train of thought, because, really, the condition of his clothing was the least of his worries at the moment.

The hand pressed against him, and Inuyasha arched his back, forcing his hips away slightly as his managed to tilt his mouth free from Naraku’s own.

‘Please... don’t... at least... not... in front of her.’ He said softly, his voice barely above a whisper, and his eyes focused on the ground in his shame and helplessness.

Naraku seemed slightly surprised at first by his request, but it was quickly replaced by a grin, and a small lick placed on his cheek that coated it with saliva and made him wince faintly.

‘You have accepted the inevitable I see.’ The kumo murmured between harsh bites along the boy’s jawline. ‘Good.’ He pulled back slightly and smirked as his hands trailed over the hem of Inuyasha’s hakama. ‘Do not worry about out daughter, Inuyasha. She will not notice a thing.’

That said, he again crashed his lips against the horrified hanyou’s, forcing his tongue inside Inuyasha’s mouth as his hand gripped the boy in an almost painful manner.

Inuyasha whined loudly into his mouth, his eyes beginning to water as his body stiffened and jerked, the chains binding him rattling all the more from the effort, but refusing to relent their hold.

Naraku smirked against his mouth, and then released him, using his claws to shred through the silky material beneath his fingers, fully exposing the hanyou to him once again.

Drawing back slightly, he yanked on the long chains, pulling Inuyasha further into the room where there was... well, more room. He shoved the young Inu to the floor, before moving to straddle his hips, his erection threateningly poking against Inuyasha’s stomach as the spider adjusted himself on him.

‘Why?’ He managed to whimper out through his anguish, uncertain why he was even bothering to question the spider-- even if it did cause a small pause in the hanyou’s assault on him.

The spider arched an eyebrow at him, and then offered him yet another of his sadistic smirks, before leaning down to lay along the hanyou’s chest.

‘Maybe I just like fucking you.’ The kumo said. ‘After you were so responsive the last time, maybe I just can’t resist.’ His smirk grew wider as he watched Inuyasha’s face burn with shame at the mention of their last meeting, and he placed a gentle lick on the boy’s collarbone. ‘Or’ The hanyou continued as he leaned up to Inuyasha’s ear, his breath ghosting over the trembling flesh. ‘Maybe I just think we should give our daughter some real brother’s and sisters.’

Inuyasha felt his eyes widen in shock as he gaped up at the moments before him, all embarrassment forgotten for the time being.

Naraku didn’t mean... he couldn’t be serious... could he?

Clearly though, judging by the expression on his face, he was serious. Very. And the kumohanyou proved it by grinning wickedly down at the hanyou as he watched realisation dawn on the inu’s face.

‘That’s right, Inuyasha.’ He taunted softly. ‘Before this is over, you are going to bear me another child. And this time there will be no interference from your mate.’

That said, the kumo swiftly moved, tearing away the hanyou’s clothing, and then his own before, without preparation, without warning, he shoved himself inside the inu, making Inuyasha scream loudly in pain as he felt himself be shredded, his own daughter’s cries moving to mingle harshly with his own-- grating on his ears as he tried all with all he could to stifle the screams of agony from his lungs that would not be silenced, if only to save her the anguish of hearing them. ~*~  


Youki - A youkai’s demonic energy

Koi - Love

Hanyou - Half-demon

Hakama - A type of Japanese “pants” worn by men and women

Kumo - Spider or Cloud. In this case I’m using it as spider ^_^

Inu - Dog

Kumo Hanyou - Spider-half-demon ~*~

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - Yeah, I know. I agree. I’m trying to work on that... it’s just so hard to find the time to write them out full-length right now, y’know? And better a short update than none at all, neh? ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - ^_^ I’m trying, I’m trying... ^_^

-FXL-lazy - Well I should hope so! That is the purpose of this all, ain’t it? To keep you on the edge of your seat, frying your eyeballs out on the computer screen, hanging off every single word until the very end! Phase one: Completed. ^_^ Lol. Inu getting rescued before Naraku touches him? Eh hem. Yeah... I’m sure you’ve noticed by now but... I don’t think that’s gonna happen... -- Mm, you noticed that did you? Yeah, I’ve been considering demon Inuyasha showing up, but I’m not certain how well that will work. Not because of your ideas though-- even though they are valid. I was thinking about what you said, and I took it into consideration, but I have to argue with your point here. Even though I understand what you were saying-- it being and alternate universe, and his first time he wouldn’t know how to handle it, but, if we follow the same sort of setting as the actual anime set up, he actually had more control and consciousness the earlier on he transformed. The first time he actually managed to talk to and recognise Kagome, though the rest of it he didn’t really seem capable of it. So I don’t think that would necessarily be the issue. But it would still create some fairly major problems in the story that I’m not sure I want to deal with. I still have to decide whether or not he’s gonna become human in Naraku’s grasp... ^_^ Still, I could also argue your point if I did that, because it’s very possible that he would loose control like that, and then you’ve set up a fairly interesting setting as well... *sighs* decisions decisions. Being a writer can be so stressful... ^_^ Lol, okay, gomen if what I just said didn’t make sense. Like I said, it’s like midnight here and I have nooooooooooooo idea what I’m talking about at the moment. ^_^ Anyway, feel free to go on for hours! I love hearing what you have to say! ^_^ Oh, you got a story up? That’s really cool! I might have to wait a while before I read it though... I never read a lot of stories before when I was writing, but now I’ve got like a million requests to read stories, and zero time, so it might have to wait until I can finish some of the other ones. Gomen! : ( I will try and read it sometime (though you might have to remind me-- still got the ADD-like-symptoms here!), and don’t you dare say that! I don’t care how good you think my story is, it can’t be that much better than yours! And even if you think it is, this is your first story right? I’ve been into writing since I was born and have been part of the FF universe for nearly five years and I used to suck! It’ll take some time but I’m sure that eventually you’ll create something you’ll love-- even more than this. ^_^ Lol, listen to me, rambling on like that and I haven’t even friggen well read your story yet! Sheesh. There’s something wrong with me. ^_^

-Snowfall - Lol, gomen, but that’s all I had in me at that point in time. Hopefully this chapter was a bit longer, but... somehow I don’t think it helped any with your sanity. ^_^ Still, I want to thank you again, cause I tried a bit to integrate what you said to me about the “bloodlust-mode” a mother goes into when her offspring is in danger. it’s a bit difficult though, consideirng Inuyasha is bound, captured, and up against the demon who raped him. I gotta mingle all the fears and worries and pain and anger and it’s just sooooooooo complex, so I’m not sure if it came out right. Frig. Digging deep into psychology here, neh? -- And you’re right, Inu Taisho isn’t one to just sit by, but I’ve got an explanation somewhere in my head for maybe why he’s being like this. Maybe it’s bigger than you’re thinking? Lol. Gomen about depriving you, but look at it this way-- when I finally reach the battle/rescue/whatever-it-may-be there should be some serious action and bloodshed going on. ^_^

-golden_kitsune - Really? They train you against ostriches? Huh. I wonder, is there a lot of death-by-ostrich threats going around? o.O Well, either way, those are some big-ass birds... Maybe I should get Kirara down to help too, neh? ^_^ -- Plan? Plan? I have no plan. I never have a plan. You should know that by now. This is just... an idea... or a disease. And it’s working! ^_^ -- Lol, I’m trying to update soon, so you can cry and... well, cry. No happy chapters yet, and, if I squint deeply into the fog that is my mind, I don’t think there’s any for a little while yet... Sure you still wanna protect me? *eyes warily for a moment* ^_^

-Taisho - ? Hm. That’s interesting. I don’t think anyone’s ever given me a Sess glare before. It’s really kinda difficult to get the whole icy-stoic-degrading thing down into an emotionless face, don’t ya think? *shrugs* ah well, I’m giving this too much thought, when I probably should be worried about my life. *shrugs again* Strangely enough, I’m not. I’m too tired right now. And if you’re just gonna bring me back, well then... why worry? Lol. Still, though, if you let me decompose, it’s probably gonna be pretty nasty when you bring me back to life... and I don’t know if the rosary thing would work. After all, Inu can’t remove it, so even if Kagome did, do we even know if it would work on me? This, of course, is taking it from a logical POV. Anyway, where was I... oh yeah, like I was saying, killing me, dressing me up, posing me on the front lawn, letting me decompose, and then bringing me back to life might not be the best idea because... well, it’s probably gonna put me in a pretty bad mood, and whatever mood I happen to be in while writing tends to be the mood the chapter comes out in. Not always, but usually, which would mean... well, more pain for Inu and Sess.... Just something you might want to consider... ^_^ Lol, plus, I think golden_kitsune has agreed to be a bodyguard of sorts, and apparently has special training against ostriches, so I’d be wary about that as well. Not that you’re an ostrich or anything, but... ^_^ -- Oh, you left another review... Okay, so I guess I’m gonna answer that now. ^_^ -- Hmm... how many people? Well, I don’t know. I don’t count actually. A few though. The rest of them either get mad, cry, or just tell me that I’m doing great and to continue, so... or sometimes people do a combination of all four, and that’s... well, that can be interesting too. ^_^ Still, you’re right, I’m not sure if I’ve turned golden_kitsune against me or not, so maybe I should look into bodyguards... I’d ask Inu and Sess, but I don’t think they’ve quite forgiven me for writing a fic like this in the first place, so... ^_^

-Caitriona695 - Lol, yeah, I suppose that’s all that really happened in that chapter. Little bits of explanations. Still, I’m glad you enjoyed that part. A few people told me that I should try more descriptive and less mental writing so, I’m not sure if this qualifies but... actually, I don’t know why anyone would ask me to do that, because I think that I’ve more than proven by now that all my writing is 100% mental. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, I guess I did leave that out. I think there was a reason, but I can’t remember it right now... Still, you’re not the only one. Everyone seems to like Tsukiko! It’s weird, cause she hasn’t even spoken yet, and already she has fans. ^_^ Lol. -- Really? I did? Huh. I don’t know much about PTSD, and I wasn’t even aware I was portraying it... didn’t think about it until you mentioned it, actually. Hm. Well, I’m glad I was accurate (at least in the last chapter, anyway). Hopefully this chapter was up to standards as well, neh? ^_^ -- Lol, I’m glad you like the response at the bottom. I know I talk to much, but it’s just something that’s not gonna change. Believe me, I’ve tried. But especially with reviewers. They were nice enough to take the time and give me the encouragement I needed to actually continue writing this story, so, essentially, I owe them a lot more than just responding to them, cause if nobody reviewed, I’d loose interest, and... well, WMtM would cease to exist. ^_^ -- And we’ll see about Inu Taisho. Everyone wants him to get in on it, but I don’t know if I want to go that direction... I’ll have to think about it some more. ^_^

-Tryst/Punishment of the Inu - Lol, of course you don’t know where I’m going with this. I don’t know where I’m going with this, so if you did and I didn’t, and you hadn’t told me... well, I’d likely be pretty upset, cause I don’t have a damn clue where this is headed. ^_^ -- Gomen about not reading/reviewing your stories by the way-- I know that you have been updating a lot, but I just haven’t had a moment to spare to read them! They’re at the top of my list though! As soon as I get another moments piece... (though only heaven knows when the hell that will be...) 0-- Oh, and be sorry for Inu and Sess now while Naraku has Inu, but feel sorry for Naraku later when (or should I say if) Sess gets his claws into him. ^_^

-maelia8 - Hey! Sorry if this is kinda short and inchorent... it’s passed midnight, and I’m starting to drift again. ^_^ -- First off, Welcome back!Good to know exams are over! Hope you did good on them! ^_^ Lol. -- You had a premonition huh? Lol, yeah, me too, when I was writing it. But then again, I actually put that in so that I could make the little scene between Naraku and Sess believable. Naraku had to have some major leverage if he ever wanted to get the drop on Sess, and that seemed to be a good way to get it. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, you’re right. To control such a destructive force. But we all face that battle don’t we? We all have a moment when we know we can do some serious damage, and we want to like all hell, but we have to hold back. Essentially it’s the same thing, only with Sesshomaru if he lets go he can transform into a giant demon dog and slaughter a million people before he even breaks a sweat, so... -- Mm. Yeah, a tug-of-war. Lol, don’t worry, I’m not like that. I don’t do that kind of thing, because I loose interest too. That’s my main problem-- I can only hold onto things for so long before I loose interest, and once I do, it ain’t coming back. There are only a few things that have broken this rule with me before, and, luckily enough, writing is one of them. ^_^ But, I agree, if the writing becomes too this-way-that-way-this-way then I loose interest as well... So hopefully I will be able to provide the twists and darkness you seek and keep you on the edge until the end... ^_^ (I have no idea if you used vapid correctly... I don’t think I’ve ever used the word myself, but... Which is kinda strange, considering I’ve used words like Troglodyte before... ^_^) -- Faith and high hopes huh? Top five? Hm... No pressure though, right? Lol ^_^. No, seriously, I’m glad you’re liking this so much! It’s great that you have “high hopes” for it, cause that means I’ve given you a reason to have them, which means I must be doing something right. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah, please do! I don’t know if I’ve read you’re fic, but I’m sure whoever you’re readers are, they will be happy to see some new chapters! ^_^ -- Shogun? Really... Hm. That sounds interesting, and it could be a good idea. It’s always good to research a little before writing something-- just gives you that much more of an authentic edge... I might just go and take a look at that. ^_^ Thanks for the suggestion! ^_^ (And 1150 pages ain’t nothing... or have you never read LoTR? Lol ^_^)

-Russanya - Oh, well, then by all means I must continue! I would hate to deny a person such a potentially fatal satisfaction as that! ^_^ Lol. -- You started writing? How cool! I can’t read whatever you’ve posted immediately I’m afraid, I’m really backlogged in reading and writing (amongst other things) but hopefully I’ll be able to make some time sometime soon, neh? It’s always great to see new work! ^_^ -- Mm. You’re wondering what Naraku wants to do with Tsukiko? Hm... well, let me just tell you that I’m just as curious as you are... because, once again, my muses haven’t told me a damn thing! I’ll have to have a talk with them about that... ^_^

-the tell-tale-kitten - Really? My every word? Woah... unless, of course, you just mean in the story, in which case it’s not quite as amazing. Because, in case you haven’t noticed, I talk. A lot. Lol, but anyway, that’s not important right now, you’re review is, neh? ^_^ -- Lol, I’m glad you liked the naming scene, but I’m not entirely certain what you’re asking me. If you mean “did I have help picking out the names” then yes-- I got reviewers to submit/vote for their fav names for a period a while back. If you mean did I have help with that actual scene itself then no. It was all my imagination. I’ve never had kids so it was a bit complex to try and figure it out and understand how I would go about doing that and make it believable while integrating it with the character‘s personalities... and if you’re saying you liked it, then I guess I can declare it mission accomplished, neh? ^_^ -- Lol, you found the ears interesting huh? Well you’re not the only one. I’ll tell you why I did that, though. Arekusu and Inuko are Inuyasha and Sesshomaru’s. So I suppose that would give them more dog-demon blood. Maybe too much. They’re 3/4 youkai. But Tsukiko is only a half-demon. And, since Inuyasha is also a half-demon (and her father) it made more sense to me that she would have koinu ears, and not the other two, who are nearly full-blooded demons. ^_^ Lol. Hopefully that made sense out loud like it did in my head. Wouldn’t surprise me if it did though. -- : ( Gomen if the reviews bother you... it’s not a purposeful thing. I am trying to make it more convenient though-- that’s why they’re at the bottom now. But I just think if a person takes the time to review to my story and give me the motivation to continue writing, why wouldn’t I respond? They deserve that much at least. If you don’t want me to respond to you though, I’ll stop... can’t make any promises for anyone else though. -- And you’re right, I know chapter 58 was short. That was my own fault. Like I’ve said I was just too tired to write anything more... I think the chapters may continue to be short for the next little while though, until I get more energy saved up... Gomen again!

-Myli - ^_^ Great to know that you think so! I’ll try to keep meeting your expectations! ^_^

-Tai-san - Of course he is! He’s Sesshomaru! ^_^ Lol, glad you’re enjoying it. ^_^ You seem to be one of the only one’s who wants to see something evil happen to Inu.... Rock on! ^_^ -- And you’re more than welcome! Thank you for reviewing! You guy’s are what inspire me to keep writing! ^_^

-Jaden Birdie Blythe - Well, I’m glad you’re liking it and that you don’t think it’s over-the-top. That’s all I ever hoped to achieve with this story in the first place, so... ^_^ -- I must say though I’m surprised that’s you’re only problem... it doesn’t even involve the story all that much! Lol, I figured though that they probably weren’t correct. I don’t speak Japanese. Never have and probably never will. All I know are little mixed words from a whole bunch of different languages, and I can never be certain if I’m using them right. Lol, I just look them up and take a random shot in the dark and hope for the best. ^_^ Lol. -- You want to help me? ^_^ Lol, well I don’t know... not that I don’t appreciate the offer, but there are two problems a) I’m really independant. And stubborn. I like doing things on my own and learning them on my own, so I would probably go berserk on you before you could even begin to help me. And b)I very much doubt that I could do anything with your help. No offence meant, of course, I’d probably just get very confused (I do so easily) and end up forgetting and mixing things up and then, in the end, I’d just blow a fuse and say “to hell with it” and go right back where I started. Lol, I really don’t want to put you through the ordeal of working with me, so i think I’m gonna decline for now. If I ever manage to get over my idiotic brain though, you’ll be the first person I’ll ask though! ^_^ And thanks so much again for offering! It really is appreciated! (And I agree-- other languages really are great! But then again, so is this one ^_~)

-coldTenshieyes - Lol, gomen! Had to stop! Ran out of steam! If I went any farthr, I would have blown a fuse, ended up in the hospital, and never written anything again. I figured it was better this way. ^_^ Lol. -- Yeah, poor Sess... and the poor pups... I hope they will be okay but... well, I don’t make any promises. ^_^ Yeah, I made another cliffhanger... ^_^ People are really starting to go after me about that. ^_^ They’re just jealous in my opinion... Lol jj! ^_^ -- Don’t worry, I have no intentions of stopping! ^_^ -- Oh, you read them? Cool! Lol. Yeah, Inu Taisho was creepy in that series. He was supposed to be. I was just sick as all hell at seeing him go after Sesshomaru, and I didn’t see why he couldn’t torture Inu as well. Maybe I went a little bit overboard, but... ^_^ Lol.

A/N: Yes, I know, I’m evil.

Yes, I know, you’re all gonna kill me.

Yes, I know, I’m gonna try and update soon.

Yes, I shouldn’t have done that to Inu. Or Tsukiko.

And yes, Inu Taisho/Sesshomaru/Inuyasha should all kick the fucking shit out of Naraku.

Lol I don’t know why you people keep telling me this, you’re getting absolutely no argument from me. It’s my damn muses and imagination which are so damn evil and keep this story going like this. Damn scary things... ^_^

Well, it’s now 12:43 and I have to get up in like six hours, so I’m gonna go now... sorry to anyone who I might have been curt to in this...

