InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Hungry ( Chapter 61 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hello!

Lol, I told everyone I’d have the next chapter up today or tomorrow didn’t I?

Although that almost turned into a lie, cause my stupid computer tried to delete the file, b-ut it’s all worked out now. Anyway, I don’t feel like talking anymore, so I’m not gonna. ^_^

Oh, and I don’t know what this has to do with it, but I think the song I was listening to throughout most of this chapter was going under by evanescence, so that’s my music of choice for it... ^_^   ~*~   Hungry

Inuyasha shivered, his ears pinned tightly to his head as he drew the figure cradled in his arms closer to his body-- trying to silence her without alerting the other member in the room.

He winced slightly as his abused body gave a particularly harsh throb of pain as he blinked his eyes to try and stop the tears from flowing out of them.

In his grip, Tsukiko gave a small whine, making him wince again and cast a fearful glance toward the futon set up near the other end of the room.

‘Shh.’ He cooed softly, drawing her closer to him as he mentally whispered apologies to her. Because he knew what she wanted.

She was hungry.

She needed to eat-- hadn’t eaten since they had been captured.

But he had nothing to give her...

Naraku shifted slightly on the futon, and Inuyasha’s whole frame instantly cramped up in fear as his terror-struck eyes fixated on the body lying in a heap upon the bed.

He didn’t know how long he’d been captive here... only that it had been more than enough time for Naraku to torture him. To take him. Repeatedly.

He had lost count of the number of times the bastard had raped him since he had come here... all he was aware of what that he was fairly certain it had entered into double-digits at some point or another (though where Naraku got the stamina for that when he could barely even support his head up on his shoulders anymore was beyond him).

And then the bastard hadn’t let him clean himself... hadn’t given him time to recover from his assaults... just gone over and taken hold of a fairly upset looking Tsukiko, and forced him to hold her while he went to sleep on the futon.

Not that he wanted to be separated from his daughter, but... he just... wasn’t ready to hold her yet.

He didn’t have what it took to look after her right now..

And he really did not wish to be touched by anyone at the moment... his body already felt sticky and contaminated enough without having someone else come in contact with him.

And all these little factors were slowly conspiring against him to make him feel... bitter toward the child in his arms.

And he didn’t want to be...

Naraku shifted again, and it was all Inuyasha could do not to panic as he felt his heart thump painfully against his chest in an erratic and ill-aimed rhythm as Tsukiko continued to squirm in his grip.

‘Please don’t wake up. Please, Please don’t wake up...’ He silently chanted over and over again in his head, and for a moment, it almost seemed as though Naraku would listen to him and go back to sleep.

Then Tsukiko let out a small wail in his arms, clearly very upset and being denied nourishment for so long, and began squirming in discomfort, and it was all Inuyasha could do not to slap his hand over her mouth just to shut her up.

Crimson eyes flickered, and then fell open as the monster on the bed slowly regained consciousness.

And, as said eyes came to land on Inuyasha, it was all the hanyou could do to avoid choking on his heart, which seemed to have lodged itself quite painfully in his throat-- threatening to suffocate him with every breath as he waited.

Icy crimson met with terrified gold as Naraku slowly lifted himself from the bed, his eyes narrowing even further as Tsukiko let out another loud wail, making Inuyasha instinctively tighten his hold on her... willing her to be silent without speaking... before she brought more wrath down upon them...

He watched in horror as Naraku allowed the dark yukata he had been wearing slide from his shoulders to pool down on the futon-- leaving him completely naked and exposed before Inuyasha’s wide eyes as the hanyou continued to watch his every movement from his dark, cold corner of the room.

And, as he turned and faced his back to Inuyasha, the hanyou could not help but stare at the large spider-mark that adorned his incredibly pale flesh in something akin to horror.

Rin had said that Naraku had a spider birthmark on his back, but this... this looked more like a horrible burn or scar of some kind that a birthmark.

And Inuyasha’s eyes could not help but linger on it, even as it was concealed behind the barrier of Naraku’s robes.

His eyes snapped down immediately, however, the moment the spider hanyou began to turn toward him, and he focused instead on the very unhappy child he held prisoner in his unrelenting grip, as Tsukiko stared up at him, her eyes large and water, and her ears all but flattened against her head. Well, at least by the standards of her and how much control she actually had over her ears.

‘I know.’ He silently told her. ‘I know you’re hungry. But I have nothing I can give you...’

A shadow fell over him, and then there were cool, pale hands covering his own as Naraku stared intently at his face, and Inuyasha forced himself not to look up and meet that gaze-- to keep his eyes focused instead on his daughter, who was letting out tiny whimpers and snuffles, her tiny clawed hands reaching demandingly toward his chest, making his heart clench in pain at his helplessness.

‘She wants something.’ Naraku observed, his cool voice slipping over Inuyasha-- draining his body of what little heat it had managed to contain, as his ears compressed even further against his head.

‘She is hungry.’ He murmured, hating how weak and small his voice sounded now.

The hands covering his own shifted up slightly, pushing away the edges of Tsukiko’s blanket that had fallen to cover his wrists as the kumo began to speak again.

‘So why don’t you feed her?’ Naraku questioned, his gaze fixed on Inuyasha’s face, his hands sliding down to caress the hanyou’s thighs, making him shudder at the contact.

While Naraku had had the privilege of getting dressed after raping him, and was now clad in another of his dark miasmic kimono’s, he had left Inuyasha with nothing to wear but his shackles, which, surprisingly enough, were little cover or comfort for the hanyou.

The only material that was currently covering him now was that of Tsukiko’s blanket, and the long sleeves of Naraku’s robes as they trailed dangerously over his shivering flesh.

Inuyasha swallowed thickly, trying to ignore Naraku’s touches as he forced his throat to push down his non-existent saliva, and slowly began to speak to his captor.

‘I can’t. She drinks only milk... I can’t make any.’

His soft whisper barely made it to his own ears, but it seemed to momentarily still Tsukiko, as well as Naraku’s wandering hands as the kumo took a moment to silently contemplate his words. But when he spoke again, Inuyasha could hear that the smirk had returned to his face, and he tensed slightly, knowing that smirk never meant anything good for him.

‘Oh?’ Naraku asked, leaning closer so his lips brushed the fur of Inuyasha’s flattened ear. ‘Did you ever even try?’ He questioned, his voice a low hiss, making Inuyasha shudder minutely.

The younger hanyou cringed away from his touch, curling further in on himself and his daughter, his shackles rattling faintly from his movements as he quietly began speaking again. ‘There would be no point.’ He murmured, trying to lift his knees up and force them between himself and Naraku to give him some defence against the spider’s advances, only to have them slammed back harshly into the ground by Naraku’s grip on them.

Then, releasing one leg, Naraku brought his hand up to Inuyasha’s chin, jerking his head roughly up toward him-- forcing him to look at him for the first time since he had dressed. ‘Then I suggest that you try.’ The kumo said, his eyes glittering with a deadly sort of fire that made Inuyasha’s ears press tighter to his head and his eyes widen faintly. ‘I will not have my daughter starving to death on your account.’

Inuyasha stared up at Naraku in utter shock-- and not just because the spider seemed to be almost showing concern of some sort for Tsukiko’s well-being-- but also because... what the spider was asking of him... it was impossible.

‘Naraku, I can’t--’

‘You can and you will.’ Naraku bit out, making Inuyasha jump slightly as a tentacle suddenly shot out to wrap tightly around his throat, the sight of it instantly sending a wave of terror through the younger hanyou, even as his air passage was compressed and crushed against itself, stopping him from breathing.

‘I would suggest you start.’ Naraku said coldly, his eyes holding malice and the promise of pain and death in their bloody depths. ‘I would hate to end my fun with you so soon. But do not doubt for a second that I will do it. And then there will be no one to look after your daughter.’

Breath hitching painfully, Inuyasha stared at Naraku a minute, terrified by the truthfulness of his words, before slowly, his entire frame shaking badly, he lifted his arms, and brought Tsukiko’s mouth up to his chest, his body tensing faintly at the familiar sensation of lips and fangs wrapping around his nipple as the small pup began to suck desperately from him...

And Inuyasha stared up at Naraku in silent horror for whatever terrors would come when Naraku’s little plan failed and the demon finally realised that he would not be able to feed his daughter...

But... something wasn’t right...

Naraku didn’t look unhappy with him... or ready to tear his heart still beating from his chest, and... Tsukiko wasn’t stopping.

He risked glancing down at his daughter, and was terribly surprised to see her swallowing-- her tongue lapping greedily at his chest, as some of the white liquid she was sucking down slipped from the side of her mouth to slide in a cool, creamy river down his chest.

And for several moments he was far too stunned to do anything but stare as she continued to lap at his flesh, before, finally, pulling away, apparently satisfied that she had had enough, and yawning widely as she allowed her eyes drift into a closed position once again.

And Inuyasha might have continued to stare at her in this same awestruck manner for several minutes longer-- just contemplating this new and unexpected phenomenon-- had Naraku’s silky voice not interrupted him a moment later.

‘You see?’ The demon asked him smoothly, causing Inuyasha to look up in surprise at the close proximity of that voice, only to have the kumo start forward slightly and crash his lips tightly against the other hanyou’s.

He tried to pull back, but Naraku’s hand came around the back of his head, his fingers twining tightly in Inuyasha’s hair, staying his movements.

A tight whine of desperation pulled itself from Inuyasha’s throat as the need to escape began to overwhelm him and his youki thrashed harshly and angrily within him, full of indignant rage at what this beast was doing to him.

Just when he was about to snap and do... well, he didn’t know what, but something horrible, that would likely result in innumerable amounts of pain and bloodshed on his part, Naraku pulled back-- just a couple of inches-- staring down at Inuyasha and smirking as his tongue darted out to slip sensuously over his lips.

‘That wasn’t so bad, now was it?’ He questioned, before slowly rising to his feet, and gliding off toward the door, pausing once he reached it to look back at the stunned and traumatized hanyou curled up and shivering in the corner.

‘I’ll be back soon my pet.’ He said, a sadistic smirk twisting his features, and, though these words were probably meant just as a comment, to Inuyasha, the sounded like the biggest threat in the world, and the moment the figure had disappeared from sight, and his scent was far enough away that Inuyasha felt it was safe to do so, he slumped limply against the wall, his eyes falling closed in exhaustion and unconsciousness, even as fresh tears slipped from his eyes.

Tears tinted with the faint and pale crimson of blood. ~*~  


Yukata - A light Japanese robe or Kimono

Kumo - Spider

Hanyou - Half-Demon

Youki - A demons spiritual energy ~*~  

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - Ooooooh lol. I forgot they sent out emails for that too. Lol, well the revision was very miniscule, so I doubt you would’ve noticed it. I made a mistake with one of the things I put in there I said Kodomo instead of Kodama by accident, and I’d only just then realised it, so that’s what I fixed. ^_^ Sorry for the confusion (and for the lack of lemons for that matter... ^_^) ~*~  

A/N: Okay, some of you out there are probably thinking I’m some kind of a lunatic at the moment (which is probably true, but...) so I’m gonna explain: If you’re wondering why Inuyasha, being the male that he is, is able to produce milk, then, as several people have already informed me, that would be because males already have the ability to produce milk. All mammals do evidently, but, because the male body never gives birth, they don’t produce the right hormones, and so then don’t actually make any. Now you’re probably wondering why it took Inu so long to produce milk... Maybe it was just a delayed reaction or something because his body wasn’t used to the idea, or maybe he was simply too weak with the birth and then the blood donations he was making every day. I haven’t entirely decided why yet. The point is, he can do it now, and that should also answer people’s questions wondering how I planned to feed Tsukiko in captivity. ^_^