InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Surprise ( Chapter 62 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay, gomen,gomen,gomen,gomen,gomen,gomen,gomen,gomen,gomen for how long it’s taking me to update! It’s end of school year and all that and I’ve had a shit-load of work to do, so time is kinda short to dedicate to the stories.

Although I have to admit that I did get this chapter finished a while ago (like days) but I wanted to get a headstart on some the upcoming chapters to see if the idea I have in my head will work. I’m hoping it does. Whether this headstart will increase the speed of the updates in undetermined, since, for the most part, I just have a bunch of random chapter beginnings started, nothing solid or specific. Hopefully I’ll get them done soon.

Anyway, I’ve got a whole lotta reviews to answer, so I’m gonna do that and leave you guys to the chapter.

OH! But before that, I have a link (Thanks to Snowfall for finding it, and Caitriona for bringing it up in the first place) (here: about male lactation. This might help explain to some people exactly why Inuyasha was suddenly able to lactate. Or at least one of the possible reasons. ^_^

And one more thing: My email is down. That means I’m not sending out alerts with this chapter. Gomen! >_<   ~*~   Surprise

Inuyasha’s head jerked up as his eyes flew open at the sound of the door slowly doing the same, and he whole body instantly tensed-- his muscles stiff and cramped from his continued position.

Footsteps reached his ears, and then the dark hem of Naraku’s robes snaked into his line of vision as the horrid, poisonous stench that was the half-youkai’s scent assaulted his sensitive nose, making it wrinkle slightly in disgust.

Inuyasha could smell malcontent mixed in with his horrid stench, and the promise of pain, and he unconsciously pressed tighter against the wall, jerking his head in a violent wince when a hand back out and touched his chin, the cool fingertips pressing against his flesh, tilting his face back and up toward Naraku’s, though once again he refused to meet the demon’s eyes as Naraku murmured some sort of greeting to him-- his snake-like tongue sliding out to lick a path over Inuyasha’s cheekbone, before their lips were suddenly pressed together.

Inuyasha whined loudly in distress and jerked his head back, trying to disconnect from the foul beast in front of him, his eyes going wide with fear as he scented the arousal staining the air.

‘Poor puppy.’ Naraku murmured, his lips move uncomfortably close to Inuyasha’s ear, brushing against the fur-lined edges and making him shiver. ‘Are you really so frightened of me?’ He leaned down and licked Inuyasha’s lips, making the hanyou shudder faintly, wondering how long they were going to play this game this time... how many times they had already played it...

Tsukiko, who had sensed her bearer’s distress, looked up with wide eyes at the scene before her, not knowing what was happening or understanding it, only that, whenever that strange scent entered the room, her bearer began to emanate an uncomfortable amount of fear and distress, that her tiny, barely developed instincts would absorb and turn into her own.

Both hanyou’s were oblivious to this, of course, as Naraku smirked at Inuyasha’s obvious fear and discomfort.

‘I have a surprised for you, pet.’ He said softly, making Inuyasha’s ears compress as he pulled back to retrieve said “surprise” from within the confines of his kimono.

Inuyasha felt his eyes widen to saucers, and then dilate in fear as he stared at the thing Naraku held out dangling before his ace.

It appeared to be a long strip of pure black leather, with tiny gleaming silver hooks running all along one side, and a large clamp like object on the very back, and it looked very much like a weapon that might be used to beat your opponent very well to within an inch of their life. However, to Inuyasha, it’s purpose was quite obvious and very different from that.

It was a collar.

Inuyasha stared at the thing fearfully-- sensing the evil aura surrounding it-- before his eyes flickered nervously to Naraku’s face.

‘W... what is that for?’ He questioned slowly, his parched throat scraping together around each word. Which was reasonable, considering he had not eaten nor drank since he had come here, which he imagined was somewhere close to at least two days ago. Not that he could guarantee that. The only means he had to tell the passage of time was the window at the far end of the room, and Naraku’s sleeping patterns. And the window was always shut, while Naraku, it seemed, had absolutely no set sleeping pattern, so really that was very little for him to go on.

Naraku smirked widely in his face.

‘I believe every dog should bear the collar of it’s master.’ The demon said, making sure Inuyasha caught every word. There was a flash of outrage in the hanyou’s eyes, but it was devoured again by fear a moment later as the aura around the collar seemed to pulse slightly.

He glanced nervously at said collar, before looking back up at Naraku.

‘I am no one’s pet.’ He said, angry at how weak his voice sounded even to his ears.

‘Mm.’ Naraku said, the smirk still in place on his face. ‘Yes. I suppose if you continue to tell yourself that long enough, perhaps one day you will truly believe it.’ The kumo’s eyes flickered slightly as he continued to stare at Inuyasha. ‘For now, since we both still know better, let’s just get this over with, shall we? Besides, you never know-- perhaps it will help cover that foul scar you bear on your neck.’

He raised the collar up, bringing it closer to the hanyou, whose eyes were still flashing over the mention of covering his mating mark, and attempted to place it on his neck, only to have the boy press back away from him, a low growl tearing itself free from his throat, his ears pressed back and his eyes narrowed slightly as he stared dangerously at Naraku, looking very much the part of a feral, trapped dog. And it was enough to give Naraku pause.

He stared at Inuyasha a moment, clearly both surprised and amused by his little show of defiance, and then tsked gently at the boy. ‘Don’t be like that, pet.’ He said. ‘I don’t want to have to muzzle you as well.’ That said, he began to move the collar closer again, and Inuyasha cringed away, his eyes wide with panic as he pressed as far away from the thing as possible-- shuddering at the way it seemed to burn his skin before it had even managed to contact it-- a high pitched whine tearing free from his throat as his youki subconsciously reached out toward his mate, trying to alert him of the danger and state of panic he was in.

No sooner had the noise escaped from the prison of his lips, than several things happened.

Tsukiko, who had been tense enough with distress from her bearer before, became even more so at the horrendous fear pouring off of him now-- at the feel of his youki calling out so strongly for help-- and, without any concerns or knowledge of the possible consequences her actions might induce, she drew her tiny hand back, and slashed blindly with her claws-- slicing over the flesh of the threat’s wrist, spattering her tiny face and body in drops of blood, her ears pressing tightly back against her head, and looking like she had true control over them for the first time in her short life as she squirmed her tiny body in her state of upset.

The unexpected attack caused Naraku to yank away in surprise, his face darkening as his crimson gave flew down to the small pup, who was staring at her own claws with wide eyes-- their razor edges still shining and dripping with the blood she had just spilled.

Unfortunately for Inuyasha, his daughter’s would-be rescue of him did not come fast enough.

The sharp metal teeth touched his flesh just as Tsukiko’s claws sliced Naraku’s, and that was all it took.

In an instant they had latched themselves to him-- hooking and burying deeply into his flesh, drawing the rest of the collar to wrap about his throat as well-- sinking deep enough to tear veins, and there must have been some sort of venom on them, because, for all of a moment, Inuyasha felt his blood turn completely to ice.

Then the pain hit.

Unbelievable, excruciating, blindingly white-hot waves of pain that shot through his body like streaks of lightning over water, making him jerk, convulse, and then go completely still.

His frame had cramped up-- the muscles hidden just beneath the surface of flesh refusing to move-- even as the collar completed the attachment with the only thing left-- the clamp.

The sharp, jagged metal bit that sunk deeply into his flesh from behind, clamping on it like Sesshomaru’s fangs had on the night of the new moon, only these were going so much deeper-- tearing flesh, and stopping just short of his spinal chord, forcing his head back for a moment, before relenting it’s hold slightly and letting it slump back forward on his shoulders, though it still dug harshly into him.

And, in his current state of paralysis, Inuyasha could do nothing to defend against it physically... yet his pain was too great to be contained... and so he did the only thing that was still left available for him to do.

He screamed.

And unbelievable, earth-shattering, mind-blowing scream, that made his ears pop, and tore his vocal chords to the point of bleeding, even as Tsukiko, her attention drawn again from the blood on her claws to the pain and distress of her hanyou father, joined in on his chorus of misery, not understanding what was causing them to shriek like this, only that, if her bearer was making such a horrible noise, she probably should be too.

Not that Inuyasha really noticed.

He was beyond the point of noticing.

And all he could do was wait helplessly as the pain finally overcame him, and he fell limply once again into oblivion-- the only place that was safe enough to hide him from the pain and agony of his waking life... ~*~

Glossary (Don’t know if I did it in the right order this time...)

Youkai - Demon

Hanyou - half demon

Youki - A Demon’s aura or energy

Kumo - Spider ~*~  

-the amber dragonfly - Lol, well I’m glad you liked it. ^_^ I don’t know, I was just had a really uncomfortable feeling when I was writing that chapter-- like it had to be forced out instead of just flowing naturally like some of the others, and I don’t tend to like chapters that feel like that. -- Mm. Corruption. I am slowly perfecting that art. ^_^ Lol, tell me about it. I started out a lot like you. Although my first encounter with ff was yaoi, so that’s pretty much where I started, never could get into the het stuff. Yep, I’m a completely corrupted hentai. And it looks like you’ll be joining me sometime soon. ^_^ -- Well, I don’t know how you feel, but I’m actually glad that none par with mine. But maybe that’s just me. ^_^ -- Lol, yeah. Once you get your head wrapped around the whole Mpreg idea, it’s a lot of fun to torture them like that, neh? -- Oh? Inuyasha/Ranma? I’ve only read one of those, but it was never finished. What’s the title, if you say it’s good, maybe I’ll have to take a look at it. ^_^ -- I agree. I hate it when any author doesn’t finish their stuff, talented or not, if I’m reading it. It can be such a PITA! Lol, but you’re right, I’m not such an authoress. At least, not so far. Not with this fanfiction. I have a real problem with original stories though. So they never get posted. Plus, they’re complete crap. ^_^ -- Lol, well okay, if you say so... just don’t come crying your sleep-deprived eyes back to me later. ^_^ -- Mm. Yeah, I have seen that pic before. It’s not the best I’ve seen in the world, but it’s definitely not the worst, and it’s probably one of the better inu/sess yaoi pics out there. There this one FA artists you should take a look at though-- Giovanna I think her name was. MAN she is sooo good! Wish I could draw like that, but my only talent is copy art, not original stances. ^_^ Oh, and there’s another good pic-- one of my favs-- here: -- I don’t know if it qualifies for yaoi, but it’s still a really good bit of artwork. ^_^ -- Uh-oh, now I’m ranting on about art! Lol, don’t get me going, or you’re never gonna get me to stop! ^_^ -- Anyway, thanks for all the compliments you’ve heaped on my over-enflated ego! Just for that, I’m gonna try my very best to keep up the quality! ^_^ Hopefully I shall succeed. -- Lol, good for you! Torturing the males! ^_^ I hope you have fun!... Corruption... First my readers... then the world! ^_^

-golden_kitsune - *Phew* that’s good to know. I mean, not only does everyone else seem to like her so much, but if you went after her, I might have to kick your ass! ^_^ Lol, luckily enough, your not, so there’s no problem. Although, there’s probably something seriously demented about threatening to kick the ass of one of the few people offering me protection, neh? ^_^ -- Lol, well, yeah, I suppose he does deserve a good beating, neh? If only I could get Sesshomaru down there... ^_^ -- Really? Huh. Go figure that. Never new ostriches watched movies. Crazy, power-hungry, giant flightless birds! ^_^

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - Nope, sorry, there was no lemon. Maybe soon though... (although it’d probably have to be a Naraku/Inu one...) -- And sorry about the ch 62 thing. That was a mistake. ^_^

-LizzzA - Lol, well okay. ^_^ I was a little confused, but... ^_^ Hopefully your computer’s let you catch up now though, neh? ^_^

-Nikki23534 - Woah. Really? Every one of them? Jeez... Well, I’d just like to apologize now for all the brain cells I’m sure were killed off in the process. ^_^ Still, I’m glad you liked my work so much (YAY!)! ^_^ -- Yeah, it is a long one isn’t it? Still, hopefully you stopped every once in a while for things like food. Sleep. I’ve had a couple people tell me they read the story straight through and that kinda makes you a little bit disturbed that your turning all your readers into zombies. ^_^ -- Mm. Well maybe Sess will. But right now he’s really stressed out and frantic. I can’t imagine him showing much of anyone much compassion. Except Inu and his pups. ^_^ -- Hm. Inu and Tsukiko will probably be here for at least a little while longer. I can’t have Naraku go to all the trouble of capturing them without spending a bit of time on mindless torture now can I? ^_^ -- Hm. Well, I don’t know what drawn and quartered is, but, if it’s at all what I’m thinking it is... OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If it’s not, OUCH! Man, and people call me sadistic. ^_^ -- Lol, don’t thank me! If anyone I should be thanking you for reading it. Who do you think I’m writing it for? ^_^

-____insert user here - Lol, oh, okay. ^_^ Although now I’m a bit confused, because it says your logged on, so I’m not entirely certain if this is a fluke, or if I’m just interpreting what you said wrong... meh, suppose it doesn’t really matter. I think that, in a nutshell, I get it. ^_^ -- Lol, well I don’t much like metal mostly because it’s all crowded together and there doesn’t seem to be a rhythm or purpose to the music. Especially considering half the time the singer is screaming at the top of their lungs and I can’t understand what they’re saying. But every once in a while I’ll hear a song that qualifies as metal and I’ll like it. ^_^ -- I’ve heard a few Evanescence songs (haunted, bring me to life, my immortal, lies, going under and I think one called October) and I think I like them. Amy Lee has an awesome voice. I’ve never really considered them as metal before. Lol, truthfully I didn’t give it much thought. I liked the music. That was all that mattered to me. ^_^ -- Ugh! I hate that! Here’s something that might help (emphasis on the word might) try holding down the ctrl key when you go to submit the review. I don’t know, it seems to work for me (then I only have to submit the damn thing twice! ^_^). -- Lol, I’m sorry if they were hard to read. ^_^ I know I’m torturing him so much... and poor Sess helpless and unable to do anything. I don’t know when I’m gonna give them a break. As far as my muses are concerned, his break was back when he was pregnant. ^_^ -- Lol, anyway, I’m sorry but I should probably stop talking to you now. Nothing personal, but I’ve got less than 30 min (which isn’t any time at all) to respond to the rest of the readers if I want to get this post up today, so... ^_^ AND DON’T APOLOGISE! ^_^ -- Oh, and as to your next review, that’s okay. I looked up the song and listened to it full anyway before I left that response last time, so I heard the whole thing. And I agree-- some parts seem to match, but overall... meh. ^_^ (and gomen for being so curt-- I’ll try and have more time next time >_<)

-Caitriona - Lol, yeah! Thanks for mentioning that! I said something to snowfall, who was curious about that as well, and she found that link at the top of the chap that talked about induced lactation and stuff. ^_^ Lol, although Snowfall said the milk would probably be really thin and sickly and might give Tsukiko a sour stomach, so maybe it’s not such a good thing for her after all?

-Tryst/Punishment of the Inu - Lol, I don’t think anyone’s happy with Naraku right now. ^_^ --Inu doesn’t kick Naraku’s butt because he’s protecting Tsukiko. If he attacks Naraku and fails, then Naraku could kill him, and then who’ll Tsukiko have left? Naraku could take her and disappear off the face of the earth forever, and Sesshomaru might never find them. He’s trying to protect his favourite daughter. ^_^ -- Lol, anyway, I didn’t update soon, but I think you’re still gone, so I guess that doesn’t effect you too much, neh? ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, kk, I’ll try!

-FXL-lazy - Lol, well I used to have a chapter up every single day of the week way back when, but now I’ve just gotten too overwhelmed. I’m trying mind you, but it never works out. -- Lol yeah. I always see these stories where the one partner will go off on a mad goose chase to who knows where, and I’ll be sitting there thinking... “o-kay... so your mate is gone. You’re out running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, leaving your kids alone without any parent they would truly know, and unable to receive any news that might come if your mate is located. Not the best possible plan...:” And I decided I didn’t want that for my story, so... ^_^ -- Lol, well Inuko isn’t a real name (as far as I know) but, if it were, and if it followed Japanese name rules, having the “ko” at the end of the name would make it feminine. Of course, the only other option was Koinu, but that means puppy, and I didn’t want that, so... ^_^ -- Yeah, Inu and Sess are really going through a lot of stress now. I imagine both will probably have some serious PTSD when this is all over. -- Hm. Naraku has to be so evil because... well, he’s the villain. And it makes it interesting (which is another way of saying it gives me an excuse to torture my fav characters ^_^). Although I do have to point out that Naraku’s not trying to make Inu fall in love with him. He’s got him there a) to look after Tsukiko, b) to give him more heirs and c) for sex and domination. That’s just about it. He doesn’t care if Inuyasha loves him or not. Although your right, it’s neevr nice to read about someone (even a fictional someone) getting raped. -- Hm. Yeah, I suppose a mind-body communication might be going on there, his mind telling his body he needed to produce milk to keep his kid alive. That’s probably one of the aspects that got to him. You can take a look at the link at the top if you like, it explains a bit more about male lactation and stress-related lactation. ^_^ -- Hm. Well, no, I don’t know. I think it’s been a bit more than a single day. Maybe two. Maybe three. I haven’t decided yet. But at least now you’ve got a sense how Inu might be feeling... How long has he been there? When will he get out? All that stuff. ^_^ -- O.O Woah! Really? You like it better than the anime? *whistles* woosh! Well that’s quite the compliment (at least to me) cause the anime is a pretty tough competitor to fight against... ^_^ YAY! ^_^ But I agree. Kag and Inu should not be together. He is waaaaaaaaaay too good for her. Why doesn’t she just go fuck hojo already and get it over with? *fumes silently for several minutes* aw, see, now you’ve got me all angry and worked up, and no one to take it out on!

-fawn of the woods - Lol, well its good to hear from you again! -- Sorry about driving you crazy! I seem to have a knack for that... need to work on my people skills I guess. ^_^ -- *sighs* well, I’m working on it! But how can I have a climatic ending if they just suddenly escape! Maybe I want to leave them there to rot! Lol, sorry, FXL got my all worked up, and you just happened to be unfortunate enough to have reviewed after them. ^_^ Lol, I’ll see if can’t at least have some sort of rescue/escape attempt made sometime in the near future. ^_^

-the tell-tale kitten - Lol, yeah. Every once in a while I spurt them out. ^_^ - Mm. Well, I don’t know if more action should be taken, but maybe I should’ve gone into more detail about the action that was being taken, and why certain actions weren’t being taken. Meh, I said the chapter didn’t come out very good. ^_^ Although I suppose this chapter did have something that wasn’t repeated rape from Naraku, neh? ^_^ -- Cool. Sounds like it could be fun learning a second language. People who know second languages tend to say that learning any other language after your second is easy. Don’t know if it’s true, but it sounded plausible... ^_^

-maelia8 - Lol, that’s great. Now if only I could get all caught up, we wouldn’t have a problem. ^_^ Lol, well I don’t know about more sleep or creativity, but the chapter wasn’t nearly as forced as the other ones. I was much more comfortable writing that one for some reason. Hopefully this one held up the same sort of quality. ^_^ -- Mm, yeah, emergency bodily responses. I don’t know the exact reason why I had Inu lactate (other than it fit in with the story) but the link I put at the top of the chapter may help with an explanation. Just considering the fact that he gave birth and is under a lot of stress might explain it reasonably enough though. ^_^ -- Breasts? Um... no. Lol, not anywhere in the near future as I’m seeing it (of course, my reality has always been different from other people’s, so maybe that’s not saying much). I’m not going into gender-bending/mutating of any sort yet. ^_^ Besides, males can lactate without breasts. Just not as much as females. ^_^ -- Lol, that is a good question, although I would like to point out that Inuyasha is actually closer to 200 human years in this fic. The reason Izayoi’s still alive after 200 years? I imagine that would be explained by the fact that she is mated to Inu no Taisho, and their lifespans have become joined. Something like that. Anyway, you’re right, birth-control would be limited. I think I sort of explained it in chapter... oh, I don’t know, 46(?) when they were fucking-- both that they didn’t do it very often, and he never came inside her. They’re small things, sure, and I imagine she probably would have gotten pregnant again by now, but really, I wasn’t in the mood to give them another sibling. I’d have to have made it twins I think, because otherwise the next sibling might feel left out. ^_^ Or else Inu or Sess might’ve ended up mated to them instead, and it totally would’ve scrambled my plot. Still, I see where your concerns are coming from. ^_^ -- ^_^ YAY! Even if you weren’t a choosy reader, that’s still great to hear! Lol, still, I’m glad you can’t predict what’ll happen next. It’d totally ruin the whole experience for my muses ^_^. I know this part has gotten a little bit slow and repetitive (although there is a reason for that, because it allows you to get a real sort of feeling of how Inu and Sess might be feeling) but I plan to add another small twist soon . ^_^ Lol, but you’re right, I’m certain this won’t be a “happily ever after.” I think I already kinda ruined that sort of an ending when I didn’t let them kill Naraku, neh? ^_^ -- Well, I’m glad you appreciate my rambling “answers” as you so politely word them. ^_^ Lol, I know I talk too much, but it’s only cause I appreciate you guys so much! But I agree totally. I’ve read a few fics, left a review (maybe with a question) and the most I’d get was a very clipped and short answer, and I’d just be like “okay... thanks for taking the whole 10 seconds out of your life to tell me that.” I understand that some authors don’t have the time to do it, but it still gets to me. So I try and make sure I respond to everyone. Even if it annoys people. ^_^ -- And yeah, I have noticed, but I love that! Even though it sometimes does exhaust me ever-so-slightly to sit and just type back to everyone, I still love it when people leave me the really long reviews that ramble on about nothing in particular, sometimes only mentioning the story at the very end. ^_^ Lol, there’s so many interesting things people on here have to say, and the majority of the writers on this site don’t know what they’re missing by not listening and responding. ^_^ -- Lol, well it’s good to know that it’s appreciated, even if sometimes I do go on for longer than the story lasts. I hate it when people tell me they don’t like my responses cause then I feel like I shouldn’t even be bothering. ^_^ Lol, anyway, thanks again for all your wonderful compliments and support, and just for reading in general! Lol, RAMBLERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! ^_~

-coldTenshieyes - Lol, yeah I am, but you love me anyway. No wait, not me, you love my story anyway. ^_^ Lol. -- For answers about the milk (or at least some) you can take a look at the link at the top of the page (hopefully it showed up) and as to Naraku... no idea how he knows. ^_^ The point is he knows. ^_^ Lol. -- Yeah... it is sad... and poor Inu... and poor Sess... *sniff*... curse my evil muses!... ^_^

-Tai-san - ^_^ Glad you liked it. ^_^ -- Mm. Well I can’t imagine Sesshomaru holding out too much longer. Unless I intervene in some way... ^_^ -- Yeah, Tsukiko’s being taken care of... well... sort of. As much as she can be I guess. ^_^ -- Thanks so much for reading my updates! ^_^

-A.D. Williams - Ah. Good. You said week. That means you’ve been sleeping and eating. ^_^ Lol, glad I haven’t created another starving insomniac. ^_^ -- I’m glad you’re loving it! ^_^ Lol, yeah, I think everybody’s feeling like that-- they want to pound Naraku into the ground (well, no, actually they want to do much worse things, but really, I’d rather not go into detail) but they love the twists he’s added to the story. ^_^ Maybe that’s why I’ve let him live so long and torture Inu the way he has... ^_^ -- Lol, well I hope you continue to enjoy the chapter and, hopefully, the next chapter will be out soon. ^_^ ~*~  

A/N: Well that’s it for now. ^_^ Hope everyone liked it... ^_^