InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters the Most ❯ Feathers ( Chapter 64 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: K, I really don’t have a lot of time to chat right now. My comp’s screwy and I’ve had a grand total of nine hours to split between yesterday and today (six of which were lucky enough to belong to today) and I still have to get ready to run around some more tonight, so please, forgive any curtness/tiredness I may express.

And sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry once again for the slow updates. I am trying my hardest... unfortunately, at the moment, that doesn’t seem to be enough. >_<

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. This chap didn’t turn out at all how I expected, and I got really tired toward the end, so I’m sorry if it’s no good.

Warning: Vague reference to the third movie in this chap and the glossary. If you don’t wanna know about it... well, you probably won’t notice it in there anyway, but don’t read the chapter, and avoid reading the definition for Ryuukotsusei in the glossary.   ~*~   Feathers

Leaves trembled violently and shook from the branches that held them captive-- fluttering weakly to the ground, before being crushed moments later by the very tree’s they had grown from as the ancient wooden giants toppled and fell in a chaotic path of destruction-- breaking away a path for the two blindly charging white inu’s that appeared as nothing more than flashes of silver grey and silver white fur to any mortal eyes that managed to perceive them at all.

Deep, harsh pants were breaking free from their throats as they ran; their split tongues hanging from their lips and whipping sharp trails of saliva against their faces-- dripping down the edges of the pronged crimson appendages before breaking off to be lost to either their fur, or the wind they had created from the speed they ran.

The smaller and younger of the two turned his burning eyes toward the sky, not even bothering to squint against the bloody glare of the setting sun as the aqua slits that were his pupil’s focused intently on anything that dared to move within his range of vision, before finally coming to rest and hone in on a small, fluttering white speck floating toward the earth. The object hovered in the air a few moments just off to the right of the direction the dogs travelled, before being whipped away on a rather violent burst of wind, that made what few trees they had failed to knock over groan and creak in protest as a single thought ran through the inu’s head.

‘That is Kagura’s signal.’

Sesshomaru’s bright crimson eyes narrowed slightly as he turned his head toward the side-- offering the one who travelled beside him a small nip in an effort to get his attention, and then emitting a low growl.

Inu Taisho responded with a small snarl of his own that Sesshomaru barely even bothered acknowledging, before suddenly changing directions, catching the elder inu off guard and causing a large wall of dirt to spout up from where his paws skid in an effort to move with his son, watching in something akin to amazement as Sesshomaru raced on ahead of him.

Whatever disadvantages their differences in size had given Sesshomaru before, they had been more than made up for with the youkai’s desperation. Sesshomaru had been forced to remain locked up in the castle all this time with hardly any information at all about his mate. So, when the wind-witch had offered to help show him the way, Sesshomaru had seized the offer in both hands.

Of course, at first he had attempted to sneak off on his own-- not wanting someone to interfere in his quest and hold him back-- and he had nearly made it too. Several leagues had been put between himself and the castle before the other’s caught on, and his father came after him. However, much to the younger inu’s surprise, Inu Taisho had not commanded he return, but instead had simply insisted upon coming with him. Sesshomaru, being too anxious and uptight to argue, and allowed the inu to follow with him. Besides, if he got hurt during the battle that was going to take place, he’d need someone to be there to help Inuyasha escape.

Yet his yoki refused to let him wait for his father, and because of this Inu Taisho quickly found himself losing ground to Sesshomaru and falling behind as his son swiftly tore apart any and all obstacles that stood in their way. He supposed that was lucky, since it had made it that much easier to track his son down, but it really would be hell trying to clean up the cataclysmic destruction they had caused later.

But right now, Inu Taisho really didn’t care all that much. Because really, he wasn’t that much different.

And with good reason.

His son and granddaughter were missing. And they had been kidnapped to be taken back to some sadist’s castle for Kami knows what reason... while he had to stay and watch as his eldest, and once so composed son fell apart in front of him. It was a terrible blow to him indeed, and it was enough to make his blood boil and his eyes bleed red if he thought about it too much. So he tried not to think about it. Because, like Sesshomaru, at the moment he wanted nothing more than to shred the evil kumo that had dared to raise a hand against his family-- make him suffer the most unimaginable amount of pain, and then watch him die, slow and suffering in a pool of his own blood. But he couldn’t. Because Naraku’s death was not his to give. It belonged first and foremost to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. And only they could decide how to punish Naraku for what he had done.

Besides that, thinking about such things... pushed him very nearly over the edge of control. And he couldn’t afford to lose control. Losing control never solved anything, and doing it now would only usurp his already damaged family and just rile up Sesshomaru even more.

And he refused to do that to Sesshomaru. His eldest had it hard enough as it was without him adding to the mix.

Because he knew that, despite everything he was feeling, for Sesshomaru, it was so much worse.

Because Sesshomaru had lost so much more.

He was, not only loosing his brother, but his lover, mate and his only daughter as well. His very reasons for living. And there was nothing of this earth or any other that could have quelled the youkai in his near-psychotic search in his mate.

Not now.

Not after he had waited so long.

Not when his youki finally had a lead as to where Inuyasha might be.

Now that this had begun, he would never stop. He would not allow himself too until he either found his mate and child, or, by some horrible twist of fate, he was finally forced to succumb to death itself. And even that would have to work pretty hard to stop him.

And this feeling his son was experiencing now-- this desperate need to get to his family-- was what Inu Taisho knew was driving Sesshomaru now. Knew it and remembered it, having felt exactly the same way on the night of Inuyasha’s birth, when Ryuukotsusei had been sealed, and that fool of a ningen had attempted to fight him and burn his mate and son alive.

Another feather appeared suddenly, drawing Inu Taisho from his thoughts as it floated almost lazily toward the ground and, miraculously, made it-- landing somewhere directly in front of them, and coming to rest-- almost as if taunting them-- on the other edge of a very large, very deep lake, that was draining in and out of a river on either side.

And Inu Taisho could see immediately that it would pose a problem. Even to two fully transformed inuyoukai.

Sesshomaru, however, remained undaunted, and, ignoring whatever protests his father might have had, leapt-- covering most of the lake in a single bound and doing his best to smash up a log that resided there with one of his large paws in the process.

However, unfortunately for him, in his haste to get across, for the first time in a long time he found that he had miscalculated-- landing a good few feet short of his goal, and conveniently in a place where a large underwater valley seemed to have taken up existence. Of course, this might not have posed too much of a problem regularly, but this valley-- combined with the suction of the river flowing into and away from the lake-- created one hell of an undertow, and Sesshomaru quickly found himself losing his awkward grip on the bank.

Seeing this, Inu Taisho wasted no time. Pausing only a moment to make certain he had calculated the distance correctly, Inu Taisho followed his son across the lake. The only difference was, Inu Taisho made it to the other side. Safe. And dry. And Sesshomaru couldn’t help the growing feel that, if they ever got out of this whole situation, he was never going to live it down.

He couldn’t contemplate this too long though, because the next second their were fangs digging sharply into the back of his neck (earning a loud growl from him) and he was being yanked out of the water in the similar way a bitch might pull out a newborn pup that had fallen in.

The moment his paws hit ground again Sesshomaru was off-- not bothering to shake the water from his coat-- ignoring the startled and entirely canine yip that escaped the elder demon as it quickly moved to follow after him.

So caught up with in his wild running and the sight of the next feather that had appeared only a few yards ahead of him, that he did not even realise when the trees suddenly began to thin out-- parting enough until he was, finally, able to break free of their grip and escape into whatever might have laid beyond.

And here he was forced to pay attention again as a small yelp of surprise escaped him and he was forced to skid violently to a halt, or risk falling off the edge of a very tall, steep ravine. Now, while the fall certainly wouldn’t have killed him, had he not been prepared for it, he may have acquired an injury of some kind that may hinder him when he was battling later. And he wanted there to be absolutely nothing to stop him from wreaking full havoc upon the onyx half demon when he finally located it.

Several moments passed, and Sesshomaru remained where he was, his breathing coming in sharp pants, and his eyes slitted in confusion as they took in the landscape laid out below him.

His eyes glanced toward the sky, then back toward the ground, his confusion and desperation growing with every passing moment.

Because this, seemingly, was where Kagura’s path ended.

No more feather’s were appearing, nor any other signs to further guide him in his path to find his mate, nor tell-tale scents that might give him a clue that Inuyasha or Naraku had been there... Nothing.

Nothing but mountains and hills and more godforsaken trees!

Sesshomaru’s mouth closed and his lips turned down in a close to a frown as he could manage in this form as he turned first in one direction, than another-- sniffing the air desperately from his precarious perch upon the ravine, yet still nothing came to him.

A small whine tore itself from his unwilling throat as he pressed his ears back, his youki nearly frantic inside of him. Dammit! Where was Inuyasha? This was where Kagura had led him. His mate should be here! Why would Kagura lure him out to the middle of nowhere like this? Unless, of course, it was a trap...

A tree crashed to the ground behind him, it’s leaves scattering up and around in a sporadic defiance of gravity as myriads of birds shrieked their protests and fluttered away from the creature that had destroyed their would-be home.

Inu Taisho ignored them as he trampled out of the forest to stand behind Sesshomaru-- the younger inu glancing back and taking in his appearance in slight surprise. He had never seen his father look so disorderly before... shoulders slumped, breathing haggard, ears pressed back, tongue lolling out... much like he himself probably looked at this point in time.

They had covered a lot of ground, after all, in a very short period of time. They had right to be exhausted.

‘Inuyasha is probably just as tired as you. Locked up there alone with no one to help him and stop Naraku’s assaults...’ Some part of his mind cued in, and Sesshomaru pressed his ears back.

This had been happening a lot lately... these self-produced guilt-trips, and he, for one, did not like them at all. Not only were they distracting but, when he thought about it, they were also quite truthful. Still, it hurt to hear the situation put in such blunt terms... It was his fault after all. Inuyasha and Tsukiko were part of his family. He should have been able to protect them. From Naraku. From Everything.

His self-demeaning thoughts were cut off when his father’s voice sounded in his mind as they used a telepathic communication unique only to their kind. It only worked when they were fully-transformed, of course, so Inuyasha would never experience it. Not that he could say the half-breed was missing out on much. Usually it just proved to be more annoying than anything.

“Why have we stopped?” The dog general questioned, confused by his son’s sudden cessation of movement, and wondering what had possessed his frantic son to waist such precious seconds like he was.

Sesshomaru’s own ears went back more tightly against his head as he glared at the landscape before him. “Kagura’s trail has stopped.” He muttered darkly, his eyes boring holes into the surrounding hills as if it was the fault of the grassy mounds themselves that this had happened.

Inu Taisho’s eyes narrowed slightly at his son’s words as he too turned to look ahead, his keen eyes peering at the dull scenery, before coming to hone in on a spot in the distance, resting near the bottom of some particularly large hills, where he could just barely make out the faint, electric red flickers that made up the dome of a barrier.

He was actually rather surprised that he could make such a thing out... it did not make sense to him. If Naraku were working to hide himself, he would not put up a barrier as faulty as that. Nor, for that matter, would he let his scent seep into the surrounding area in the way he was.

“He’s here.” He muttered to his son, his voice low with suspicion. “And he’s making that much too easy to perceive. There is no reason he should be letting these things happen...”

Beside him he felt Sesshomaru stiffen slightly, though if that had anything to do with his words or not, he could not tell, as the younger inu continued to stare down at the faint flickers of the barrier, a deep, soul-wrenching, heart crushing tug racing through him as he did so-- forcing him to take an involuntary step forward as his youki pulsed to life within him.

“Inuyasha is here as well.” He said on a low growl while his youki thrashed wildly and desperately at the perception of his mate, and he desperately attempted to try and hold back the completely canine howl that wanted to feel his throat-- alerting any and all that, at last, he had found his prey. And there would be no mercy when he slaughtered it. Under other circumstances he might do it-- just to smell the fear leaking off of Naraku at his presence-- but now... he did not want to take that chance. Naraku still had Inuyasha, after all. And besides that, he didn’t think the bastard deserved a warning that he was coming for him-- That he was, in fact, already there.

“Indeed.” Inu Taisho’s voice returned, pulling him from his thoughts as he threw a glance at his father, who was watching the barrier with a rather grim expression on his face. Well, grim for a dog anyway. “But unfortunately, we will need to break through that barrier before we will be able to get to him.”

Sesshomaru stared at his father for a moment-- in which time, it almost appeared as thought the youkai might say something...

But then Sesshomaru stopped, his body going entirely ridged beside Inu Taisho as the inu took a deep sniff of the air. His eyes glowed bright crimson as his youki’s energy pulsed noticeably around his body. His body tensed and hunch low as he fell into a fighting stance-- each and every one of his fine silver hairs bristling in his rage as he lowered his head, his hackles pulling back in a long, low, malevolent growl, that promised unthinkable agony and a slow, tortured death to the one it was directed at.

Sensing the same presences his son had, Inu Taisho too hunched up and allowed himself to slip into a battle position, his eyes narrowing sharply as he searched for the one that presence belong to-- longing to rip them open and rend them limb from limb.

He would, however, have to hold back a little.

Because, once the initial fight was over, Naraku belong first and foremost to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. And, since the former of them was currently incapacitated, it was Sesshomaru’s decision which horrifying agony he wished to induce upon the hanyo to make him pay and kill him.

Inu Taisho would have to-- however difficult-- wait until after Sesshomaru was done to have his turn.

And he would.


Though, if he didn’t get a better reign on his youki than he had now, he did not know if that would be a promise he would be able to keep...

All these thoughts were driven from his head in an instant when something in the distance moved.

The flickering they had perceived of the barrier intensified-- each time the red electricity waning longer and longer and giving them more and more time to peer into what lay beneath, before, with one final rather sporadic jolt, it disappeared completely, baring the castle hidden beneath to them and all the world.

And at this Inu Taisho tensed up even more.

Because it was quite obvious to him that, whether Kagura had alerted the hanyou or not, Naraku was indeed expecting them.

And the kumo had just all but open the front door and invited him into his home. Which, of course, was never a good sign when one was dealing with an enemy.

And Sesshomaru seemed to sense it too, for he hesitated a moment after the barrier fell, watching the area it had been warily. But that was only for a moment, and then he began stepping almost blindly toward the castle, his huge paws barely connecting with the earth long enough to push him forward. He was driven by his youki alone now and, now that said youki could actually feel the presence of it’s mate and knew where it was, it couldn’t care less if this was a trap of Naraku’s or not.

All it wanted was to get to it’s mate.

That’s it.

And it would shatter and destroy anything and everything that dared to get in it’s way.

Starting with the bastard kumo who had taken him from him in the first place.

‘Naraku.’ He murmured silently at the hanyou, knowing he would not be able to hear him, since he was currently speaking in his mind, and Sesshomaru possessed no knowledge of the methods of telepathy. ‘I do not know what it is you have planned by lowering your barrier. But know that you just made the gravest mistake of your life. And I can assure you now, once I find you, you will not have a life by which to make any mistakes such as that again.’ There was another of those tugs he had felt earlier deep within his chest-- stronger now than before, and Sesshomaru snarled softly as he, remarkably, sped his pace up a little more-- coming ever closer toward his destination... toward his mate.

Inuyasha, hold on just a little longer, mate.’ He thought, wishing more than anything that his mate could hear him right now so he could let him know that it was alright. ‘I am coming for you.’ ~*~  

Glossary (In no particular order, but I’m fairly certain I used these words in this chap)

Kumo - Spider

Hanyou - Half-demon

Inuyoukai - Dog Demon

Youki - A demon’s spiritual energy

Youkai - Demon

Ningen - Human

Ryuukotsusei - He’s the dragon that, along with Takemaru (<-- That‘s the right guy, right?), ended up being mostly responsible for Inu Taisho’s death. Inuyasha later fights (and kills) him in the series to unleash his oh-so-famous technique: The backlash wave.

Can’t remember if I used anything else in here. If I did, it’s probably in one of the other glossary’s though, so... If not... well, feel free to ask me what it was, and I’ll see if I can remember. ^_^ ~*~  


Before I talk to anyone specific, just gotta say, you all are awesome! You’ve been great so far along this fic and put up with all my ramblings and other idiocy and insanity, and you’ve kept the fic going with your wonderful support! Thank you so much once again for staying with him this long, and being as patient as you have been! ^_^

-FXL - Lol, well neither was I. But like I said, I don’t even have any control over my own characters, so how the hell can I hope to control someone else’s? No, they mostly just mill about doing what they please and occasionally popping in when I don’t expect (or sometimes want) them too. ^_^ -- Yeah, he does. I don’t really know why I decided to do that though. It just seemed fitting that he would feel closer to Inuyasha. I mean, after all, during the day he is being kept holed up in the castle and unable to do anything for his mate. At least in sleep he can let his mind pretend he’s helping. I don’t know, something like that... Just another one of my random ideas I guess. ^_^ -- Mm. Yes, people do tend to give you strange looks when you tell them stuff like that. However, it is true, so they can’t really argue with you can they? Lol, guess some people just can’t handle some of the quirks of the facts of life. ^_^ And you can be content with the idea that you know more than they do, at least on that subject, neh? -- Mm. Yes. Well, in my opinion, Kikyo is completely unnecessary. They could have and should have cut her out of the story long before they did. But they wanted the unnecessary love interest so they had to keep her around. Yeah, kagome is definitely the most annoying, although Shippo does come pretty close sometimes. And I agree 100% about her clothes! I mean, I can understand wearing the same clothes again and again (all cartoon character’s come fully equipped with a single-outfit wardrobe that, despite however many times they may go shopping, will not grow) but come on, let’s be practical here people! Just thinking about running around in a skirt like that and doing everything she does... It just wouldn’t fucking work! Of course, I am trying to think in a frame of mind where I actually like skirts here, so... I’ve gotta admit I’ve seen worse though. You ever seen ghost in the shell stand alone complex? The girl on there who seems to be in charge of the whole... whatever (bear with me, I’ve only seen a couple of episodes) usually runs around in a thong and what appears to be part of a corset! It’s insane! *sighs* It makes me wonder if the people making these things have ever even attempted anything similar to what they do in a skirt like that. Just go out for some martial arts for a day or two and see how that feels! Then again, it’s not like Kagome ever really does anything physical... but still, not the point. Oh, well look at that, you put me on ramble mode again. Hope your proud of yourself! Anyway, on with the rest of your review... - Mm, hang on... *checks over chapter* no, it doesn’t look like it was about Inuyasha. Sorry. Next time will likely be though... ^_^ -- yeah. Not all women break their pelvus, but it does seem to be a common occurance in birthing. >_< I think that’s one of the reason’s their hips usually remain larger after giving birth-- like cracking your knuckles kinda I guess. *shrugs* I don’t know the logic behind it... ^_^

-CrimsonInHumanBlood - I’m glad you liked it. I am trying to update, but, like I said, it’s just not going very well. Lol, yeah... I have was multi-tasking before, but now writer’s block has really set in. The few chances I do actually get anything productive done, it seems to be for this story. Which, I suppose, is good news for the people reading this. ^_^ -- Mm. Yes, well I’ve tried explaining why he couldn’t, but believe me, he did want to.

-____insert user here - You know, I never know if I’m putting in the right number of underscores for your name or not. I always go roughly four or five, but... Anyway, back to the review. ^_^ -- Mm. Well yes, just so you know, I do consider enthralled to mean that from time to time. ^_^ Still, it’s making me laugh just picturing the look on your classmate’s faces. Another person said they told some people they knew about it, and... well, they say they’re never gonna do that again. ^_^ -- Mm. Well then I’ve got the right definition for the particular version of Naraku in the time setting I’m using then, and that’s all I really care about. Japanese ain’t my language, and I doubt I’ll ever learn it, so just as long as I’ve got the right definitions suiting to my story, I’m fine. ^_^ -- Mm. Well, again, I don’t think you’re scaring anyone (though, again, I don’t think anyone (from this story at least) reads the reviews) but you should know you’re not the only crazy one. I am very much insane myself, and I’m sure more than a few people on here are as well. I have a person on another story who reads the reviews as well, and another person who writes rather... interesting reviews involving the choc. factory and chibi-Inuyasha characters. Lol, it’s entertaining to say the least anyway. ^_^ So don’t feel bad about being “crazy.” Everyone else is, if you ask me, and those who claim not to be, are in denial. -- Wow, really? ^_^ I’m glad that it get’s better for you each time. I know I’ve read it a couple of times and I guess it really depends what mood I’m in, but sometimes I like it, sometimes I’m like “I wrote that?! O.O” and other times I hate it and think it’s terrible. But I suppose all author’s feel that way. The point is that YOU guys like it. Which is enough to keep me satisfied. ^_^ Oh, and gomen for scaring you btw. >_< -- Venting? Well that’s fine... feel free to vent. I really don’t care. You can say just about anything you like and I probably won’t mind. ^_^ Thanks again though for... well leaving such entertaining/crazy/supportive reviews. ^_^

-Nikkie - ^_^ *phew* well I’m glad everyone liked it then. And that you haven’t passed out. That would be really bad... you lose braincells when you passout and that just can’t be good for your personal health. ^_^ Glad that you’re doing good though and that your babies are healthy. ^_^ -- Meh, I wouldn’t worry too much about being “large.” That’s what you’re supposed to be when your pregnant. When you start getting small and you’re pregnant, that’s the time to worry. -- You read it to them? Huh. Well, here’s hoping that you haven’t gone and traumatized anyone before they had a chance to defend themselves, neh? Lol, although I can understand why you’d leave out a few parts... ^_^ -- Huh. That’s kinda weird. Lol, I know another person who reads this who has had five children as well... Lol, I don’t know, I found it odd. Still, now I feel a little stupid, practically giving out birthing advice to people who, clearly, have enough experience to handle their own. ^_^ Yeesh. Anyway, as I’ve said before (and will likely say again) Don’t thank me for the update. It would never have been posted if it weren’t for the wonderful reviews you and the other’s have been leaving! ^_^

-Snowfall - *whistles and looks at you innocently* I don’t know what you’re talking about. ^_^

-Caitriona695 - Mm. Yeah, that collar is a nasty one, ain’t it? Still, if you don’t like it so far... well, you probably will like it even less if I carry out what I’ve got planned for it... Still, sorry for making you sad... and for taking “a while” to update. Hopefully when I get back on track you won’t have to backtrack to remember, neh? -- ^_^ Glad you’re liking it still though. And the psychological aspects too. Very important when writing a story, and so good for messing around with the characters, if you ask me. But you didn’t so I guess that comment is basically pointless. ^_^ I’m glad you liked the way I did Sess there. I keep getting the feeling that I’m not portraying enough desperation or anything in Sesshomaru and Inu Taisho, but believe me, it’s there. Hopefully I’ve gotten at least some of it across to everyone... -- Clinical depression huh? Hm. Go figure that. Learning something new everyday. Still, it could be fitting... after all, as I said in that one chapter, if Inu’s gone to long, there is a chance of their bond severing... Sess’s youki would likely be very lonely and forlorn without it’s mate, so depression would probably be close around the bend, neh? Now if I can just find a way to portray that in the story without explaining it to everyone, we’ll have it all worked out. -- Yeah. I realised a while ago there hadn’t really been enough of Kagura in the fic, and was contemplating where I could fit her in. In the end, she just decided without my consent and showed up here. -- Mm. Yes you are right about all of this. And don’t worry, when and if Inu gets back out of his little hellhole, there will, more than likely, be a very bumpy road lying ahead of him. -- ^_^ As I’ve said before, you don’t need to thanks me. It’s my pleasure to write for all of you great reviewers. ^_^

-golden_kitsune - Well I hope so... I’m not very good with ostriches, so I couldn’t be much help, but I’d hate to see you suffer because somebody decided to threaten my life with them. >_< Maybe I should send Sess or Inu down for a little while to help you? If they’ll go. Then again, considering everything I’ve gone and done to them (up to and including pairing them together and having the mate) I don’t know if they’ll be doing me any favours in the near future. -- Mm. The question isn’t When will he be saved... The question is Will he be saved? And the answer is currently under lock and key by my muses somewhere in the very deepest part of my mind, so I can’t tell you it right now. -- Well, then, if you like it, by all means, wail away.

-Tai-san - *grins evilly* I know. Isn’t it great?! Gotta love the angst! Yeah. Sess can’t go without Inu much longer. I guess that’s why this chapter came up... Either Sess has got to get his mate back to him... or he’s gotta die. Something like that. Otherwise, he’s probably not gonna be mentally stable for much longer. And, as much fun as insanity is, I don’t think that kind is a good sort of insanity to have. -- I’m glad you enjoy Inu being tortured (how very sadistic of me, neh?) and hopefully this will settle your inaction craving until I can get out the next chapter... Glad you liked the chapter though! And thanks for your concern. ^_^ Although I have to admit, sometimes pushing myself too hard is the only way to get things done. -- Thank YOU for reviewing! They are what’s keeping the story going (however slowly). ^_^

-Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl - Lol, thanks once again! ^_^

-Lare - Yeah, Kagura has helped. Strangely enough. ^_^ Though she didn’t do it very actively, mind you, but... And it seems we’re getting closer to what you’re waiting for. You hope Naraku will be killed soon? Hm. Considering everything I’ve done so far, I’d think you’d be hoping he’d be killed at all. Still, to each their own... ^_^ And so far Naraku hasn’t marked Inuyasha... not physically at least. But there’s still time, neh? I still have to write out what’s been happening to Inu throughout Sess’s turmoil and mad dash to find his mate. ^_^

-coldTenshieyes - Lol, well I’m glad I could help further your happiness with my story. ^_^ Glad you’re enjoying it so much! ^_^ -- Mm. No, Kagura didn’t show him the moon. Interesting idea though, but I don’t think that would have technically helped. All it really does is reveal danger I think. And she’d have to wait until the new moon to do so. Still, it was a good guess! ^_^ And you’re second one... well it seems to have been right on the mark. ^_^ -- Lol, glad you liked the idea of the game. I’m not sure where that came from. Just seemed to me that, whenever Sesshomaru talks to much of anyone, he seems to be well... playing them with his words. Not deceiving really, just testing them. So I thought I’d see if I couldn’t come up with a reason for it. ^_^ And yeah, Sess is sooo sidetracked he didn’t even know Kags was playing with him. *sighs* makes me almost feel bad for him. -- Mm. There will likely be butt-kicking. The question is whose gonna get their ass whipped? -- Lol, yeah I get like that sometimes when a story I’ve been waiting forever for gets updated. ^_^ Although I’m usually bouncing around... I have a very hard time sitting still for some reason. ... Okay, anyway, back to what YOU were saying. ^_^ -- Mm. Yeah, Naraku wasn’t too bad. Until he went and got all those red eye-thingers in his stomach and hands and all that other crap attached to him. Like his voice though (although I have to laugh when I remember that the guy who plays his voice plays the voice of Myouga and Ginta). Still, either way, he’s got nothing on Sess and Inu. ^_^ -- Sess? Bad or good? Hm. Well that depends on how you look at it I guess. In retrospect to the war and the jewel, he’s not really good because he’s not on Inuyasha’s side, but he’s not really bad because he’s not on Naraku’s. He’s a bit like Kouga like that, only he’s literally trying to kill Inuyasha. On the other hand, if you just look at it on his whole situation and lifestyle in general, then you’d probably have to say he’s a good guy. A harsh guy, but a good guy. He does what he needs to survive for the most part and doesn’t bother anyone (but Inuyasha) unless they bother him first. And every once in a while he’s even shown compassion for those around him. He seems to know what Jaken and Rin need and, since they are in his care, yet he does not allow them to question him or turn him against each other, which probably would reflect on his leader skills in his lands. All he needs is a bit of a bigger heart than he has and he’d be just about perfect. Hope he doesn’t get one though, cause I love him as is. ^_^ Hm. Well, I think I gave that too much though. Did I answer your question though? *reads over answer* Hm. Not really. I basically just said what you said and complicated it, didn’t I? Lol, I guess we’ll just have to say he’s a mediocre guy. He’s not on the side of the good guys, and he’s not on the side of the bad guy. He’s on his own side. AGH! Now I’ve gone and gotten myself all mixed up! Lol, so, apparently, I am NOT the perfect person to ask this about... ^_^ -- Lol, Glad you LOOOOVE my story! I LOOOOOVE your reviews! ^_^ And of course you have to love the angst! What kind of an idiot are you if you don’t? o.O

-Fluffymiyster - I don’t know how you knew. You never bothered to drop by and tell me how you knew, so how should I know how you knew what I was going to do-- especially when I rarely even know what I’m going to do myself? Woah, okay, if I didn’t have a headache before that sentence certainly put me on the right track! ^_^ -- Mm, yeah I remember that episode. I believe he said “If you don’t have what it takes to go it alone, then don’t even think about attack him.” Or something like that. I’m pretty sure the first part is right, because I remember going a little o.O at hearing him say something like “go it alone.” Lol, every once in a while they just throw a phrase in there that really doesn’t match his usual pattern of speech at all. Anyway... -- Lol, I’m glad you enjoyed that little power-struggle between the two. Lol, and don’t worry, I’m sure you’re not the only one. ^_^ -- Lol, well I’m glad that you like both my story and your friends. Just seems a cruel and unusual punishment to inflict upon anyone you like to me, but hey, who am I to complain? ^_^ -- A book? Well, okay. I guess that’s all there really is to read, the ff world has been slow lately. Still, hopefully things will pick up for you soon... Boredom is the world’s biggest curse. Or one of them. I think Writer’s block tops it though.


A/N: Well there you have it. That was a fcucking long ramble, and now I’m tired, so I’m gonna go now... have to send out alerts (don’t be surprised if they come a little late-- I’m going to run around a little bit before their sent out >_<) and update some more so, till the next chap!

