InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What My Freinds and I would do in Japan! ❯ The Transforming ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What My Friends and I would do In Japan!Hello, sorry it took so long to all of you who have been waiting for this update. Well, here it is!The transformingKatie attatched herself to Kouga's leg, but Kouga was trying to ignore her. Kouga was doing pretty well considering the new 125 pound attatchment on his leg. Katie sighed in contentment and looked up, blushing deep red. "Kouga-kun, I can see up your skirt." Kouga face faulted. "It's not a skirt!" Katie looked at him dreamily, "Whatever it is, I can sure see up it..." Kouga shuddered but continued on. Maybe if he ignored her, she'd go away. Yeah, right, wishful thinking Kouga.Katie suddenly seemed to be... purring? Kouga looked down and sure enough, Katie was purring, but not a feline purr, in fact, it was barely a purr. It was like a contented growling of sorts. He stopped and watched Katie continue purring, while a black wolf tail and two triangularly shaped wolf ears of jet black grew on her. Two stripes of jet black, much like Sesshomaru's, appeared on either side of her face. Her nails grew to claws, and her teeth to fangs. The final transformation was her hair color and eye color. Both were now jet black. Kouga freaked out and tried to shake Katie, who was now a wolf hanyou, free from his leg. Katie quirked an eyebrow, "I feel funny..." Katie let go of Kouga, but held his tail firmly should he try to run away, and looked into a river not far off. Seeing her features, Katie passed out.Meanwhile, with Inuyasha, Melissa and Stephanie were going through the same thing. Melissa's brown hair turned red and her blue eyes turned green. Two perfectly pointed fox ears appeared atop her head, and her normal ones vanished. Her outfit turned into that of a white silk gown with color full thread, giving her an exotic look. Last, her skin became more tanned, and her nails became deadly claws, and her teeth turned into fangs.On the other side of the room, Stephanie's hair was turning from dark brown to light silvery blue, starting from the roots and growing to the tips. Her ears pointed and her skin became smooth and ivory like. Her brown eyes turned silver, and she had a star mark on her forehead. Looking at herself in a mirror, stephanie yelled, "What the HELL!" and began freaking out. Melissa, on the other clawed hand, was enjoying her transformation, seeing as she got way more attention from Miroku.Blushing, she huggled him, then turned to glare at Sango, fire litterally alive in her eyes. Sango gulped, but didnt back down. Miroku was off in lala land, he had two girls fighting over him, what kinda hentai didnt like that? Inuyasha's eyes were wide and Kagome was twitching. "The- They're DEMONS!" Melissa looked up, "no, I believe Im a half demon, see, cute animal ears." Su twitched her ears in emphasis. Stephanie took a deep breath. "Melissa, who do we look like?" Melissa thought for a minute."I look like Su! And you look like veera which means Katie must look like Melataru!" Stephanie sighed. "This is wierd. it seemes that being in an anime has turned us into our anime characters." Melissa squealed in delight. "IM AN ANIME GIRLS NOW!" Kagome twitched some more. "What do you mean... anime?" Stephanie didnt even look up, "We're from another dimension, and in that dimension, you are only anime characters, being such fans of anime, Katie, Melissa and I made our own characters, which is who we appear as now." Kagome nearly passed out. "WHAT!" Melissa patted Kagome's head. "There there, it's okay that your whole exsistance is planned out by someone else, you're still in control... actually, no your not... YOUR LIFE SUCKS!" Miroku arched an eyebrow, "What is this 'anime' of which you speak?"Kouga looked at the fallen wolf hanyou infront of him and grinned. Acting casual, he pushed her with his foot into the river, walking off as though nothing had happened (A/N: Heehee, he really does love me, cant you tell?). Katie was talking in her passed out state, something about pudding skins and making a copy of the Banryuu with them.After floating downstream for a while, Katie was washed ashore. Bankotsu looked at her questioningly, "A wolf hanyou? How interesting..." Bankotsu crouched down and pocked Katie in the eye. Katie jumped up screaming and flailing about. Seeing Bankotsu she smiled. "Hey there hottie!" Katie pounced on him, proclaiming she would follow him to the ends of the earth, and help in his quest to defeat Inuyasha (A/N: Me is a traitor, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!). Bankotsu smiled, "Really..."Okay, form here on out, the fic is going to be somewhat different than I expected and a little more serious, so get over it!Thank you to Sorcha_namida, Kikyouhater18 who is now innocentinu I believe, red_blood_rose(melissa),Taiyoukaikuzumeoftheeasternlands, and my other friends who read it but have no account or desire to review!