InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What My Freinds and I would do in Japan! ❯ Spiders, Ear pulling and Katie's Compromise ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Spiders, Ear pulling and Katie's Compromise
Katie- (up against police car) No officer those cartoons are not mine, and I make no money of them… Yes I'm sure… One more thing, do you mind not telling my mom `bout this?
Inuyasha was walking back to the camp after explaining to the girls that they couldn't come with him when… Katie dropped down from a tree above Inuyasha's head and pulled his ears. Giggling, she jumped back into the tree, Shikon Shard still with her. Inuyasha yelled a colorful array of curse words and stomped his foot. “Why'd ya do that?” He yelled furiously into the tree Katie jumped into. Looking at Inuyasha shamefacedly Katie climbed down the tree.
“I'm sorry Inu- chan, I just couldn't control myself..” Katie pretended to cry but was really watching Melissa approach Inuyasha from behind. Inuyasha sighed. “Look. Just give me the jewel, I can leave and you won't be tempted!” Katie stuck her tongue out. “No!” With that she jumped back into the tree and sat back for the show.
Melissa had caught the biggest spider she could, and an array of small one's and was dumping them on an oblivious Inuyasha's head as he glared at Katie from the ground. Katie had to try her hardest not to laugh as Melissa placed a huge, fury spider o his head.
Katie shut her eyes and plugged her ears, but she could still hear Inuyasha screaming. She could no longer contain it and fell out of the tree laughing. Inuyasha was running toward the hut yelling and screaming and Stephanie and Melissa were following him.
Katie dusted herself off and watched as the bushes in front of her shook. “Hey mutt, where's my woman?” Could be heard before Kouga stepped out in all his sexy glory. Katie's jaw dropped and she muttered, “Someone really does love me!” With that she ran over to Kouga and hugged him with all her might.
“Oh my god Kouga I love you so much!” Katie said as she hugged him tighter. Kouga's eyes were huge and his face was red. “Who the hell are you? Let go!” Kouga yelled as he put his hand on Katie's face and tried to push her off.
She licked his hand and after he pulled it away she said, “NEVER! I LOVE YOU! Why can't you see that we were meant to be together? Why can't you see how much I love you?” Kouga sweatdropped and continued wiping his hand off.
“You have some major issues, you know that, right?” Kouga looked down into Katie's face and immediately regretted it. Her eyes were glowing red and she had grown fangs. “You WILL come with me!!! Or shall you rot in the fiery depths of hell for all eternity!” Kouga was looking for a way to pry her off when she returned to normal. “Besides, I'll give ya something…” Kouga cocked his eyebrows in interest.
“Like?” Katie rummaged through her pocket and pulled out her jewel shards and a notebook. “I'll give you this shard plus info on Inuyasha and almost anything else you need.” Kouga sighed. “Fine, tell me, how many more girls are there like you that will attack me?” Katie smiled like the Cheshire cat. “Around three million, but I'M the most devoted!!!”
Meanwhile, Inuyasha had run into the hut with Stephanie following him, Melissa was drooling over Miroku, ignoring the fact that Sango's boomerang was hitting her. Inuyasha was yelling about spiders, so Stephanie grabbed his head and stuck it in the fire. Kagome jumped up and started yelling at Stephanie, but Stephanie wasn't listening. “Are they all gone Inuyasha?”
Later that evening Inuyasha was rubbing his face which surprisingly had no burns, Melissa was sitting on Miroku like Nuriko on Tamahome, Sango was fuming, Miroku was very confused, Kagome was starring at Stephanie who was reading Kaede's scroll and Katie was…. No where to be found…
“Where's the mentally ill one?” Melissa looked up, “Yes?” Kagome giggled while Inuyasha yelled, “Not you! Your mentally evil! The one who wanted Kouga in exchange for a shard.” Kagome's jaw dropped. “She has a shard!?” Sango looked over, “She wanted Kouga?”
Melissa smiled. “Yes, Katie's got quit the thing for him, has plans to bring him to life in our world…” Melissa looked around. “What do you mean `our world'?” Kagome asked. “Well…”Melissa muttered…